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Priorities are what you do; your values are not what you think or

say but what you do

relentless pursuit of the expansion of your limitations
You will be a different person tomorrow in many small but
imperceptible ways depending on your choice of values-in-action

philosophy (beliefs: purpose of life & guiding

principles) → theory (approach: how life works) →
practice (mechanics & organization: what & how to do)
→ values-in-action (performance in time & space:
doing it)

Be vulnerable. Vulnerability is the intersection of the courage to

do something unknown with the fear of failure — you have skin in
the game and it is at risk but the upside has deep meaning to you.

Be passionate. This means mentally and physically flip the

switch that commits you to being all-in — take no prisoners style.
Think eye of the tiger in beast mode. Get in the face of the
unknown. instead of moving gingerly, push the needle into the red
zone without hesitation or calculation.
Be disciplined. This means you do the unsexy grunt work like
wax-on wax-off when you don’t like to do it

creativity is not something you reductively plan, it is something

you open up to and embrace by falling in love with vulnerability
The practice component has two elements: physical and mental.
The physical is about achieving mastery of the motors, where the
motors are your muscles. Mastery of the motors needs to be
implemented in layers with respect to time over your lifespan,
there is a logical sequence to building out the physical dimension.
In fact, as you become more advanced and start hitting plateaus,
visualization and feelization are my go-to tools to break me out.
a deep connection to what is going on in your mind and body,
feedback from your coaches, and the objectivity of the numbers.
With these inputs you can make better informed decisions than
operating in the relative blindness of one or even zero sources.
f you continuously compete with others, you become bitter, but if
you continuously compete with yourself, you become better
We pretend to be athletes and not animals, but if we just drop the
“athlete” mask and be the underlying animal, performance would
be at a much higher level.
I imagine I have only 6 months to live and not just by
conceptualizing that as a token, wooden idea but by internalizing a
vibrant life designed around it, cultivating it until it embodies my
ground zero to the extreme that everything in my life radiates like
spokes from that hub from the inside-out.

Form and function become two sides of the same coin at the
highest level
Mentally, life is about appreciation, and appreciation, like
happiness, has several levels that most people will never
experience because of lack of awareness. Appreciation is a quality,
it is a quality of life that has an infinite depth dimension.
Appreciation has no limit just like knowledge, subtlety and
experience have no limits.
Quality of life, from your biological self’s perspective, is the acquisition and
maintenance of high levels of functional capacity. In other words, the process of
day-to-day life is to promote biological preservation by doing behaviors that
maintain high levels of functional capacity. Functional capacity is not limited to
strength, endurance, and flexibility; it also includes the optimal function of all
internal organ systems. The sum of your functional capacities equals your
bionetworth. The mission of your biological self is to maintain high levels of
functional capacity

the best thing to save for old age is yourself. Increasing your bionetworth is not
just about exercise, diet, personal trainers, and doctors, it is about a life-long
strategy of building and managing your biological assets, assets that literally wither
away due to your steadfast preoccupation with your abstract life. To manage these
assets, a new understanding of what we are and how we work is mandated:
increasing our bionetworth is the new mantra.

Sooner or later, technology will bring you everything you want, but at a cost of
everything you need

less busy work, more introspection, and dynamic balance between mind and body
are music to the soul and its subtle, resonant energies.

that you are constantly aware of and experience continuous joy from your newly
rejuvenated condition of vibrant, biological fitness; that you have the energy,
courage, and motivation to do whatever you want; it is the difference between
merely climbing a mountain at the age of 30 and climbing a mountain at the age of
85—and having it be the grandest experience of your life

At the very essence of a Delta operator is the ability to think creatively and make adaptive
decisions, but to take action on those decisions, we also have to be superbly physically fit.

Don’t get treed by a Chihuahua

Use your imagination, humor it
When in doubt, develop the situation, Understanding what you’re looking for is helpful but not
required. All that’s needed is the motivation to find your path.
Listen to the guy on the ground (common sense + context)
look at the world around us through the minds and eyes of others, aka the eyes on the ground
of others
Organize for the missio

It’s Not Reality Unless It’s Shared! ow do you ensure that you and your organization
establish and maintain a shared reality? The answer is common sense.
Let common sense guide your thinking, your decision making, and the way you
operationalize both. The single best thinking and decision-making tool a leader has is to
consistently conduct reality checks by asking a profoundly simple question: “What’s your

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