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Nexwave Semarang - 2017
 Menjadi seorang DTA/RF bukanlah perkara mudah!
 Bukan hanya sekedar membuat report
 Bukan hanya sekedar exporter log files
 Bukan hanya sekedar menyuruh DTE berangkat ke site
 Menjadi seorang DTA/RF adalah
 Being a Warrior: Ujung tombak field analizer
 Being a Decision maker: Mampu membuat keputusan tepat pada waktu yang terdesak
 Being a Secretary: RF adalah sekertaris RNO, apapun issue yang terjadi dilapangan,
harus dicatat, make a scratch and ask/discuss everything to your RNO
 Being a Thinker: RF harus bisa selalu ber-positive thinking. Selain berpositive
thinking, kalian juga harus BISA berpikir tentang outcome/hasil. "Positive thinking
without outcome will be NO OUTCOME at all“
 Being a Manager: RF harus bisa mengatur dan men-track semua plan sehingga
target/achievement terpenuhi, contoh:
 Plan technical assignment to DTE, penjadwalan, targetting, speed-up target
 Plan tools yang harus dibawa DTE/Rigger ke site apakah sudah sesuai dengan assignment
 Plan operasional, driver, tools tambahan,
 Plan efficiency for low-cost, time-consuming free and fast achievement in target
Be Proactive:
 Think and respond fast!
 Creative
 Always see the reason behind!

Dengan adanya "reasons" kamu bisa melihat:

 apa yang harus kamu lakukan,
 apa yang harus kamu plan,
 sehingga akhirnya kamu mengerti PRIORITAS pekerjaan

Do the first thing first, and do the first thing right

NEGATIVE Work Attitude:
 Do nothing, just leave it
 Reply to boss: “It's done" without explanation
 Give silly and too many excuses:
 No resource
 No training; No output
 No facility; Can’t do it
 Selalu bilang: that's not my responsibility


Kamu akan kehilangan kesempatan!
Padahal, kesempatan itu ada untuk orang-orang yang SIAP
“The chance is only given to the one who
Kalo kerja bagus, kalian akan di ingat.

Kalau kerja malas, apalagi sering bohong dan careless, ya kalian nggak
dipakai lagi
 Disaat kita punya badspot yang tidak diserving oleh site
terdekat, hal yang pertama kali dilakukan adalah check
apakah site terdekat itu nyala dan tidak ada alarm
 Jika site tersebut normal. Maka kita harus check physical
 Cari besaran tinggi antenna, azimuth, MDT dan EDT nya
 Untuk diingat: coverage prediction by kathrein calculator
hanya berlaku untuk perhitungan mechanic tilting saja
 Total tilting yang diasumsikan sebagai MDT+EDT tidak boleh
mentah-mentah dimasukan ke kathrein calculator
Gambar Atas:
Terdapat badspot dilokasi X
H/Az/MT/ET: 27m/210/0/7

Badspot tercover
H/Az/MT/ET: 27m/210/4/2

Badspot memang tercover
sinyal sekarang.
Tetapi coba lihat kembali
Lokasi badspot tersebut ada
di ujung coverage
dan ini tidak bagus
Gambar Atas:
Terdapat badspot
dilokasi X

Badspot tercover

Lihat dan perhatikan
 Always check sebaran
PCI/PSC/TP/TA karena itu data
real dan sifatnya actual
 Dari sana kita bisa memutuskan

 Data menurut Database: apakah perlu didowntilt, atau..

 Terdapat badspot dilokasi: H/Az/MT/ET: Apakah harus kita uptilt?
 Proposal Tuning di lokasi X:
 Perubahan fisikal data on site
H/Az/MT/ET: 27m/210/4/2 tidak terlalu berpengaruh jika
 Data setelah on site: semua data pendukung tadi
 Terdapat badspot dilokasi: H/Az/MT/ET:
27m/210/6/7 sudah kita analisa dengan benar
 Proposal Tuning: ?????
 TP digunakan sebagai alat ukur utk mengecek overshoot
 1 unit TP sama dengan jarak 234m in distance
 Contoh diatas adalah cara melihat TP untuk cell face to face
 Cara melihat TP ini harus dikombinasikan dan disesuaikan
dengan jarak dan kondisi MAP di GE. Tidak bisa hanya TP chart
Diatas ini adalah penggunaan TP map untuk project Multisector
Diatas ini adalah penggunaan TP map per sector 3 carrier
Diatas ini adalah penggunaan TP map per sector 4 carrier
Tentukan nilai tertinggi antara dA, dB, dC
Tentukan nilai terendah antara dA, dB, dC
Jika dA atau dB atau dC lebih dari 2x nilai
terendah (dari dA atau dB atau dC), maka
mereka akan di dikeluarkan dari
perhitungan ISD.
dA= 1km; dB= 2km; dC= 4km
Nilai tertinggi = 4
Nilai terendah = 1
2x nilai terendah = 2
dA = 1Km = Include
dB = 2Km = Include
dC = 4Km = Exclude

ISD = Average (1+2) = 1.5Km

95% TP sample 95% TP sample 95% TP sample 95% TP sample
ada di luar jarak ISD ada di jarak ISD ada di jarak ISD ada di jarak ISD
namun sebarannya namun dekat site ada
abnormal issue contour
 Hasil audit sangat penting sebagai bahan komparasi tentang apa yang tercatat di
database dengan apa yang terinstall di lapangan
 Hasil audit juga penting digunakan sebagai bahan kita melakukan RF dimensioning:
 Tower Height;
 Antenna orientation & count;
 Antenna tilt;
 Feeders condition;
 VSWR Checks;
 BTS working conditions;
 Number of TRX present;
 Microwave antenna presents;
 Site layout diagram;
 Clutter served by the sectors with photographs
 Namun kita juga harus mampu menemukan fail/fake data dari site audit guna
menghindari kesalahan memberikan value RF tuning
Foto GPS pastikan
mendapatkan sinyal yang
bagus dan EPE di GPS
menunjukan minimal <10m
 Arah acuan 0º adalah utara.
Tolong acuan ini dicek dan diset
saat masih dibawah tower (on
ground/diatas tanah)
 Acuan utara 0º ini digunakan
untuk memulai pengambilan
panoramic photo
 Untuk greenfield tower:
persentasi pengambilan gambar
adalah: 30% langit dan 70%
daratan (untuk semua foto)
 Untuk rooftop tower: persentasi
pengambilan gambar 30% dan
70% tidak diberlakukan (Foto
disesuaikan dengan kondisi
 Sebagai RF, kita harus bisa
menjelaskan kondisi lapangan
dengan sebaik-baiknya dan
 Jangan Cuma bisa tempel
capturan mapinfo, TEMs, Nemo
atau Probe tapi tanpa penjelasan
 Jangan cuma bisa nulis “due to
overshoot” tanpa fakta yang jelas
Problem 1 :
Poor coverage when CIKAO sec 3
serving due to blocking by hilly
1. Down tilt INDOBARAT sec 2
(height 30m) from MDT 0 become
Not Yet OA 2

2. Speed up OA progress for


Propose Down Tilt

Blocking by hilly +2
Contour Blocking by hilly


Not Yet
Problem 3:
Not Yet OA
Overshooting Poor coverage when site CIKAO
due to site sec 2 serving due to blocking by
CIKUKULU not hill and closest site CIKUKULU not
yet OA
yet OA
Located on top of Hill 1. Increase CPICH power at
JATILUHUR sec 3 from 273 to
330 while waiting for
2. Speed up OA progress for site

Not Yet OA Serving


Blocking by hilly
Located on Contour
top of Hill

Blocking by
hilly Contour
Problem 13 :
Bad coverage due to nearest site
Distance 3.5Km from bad SIMPANGPWK_IT not yet OA. Nearest site
spot, height 32, EDT 4.
Contour is climb-up, BDGCKMPTOL sec 2 blocked by contour.
Blocking by
countur impossible to uptilt (will
loose coverage around Recommendation:
site) 1. Increase CPICH PLERED sec 1 from 273
to 346 while waiting for
Not Yet OA
No Service Mode in Idle SIMPANGPWK_IT On Air
(UARFCN from other operator) 2. Speed up OA progress for site
Problem 3 :
Bad EcNo due to nearest site
SIMPANGPWK_IT not yet OA. Nearest site
BDGCKMPTOL sec 2 blocked by contour.

1. Increase CPICH PLERED sec 1 from 273 to
346 while waiting for SIMPANGPWK_IT On
Distance 3.5Km from bad Air
spot, height 32, EDT 4. 2. Speed up OA progress for site
Contour is climb-up, SIMPANGPWK_IT
Blocked by impossible to uptilt (will
contour loose coverage around
Not Yet OA

Suspected Cross Feeder

Blocked Call when served by
Not Yet OA
PLERED sec 2 caused by
downtil suspected cross feeder at
t PLERED sec 2 and sec 1.
VIP Site. Distance
2.5Km from bad spot,
CPICH 304, height 32m. Recommendation:
1. Check and troubleshoot
Site PLERED for suspect
Blocked Event cross feeder
2. Down tilt PURWAKARTA_UT
sec 2 (height 45m) from
EDT 2 to 4 to make signal
Increase CPICH
from 271 to 330
from SELAAWI sec 3 more


sec 3 (2.4Km) from 271 to
330 while waiting for

4. Speed up OA progress
Dropped Call due to no

CISEUREUH sec 1 (height 49m,

CPICH 271, MDT 4, EDT 0).

PURWAKARTA_UT sec 2 (height

45m, CPICH 271 ,MDT 1, EDT 2).

BENTENG_CMPKA sec 2 (height

38m, CPICH 271, MDT 0, EDT 2).

2Km SELAAWI sec 1 (height 39m,
m Dropped CPICH 271, MDT 1, EDT 8)
4.4Km Location
Not Yet OA Recommendation:
1. Make site SELAAWI sec 1
more dominant at bad spot
1.9Km location with change its
Not Yet OA tilting from EDT 8 to EDT 4).
2. Increase CPICH SELAAWI sec
1 from 271 to 300.
 RTWP can be caused by bad weather, feeder broken, port
feeder broken, or traffic fluctuation (load).
RTWP can be caused by bad weather,
feeder broken, port feeder broken, or
traffic fluctuation (load).
How to define positive external interference:
 Check RTWP (value must be high and monitor hourly)
 RTWPmean above -95 dBm
 RTWPmin above -97 dBm
 Check Traffic trend
 if RTWP starting to get higher simultaneously with traffic
increment: it is normal.
 If RTWP starting to get high and there are traffic loss: this is
 Check PIM test.
 High-speed digital data communications make PIM testing
critical. As cell usage and throughput grows, the peak power
produced by the new digital modulations increases
dramatically, contributing heavily to PIM problems.
 PIM can create interference that will reduce a cell’s receive
sensitivity or even block calls.
 Check Frequency Scanning Test using FFT (Fast Fourier
 Check Frequency Scanning Test using Spectrum Analyzer.
High RTWP abnormal – traffic loss High RTWP normal – RTWP follow traffic load

If RTWP starting to get high and there are traffic if RTWP starting to get higher simultaneously
loss: this is abnormal with traffic increment: it is normal if there is
no DCR degradation.
Found Interference Adjacent Channel

BCCH ; 537

BCCH ; 538

Problem : Blocked call due to found interference adjacent

channel site JK64781 (KERENDANG_SEL) BCCH:537 and site
Action plan : Propose retune frequency to reduce
Found Interference Adjacent Channel

BCCH ; 109
BCCH ; 110

Spot Bcall

Problem :
1. Blocked call due to found interference adjacent channel site JK42333
(PETOJO_BARAT sec3) BCCH:546 and site 10092 (PETOJOHLR) BCCH:110

Action plan :
1. Propose retune frequency to reduce interference.
2. Propose audit site JK42333 (PETOJO_BARAT)
Matur Suwun Sanget Rencang Sedoyo

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