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Policy Analysis

August 15, 2017 | Number 818

Preserving the Iran Nuclear Deal

Perils and Prospects
By Ariane Tabatabai


ontroversy has surrounded the Iran repeatedly vowing to dismantle it. Today, his adminis-
nuclear deal since it was signed two years tration is conducting a review of its Iran policy,
ago. Although the main stipulations of of which the nuclear deal is a critical component.
the agreement have been successfully He has already indicated that he wants to increase
implemented—Iran has so far complied pressure on Iran, and his administration has
with the restrictions on its nuclear program in return upped the ante with the Islamic Republic,
for the lifting of economic sanctions—the agreement including by suggesting that America is looking
continues to generate harsh criticism in both Iran and to support elements pursuing a transition of power
the United States. in that country.
The promise of the deal includes not only rolling But the nuclear deal affords the United States
back Iran’s nuclear capabilities for the foreseeable a number of opportunities, if the administration
future but also paving the way toward a more construc- sustains it. The United States should clearly
tive diplomatic relationship between Washington reaffirm its commitment to the deal; help
and Tehran. Its survival, however, depends on complex reintegrate Iran into the international economy; keep
and turbulent domestic politics in both countries. official channels of communication open with
Since he started his bid for office, President Donald Tehran; and engage, rather than isolate, the
Trump has been a forceful detractor of the agreement, Islamic Republic.

Ariane M. Tabatabai is Director of Curriculum in the Security Studies Program at the Georgetown University Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign
Service and a Senior Associate in the Proliferation Prevention Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).

INTRODUCTION this policy analysis takes stock of the JCPOA’s
The Joint On July 14, 2015, the United States and its implementation process.
Comprehen- partners—China, France, Germany, Russia, and
the United Kingdom, collectively known as the
sive Plan of P5+1—signed the Joint Comprehensive Plan of WHAT THE JCPOA DOES
Action places Action (JCPOA) with Iran. The JCPOA is a AND DOES NOT DO
the Iranian detailed document comprising over 150 pages
Limiting a Nuclear Program:
nuclear of carefully curated diplomatic language. It
Redlines and Provisions
aims to limit sensitive Iranian nuclear fuel cycle
program activities, while placing Iran’s entire nuclear The JCPOA is a complex document. Its lan-
under the program under intrusive monitoring by the guage was carefully crafted to be acceptable to
most intrusive International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), both sides and to allow them to successfully sell
in exchange for sanctions relief. The agreement the agreement at home. It aims to close off the
inspections came at a time of upheaval in the Middle East two pathways for Iran to acquire a nuclear weap-
regime ever and received harsh criticism from U.S. allies in on domestically: using highly enriched uranium
voluntarily the region.1 U.S. critics of the deal also joined or using weapons-grade plutonium. The JCPOA
agreed to by forces with Israel, Saudi Arabia, and some other severely restricts Iran’s potential uranium path

Arab states in the Persian Gulf, to oppose the to the bomb, while virtually closing off its plu-
any party. agreement.2 The emerging Republican candi- tonium one. It also strengthens the monitoring
date, Donald Trump, denounced the deal as and verification regime in place, thus placing the
“the stupidest” one ever made.3 In Iran, too, the Iranian nuclear program under the most intru-
JCPOA faced intense pushback, even though it sive inspections regime ever voluntarily agreed
enjoyed broad support within the populace.4 to by any party.10
Today, two years after the JCPOA’s signing, Given the politicized and visible nature of
the deal remains as divisive in Tehran as it is in certain components of Iran’s nuclear program,
Washington. President Trump had promised to the negotiators had to carefully manage both
“dismantle” the deal once in office and to check those at the negotiating table and their con-
Iran.5 That pledge was made, and later reiterat- stituents. Ultimately, they were able to sell the
ed, despite the fact that, by the Trump admin- agreement by presenting it as respecting the
istration’s own admis­sion, Iran has complied country’s priorities, framed by Supreme Leader
with the deal’s restric­tions so far.6 Although Ayatollah Ali Khamenei as several key redlines.11
Trump has adopted more hawkish rhetoric and Those included ensuring the talks be exclusively
has sent mixed signals, his administration has about the nuclear program; allowing continued
essentially continued many aspects of Presi- research and development; keeping all facilities
dent Barack Obama’s Iran policy, including open and running; and allowing Iran to work
the JCPOA.7 However, some of the tangen- toward meeting its practical needs, such as the
tial benefits of the deal—particularly the vari- ability to fuel its nuclear reactors in the future.
ous channels of communication it had opened For its part, Obama’s team had to navigate
between high-level officials in Washington and Congress, foreign negotiating partners, and
Tehran—no longer exist.8 In Iran, conserva- the Iranians. To that end, Obama administra-
tives continue to criticize the deal, but most tion officials framed much of the discussion
have accepted it as the law of the land. In the around several key ideas. First, the deal was
United States, even critics of the JCPOA have not, as U.S. officials and negotiators often put
asked the new administration to avoid tearing it, built on trust but on verification.12 Second,
it up.9 Two years after the deal was first signed, the United States would lift only nuclear-
with the Trump administration’s Iran policy related sanctions. Third, the Obama admin-
under review and President Hassan Rouhani istration’s aim was to extend Iran’s so-called
starting his second—and final—term in office, breakout time—or the time it takes to produce

enough fissile material to build a nuclear weap- These steps effectively extended Iran’s so-
on. Ultimately, both the Obama administra- called breakout time. To make it more difficult The
tion and the Iranian leadership were able to for Tehran to pursue weaponization, the IAEA International
sell the deal as having met their own respec- now has unprecedented access to inspect and
tive requirements. monitor virtually every single stage of the fuel
Under the JCPOA, the United States and cycle, from milling and mining to centrifuge Energy
its partners agreed to forgo the notion of workshops and all declared facilities. Agency
“zero enrichment” and to allow Tehran to In exchange for the steps Iran takes toward
now has
preserve its uranium enrichment program, increasing transparency and scaling back key
while imposing several limits to cap its capa- components of its fuel cycle activities, the P5+1 unprecedented
bilities for a number of years. Iran scaled back agreed to lift nuclear-related sanctions. The access to
its enrichment program by moving all such deal also provided for Iran’s being able to pro- inspect and
activities exclusively to the Natanz complex, cure dual-use items—or goods that have both
a partially underground fuel enrichment facil- military and civilian applications—through
ity in central Iran, while repurposing its For- a specific channel designated for increased virtually every
dow facility, just north of Natanz in the city transparency, as well as civilian aircraft, allow- single stage of
of Qom, to only conduct research and devel- ing the country to update its aging fleet.
the fuel cycle,
opment. At Natanz, Iran limited its uranium
enrichment to 5,060 first-generation centri- What Are the Deal’s Shortcomings? from milling
fuges, reducing by about half its operating Despite these important steps, the JCPOA and mining
centrifuges at the time. It also agreed to only suffers from a number of shortcomings, stem- to centrifuge
use those centrifuges to enrich uranium up ming from domestic politics in the countries
to 3.67 percent for 10 years, well below the involved and their respective bottom lines, as
90 percent enrichment needed for a nuclear previously outlined. and all
weapon. And for 15 years, Iran agreed not to First, Iran’s ballistic missile program was declared

declared off the table from the outset.14 As a
surpass a stockpile of 300 kilograms of 3.67
percent enriched uranium hexafluoride, mak- result, one of the three key stages of building
ing it very difficult to surreptitiously enrich a bomb—the development of delivery vehi-
excess uranium. The country also agreed to cles—is not covered by the JCPOA. Critics
limit research and development pertaining have argued that other parts of Iran’s nefari-
to enrichment. ous activities, including human rights viola-
Although the JCPOA only scales back Teh- tions and support for terrorism, should also
ran’s enrichment program, it effectively closes have been addressed by the JCPOA. But the
off its plutonium path to the bomb. Under the JCPOA’s limited scope was essential to reach-
agreement, Iran reiterated its long-standing ing agreement.
position that it would not seek plutonium- Second, the sunset clause of the agreement
reprocessing capabilities, which would be is another shortcoming. Key provisions within
vital to its ability to use plutonium in a nuclear the JCPOA are set to expire after a number of
weapon. It also agreed not to build any more years—different lengths of time are associated
heavy-water reactors, instead exclusively with different items, as in the case of limita-
acquiring light-water reactors—which are not tions on enrichment. As a result, once all of
optimal for the production of plutonium for the JCPOA’s provisions expire in 25 years,
use in a nuclear weapon. The country is also Iran’s nuclear program will be considered as
redesigning the problematic Arak heavy-water that of a normal non-nuclear-weapon state
reactor, which was a source of concern to the under the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty
international community because of its abil- (NPT)—provided that the IAEA can success-
ity, once completed, to produce a considerable fully verify full compliance by Tehran. However,
amount of weapons-grade plutonium.13 although many of the provisions of the deal

will expire gradually, some important checks HOW DO IRANIAN DOMESTIC
Ulti­mately, will remain permanently in place under the POLITICS PLAY INTO THE JCPOA?
both Iran and NPT and IAEA Comprehensive Safeguards
Agreement (and Additional Protocol, which The Iranian Political Landscape
the United Tehran pledged to take steps to ratify through Contrary to Beltway conventional wisdom,
States were its legislative process). In other words, Iran’s the Iranian political landscape is fairly dynam-
able to argue nuclear activities will still be under close scru- ic and complex. Far from being a unitary and
that they tiny by the IAEA, which will retain access to monolithic actor, the Islamic Republic is deep-
key sites, and Tehran will still be obliged to ly divided. One faction, supported by much of
gained more restrict its nuclear program to a civilian one the populace, wants to open up the country and
from the under the NPT. integrate it into the international community.
agreement Third, during the talks, it was already clear The other strives to preserve the core values of
that sanctions relief would be a key sticking the revolution.16
than they

point in attaining and implementing the deal.15 The first group, typically known as the
conceded. After it was signed, the JCPOA revealed the reformist bloc, is led by former president
limitations of sanctions relief. Because the Mohammad Khatami, Hassan Khomeini (the
JCPOA singles out nuclear sanctions, it does grandson of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini),
not allow the Iranian economy to fully nor- and the leaders of the Green Movement—a
malize and reintegrate into the international grassroots movement that emerged during the
financial system. The remaining sanctions— contested 2009 presidential elections. The bloc
imposed by the United States, primarily, for strives for more liberal policies at home and
Iran’s human rights abuses and regional activi- greater openness to the outside world. It has
ties, including support for terrorism—com- the support of many key constituencies in Iran,
bined with pending and proposed sanctions particularly youth, women, and minorities.
have stymied Iran’s economic recovery and It is important not to mistake the reform-
discouraged businesses from investing in Iran. ists for liberals, however. Even though they
That situation has further undermined sup- tend to attract the more liberal and progressive
port for the deal in Iran. factions of the Iranian electorate, the reform-
Fourth, arguably the most significant ists still subscribe to the basic principles of the
shortcoming of the JCPOA stems from the Islamic Revolution. Many reformists have been
fact that it merely caps Iranian fuel cycle criticized for changing their positions on criti-
activities rather than stopping them alto- cal issues, such as civil rights, only after having
gether. Indeed, it was clear to U.S. negotiators partaken in a system that cracked down on
and their P5+1 partners that the zero-enrich- them in the formative years of the revolution.
ment policy pursued by the United States in Next are the moderates or pragmatists, the
the past was neither viable nor conducive to bloc led by President Rouhani. They also favor
a negotiated settlement. Instead, the negotia- international engagement and far-reaching
tors sought to place limits to extend Tehran’s domestic reforms, as evidenced by the plat-
breakout time and to tighten the verification form that candidate Rouhani ran on during
and monitoring regime. the 2013 and 2017 presidential campaigns. The
Some of these shortcomings have under- moderates have integrated many reformists,
cut support for the deal in Iran and the United creating a de facto bloc against the conserva-
States. But they also made the agreement pos- tives in recent years. In fact, virtually all key
sible and its implementation sustainable. Ulti- reformist figures supported Rouhani’s candi-
mately, both sides were able to argue that they dacy in 2013 and 2017. And Rouhani himself
gained more from the agreement than they has shifted further left since his first presiden-
conceded and to present it as a “good deal” to tial bid.17 But although the moderates share
their respective constituents. the vision of the reformists for a more open

Iran, they distinguish themselves thanks to the nuclear talks and played a critical role in shield-
political capital they possess in the post-2009 ing the Rouhani government and negotiating The Rou­hani
era—because while key reformists were sub- team from hard-line pushback. Likewise, key government
sequently put under house arrest or sidelined, Revolutionary Guards commanders also sup-
the moderates maintained their presence in ported the talks, despite being associated with
the political landscape. Indeed, although many the more conservative or hard-line camp.21 oversold
reformists have become toxic as a result of the its ability
The JCPOA and the Future
Green Movement and are unable to run for
of the Islamic Republic
to generate
office, the moderates are able to do so. The
moderates enjoy wide public support, as dem- Iranians’ perceptions of the JCPOA have economic
onstrated by the 2017 presidential elections, evolved over the past two years. Initially, the recovery
which led to a landslide victory for Rouhani, populace enthusiastically welcomed the deal, after the deal
and by the 2016 parliamentary elections, in which it saw as the key to its country’s econom-
which they gained considerable ground, with ic and political reintegration into the global
and failed
42 percent of the seats going to the moder- community. Within the regime, the nuclear to manage
ates and roughly 30 percent to independents, talks enjoyed broad support, especially among expectations

including reformists.18 its key figures. And once signed, the JCPOA
Lastly, the conservatives or “principalists” received some criticism but was hailed as both
are the bloc striving to preserve the core val- necessary and satisfactory by the majority of
ues of the revolution. They strongly favor a the establishment.
more independent and self-reliant Iran, are Khamenei and Revolutionary Guards com-
deeply suspicious of negotiating with the Unit- manders cautiously praised the negotiators but
ed States, and seek more restrictions on civil also warned that America could not be trusted.
rights. Today, they are divided into two groups. Throughout the process, Khamenei was care-
The moderate conservatives adopt a tougher ful not to implicate himself too directly, even
line than the pragmatists on most issues but though he was made aware of every detail of it. As
still favor some flexibility where needed. They a senior Iranian negotiator noted, the supreme
supported the nuclear talks. In contrast, the leader is not one to micromanage foreign policy
hard-liners are the most ideologically driven issues, but in the case of the nuclear talks, he was
part of the Iranian political landscape and are very much involved every step of the way.22
strongly opposed to the nuclear talks. They are In the weeks and months after the deal was
typically represented by figures such as former signed, Khamenei gradually distanced himself
president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and chief from the agreement. That move opened the
nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili, who saw the door to substantial criticism by hard-liners,
negotiations as one-sided and was notorious for who accused the Rouhani government of
his delaying tactics.19 having negotiated with the United States for
After a period of deep division, the princi- nothing.23 Rouhani had made too many con-
palists are now seeking to unify to oppose the cessions and achieved too little, hard-liners
moderate and reformist agenda more effec- argued. And as most Iranians did not feel the
tively. To that end, they have proposed the trickle-down effect of sanctions relief, the
creation of a “shadow government” that would broader population also began to shift from its
try to frustrate Rouhani’s vision.20 initial enthusiasm to a “wait and see” approach,
However, it is important to note that sup- before becoming more pessimistic that the
port and opposition to the nuclear talks, and deal would not lead to economic recovery.
ultimately the JCPOA, also crossed party Two years later, the JCPOA has lost some
lines. Some hard-liners favored them and some support, for several reasons. First, the Rou-
reformists rejected, or at least criticized, them. hani government initially oversold its ability
Khamenei, typically a hard-liner, favored the to generate economic recovery after the deal

and failed to manage expectations properly.24 announced plans to tackle regulatory reform,
Some of The slow pace of sanctions relief reinforced corruption, mismanagement, the lack of trans-
the rhetoric the idea that the United States is unlikely to parency, and the extensive political and eco-
change its policies toward Tehran, regardless nomic influence of the Revolutionary Guards.29
and reports of what Iranians do. The Department of the Rouhani has also argued for the “JCPOA 2,”
coming out of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Asset Control, which would allow the country to seek addi-
Washing­ton for example, has been slow to issue licenses to tional sanctions relief to further boost the econ-
omy.30 But these are not quick fixes.
only companies like Boeing and Airbus, delaying
planned deals to update Iran’s aging and unsafe Despite the drop in enthusiasm, Irani-
exacerbate commercial airline fleet.25 ans accept the JCPOA as the law of the land.
the feeling in Second, to make matters worse, some of Iranians of all stripes, including hard-liners,
Iran that the the rhetoric and reports coming out of Wash- recognize that even though the agreement is
ington only exacerbate the feeling in Iran that flawed, it is here to stay and should be imple-
United States the United States is not pursuing the deal in mented properly. Where conservatives differ
is not good faith, instead looking for “excuses” to from moderates and reformists today is on the
pursuing the further isolate Iran. For example, President future approach to the JCPOA.
deal in good Trump’s visit to Riyadh in May 2017 and his Notwithstanding the fraught politics around

statement there, largely focused on Iran, sent it, the JCPOA has opened some venues for
faith. a clear message of animosity to Iranians, who engagement and cooperation, welcomed by
were voting in the 2017 presidential elections Iranians. Since 2015, the European Union, led by
at the time. The president stated, “Until the High Representative Federica Mogherini, has
Iranian regime is willing to be a partner for held a series of talks with Tehran on a number
peace, all nations of conscience must work of vital issues of contention between the Islamic
together to isolate Iran, deny it funding for Republic and the international community,
terrorism, and pray for the day when the Ira- including its ballistic missile program, regional
nian people have the just and righteous gov- activities, support for terrorist groups through-
ernment they deserve.”26 Likewise, according out the Middle East, and human rights abuses.31
to a report in the Wall Street Journal, “White These talks have been approved, and even wel-
House officials said they expect the U.S. won’t comed, by all quarters of the regime, including
withdraw from the nuclear deal, but enforce it hard-liners. For example, the hard-line head of
to the letter and possibly reinstate sanctions the Iranian judiciary, Sadeq Larijani, has been
that were lifted as part of the accord under dif- kept informed on the human rights discussions
ferent reasons, such as human-rights abuses and has accepted them.32 This type of engage-
or Iran’s ballistic-missile tests.”27 As a result, ment, especially with buy-in on this level, is
even though many in Iran do not see eye to eye critical in helping change Iranian behavior in
with their government, and mock and criticize various areas.
its anti-American stance and rhetoric, they
increasingly see sanctions as indiscriminate,
targeting the entire population regardless of POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS
Iranian policy. And the “sticks and carrots” The United States should take a number of
approach is merely seen as “sticks and more steps to sustain and build on the JCPOA:
sticks” by Iranians. They blame the United CONTINUE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE JCPOA.
States, not their own government, for antago- Continuing to implement the JCPOA is
nistic U.S. policies and rhetoric.28 vital for the future of U.S. leadership and
The Rouhani government has taken steps to its ability to effectively pursue arms control
remedy lingering economic grievances by high- and nonproliferation agreements. Failure to
lighting the importance of cleaning up Iran’s implement the JCPOA would send a signal
financial and business sectors. As a result, it has to U.S. partners and adversaries alike that

America cannot be relied on as a negotiating RE-CREATE OFFICIAL CHANNELS OF COMMUNI-
partner. Abandoning the deal would render CATION TO AVOID MISPERCEPTION, WHICH CAN By engaging
sanctions ineffective as a tool of foreign IN TURN LEAD TO MISCALCULATION. Washington Iran, the
policy, as sanctions cannot be viewed as an can use those channels, as former secretary of
end but as a means for the United States to state John Kerry did, to deescalate and put an
achieve a given policy objective. Maintaining end to unwarranted crises that can torpedo the States can
the JCPOA also allows the United States to JCPOA and even drag the United States into undermine
enforce the agreement more strongly. Indeed, conflict with Iran. Formalizing official channels
the hard-
if Washington is seen as upholding its end of communication is easier now, because
of the bargain and remaining consistent, it some officials on both sides who worked on liners,
will have more leverage and support from its the negotiations are still in government. It empower the
P5+1 partners, particularly the Europeans, to will be increasingly difficult to re-create those moderates,
respond to any violations by Tehran. channels of communication the longer the two
CLEARLY REAFFIRM THE U.S. COMMITMENT TO sides are allowed to drift apart. The two sides
and secure

THE JCPOA AND AVOID MUDDYING THE WATERS. have to maintain a working relationship as part
Reaffirming our commitment to the JCPOA of the JCPOA, and sustaining those channels interests.
would help reassure America’s negotiating will enable more effective implementation.
partners. It would also help empower Rouhani Lastly, for the channels to be sustainable, it is
and his team and undermine the hard- critical that they involve career diplomats, at
liners’ message that the United States is not lower levels.
trustworthy. Clearly stating Washington’s SUPPORT THE WORK OF THE EUROPEAN
intention to uphold the deal would also help UNION AND HIGH REPRESENTATIVE MOGHERINI.
alleviate the concerns of businesses and would The European Union seeks to build on the
incentivize Iranian policymakers to reform achievements of the JCPOA and to engage
their financial infrastructure, clean up their Tehran on its more nefarious activities,
regulatory landscape, and institute policies including support for terrorist groups,
to deliver economic recovery. Iran could its missile program, and its human rights
then be more compliant with international violations. Mogherini and her team have direct
regulations, which would benefit the United access to Iranian leaders and have a level of
States and its allies. trust in Iran that the United States lacks. This
HELP IRAN REINTEGRATE INTO THE INTER- advantage affords them the ability to discuss
NATIONAL ECONOMY. A more integrated Iran will a range of issues and to do so effectively.
have more incentive to minimize its nefarious Washington should continue to work closely
activities. It would also help empower the with Mogherini to find ways to engage Tehran
more moderate factions within Iran, which more productively.
have had to choose between the country’s IDENTIFY AREAS WHERE U.S. AND IRANIAN
economy and other struggles, such as human INTERESTS CONVERGE. The United States
rights, over the past decade. Moreover, a should not try to contain Iran at any price and
more integrated Iran would make economic oppose Iranian policies at every turn. Instead,
coercion, should it become necessary in the Washington should look for ways in which
future, more effective. Tehran’s regional influence can be leveraged to
ENGAGE IRAN, RATHER THAN ISOLATE IT. By advance U.S. interests. For example, Iran has
engaging Iran, the United States can undermine a strong interest in a stable Afghanistan and
the hard-liners, empower the moderates, and may be willing to work with the United States,
secure U.S. interests. The United States should as it did in unseating the Taliban following
also encourage its Gulf Arab allies to engage the 9/11 attacks, to achieve a lasting political
in dialogue with Tehran to settle regional settlement there. In addition, Iran is fighting al
conflicts and decrease tensions. Qaeda and the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria,

which may suggest another area of cooperation NOTES
A commit- for the United States. It is critical to assess and 1. Author interviews with Gulf Arab officials in
ment to respond to Iranian activities on a case-by-case Abu Dhabi, Doha, Dubai, Kuwait City, and Mus-
basis rather than to view them all through a cat, 2014–17; Ben Hubbard, “Arab World Split
diplomatic single adversarial lens. over Iran Nuclear Deal,” New York Times, July 14,
engagement 2015,
with Iran middleeast/iran-nuclear-deal-provokes-sharp-
would CONCLUSION reactions-across-the-arab-world.html?_r=0; “The
Two years after it was signed, the JCPOA Complete Transcript of Netanyahu’s Address to
strengthen remains one of the most controversial agree- Congress,” Washington Post, March 3, 2015, https://
U.S. ments in recent history. In Iran, despite losing
credibility some support from the population and politi- wp/2015/03/03/full-text-netanyahus-address-to-
cal and security establishments, the deal is still congress/?utm_term=.2f7788961e0b.
and leverage viewed as the law of the land. In the United
in the interna­ States, its future remains uncertain. On the 2. Cristina Marcos, “House Rejects Obama’s Iran
tional com- one hand, the president and various members Deal,” The Hill, September 11, 2015, http://the

munity. of his administration have made conflicting
statements about the future of U.S. Iran policy rejects-iran-deal; Peter Baker, “G.O.P. Senators’
and commitment to the JCPOA. On the other Letter to Iran about Nuclear Deal Angers White
hand, even critics of the deal are pushing to House,” New York Times, March 9, 2015, https://
preserve it. But simply keeping the JCPOA
in place, without strengthening it and build- house-faults-gop-senators-letter-to-irans-leaders.
ing on it, is unlikely to achieve U.S. objectives. html; David Nakamura, Sean Sullivan, and Da-
Instead, stasis can be counterproductive. vid A. Fahrenthold, “Republicans Invite Netan-
Rouhani enjoys renewed political capi- yahu to Address Congress as Part of Spurning of
tal as a result of his landslide victory, and he Obama,” Washington Post, January 21, 2015, https://
has expressed interest in engaging the West
and Iran’s neighbors to settle other conten- the-union-obama-takes-credit-as-republicans-
tious areas. The United States has an oppor- push-back/2015/01/21/dec51b64-a168-11e4-b146-
tunity to capitalize on this renewed political 577832eafcb4_story.html?utm_term=.8925dc4291a7.
momentum, and even though Rouhani’s ambi-
tious agenda will inevitably be stymied by his 3. “Full Transcript: Third 2016 Presidential De-
opponents, Washington stands to gain from bate,” Politico, October 20, 2016, http://www.
any overture and progress made with Tehran.
Continued diplomacy would allow the United 2016-presidential-debate-230063.
States to send a clear signal to the Iranian pop-
ulation and ruling elite that America is not “out 4. Ariane Tabatabai, “Don’t Fear the Hardliners,”
to get them” and that their compliance with Foreign Policy, April 4, 2015, http://foreignpolicy.
international norms and laws will be rewarded. com/2015/04/04/dont-fear-the-hardliners-iran-
Under this approach, Washington can have a nuke-deal-zarif-khamenei/.
larger impact than if it consistently keeps the
pressure high. A commitment to diplomatic 5. Carol Morello, “Iran Nuclear Deal Could Col-
engagement would also strengthen U.S. credi- lapse under Trump,” Washington Post, Novem-
bility and leverage in the international commu- ber 9, 2016,
nity, which are vital if the United States wants world/national-security/iran-nuclear-deal-could-
to have the option of imposing multilateral collapse-under-trump/2016/11/09/f2d2bd02-
sanctions on Iran if it does not uphold its end a68c-11e6-ba59-a7d93165c6d4_story.html?utm_
of the bargain. term=.f63c968c895f.

6. Evelyn Rupert, “Trump Admin: Iran in Com- Iranian Centrifuges?” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists,
pliance, but Nuclear Deal under Review,” The October 27, 2014,
Hill, April 18, 2017, sweet-spot-how-many-iranian-centrifuges7763.
compliance-but-nuclear-deal-under-review. 12. Michael R. Gordon and David E. Sanger, “Deal
Reached on Iran Nuclear Program; Limits on
7. Ariane Tabatabai, “Trump and the Iranian Elec- Fuel Would Lessen with Time,” New York Times,
tions,” Foreign Affairs, February 7, 2017, https:// July 2015, world/middleeast/iran-nuclear-deal-is-reached-
trump-and-iranian-elections; Gardiner Harris, “Til- after-long-negotiations.html.
lerson Toughens Tone on Iran after U.S. Confirms
Nuclear Deal Compliance,” New York Times, April 13. For more on the Arak heavy-water reactor, see
19, 2017, Ariane Tabatabai, “Can Nuclear Talks Overcome
world/middleeast/trump-administration-grudg Arak?” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, September
ingly-confirms-irans-compliance-with-nuclear- 23, 2014,
deal.html; Josh Lederman, “Trump Says Iran Vio- overcome-arak7643.
lating ‘Spirit’ of Nuclear Deal,” Boston Globe, April
20, 2017, 14. For more on the politics surrounding the Irani-
tion/2017/04/20/trump-says-iran-violating-spirit- an missile program during the nuclear talks, see
nuclear-deal/iV1GWDW6wera798CUqy5pI/story. Ariane Tabatabai, “The Missile Impasse,” Bul-
html; Kevin Liptak, Jeremy Diamond, and Brad letin of the Atomic Scientists, July 11, 2015, http://
Lendon, “White House National Security Adviser:
Iran Is ‘on Notice,’”, February 2, 2017, 15. Author interviews with EU, U.S., and Iranian
flynn-condemns-iran-actions/. officials, New York, Washington, Tehran, Paris,
London, Berlin, Brussels, Vienna, Geneva, Laus-
8. Ariane Tabatabai, “How to Ensure the Iran anne, 2014–17.
Nuclear Deal Survives the Next President,” New
York Times, October 20, 2016, https://www.nytimes. 16. For a comprehensive analysis of the Iranian
com/2016/10/20/opinion/how-to-ensure-the-iran- domestic political landscape, see “Iran after the
nuclear-deal-survives-the-next-president.html. Nuclear Deal,” Middle East Report no. 166, Inter-
national Crisis Group, December 15, 2015, https://
9. Nahal Toosi, “Iran Deal Critics to Trump:
Please Don’t Rip It Up,” Politico, November 16, the-nuclear-deal.pdf.
ald-trump-iran-nuclear-deal-231419. 17. Mohammad Ali Kadivar, “Iranian President
Rouhani Won Reelection. Here’s How Reform-
10. See the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, ists Got Him There,” Washington Post Monkey
July 14, 2015, Cage (blog), May 23, 2017, https://www.washing-
11. For more on Khamenei’s redlines, see Ariane es-how-reformists-got-him-there/?utm_term=.
Tabatabai, “Where Does Iran’s Supreme Leader b52939392cf5.
Really Stand on Nuclear Negotiations?” Bulletin of
the Atomic Scientists, February 13, 2015, http://thebul- 18. Thomas Erdbrink, “Rouhani Wins Re-Elec- tion in Iran by a Wide Margin,” New York Times,
leader-really-stand-nuclear-negotiations7987; Ari- May 20, 2017; Thomas Erdbrink, “Iranian Presi-
ane Tabatabai, “Hitting the Sweet Spot: How Many dent and Moderates Make Strong Gains in Elec-

tions,” New York Times, February 29, 2016, https:// Door to a Populist Push,” Christian Science Monitor, May 17, 2017,
iran-elections.html; “Iran Elections: Hardliners Middle-East/2017/0517/In-Iran-election-lacklus
Lose Parliament to Rouhani Allies,” BBC News, ter-economy-opens-door-to-a-populist-push.
April 30, 2016,
middle-east-36178276. 25. Rick Gladstone, “Trump Faces Test as Boeing
Announces Deal to Sell Jetliners to Iran,” New
19. Author interviews with EU and U.S. offi- York Times, April 4, 2017, https://www.nytimes.
cials, Washington, New York, Brussels, Vienna, com/2017/04/04/world/middleeast/iran-boeing-
2014–16. 737-trump.html.

20. For more on the proposed shadow govern- 26. “Transcript of Trump’s Speech in Saudi Ara-
ment, see Ariane Tabatabai, “Iran after the Elec- bia,”, May 21, 2017, http://www.cnn.
tion,” Foreign Affairs, May 26, 2017, https://www. com/2017/05/21/politics/trump-saudi-speech- transcript/.
27. Jay Solomon and Carol E. Lee, “White House
21. For more on the Guards’ stance on the talks, Intervened to Toughen Letter on Iran Nuclear
see Ariane Tabatabai, “Where Does the Islamic Deal,” Wall Street Journal, April 25, 2017, https://
Revolutionary Guard Corps Stand on Nuclear
Negotiations?” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, toughen-letter-on-iran-nuclear-deal-1493151632.
March 11, 2015,
does-islamic-revolutionary-guard-corps-stand- 28. Author interviews in Iran, 2009–17.
29. For more on the first quarterly report on the
22. Author interview with senior Iranian official, JCPOA implementation presented by the Min-
Vienna, June 2015. istry of Foreign Affairs to the Majles, see Ariane
Tabatabai, “Iran Issues First Progress Report
23. For more on Khamenei’s evolved stance on on Nuclear Deal,” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists,
the deal, see Ariane Tabatabai, “As the Iranian April 19, 2016,
Nuclear Deal Loses a Crucial Backer, Is It in first-progress-report-nuclear-deal9350.
Danger of Disintegration?” Bulletin of the Atomic
Scientists, August 3, 2016, 30. Najmeh Bozorgmehr, “Iran: Inside the Battle
iranian-nuclear-deal-loses-crucial-backer-it-dan- to Succeed Supreme Leader Khamenei,” Finan-
ger-disintegration9700. cial Times, October 24, 2016,
24. Zachary Laub, “The Impact of the Iran Nu-
clear Agreement,” Council on Foreign Relations, 31. Author interviews with EU and Iranian offi-
April 11, 2017, cials, Washington, New York, Brussels, 2016–17.
impact-iran-nuclear-agreement; Scott Peterson,
“In Iran Election, Lackluster Economy Opens 32. Ibid.

Step Back: Lessons for U.S. Foreign Policy from the Failed War on Terror by A.
Trevor Thrall and Erik Goepner, Cato Institute Policy Analysis no. 814 (June 26, 2017)

Obama’s Foreign Policy Legacy and the Myth of Retrenchment by John Glaser and
A. Trevor Thrall, Cato Institute Working Paper no. 43 (April 24, 2017)

Millennials and U.S. Foreign Policy: The Next Generation’s Attitudes toward
Foreign Policy and War (and Why They Matter) by A. Trevor Thrall and Erik
Goepner, Cato Institute White Paper (June 16, 2015)

Friends Like These: Why Petrostates Make Bad Allies by Emma Ashford, Cato
Institute Policy Analysis no. 770 (March 31, 2015)



817. Reforming the National Flood Insurance Program: Toward Private Flood
Insurance by Ike Brannon and Ari Blask (July 19, 2017)

816. Withdrawing from Overseas Bases:Why a Forward-Deployed Military

Posture Is Unnecessary, Outdated, and Dangerous by John Glaser (July 18,

815. Cybersecurity or Protectionism? Defusing the Most Volatile Issue in the

U.S.–China Relationship by Daniel Ikenson (July 13, 2017)

814. Step Back: Lessons for U.S. Foreign Policy from the Failed War on Terror by
A. Trevor Thrall and Erik Goepner (June 26, 2017)

813. Commercial Speech and the Values of Free Expression by Martin H. Redish
(June 19, 2017)

812. Would More Government Infrastructure Spending Boost the U.S.

Economy? by Ryan Bourne (June 6, 2017)

811. Four Decades and Counting: The Continued Failure of the War on Drugs by
Christopher J. Coyne and Abigail R. Hall (April 12, 2017)

810. Not Just Treading Water: In Higher Education, Tuition Often Does More
than Replace Lost Appropriations by Neal McCluskey (February 15, 2017)

809. Stingray: A New Frontier in Police Surveillance by Adam Bates (January 25, 2017)
808. Curse or Blessing? How Institutions Determine Success in Resource-Rich
Economies by Peter Kaznacheev (January 11, 2017)

807. Surveillance Takes Wing: Privacy in the Age of Police Drones by Matthew
Feeney (December 13, 2016)

806. Will China Solve the North Korea Problem? The United States Should
Develop a Diplomatic Strategy to Persuade Beijing to Help by Doug Bandow
(December 6, 2016)

805. Apprenticeships: Useful Alternative, Tough to Implement by Gail Heriot

(November 17, 2016)

804. The Repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act: Myth and Reality by Oonagh
McDonald (November 16, 2016)

803. Twenty-Five Years of Indian Economic Reform by Swaminathan S. Anklesaria

Aiyar (October 26, 2016)

802. The New Feudalism: Why States Must Repeal Growth-Management Laws
by Randal O’Toole (October 18, 2016)

801. The Case Against a U.S. Carbon Tax by Robert P. Murphy, Patrick J. Michaels,
and Paul C. Knappenberger (October 17, 2016)

800. A Costly Commitment: Options for the Future of the U.S.-Taiwan Defense
Relationship by Eric Gomez (September 28, 2016)

799. Dose of Reality: The Effect of State Marijuana Legalizations by Angela Dills,
Sietse Goffard, and Jeffrey Miron (September 16, 2016)

798. Terrorism and Immigration: A Risk Analysis by Alex Nowrasteh (September

13, 2016)

797. Five Myths about Economic Inequality in America by Michael Tanner

(September 7, 2016)

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