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a Joint Venture

Floor plan Narrative

To: Cindy Jordan, CoA

From: Jonathan Smith, L|F, L|F / SBRA Joint Venture

Subject: Austin Central Library, Floor plans Project No: 3860.00

Date: 25 April, 2012


Please find the below notes on areas that have changed in the floor plans since Owner
Update 1 as well as notes describing any areas in the plans that are more in process than
others and are still being studied at the time these drawings were produced.
The Owner Update 1 drawings were intended to communicate as their focus the updated
parking levels, updated staff layouts, updated structural system and updated locations for the
reading room and staff areas.


• Square footages on rooms shown in enlarged plans

• Furniture shown in enlarged plans only
• Graphic scales on all plans
• North arrows on all plans

0. Garage

a. Reflect most current parking layout and structural decisions

b. Amount of grating has been diminished and areas for ventilation enclosure
are shown and have been coordinated among the floors
c. Additional storage areas are shown where they can be accommodated
d. Pedestrian walkways to stairs and protection of pedestrians from vehicles by
bollards and railings are still being investigated and are not fully shown at this

P:\AustinLibrary_29000\02-Project Management\06-Meeting Minutes\Design Development\120425_Floor-Plan-Narrative.doc

a Joint Venture
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1. Level 1

a. Most recent park design is shown

b. Coordination with park design needed at North East stair near column H1
c. Egress stairs have all been updated to reflect high rise requirements and
updated floor to floor dimensions
d. Generator has been moved
e. Space has been carved out under the bleachers for additional storage
f. Built-in kitchen area shown in kitchen demo area
g. Stair to garage near column H4 has been revised
h. Event forum has been revised so that head wall and stage now line up with
the transfer beams and ceiling above
i. Event office, channel 6 closet ,and lighting control room now in plans located
near backstage area
j. Book-drop areas located at each entry point
k. Floor materials still in process but most recent thoughts from interiors
workshop are shown in plans
l. High rise required spaces shown in SW corner of building with perimeter
m. Restrooms have been reworked to be more efficient; currently we are
updating the fixture count which may result in further refinement; there is
adjoining unassigned space to the south we are holding for the possibility of
enlarging the restrooms
n. Fenestration still being studied

2. Level 2
a. Most recent street designs are shown
b. Team to coordinate paving pattern in front of main library entrance with
second street design
c. Café porch has been updated to utilize the space available
d. Emergency Generator exhaust grate now shown
e. Preliminary kitchen notes are on enlarged plans are still very much in
f. Floor materials still in process but most recent thoughts from interiors
workshop are shown in plans
g. Security room shown
h. Connection from behind desk to back of house illustrated
i. Loading dock grades still being worked out but updated shown with more
j. Electrical Vault Room updated to larger size
k. Café coffee counter in lobby came out of the interiors workshop and is still in
the development stage
l. Resource Information Area has been updated to deal with welcome desk,
security and RFID lines
m. Fenestration still being studied

3. Level 3
a. Creation commons exact location and shape is still in flux; coming out of
interiors workshop we hope to make the creation commons a dynamic space
that animates the atrium edge
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b. All major entries in and out of the atrium are still being studied to determine
their exact locations and sizes
c. Updated atrium edge and stair locations
d. Staff restrooms and staff stair location are still being studied as are window
patterns at staff area
e. Restrooms have been reworked to be more efficient; currently we are
updating the fixture count which may result in further refinement
f. Floor materials still in process but most recent thoughts from interiors
workshop are shown in plans
g. Porch entries are currently being studied
h. Fenestration and sun shading scrim still being studied

4. Level 4
a. All major entries in and out of the atrium are still being studied to determine
their exact locations and sizes
b. Updated atrium edge, bridge, and stair locations
c. Staff restrooms and staff stair location are still being studied as are window
patterns at staff area
d. Restrooms have been reworked to be more efficient; currently we are
updating the fixture count which may result in further refinement
e. Floor materials still in process but most recent thoughts from interiors
workshop are shown in plans
f. Reading room- configuration, entry and fenestration still maturing
g. Porch entries are currently being studied
h. Wall between atrium and Fiction being studied to accommodate built in
seating, study carrels etc.
i. Fenestration and sun shading scrim still being studied

5. Level 5
a. All major entries in and out of the atrium are still being studied to determine
their exact locations and sizes
b. Updated atrium edge, bridge, and stair locations
c. Restrooms have been reworked to be more efficient; currently we are
updating the fixture count which may result in further refinement
d. Floor materials still in process but most recent thoughts from interiors
workshop are shown in plans
e. Shared Learning configuration, entry and fenestration still maturing
f. Wall between atrium and Non-Fiction being studied to accommodate built in
seating, study carrels etc.
g. Fenestration and sun shading scrim still being studied

6. Level 6

a. All major entries in and out of the atrium are still being studied to determine
their exact locations and sizes
b. Updated atrium edge, bridge, and stair locations
c. Restrooms have been reworked to be more efficient; currently we are
updating the fixture count which may result in further refinement
d. Floor materials still in process but most recent thoughts from interiors
workshop are shown in plans
e. Shared Learning configuration, entry and fenestration still maturing
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f. Potential small outdoor terrace on the SW corner being studied

g. Structurally team is still studying how to structure East-West curtain wall
between col lines 6 and 7; may result in stub columns rather than flying beam
currently shown on column E
h. Green Roof extents and Roof Deck extents and their entry still under
i. Fenestration and sun shading scrim still being studied

7. Roof Level
a. Roof monitor updated per day-lighting charrette investigation
b. Roof structure currently in flux and is being updated
c. Exact location of PV arbor, small skylight, and opening to green roof in flux

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