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Senior Capstone Practicum Proposal Form 2017-18

Student Name: Isabelle Gordon & Heather Chandler Period: 2

^ Topic: (fewwords): SeIf Acceptance in PolyTeenagers

Statement of the problem: Young adolescents at Poly high school are dealing with self acceptance in an
unhealthy way, creating bad coping mechanisms and mental health issues.

Tltro-part Thesis Question: Why has self acceptance and positive, uplifting become a issue? What
actions can be taken, peerwise, to give teenagers outlets and coping mechanisms for dealing with self
acceptance and overall happiness?

Description of practicum (What do you see this journey bring for you?)

Throughout this journey we will be researching the core meaning of body love and self acceptance.
This also means finding out what adolescents think of their bodies. With this information we can help
not only ourselves groq but our peers as well.

Questions used for Research (Annotated Bibliography):

1. Do adolescents believe bodypositivity is a huge issue in society?
2. How is male body image stereotype, and how do we promote positive and inclusive image for male
3. Why is it more common for adolescents to create unhealthy coping mechanisms instead of talking to
someone about their issues?
4. How do we help promote healthy and positive beneflcial coping mechanisms for adolescents dealing
with body issues?
5. How does being in a body positive and healthy atmosphere affect not only the way one looks at
themselves, but others as well?

t. What is the cause of body positivity problems among adolescents?
Z. How can body shaming be prevented among adolescent girls?
3. What are ways that young adolescents girls cope with these problems?
4. How does the lack of body positivity affect mental health?
5. How can young adolescent girls change their self image?
What information did you learn through your research that you will apply to
the practicum? provide
speciflc details.
The information that I learned through my research was very similar throughout different
sites. The main
source of problems among teens is social media and being compared to others.
So I will apply this to my
practicum is by reviewing different types of social media comments and how
it affects different types of people.

Learning Goals/Outcomes: What will you understand and/or be able to do as a result of your

I will better understand how the poly community feels about themselves as well
as others, and to apply
what I've learned, I will be able to give out the appropriate resources to struggling teens who are
need of help.

List the steps you will take to complete the practicum and how will you document each and
every step
for completing your product (emails, photos, videos, interviews- recorded or transcribed, surveys,
phone call logs, etc...). You may add steps/spaces as needed. A few steps will not
do. Think of every
possible step.

Step Evidence
Take a_survey of how students feel about themselves physicaly and Stats of the survey
Convert that into a cart and create interview questions Stats and a Chart
Interview equal male and female students at poly Video
Research and go to ucR for guidance and an opinion on healthy coping Video interview
mechanisms for body issues and mental issues that follow

Ask if he/she would like to speak at a small assemhly about body issues Assembly
in young teenagers
organize a small assembly for body and self love, have it be a sign-up Filmed evidence of the
assembly for people who want to go making of the assembly
Skew assembly toward.s freshman girls and boys

complete student interview video and show it at the assembly Video

Provide flyers and pamphlets with hotlines and other resources for Paper evidence
struggling teens

Film everything and calculate the effect this had on the poly community Video
And complete overall video for capstone presentation
'Learning Stretch: How will this project be a new and meaningful chalenge for you?
As a person struggling with body positivity, hopefully this project will give me some insight and
healthy coping mechanisms for myself and other students my age.

How will you display your final practicum in your digital portfolio? (Pictures, videos, screencasts,
etc...) Remember that ALL of your evidence must be on your portfolio. An interview must be filmed
or have a transcript. Every picture must have a verbal explanation (screencastify?) Anyone should be
able to access your website and be able to understand every step you took. Be thorough here!

One big video will be presented at the end of class displaying the journey for this prolect. This will include
interviews, pictures, and statistics of what went on during our capstone. A student interview with a UCR
professor of psychology, fllmed and edited, will also be shown if the UCR prof. can not make it.

Student Signature Date 17 { lS {t1-.-

Parent Signature ,"" l4iYf t7
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Teacher Signature

Accepted es-rs ^\. Accepted With Modifications

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