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2.MarketingBy Michael, J. Etzel Bruce, J.Walker William and J.Stanton ,14 edition

Persekitaran mikro adalah syarikat, pembekal, syarikat saluran pemasaran (perantara),

pelanggan pasaran, pesaing, dan awam yang digabungkan untuk membuat sistem nilai
penghantaransyarikat. Persekitaran mikro menggambarkan hubungan antara syarikat dan
kekuatan pendorongyang mengendalikan hubungan ini. Yang pertama adalah persekitaran
dalaman organisasi-nya beberapa jabatan dan pengurusan peringkat-seperti pemasaran
mempengaruhi keputusan pengurusan. Komponen kedua merangkumi syarikat saluran
pemasaran yang bekerja sama untuk mencipta nilai: pembekal dan perantara pemasaran
(syarikat pengedaran fizikal, agen pemasaran, perantara kewangan). Komponen ketiga terdiri
daripada lima jenis pasaran di mana organisasi boleh menjual pelanggan, pengeluar, kerajaan,
dan pasaran antarabangsa. Komponen keempatterdiri daripada pesaing yang dihadapi organisasi.
Komponen kelima terdiri daripada semuaawam yang mempunyai kepentingan sebenar atau
potensi atau kesan terhadap kemampuanorganisasi untuk mencapai tujuannya: kewangan,
media, kerajaan, tindakan warga negara, dantempatan, umum, dan awam dalaman.Lima
desakan Persekitaran Mikro:

SyarikatSyarikat yang terdiri daripada enam kekuatan yang mempengaruhikemampuannya untuk

melayani pelanggan.Pertama adalah syarikat itu sendiri dan peranan yang dimainkannya dalam
mikro tersebut. Hal ini boleh dianggap sebagai persekitaran dalaman.Pengurusan
bertanggungjawab untuk menentukan syarikat misi, tujuan, strategiyang luas, dan
dasar.Pemasaran pengurus perlu membuat keputusan dalam parameter yang ditetapkanoleh
pengurusan .Pengurus pemasaran juga harus bekerja sama dengan jabatan syarikat lain.Bidang-
bidang seperti kewangan, pembelian, manufaktur, dan perakaunan semuakeputusan yang lebih
baik ketika selaras dengan tujuan.Semua jabatan perlu "berfikir tentang pelanggan , supaya
syarikat untuk berjaya.Tujuannya adalah untuk memberikan kepuasan pelanggan.Contohnya: Air
Asia perlu mengaturkan strategi untuk menjayakan promosi yangtelah dijalankan. Perkhidmatan
yang diberikan perlu di tingkatkan agar pelanggandi tidak membuat aduan.

Perantara Pemasaran
Pemasaran Pemasaran perantara adalah syarikat yang membantu syarikat
untuk mempromosikan, menjual, dan mengedar barang ke pembeli akhir.Dalam perantara
pemasaran ini mempunyai empat :
a)Orang Tengah adalah syarikat saluran pengedaran yang membantusyarikat mencari pelanggan
atau membuat jualan kepada mereka. Initermasuk peniaga besar dan peruncit yang membeli dan
menjual barangdagangan.
b)Syarikat pengagihan fizikal membantu syarikat untuk simpan barang- barang bergerak dari titik
asal ke tempat tujuan mereka. Contohnyagudang yang menyimpan dan melindungi barang
sebelum mereka berpindah ke destinasi seterusnya.
c) perkhidmatan agensi Pemasaran Seperti syarikat penyelidikan pemasaran, agen
periklanan, syarikat media membantu target syarikatdan mempromosikan produk-produknya.
d)Perantara kewangan seperti bank, syarikat kredit, syarikat insuransmembantu transaksi
kewangan dan mengasuransikan terhadap risiko.Contohnya syarikat Air Asia mermelukan orang
tengah untuk memudahkan promosikan perkhidmatan yang dijual. Syarikat pemgagihan fizikal
menbantusyarikat Air Asia untuk menyimpan barang pelanggan yang telah
menggunakan perkhidmatan Air Asia untuk mengirim barang. Agensi PerkhidmatanPemasaran
yang terdiri daripada firma media dan pengiklanan menbantu Air Asia mempromosikan ³Air Asia
announced their latest Promotion´. Perantarakewangan menbantu Air Asia dalam pengurrusan


Pengguna/ PelangganSyarikat perlu untuk mempelajari 5 jenis pasaran pelanggan.i.

Pasaran Pelanggan individu dan rumah tangga yang membeli barang dan perkhidmatan untuk
konsumsi pribadi.ii.

Pasaran Perniagaan membeli barang dan perkhidmatan untuk diproseslebih lanjut atau untuk
digunakan dalam proses pengeluaran mereka.iii.

Pasaran runcit membeli barang-barang dan perkhidmatan dalam rangkauntuk dijual kembali
mereka pada keuntungan.iv.

Pasaran kerajaan institusi yang membeli barang dan perkhidmatan dalamrangka untuk
menghasilkan perkhidmatan awam atau memindahkannyakepada orang-orang yang
memerlukan mereka.v.

Pasaran Antarabangsa pembeli dari semua jenis di negara-negara asing.Contoh Pasaran

pelanggan akan membeli perkhidmatan untuk urusan peribadi.Jika tiada pasaran pelanggan
maka syarikat Air Asia tidak dapat menjalankan perniagaannya.Pasaran yang lain juga membantu
Air Asia mengembangkan perkhidmatannya di luar Negara.
M u k a S u r a t


PesaingPesaing setiap syarikat menghadapi pelbagai saingan. Syarikat mesti dalamkeuntungan

strategik dari pesaing oleh kedudukan tawaran mereka untuk berjaya dalam pasaran. Tidak ada
strategi bersaing satu yang terbaik untuk semua syarikat.Syarikat juga perlu mengetahui pesaing
mereka supaya mengetahui kekuatankelemahan dan ketidakcekapan syarikat lain
mengorganisasikan syarikatmereka. Ia dapat menbantu syarikat untuk menpertingkatakan
perkhimatan yangsedia ada kepada yang lebih baik.Dengan syarikat dapat mengaturkan strategi-
strategi untuk mengatasi persaing.Contonnya Air Asia perlu mengetathui kekuatan dan
kelemahan pesaingnyaseperti Malaysia Airlines , Jetstar dan Fire Fly.Ia akan membantu Air
Asiameningkatkan perkhidmatan dan membuat promosi yang lebih murah berbanding


MasyarakatMasyarakat yang mempunyai kepentingan sebenar atau potensi atau kesanterhadap

kemampuan organisasi untuk mencapai tujuannya. Sebuah syarikat harusmempersiapkan
rencana pemasaran untuk seluruh awam utama mereka serta pasaran pelanggan.Masayarakat
menpunyai tujuh iaitu:a.
Masyarakat kewangan mempengaruhi kemampuan syarikat untuk mendapatkan dana, pemodal
Malaysia berhad b.

Masyarakat Media membawa berita, ciri, dan pendapat.c.

Masyarakat Kerajaan menpunyai pengaruh yang kuat ia perlu mengambilkira engan

pembangunan kerajaan.d.

Masyarakat tindakan rakyat keputusan yang sering dipertanyakan olehorganisasi

pelanggan.Masyarakat ini tidak tergolong dalam badan kerajaania lebih kepada menberi peluang
kepada pengguna untuk bersuara danmendapatkan hak-hak pengguna.e.

Masyarakat Tempatan termasuk warga persekitaran dan organisasimasyarakat.Syariakt perlu

mendekatkan diri mereka dengan masyarakatsetemapat kerana ia dapat membantu syarikat
tentang kepuasanmasyarakat tentang syarikat Air Asia.f.

Masyarakat Umum , syarikat harus prihatin tentang umum sikapmasyarakat terhadap produk
dan perkhidmatan. Serta imej syarikat dalam penjual produk dan perkhidmatan.g.

Masyarakat Dalaman ialah pekerja, pengurus, relawan, dan LembagaPengarah. Jika masyarakat
dalaman berpuas hati dengan perkhidmatanyang telah di beri oleh Air Asia maka ia akan
memberi kesan kepadamasyarakat luar.

Zaharah Bakar, (2003), Asas Pemasaran, Penerbit Fajar Bakti Sdn Bhd, KualaLumpur2.

Mohd Said Othman, (2007), Pemasaran Satu Huraian Mudah, Dewan Bahasa danPustaka, Kuala

Abu Bakar Abd Hamid, Md Mohar Mohamad dan Fauziah Syarifah Ahmad, (2002),Prinsip
Pemasaran : Teori dan Praktis. New York: McGraw-Hill4.

Abu Bakar Hamed, Rusmala Mohd Daud dan Siti Nabiha Abd Khalid, (1998). AsasPengurusan
Perniagaan. Sintok : Penerbitan Universiti Utara Malaysia5.

Nik Rahmiah Nik Yaacob, Ghazali Jaafar dan Zaharah Bakar, (1998),AsasPemasaran.Penerbit Fajar
Bakti Sdn Bhd, Shah Alam


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FirmaDalam mereka bentuk rancangan pemasaran, pengurus pemasaran mesti mengambilkira

lain-lain kumpulan dalam firma seperti pihak pengurusan atasan, kewangan,penyelidikan dan
pembangunan, pembelian, pengeluaran dan perakaunan.Penguruspemasaran mesti
bekerjasama dengan semua pihak kerana semua pihak ini mempunyai kesanke atas rancangan
dan tindakan pemasaran.Di bawah konsep pemasaran, semua jabatan ini
mesti memikirkan „pengguna‟ dan mereka mesti bekerja dalam suasana harmoni untuk
menyediakan nilai dan kepuasan pengguna yang terbaik.2.

PembekalPembekal menyediakan sumber yang diperlukan oleh firma untuk

menghasilkankeluaran dan perkhidmatan. Jika timbul masalah dengan pembekal, ia akan
mempengaruhipemasaran. Masalah seperti kekurangan dan kelewatan bekalan, mogok pekerja
dan lain-lainboleh mengganggu jualan dalam jangka pendek dan kepuasan pengguna jangka
panjang.Pengurus pemasaran juga memerhatikan arah aliran harga kerana kenaikan harga
bekalanakan meningkatkan kos pengeluaran yang mana akan mempengaruhi volum
jualan firma.3.

Orang tengahOrang tengah atau orang perantaraan membantu firma mempromosi, menjual
danmengedarkan barangnya kepada pembeli akhir.Mereka terdiri daripada penjual semula,
firmapengagihan fizikal, agensi perkhidmatan pemasaran dan institusi kewangan. Kebanyakn
ahlipemasaran sekarang sedar akan kepentingan bekerjasama dengan orang tengah danmenganggap mereka
seperti rakan kongsi; bukan sekadar saluran di mana mereka bolehmenjual keluaran mereka.4.

PelangganSesebuah firma sering kali tidak terlibat dalam kesemua pasaran, tetapi terlibatdengan
beberapa pasaran terpilih. Setiap pasaran memerlukan kepakaran pemasaran yangagak berbeza
daripada pasaran lain dan kepakaran tersebut tidak semestinya dapatdipindahkan apabila
pasaran yang berbeza disasarkan. Contohnya, usaha pemasaran dipasaran antarabangsa
melibatkan kefahaman tentang budaya, peraturan dan keperluansesebuah negara yang mungkin
jauh berbeza daripada pasaran tempatan atau dalam negara.

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Rajah 1.4 Jenis pasaran pelanggan5.

PesaingKonsep pemasaran menjelaskan bahawa untuk berjaya, ssesebuah firma mestimemberi

nilai dan kepuasan pelanggan yang lebih baik daripada yang ditawar olehpesaingnya.Dengan itu,
ahli pemasaran mesti melakukan lebih daripada setakat memenuhikeperluan pengguna.Mereka
mesti memperoleh kelebihan strategic dengan menempatkantawaran mereka secara teguh
berbanding dengan pesaing.6.
Pihak awamPersekitaran pemasaran firma juga termasuk pelbagai pihak awam.Pihak awam
ialahmana-mana kumpulan yang mempunyai kepentingan sebenar dan berpotensi yang
manamempengaruhi kemampuan firma mencapai objektifnya. Terdapat enam kategori pihak
awamiaitu :1.

Pihak kewangan seperti bank, syarikat pelaburan dan pemegang saham yangmempengaruhi kemampuan
firma memperoleh dana


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Pihak media termasuk surat khabar, majalah, radio dan televisyen yang membawaberita, rencana
dan pendapat tentang firma.3.

Pihak kerajaan

Pihak pengurusan mesti mengambil kira perkembangan semasakerajaan4.

Pihak masyarakat yang sentiasa bertindak mempersoalkan tindakan yang diambil olehfirma5.

Pihak umum

Firma perlu memandang berat sikap pihak umum terhadap keluarandan aktivitinya. Imej umum
terhadap firma mempengaruhi pembelian mereka6.

Pihak dalaman termasuk pekerja-pekerja, pengurus, sukarelawan dan lembagapengarah. Firma

menggunakan risalah dan sebagainya untuk memberitahu danmerangsang kumpulan dalaman.
Apabila pekerja gembira dengan firma mereka,perasaan ini akan lahir secara luaran juga.
Berpandukan paparan takrifan pemasaran dapatlah dirumuskan 2 dapatan utama,pertama, Ia
merupakan falsafah, sikap, perspektif atau orientasi pengurusan yangmenekankan kepuasan
pengguna. Kedua, pemasaran merupakan satu set aktiviti yangdigunakan untuk melaksanakan falsafah itu.
Perbezaan takrifan ini menjelaskan pemasaranantara lain mengemukakan elemen falsafah dan
elemen aktiviti merealisasikan falsafahpemasaran. Konsep pemasaran pula mengemukakan
elemen seperti pasaran, penawaran danpermintaan, pertukaran, keperluan, kehendak, produk
dan urus niaga. Selanjutnya, dalammengemukakan kos dan faedah dalam faktor persekitaran
pulaDalam memastikan kelangsungan objektif pemasaran sesebuah firma perniagaanmencapai
sasaran yang digariskan, terdapat 2 aspek persekitaran yang perlu diambil kirasebagai
sebahagian daripada memastikan aktiviti pemasaran memenuhi visi dan misi
yangditetapkan.Dua aspek persekitaran tersebut adalah persekitaran makro dan
persekitaranmikro.Dalam persekitaran makro, elemen-elemen yan g dipertimbangkan adalah
kuasademografi, kuasa ekonomi, persekitaran semula jadi, kuasa teknologi, kuasa politik dan
kuasabudaya.Sementara itu, dalam persekitaran mikro pula, antara elemen yang harus
diperhalusiadalah elemen firma itu sendiri, pihak pembekal, orang tengah, pelanggan, pesaing
dan pihak awam.

5.0kesimpulan Keusahawanan adalah penting di dalam dunia hari ini. Ia menjadi pemangkin
kepada perubahan dan perkembangan ekonomi. Peranan keusahawanan di dalam pembangunan
ekonomi bukan setakat meningkatkan kadar per kapita pengeluaran dan pendapatan. Ia juga
melibatkan perubahan kepada struktur perniagaan dan masyarakat. Perubahan ini disertai oleh
pertumbuhan dan peningkatan pengeluaran. Satu teori pertumbuhan ekonomi menggambarkan
inovasi(pembaharuan) adalah kunci utama kepada perkembangan ekonomi di dalam membina
produk atau perkhidmatan baru di dalam pasaran. Aktiviti pembaharuan (inovasi) juga menjadi
pendorong para pemodal (pelabur) untuk melabur di dalam peluang baru yang dicipta.
Keusahawanan melalui proses pembaharuan (inovasi) mencipta pelaburan baru di dalam dunia
perniagaan, di mana ia akan menyebabkan ekonomi berkembang, pekerjaan baru tercipta dan
mengurangkan kadar pengangguran. Keusahawanan melalui proses kreativiti dan innovasi
mencipta produk baru dan memberikan perkhidmatan untuk memenuhi kehendak manusia. Ia
menyediakan produk atau perkhidmatan yang diperlukan oleh pengguna. Di dalam menghasilkan
produk dan perkhidmatan yang baik, mereka akan mencari kaedah yang lebih baik untuk
memaksimakan sumber dan mengurangkan pembaziran. Dengan ini, masyarakat akan mendapat
produk (barangan) dan perkhidmatan yang lebih baik pada harga yang lebih murah.
Keusahawanan membantu memperbaiki kehidupan berjuta-juta manusia melalui produk dan
perkhidmatan baru yang diperkenalkan kepada pasaran. Keusahawanan adalah individu yang
bukan sahaja mencipta kekayaan tetapi turut sama mendorong pembahagian kekayaan. Rujukan
MALAYSIA, Open University. (2007). OUMM2103 Entrepreneurship. Kuala Lumpur: UNITEM Sdn.
Bhd Sudin Haron, (1990). Kearah Menjadi Usahawan yang Berjaya. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa
dan Pustaka Utusan Malaysia Thursday, 29 June 2006 http://www. Lampiran 1 Sumber :
http://www. Spesifikasi motor Honda Cub Engine: Air-cooled 4-stroke single OHV
Displacement: 49.0cc Bore x Stroke: 40.0x39.0mm Max Power: 4.3ps/9,500rpm Max speed:: 65
km/h Transmission: 3-speed Clutch: Wet multi plate centrifugal Starter: Kick Frame Type: Step-
thru pressed steel tube Dry Weight: 55.0kg Lampiran 2 Sumber : Loh Boon Siew From Wikipedia, the free
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Business Provides social needs, goods, and services to public to satisfy demand to
consumer. business activities also has become amajor contributer to environmental
destruction.the activities are consuming of resources and processes in manufacturing
need to be developed in order to save the environmental sustainable development
planning. However, there has to be a change in attitudes towards consumption and
production which are depend on the market mechanism pressure
inverstors and citizen .
To improve environmental performance business have to:
1. Improved materials efficiency
2.Improved product quality
3.Increased staff commitment
4.Improved community relations
5.Positive pressure group relations
6.Improved media coverage
7.Cheaper finance
8.Reduced risk exposure
9.Assured present and future compliance
10.Lower insurance premium
A business entity depends both on internal and external factors to function smoothly.
While an organization may try its level-best to continuously improve its internal factors, it
cannot possibly alter the course of events occurring outside its horizon. These factors
are referred to as external factors and have a major bearing on the fortunes of an
organization. Managing the strengths of the internal operations and recognizing
potential opportunities and threats outside of the operations are keys to business
The role of company leadership is an important internal business factor. Your leadership
style and the styles of other company management impact organizational culture. The
positive or negative nature, level of family-friendliness, effectiveness of communication
and value of employees are cultural implications that result from leadership approaches.
Companies often provide formal structure or direction with mission and vision
statements. These are forward-looking statements that provide the business for
company decisions and activities.
The strength of your employees is another crucial internal business factor. Motivated,
hard-working and talented workers generally produce better results than unmotivated,
less-talented employees. Your business processes and relationships within and
between departments and employees also significantly impact business effectiveness
and efficiency. In a high-performing workplace, employees not only have talent, but they
work well together and collaborate on ideas and resolutions.
One of the most critical external business factors is competition. Whether you operate in
a concentrated industry with a few major competitors or a large industry with many
competitors, you need to know the competition. Many companies do competitive
analysis to compare their offerings and prices to those of competitors. When developing
business philosophies and products, it is helpful to use your strength in quality
production, customer service or operational efficiency to build competitive advantages
that benefit your customers.
Other common external factors fall into several categories, including socio-economic,
legal or ethical, political and technological. Socio-economic factors relate to the values,
attitudes and concerns of your target customers and their economic abilities to afford
your products. The legal, ethical and political environments generally relate to your need
to abide by business laws and to meet the ethical or social responsibility standards of
your customers and communities. In some industries, technological evolution drives the
need for companies to adapt and constantly research for improvements.
Consumers are the crux whenever a business venture is created. Organizations
produce to sell, but if the spending power of the consumers decreases or they become
averse to any particular type of product or service, the organization will be affected
immensely. It is important therefore, that business leaders are able to gauge the change
in tastes and preferences of customers so that they are better prepared for any
Another factor that has the potential to interfere with the growth of a business is its
suppliers. If the suppliers do not have formidable competition in their business, it is very
likely that they may charge exorbitant prices to business houses. Creditability is a major
issue, and if the suppliers fail to deliver on time, the whole operations can be stalled.
Social customs too, play an important role in shaping the prospects of a business. This
factor has come to foray with the emergence of multinational organizations and their
entry in conservative markets.
Most of the organizations today fiercely contest with each other to woo consumers.
Although, the consumer is in a win-win situation and gets many options to choose from,
organizations for their part have to be on their toes with all preparedness to counter any
marketing or publicity campaigns by the rivals to score over the consumers. If a rival is
able to come up with an innovative product or service, other organizations then need to
play the catch-up game, and this factor affects businesses immensely.
Last but not the least, geographical conditions and access to technology are immensely
important factors which can affect the growth of a business. A business which finds it
difficult to have access to people, capital, suppliers, and technology may struggle to
keep up with its competitors. Similarly, inaccessibility to avant-garde technology will
hamper productivity and the quality of the products and services.
The factors mentioned above have a major impact on an organization. Management
thinkers over the years have brainstormed to get some answers on how to anticipate
changes and prepare an organization to survive a sudden change in milieu, which to an
extent have been successful, but still organizations around the world should avoid
complacency and retrospect to find chinks in their armor, which if ignored can prove

Most important factors of micro environment of business

are as follows: 1. competitors, 2. customers, 3. suppliers, 4.
public, 5. marketing intermediaries, 6. workers and their
The micro environment of the organisation consists of those elements
which are controllable by the management.

Normally the micro environment does not affect all the companies in
an industry in the same way, because the size, capacity, capability and
strategies are different. For example, the raw material suppliers are
giving more concessions to large sized companies. However, they may
not give the same concessions to small companies.

Like the same, the competitors do not mind about the rival company if
it is compared to the small, but he will be very much conscious if the
rival him is large. Sometimes micro environment of the various firms
in an industry is almost the same. In such a case, response of these
firms to their micro environment may differ as each firm will attempt
to achieve a higher success level. The general micro environment
factors are discussed below.

1. Competitors:
The competitive environment consists of certain basic things which
every firm has to take note of. No company, howsoever large it may be,
enjoys monopoly. In the original business world a company
encounters various forms of competition. The most common
competition which a company’s product now faces is from
differentiated products of other companies.

For example, in the Colour Television Market, Philips TV faces

competition from other companies like Videocon, Onida, BPL and
others. This type of competition is called brand competition. It is
found in all durable product markets.

The consumer wants to purchase a two-wheeler, the next question in

his mind is with gear or without gear, 100 cc or more than that, self
starter or kick starter, etc. This type is otherwise known as ‘Product
form competition’.

Philip Kotler is of the opinion that the best way for a company to grasp
the full range of its competition is to take the viewpoint of a buyer.
What does a buyer thinks about that which eventually leads to
purchasing something? So, tracing of the consumer mind set will help
to retain the market share for all the firms.
2. Customers:
According to Peter. F. Drucker, “There is only one valid definition of
business purpose, that is to create a customer.” The business
enterprises aim to earn profit through serving the customer demand.
It now thinks more in terms of profitable sale rather than more sales
volume for its sake. Today marketing of a firm begins and also ends
with the customers.

Now a days, a business firm to be successful, must find customers for

its products. This is the reason the customers thus constitute the most
important element in the micro environment of business. Products
sales depend mainly on the degree of consumer satisfaction.

In fact, this is a reason that gives more importance to customer

satisfaction surveys. Now every business firm set-up systems to
regularly watch customer attitude and customer satisfaction, because
today it is universally accepted that the satisfaction of customers is the
base for company’s success. Normally the customers are not in a same
group, they are individuals, business enterprises, institutions and

From the company’s point of view it is always better to have customer

from various groups and legions for that easily sustains demand for
the company’s product.

3. Suppliers:
Regarding the suppliers, the organisation can think of availing the
required material or labour according to its manufacturing
programme. It can adopt such a purchase policy which gives
bargaining power to the organisation.

According to Michael Porter, “the relationship between suppliers and

the firm epitomises a power equation between them. This equation is
based on the industry conditions and the extent to which each of them
is dependent on the other.”

Suppliers are either individuals or business houses. They combined

together; provide resources that are needed by the company. Now the
company necessarily should go for developing specifications,
searching for potential suppliers, identifying and analysing the
suppliers and thereafter choose those suppliers who offer best mix of
quality, delivery reliability, credit, warranties and obviously low cost.

The development in the supplier’s environment has a substantial

impact on the operations of the company. In recent trends companies
can lower their supply cost and increase their product quality.

4. Public:
Literally word ‘public’ refers to people in general. According to Philip
Kotler, “A public is any group that has an actual or potential interest in
or impact on a company’s ability to achieve its objectives.” The
environmentalists, consumer protection groups, media persons and
local people are some of the well-known examples of publics.

The company has a duty to satisfy the people at large along with
competitors and the consumers. It is an exercise which has a larger
impact on the well-being of the company for tomorrow s stay and
growth. Create goodwill among public, help to get a favourable
response for a company. Kotler in this regard has viewed that.

“Companies must put their primary energy into effectively managing

their relationships with their customers, distributors and suppliers.
Their overall success will be affected by how other publics in the
society view their activity. Companies would be wise to spend time
monitoring all their public understanding their needs and opinions
and dealing with then constructively.”

In the modern business public have assumed important role and their
presence in the micro environment of business.

5. Marketing Intermediaries:
Market intermediaries are either individuals or business houses who
come to the aid of the company in promoting, selling and distributing
the goods to the ultimate consumers. They are Middlemen
(wholesalers, retailers and agents), distributing agencies, market
service agencies and financial institutions. Most of the companies find,
it is too difficult to reach the consumers. In such a cases the agents
and distribution firms help to reach the product to the consumer.

Any type of intermediary the company must take into active

consideration, the following aspects:

(i) The company has also to constantly review the performance of both
middlemen and others helping its efforts periodically. If necessary, it
may take recourse to replacement of those who no longer perform at
the expected level.
(ii) Middlemen come into being to help overcome the discrepancies in
quantities place, time, assortment and possession that would
otherwise exist in a given condition.

(iii) It is advantageous and also efficient to work through the

established Marketing channels instead of creating one and thus going
for experiments.

(iv) The manufacturer has to decide the most cost-effective method of

intermediaries to reach the product to consumer that will help to
increase the profit.

6. Workers and Their Union:

As per the production function theory, the labour gets more
importance. He is also one of the pillars of the company. The
organised labours is highly secured their position compare to
unorganised workers So, the workers now prefer to join labour unions
which invariably resort to collective bargaining and thereby makes
them less vulnerable to employer’s exploitation.

On the other hand, Trade Unions are a major component of a modern

business. Trade Union of workers is an organisation formed by
workers to protect their interests, improve their working conditions

All Trade Unions have objectives or goals to achieve, which are

contained in their constitution, and each has its own strategy to reach
those goals Trade Unions are now considered a sub-system, which
seeks to serve the specific sub-group’ s interest (i.e. workers’) and also
considers itself a part of the organisation.

From the point of view of the company, industrial relation is more

important to improve the company, otherwise conflict between labour
and management leads to Sick Unit.

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