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Chronic Tuberculous Empyema with

Bronchopleural Fistula Resulting in

Treatment Failure and Progressive Drug
Michael D. Iseman, M.D., F.C.C.R; and Lorie A. Madsen, R.N.-C., B.S.N.

We treated five patients with a past history of tuberculous refused surgery; he remains clinically stable with negative
pleural infection that led to chronic, quiescent, loculated sputum cultures. Two other patients' organisms became
empyema. Reactivation ofTB was associated with formation drug-resistant and they remain sputum-culture positive.
of BPF and recovery of drug-susceptible Mycobacterium We believe that thick, calcified pleural walls limit penetra-
tuberculoaiB from sputum. All patients had recurrence of tion of drugs into the infected empyema space, resulting in
positive sputum cultures that yielded tubercle bacilli resis- suboptimal drug concentrations and drug resistance. Inten-
tant to drugs they were receiving. The lungs demonstrated sifted chemotherapy and surgical intervention should be
gross thickening with calciftcation of both visceral and considered in these cases. (Cheat 1991; 100:124-21)
parietal pleura. Twopatients underwent retreatment chem-
otherapy followed by decortication-empyemectomy and
lung resection surgery; both are now culture-negative for BPF = bronchopleural fistula; NJC = National Jewish Center
for Immunology and Respiratory Medicine; TB = tuberculosis
TB. One patient received retreatment chemotherapy but

P aleural tuberculosis is most often a manifestation of

primary infection of the lungs caused by Myco-
the pleural space and the airways, a BPF. In such
cases tubercle bacilli from the empyema space may
bacterium tuberculosis. Inflammation of the pleura be discharged in the sputum. We report here five
generally is associated with the development of de- patients with chronic pleural tuberculosis and BPF in
layed-type hypersensitivity against tubercle bacilli whom efforts at chemotherapy met with treatment
located on or near the pleural surface. Usually this is failure and the evolution of drug resistance.
a benign, even a self-limited event: the natural history The cases are summarized in Table 1. Illustrative
of tuberculous pleurisy in the pre-chemotherapy era chest radiographs, cr scans and radionuclide lung
was to undergo spontaneous involution as cell-medi- scans are shown in Figures 1 to 4.
ated immunity halted the proliferation and reduced
the number of tubercle bacilli in the lungs and pleura.'
Generally, the pleural effusion receded, leaving a Exposure of populations of tubercle bacilli to sub-
normal chest x-ray film or merely blunting of the lethal concentrations of a drug is a proven means to
costophrenic angle. select for mutant bacilli resistant to that drug." Modern
However, this primary tuberculous pleural involve- drugs such as isoniazid or rifampin, taken in appropri-
ment, on rare occasion, proceeded directly to the ate doses, generally result in tissue concentrations
formation of a chronic, active infection of the pleural sufficiently high to kill strains of drug-susceptible
space. Another mechanism causing chronic tubercu- tubercle bacilli. We report here five patients who
lous pleural disease occurred during the pre-chemo- acquired drug resistance despite receiving appropriate
therapy era, when efforts at "collapsing" tuberculosis drug regimens, presumably through the mechanism
cavities by introducing air into the pleural space of partial exclusion of the drugs due to thick, fibrotic
(therapeutic pneumothorax) led to the development chronic empyema walls that are relatively impermea-
of a trapped lung and tuberculous empyema. ble to medications. While we cannot provide absolute
Such protracted mycobacterial infections cause proof of compliance with treatment before coming to
thickening, even calcification of the visceral and pari- NJC, all patients claimed to have taken their drugs
etal pleura. Active disease within the pleural space with reasonable regularity. Patients 1, 2, 4 and 5 failed
may eventually result in erosion of a tract between to convert their cultures while receiving in-patient
directly administered therapy at NJC, lending credi-
bility to their claims.
*From the Department of Medicine, The National Jewish Center Unlike the usual primary tuberculous pleural effu-
for Immunology and Respiratory Medicine, Denver. sions that are associated with relatively thin mesothe-
Manuscript received July 5; revision accepted November 19.
Reprint requests: Dr. Iseman, 1400 jackson Street, Denver 80206 lial membranes, the rare chronic empyema may-

124 ChronicTuberculous Empyema (Iseman, Madsen)

Table l-CtJBe H ~ oflbtienta with Pleuropulmonary DiIIetJae

Age (yr), Acquired Current
Sex Prior History Pleuropulmonary Disease Drug Resistance Management Status

Case 1 Right effusion in 1947 1984: cough, fever and INH, RIF, EMB Rifabutine, CSN, PZA, Culture-negative
62, F treated by bed rest; worsening x-ray film PASand 8M for 4
persistent pleural findings; sputum-positive months; sputum
thickening on x-ray; for susceptible M remained positive;
renal disease in 1955; tuberculosis; 1984-1985: decortication and
SM and PAS 18 months ofINH, RIF pneumonectomy
and EMB; sputum always followed by 18 months
culture-positive of chemotherapy
Case 2 Right effusion in 1948 1984: hemoptysis; INH, RIF, 8M, C8N, KM, ETA and Culture-negative
64,M treated with bed rest sputum-positive for EMB, PZA Cipro for 4 months;
and thoracentesis susceptible M culture converted to
drainage tuberculosis; treated with negative; underwent
INH and RIF for 9 decortication and right
months and EMB for 2 lower lobectomy;
months; 1985: hemoptysis surgical specimen
recurred, culture- yielded heavy growth
positive; retreated with of M tuberculosis
INH, RIF, SM, PZA and resisant as noted
EMB but remained
Case 3 Pneumonia with 1986: onset of cough, INH RIF, EMB (25 mglkg Culture-negative;
64,M pleurisy in fever, sweats and weight for 3 months, then 15 BPF persists;
concentration camp loss; sputum positive for mWkg)and PZA (40 chronic cough
in World War II susceptible M mWkg)for 13 months; and malaise
(1945); chest x-ray tuberculosis; received surgery encouraged
film persistently INH and RIF for 9 but patient refused
abnormal since months; symptoms
diminished but chest fUm
unchanged; 2 months
after treatment stopped,
productive cough
resumed; culture-positive
Case 4 Pulmonary TB in 1983: recurrent cough INH, RIF, PZA, PAS, EMB, KM, Cipro Culture-positive
55, F 1943, treated with and constitutional SM, ETA and clofazimine; always
left, then right symptoms; sputum remained positive;
pneumothorax; positive for M refused resectional
apparent clinical and tuberculosis, reportedly surgery or drainage
radiographic susceptible; multiple procedure
improvement regimens with variety of
agents over 4 years;
variably culture-positive
over this period
CaseS Pulmonary TB in 1975 relapsed, resistant INH, RIF, SM, 1986: new right chest Culture-positive
67, F 1939, initial to INH; treated with SM, PZA,CSN wall abscess, culture-
pneumothorax; later, PZAandEMB; positive for M
SM and PAS; 1959 transiently negative, then tuberculosis, multiply
relapsed, treated recurred; variety of resistant; KM, EMB,
with right medications 1975-1986, ETA, rlfabutine and
subsegmental cavity sputum continuously Cipro given with
resection and 6-rib positive; chest x-ray film involution of the
thoracoplasty; demonstrated right abscess but persistence
complicated by empyema and BPF of the BPF; surgery
empyema and BPF; without parenchymal not recommended due
1972, right upper cavity to respiratory
lobectomy; INH for 1 insufBciency

Abbreviations: INH =isoniazid; SM =streptomycin; PAS=para-aminosalicylate; RIF =rlfampin; EMB = ethambutol; PZA =pyrazinamide;
ETA = ethionamide; CSN =cycloserine; KM =kanamycin.

CHEST I 100 I 1 I JUL~ 1991 125


FIGURE 3. Ventilation scan from patient 1 demonstrates that 75

percent of the xenon 133 inhaled goes to the left lung.
For patient 1 who had acquired resistance to isoni-
azid, rifampin and ethambutol, we were unable to
effect sputum culture conversion from positive to
negative in spite of very aggressive chemotherapy. In
patient 2, whose organism had become resistant to
FIG URE 1. Admission posteroanterior chest film from patient 1 isoniazid, rifampin, ethambutol, streptomycin and
demonstrates dense shadows at the lateral base of the right lung
with Irregul ar pleural thickening extending superiorly and hazy, pyrazinamide, we achieved conversion of culture to
amorphous densities in the lower zone s of the right lung. Air cannot negative status but we feared that this might only be
readily be identified in the right pleural space. transient. In both of these cases, resectional surgery
through continued active infection and inflammation was performed to eliminate the thick-walled fortress
over years-elicit an extremely thick , fibrocalcific rind that was harboring (and presumably promoting) the
that has a relatively deficient blood supply. This
defensive fortress, while fairly effective at keeping the
infection contained, also may limit the access of
antimicrobial agents. In these five patients, a chronic
BPF developed that allowed egress of the tubercle
bacilli to the respiratory tree and thence to the
sputum, making the patients infectious risks to the

FIG URE 2. A completed tomographic scan from patient 3 demon-

strates extraordinary pleural thickening with extensive calcification FIGURE 4. Perfusion scan from patient 1 demonstrates that 75
and an air-fluid level within the empyema space. Also notable is the percent of the technetium 99-labelled macroaggregated albumen
loss of volume of the left hemithorax associated with longstanding injected intravenously was deposited in the capillary bed of the left
restriction. lung.

126 Chronic Tuberculous Empyema (Iseman, Madsen)

drug-resistant bacilli. For patient 3, who had only lost tiees. However, we believe that chronic tuberculous
isoniazid to resistance, we re-treated him with a empyema poses a signiBcant risk for the evolution of
regimen that included two additional first~line drugs, drug resistance in spite of nominally adequate chem-
and he has achieved a negative sputum -eulture. otherapy regimens. We therefore encourage the initial
However, we are anxious about his prospects for use of aggressive, multiple (three or more) drug
recrudescence with increased drug resistance and treatment plans,', employing agents at their maximal
have encouraged him to undergo surgery Thus far, he tolerated dosages, carefully monitoring response to
has refused and remains culture-negative 24 months therapy including serial cultures with drug suscepti-
after completing retreatment. In patient 4, extensive bility testing,.and-when or iffailure relapse occurs-
bilateral disease was present and respiratory function prompt consideration of SUrgical extirpation of the
was compromised. Wefelt that drainage ofthe infected empyema and underlying diseased lung.3
space was indicated, but this was refused by the
patient. For patient 5, compromised gas exchange and REFERENCES
pulmonary function made additional surgical treat- 1 Sibley IC. A study of 200 cases of tuberculous pleurisy with
ment unacceptably hazardous; the patient still is efFusion. Am RevTubere 1950;62:314-23
receiving chemotherapy but continues to be sputum- 2 David HL, Newman C. Some observations on the genetics of
isoniazid resistance in the tubercle beciIli. Am Rev Respir Dis
positive. 1971; 104:508-14
From an uncontrolled series of cases such as this, it 3 Massen w., Pleuro-pulmonary tuberCuIosis-status of surgical
is impossible to determine optimal management prac- the~ I Cardiovasc Surg 1980;28:225

CHEST I 100 I 1 I JUL~ 1991 127

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