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Adrian Tarango


English Literature

28 November 2017

Annotated Bibliography

- Chira, Susan. “ Creativity vs. Academic Study.” The New York Times, February 4th,




In this article, Chira explains the many problems occurring with the current state of the arts

programs and the freedom of creativity in the public school system, she explains the performance

of students in the arts as well as students not enrolled in an art program. Chira provides an

overview on the students across the U.S. and gives details on the many problems that arise when

arts programs are absent in a student's curriculum. She also discusses the criticism that arises

when discussing why schools should provide an arts class at sometime throughout a student's

day. After reviewing the article I believe it has much information that I can gain from for my

topic. This article helps me answer a few questions for my topic but I do believe she missed

some details on the ways schools can have students engage in arts programs.
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- Smith, Fran. “Why Arts Education is Crucial.” Edutopia, January 28th, 2009

In this article, Smith explains the crucial involvement in arts programs for public schools, and

how we can implement more arts for students in the classroom. It also includes how the topic can

even gain criticism and remarks stating that art does not help the students, but she argues that the

arts can be a critical and main subject in a student's success. After review the article I believe that

the article has many facts and statements that can be aid to my topic as well as include

information from first hand experience but the author does not seem to have much credibility but

I do believe she has stuck to mostly facts in the article.

- Hambek, Jill. “Arts programs in schools often in danger of being cut.” Washington

Times, March 14th, 2016


In this article, Hambek explains the endangerment of arts programs in schools due to lack of

funding and engagement. The article goes into detail on the lack of funding for arts programs in

schools and states closing arts programs will continue due to lack of engagement in the arts

programs. It sources back to the Department of Public Instructions, stating the deduction cost for

the arts programs. The author disagrees with the matter and believes if the deduction for the arts

programs continue, they might conclude arts for public schools, but if the engagement rises the

government will put more funding toward the resources for the arts. After reviewing the article I
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believe there are some points and facts I can use toward my topic but the majority of the

information given is regarding the funding, not the engagement.

- Boyd, Stacey. “Extracurriculars are central to Learning.” U.S. News, April 28th, 2014


In this article, Boyd states that the arts programs are dying and may not be brought back without

the rise in engagement for the programs. The author, herself, has first hand experience and has

seen the loss of engagement of the arts programs. The author states that arts programs can be

revived and given more funding if the students engagement rates went up it could revive all the

arts and allow every single student to engage in the many varieties of art. The author believes

this can only happen if teachers and parents have the students engage more with the many arts

subjects and allow the students to enjoy and release their creativity. She argues that the arts

should be seen as a great benefit for all students and should have every student attending at least

one arts class. After reviewing the article, I believe it can be great information for my topic, she

provides first hand knowledge on the subject.

- National Endowment for the Arts. “Arts Work.”

In this article, The National Endowment for the Arts states many different facts and statistics on

the arts programs across the U.S. It states that the arts can be more than another subject, it can be

a discipline for many students and encourage further success for other subjects they might be

taking while attending school. They also explain that it is better to spread arts programs
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throughout the younger age groups to teach them early and they can take it with them later

through their educational history. They want to establish a better systems so arts programs can be

better integrated into the day to day school system with planning and management. After

reviewing the article I believe it has great information but may not aid me in my topic due to the

lack of solving the same problem, the question may be similar but I am trying to solve the lack of

engagement and they are focused on the funding for the system.

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