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Invention of mustine

Mustine is a first. You always hear about how the brave veterans that fought our wars were rewarded
with posttraumatic stress syndrome or by getting some devastating form of cancer from chemical warfare.
Well now, the situation is completely reversed! A chemical agent developed for warfare has proven itself
worthy of existence. What is even more surprising is that itis one of the Mustard gasses. A weapon that
was once used to kill the enemy is now used to kill another enemy…, CANCER! If this is not the coolest
thing I have learned this year, you can brush my teeth and call me smiley. Mustargen, (nitrogen mustard
HN2) is a blistering agent that was and is used to do just that. Dropped from a field artillery gun, usually
the split-tailed 155-millimeter howitzer, using the same kind of shell as white phosphorous rounds that
are designed to explode in the air above the target area, the Mustargen gas would cover the enemy. It
would blister and boil the skin, render the eyes useless, and infiltrate the lungs, burning away the lining,
which resulted in severe lung burns. It could be fatal and was certainly debilitating. Now scientists have
found that in our infinite warlike wisdom, we also developed a weapon that we can use with
chemotherapy against an even worse evil, the big C. It infiltrates the cancer cells and binds them,
preventing them from splitting and eventually killing them. Ah, the little ironies of life--enjoy them while
you are young. When you get older, they become annoying regrets.


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