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Hinolaso Dolores Eastern Samar

Hinolaso National High School

(Organic compound)

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Organic Compound
Organic compound, any of a large class of chemical compounds in which one or more atoms of
carbon are covalently linked to atoms of other elements, most commonly hydrogen, oxygen, or
nitrogen. The few carbon-containing compounds not classified as organic include carbides,
carbonates, and cyanides.

Organic compounds are important because all living organisms (redundant) contain
carbon. The three basic macromolecules of life are Carbohydrates (CH2O), Fats (lipids)
(CHO) and Proteins (CHON).
While these three macromolecules are the basic structures of life, they are the basic
components of many of the cycles that drive the earth, primarily the carbon cycle
including the exchange of carbon between plants and animals in photosynthesis and
cellular respiration. The decomposition of carbon life forms returning to the soil and
being regenerated in new plants, eaten by animals and decomposed by detivores. The
carbon energy cycle of carbohydrates in organisms but also in fossils fuels becoming
petroleum and natural gas.
All of the food we eat are reconstituted material and extracts of plants, animals, bacteria
and protists.
Carbon is so important because of the unique bonding properties that allow carbon
molecules to form long chains called polymers or
compact well organized rings. These two bonding patterns make carbon one of the
most versatile elements for molecular construction.
Diamonds, are composed of a carbon compressed under great pressure. Plastics are
composed of carbon polymers, even the stealth technology of the B2 Bomber is made
of Carbon fibers.
This answer only scratches the surface of the value and importance of Carbon.


1 Aliphatic CH CH3-(CH2)n-CH3. Ethylene makes

compounds polythene covers.

Acetylene is used as

a gas for welding.

2 Alicyclic CH CH2-(CH2)n-CH2. Methane is used to

compounds produce electricity,

CycloHexane is used

as solvent.

3 Ethers R-O-R CH3-(CH2)n-O-(CH2)-CH3. Di-ethyl ether is used

as anesthetic.

4 Esters R-COO-R CH3-(CH2)-COO-(CH2)- All the cooking oils

CH3. and lipids come under

this category.
5 Aldehyde R-CHO CH3-(CH2)n-CHO. Formaldehyde is used

as disinfectant, to

preserve biologic

samples etc.

6 Ketones R-C=O-R CH3-(CH2)n-C=O-CH3. Acetone is used To

remove nail polish. It

is also used as a

solvent in


7 Alcohols R-CH2-OH CH3-(CH2)n-COH. For alcoholic drinks,

As solvents, fuel etc.

8 Amides R-CONH2 CH3-(CH2)n-CONH2. They are part of

proteins and also

used in many

9 Amines R-CNH2 CH3-(CH2)n-CHNH2 As bases in acid base

titrations, as dyes, as

drugs like



10 Sterols (Multi- An example like

cyclic structures Cholesterol is meant

with functional for cell membrane,

groups Vitamin-D synthesis.

Hinolaso National High School
Hinolaso Dolores Eastern Samar

(organic compound)

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Organic compound

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