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Ece KOCABIYIK Wednesday Section


1.We have learned to make bacteriological media, do sterilization to the media that we
made and use autoclave machine. We will use these two skills so much in the future
when we work in laboratories.

2. We wanted to prepare nutrient broth,first. We measure 0.8 gr beef extract on

weighing platform with glazed weighing paper. The door of it must be closed for correct
measurement. We put 0.8 gr because 8 gr per liter of distilled water is the proper
proportion for nutrient broth and we used 100 ml of water. So, we used 0.8 gr of beef
extract. We put 0.8 gr beef into 100 ml of distilled water. But this step is important. We
first put 50 ml of dissolve water and after beef dissolves in that water by using stirring
magnet, we put 50 ml of water again. We put half and half of the water again because if
we put 100 ml of water one time, it extracts because of the presence of not dissolved
beef and total volume can be extract. We do not heat it because it is not agar, it can
dissolve at room temperature by stirring magnet. After, we wanted to prepare nutrient
agar. Because we do not waste time, we used the nutrient broth sample that is just we
made. First of all, we measured 1.5 gr agar on weighing platform. By the way, we use
agar because it does not melt until 45’C and also jelatin,that used before agar, can be
digested by microorganisms and they can not digest agar because agar has cellulose in
it. We used 1.5 gr agar because 15 gr/per liter of distilled water is the proper proportion.
Also, 250 ml beaker because this allows room for stirring and helps avoiding boiling agar
over the top of the beaker. And then, we put 50 ml of water and wait and put 50 ml of
water and heat it in microwave like 3 minutes until agar boils. We took the stirring
magnet. Last part of the experiment is autoclave which is the sterilization part. It is a
machine that uses vapor to sterilize the sample. This step is also important because we
must sterilize our sample properly. If we do not, the experiment possibly gives error or
there will result that we do not want. It is important to adjust autoclave to 121’C
because it is the proper degree for sterilize microorganisms. In sea level, we can get
121’C with 15 psi. But we do not in sea level. However, the autoclave we have adjust the
proper degree. So, we just choose the 121’C and wait 15 minutes which is proper time
for sterilization. After that, they should stay out in plates with having a little opining top
of it near the flame to become solid. After the become solid, plates should kept back to
front in order to not having moisture in the top of plates and can keep in refrigerator
until we need.

3.When we work in laboratories in the future ,maybe after the university, we will use
these techniques a lot. Learning to make media is important because every cell culture
must grow in a specific media for them. Because medium has some purposes like the
growth of microorganisms in the culture or the strage of microorganisms or
identification tests for understanding the microorganisms and cell culture. For example,
we should transport some microorganisms to another laboratory to do some experiment
with other scientists. So, we should use medium for transport our microorganisms. And,
also, in laboratories, cell culture is important because every test or every experiment
have practical part and practical part includes observing responses of cells to the
conditions that we test. So, if we made medium for our cell culture correctly and
properly, cells in cell culture can grow and response well. Therefore, we can observe the
results of our experiment and make mistakes as little as possible.

Also, sterilization is important in laboratories. When we do sterilization correctly, there

are cells in cell culture that are just we want and it will be a pure culture which means it
includes cells that we testing and observing for our experiment. If we do sterilization
wrong, there could be some other organisms in the plate and this will effect the results
and observation of the experiment. The other cells that we do not want can maybe
digest our originsl cells or their food. So, our cell culture can not grow well and they can
not respond to conditions or respond wrong. Because of that, our observations can
totally change and we do probably do mistakes. For example, we maybe work cancer
and we test some drugs. Maybe the drugs testing is a good cure for it but if we made
mistakes in sterilization, we may not see drugs killing cancer cells. this would be a
problem for us.

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