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Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

FBS Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta


Content-Based Instruction (CBI) is an approach to English language learning that

combines subject matter contents with language skills. This approach can be employed to

enable learners to master such contents and communicate them to other people. Like

killing two birds with one stone, this approach equips learners with such contents and

language skills simultaneously. There are two types of CBI, namely the content-driven

program and the language-driven program. The former focuses on the contents of a

particular subject matter as the basis of the learning activity organization, whereas the

latter focuses on the language skills. One statement supporting this approach is that it

enhances learners‟ motivation because the materials are authentic and contextual and

learners need such materials in order to master subject matter contents.

Keywords: Content-Based Instruction, content-driven, language-driven


Di Indonesia sekarang ini banyak lembaga pendidikan, dari Taman Kanak-kanak

(TK) sampai Perguruan Tinggi (PT), berlomba membuka kelas “internasional” dengan

nama yang beragam. Pada tingkat TK sampai dengan Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) atau

yang sederajat, ada yang menggunakan nama kelas imersi, kelas bilingual, dan Rintisan

Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional (RSBI). Pada tingkat PT, ada yang menggunakan nama

international class dan world class university. Terlepas dari nama yang digunakan,
program tersebut bertujuan untuk meningkatkan mutu agar kelak lulusannya dapat bersaing

di tingkat global atau internasional. Dari sisi hukum, program tersebut sah, karena dalam

Undang-Undang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional No 20 Tahun 2003, Pasal 50, Ayat 3,

disebutkan bahwa “Pemerintah dan/atau pemerintah daerah menyelenggarakan sekurangkurangnya

satu satuan pendidikan pada semua jenjang pendidikan untuk dikembangkan

menjadi satuan pendidikan yang bertaraf internasional”.

Salah satu ciri program tersebut adalah penggunaan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa

pengantar untuk mata pelajaran atau mata kuliah tertentu. Khusus di Sekolah Menengah 2

Pertama (SMP) dan SMA, mata pelajaran yang disampaikan dengan bahasa Inggris adalah

mata pelajaran yang sering dilombakan dalam tingkat internasional melalui olimpiade.

Mata pelajaran tersebut adalah Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, yang meliputi

Biologi, Fisika, dan Kimia (MIPA). Berdasarkan pengalaman, di dalam olimpiade

penguasaan materi siswa Indonesia tidak kalah dengan siswa dari negara lain, tetapi

menghadapi kendala untuk mengkomunikasikan gagasan-gagasannya. Oleh karena itu,

pemerintah, melalui Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, memandang perlu program yang

mempersiapkan siswa-siswa agar dapat bersaing di tingkat internasional. Program yang

sudah direalisasikan adalah program RSBI, khususnya untuk SMP melalui Direktorat

Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Pertama (PSMP) dan SMA melalui Direktorat Pembinaan

Sekolah Menengah Atas (PSMA).

Tanggapan masyarakat terhadap program RSBI beragam. Pihak yang setuju

terhadap program tersebut menganggap bahwa untuk peningkatan mutu dan persaingan di

tingkat internasional penggunaan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar dalam kegiatan

belajar mengajar di sekolah-sekolah tidak dapat ditawar-tawar lagi. Perbaikan program

dapat dilakukan secara bersamaan dengan pelaksanaannya. Pihak yang tidak setuju

menganggap bahwa program tersebut suatu pemborosan, karena pemerintah harus

mengeluarkan dana yang tidak sedikit dan tujuan program belum tentu dapat dicapai.

Program tersebut dapat dilaksanakan hanya jika semua perangkat pendukungnya sudah


Terlepas dari pandangan-pandangan tersebut, pelaksanaan program RSBI sudah

berjalan. Dalam pelaksanaannya, memang ada beberapa kendala yang muncul. Kendala

yang paling menonjol adalah penguasaan bahasa Inggris para guru MIPA yang secara

umum masih belum memadai, dan penguasaan istilah-istilah MIPA para guru bahasa

Inggris yang rendah sehingga mereka tidak dapat membantu guru MIPA. Melalui

Direktorat PSMP dan Direktorat PSMA, pelatihan untuk para guru, baik guru MIPA dan

guru Bahasa Inggris, sudah sering dilaksanakan. Untuk guru MIPA, pelatihan ditekankan

pada penguasaan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar dalam proses pembelajaran, dan

untuk guru bahasa Inggris, pelatihan ditekankan pada penguasaan istilah-istilah MIPA

dalam bahasa Inggris. Melalui pelatihan seperti ini, guru MIPA dan guru bahasa Inggris

diharapkan dapat bekerja sama dalam merancang kegiatan pembelajaran.

Artikel ini membahas pembelajaran bahasa Inggris melalui Content-Based

Instruction (CBI) di SMP dan SMA. CBI dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu upaya untuk

mengatasi kendala yang disebut di atas. Melalui CBI, siswa dapat meningkatkan kosakata 3

yang digunakan dalam mata pelajaran tertentu, khususnya MIPA, dan

mengkomunikasikannya sesuai dengan keperluan. Pembahasan dimulai dengan pengertian

CBI, diikuti dengan pembelajaran dengan CBI, dan diakhiri dengan penutup.


Ada beberapa definisi CBI dengan penekanan yang berbeda dalam konteks

pembelajaran bahasa. Brinton, Snow, & Wessche (1989: 2) mendefinisikan CBI sebagai

“the concurrent teaching of academic subject matter and second language skills” dan

Richards & Schmidt (2002: 115) mendefinisikannya sebagai “a programme in English as a

second language in which the focus is on teaching students the skills they will need in

regular classrooms, i.e. for learning in the content areas such as maths, geography, or

biology”. Kedua definisi ini mengemukakan CBI dalam konteks pembelajaran bahasa


Pengertian CBI yang lain dikemukakan oleh Crandall & Tucker (1990: 187), yang

mendefinisikannya sebagai “an approach to language instruction that integrates the

presentation of topics or tasks from subject matter classes (e.g., math, social studies)

within the context of teaching a second or foreign language” dan Wesche & Skehan (2002:

220), yang mendefinisikannya sebagai “the integration of school or academic content with

language teaching objectives”. Kedua definisi ini menunjukkan bahwa CBI dapat

diterapkan baik pada konteks pembelajaran bahasa kedua maupun pembelajaran bahasa


Keempat definisi tersebut mewakili pengertian CBI secara umum, yaitu CBI

sebagai pendekatan dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris yang menyatukan isi mata

pelajaran dengan penggunaan bahasa agar para siswa kelak dapat mengkomunikasikan

gagasan-gagasan yang relevan dengan mata pelajaran tertentu. Dengan demikian,

pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dapat menggunakan, misalnya, bahan-bahan MIPA.

Nama CBI sering dikaitkan dengan nama-nama lain yang merujuk pada pengertian

yang sama, yaitu Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) dan English Across

the Curriculum (EAC). Nama-nama tersebut tidak dapat dilepaskan dengan English for

Specific Purposes (ESP), yang sering dikontraskan dengan English for General Purposes

(EGP). Menurut Johnson & Johnson (1999: 105) ESP pada awalnya memiliki dua cabang,

yaitu English for Academic Purposes (EAP) dan English for Occupational Purposes

(EOP). Namun dalam perkembangan selanjutnya, nama-nama lain juga muncul, seperti 4

English for Science and Technology (EST) dan English for Educational Purposes (EEP).
CBI adalah salah satu nama yang muncul dalam perkembangan ESP.

Salah satu manfaat dari CBI adalah bahwa penggunaan materi dari mata pelajaran

tertentu sebagai bahan pembelajaran bahasa dapat memaksimalkan pajanan siswa pada

bahasa yang dipelajarinya. Pajanan ini bersifat kontekstual karena sesuai dengan

kebutuhan siswa. Pembelajaran melalui CBI yang berhasil dapat menjadikan siswa

menguasai baik bahasa maupun isi mata pelajaran melalui proses timbal balik.

Dalam konteks pembelajaran bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing, melalui CBI

siswa perlu terlibat dalam beragam kegiatan agar dapat menguasai bahasa sasaran dan isi

mata pelajaran. Nunan (2004: 132) menyebutkan beberapa manfaat dari CBI. Manfaatmanfaat

tersebut antara lain “an organic, analytical approach to language development”

dan “a framework within which learners can have sustained engagement on both content

mastery and second language acquisition”. Meskipun Nunan menyebutkan manfaat

tersebut dalam konteks bahasa kedua, manfaat dalam konteks bahasa asing tidak jauh

berbeda. Selanjutnya, Nunan (2004: 132), dengan mengutip Brinton (2003), menyebutkan

lima prinsip dalam CBI:

1. Kegiatan pembelajaran didasarkan pada isi, bukan pada aspek kebahasaan.

2. Keterampilan hendaknya terintegrasi.

3. Siswa hendaknya secara aktif terlibat dalam semua tahap proses pembelajaran.

4. Isi hendaknya dipilih berdasarkan relevansinya dengan kebutuhan siswa yang

sejalan dengan tujuan akademik.

5. Bahan-bahan dan tugas-tugas hendaknya otentik.

Dengan demikian, melalui CBI siswa mempelajari bahasa Inggris melalui topiktopik

dalam mata pelajaran Matematika, Biologi, Fisika, dan Kimia, dan sekaligus

mempelajari mata pelajaran tersebut dengan bahasa pengantar bahasa Inggris. Dengan

cara ini siswa dapat diharapkan mengkomunikasikan baik secara lisan maupun tertulis
gagasan-gagasan yang relevan dengan mata pelajaran tersebut, karena pembelajaran bahasa

Inggris menggunakan bahan darinya.

Penerapan CBI dalam praktik dapat ditempuh dengan berbagai cara. Crandall dkk.

(1987) mengemukakan dua model pembelajaran bahasa Inggris melalui CBI. Model yang

pertama adalah content-driven (berdasarkan isi) dan yang kedua adalah language-driven

(berdasarkan bahasa). Ciri-ciri dari kedua model tersebut disajikan dalam Tabel 1. 5

Tabel 1. Ciri-ciri CBI berdasarkan isi dan CBI berdasarkan bahasa

Berdasarkan Isi

Isi diajarkan dengan Bahasa Inggris.

Pembelajaran isi menjadi prioritas.

Pembelajaran bahasa bersifat sekunder.

Tujuan pembelajaran isi ditentukan

oleh kompetensi dalam mata pelajaran.

Guru perlu memilih tujuan

pembelajaran bahasa.

Evaluasi siswa didasarkan pada

penguasaan isi.

Berdasarkan Bahasa

Isi digunakan untuk mempelajari

Bahasa Inggris.

Pembelajaran bahasa menjadi prioritas.

Pembelajaran isi bersifat sekunder.

Tujuan pembelajaran bahasa

ditentukan oleh kompetensi dalam

Guru perlu memilih isi yang akan


Evaluasi siswa didasarkan pada

kemahiran/keterampilan berbahasa.

Pembagian di atas tidak bersifat pilah. Artinya guru dapat secara luwes menerapkan

CBI sesuai dengan keadaan siswanya; apakah dia cenderung menerapkan CBI yang

berdasarkan isi atau yang berdasarkan bahasa. Dalam CBI yang berdasarkan isi,

pembelajaran siswa terhadap isi mata pelajaran lebih penting daripada pembelajaran

bahasa. Penguasaan isi mata pelajaran menjadi tujuan utama pembelajaran. Dalam CBI

yang berdasarkan bahasa, isi mata pelajaran digunakan sebagai sarana untuk memperkaya

tujuan pembelajaran bahasa. Pembelajaran isi mata pelajaran tidak menjadi tujuan utama.

Kedua model yang diuraikan di atas mirip dengan bentuk CBI yang dikemukakan

oleh Wesche & Skehan (2002), yaitu bentuk lemah (weak form) dan bentuk kuat (strong

form). Bentuk lemah adalah CBI yang bertujuan mengembangkan kemahiran komunikatif

siswa melalui silabus kebahasaan yang disusun berdasarkan isi mata pelajaran tertentu.

Silabus disusun berdasarkan keterampilan berbahasa dan diorganisasikan dengan mengacu

pada teks-teks yang relevan dengan mata pelajaran, yang berfungsi sebagai program

pendukung penguasaan keterampilan berbahasa.

Bentuk kuat adalah CBI yang menekankan pada isi mata pelajaran. Tujuan utama

dari bentuk ini adalah penguasaan mata pelajaran. Silabus disusun berdasarkan tema mata

pelajaran dan diorganisasikan berdasarkan urutan topik mata pelajaran, dan berfungsi

sebagai program pendukung penguasaan mata pelajaran. Penguasaan keterampilan

berbahasa bersifat sekunder. 6

Di antara kedua bentuk di atas, ada bentuk gabungan yang dapat dilaksanakan

dengan memperhatikan kondisi siswa. Wesche & Skehan (2002) menyatakan bahwa dalam
pelaksanaannya CBI dapat menggunakan dua bahasa atau lebih (two or more instructional

languages). Bahasa pengantar dalam CBI tidak hanya bahasa Inggris. Dengan demikian,

pada konteks Indonesia, misalnya, penggunaan bahasa pengantar dapat berupa campuran

antara bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris. Apapun bentuknya, keberhasilan CBI dalam

menjadikan siswa menguasai isi dan bahasa akan bergantung pada apakah kegiatan belajar

mengajar yang menggunakan CBI secara sistematik mempertimbangkan kemampuan

siswa. Artinya, CBI hanyalah sebagai salah satu pendekatan, yang keberhasilannya

bergantung pada banyak faktor.


Di bagian yang terdahulu telah disebutkan bahwa CBI dapat digunakan dalam

konteks pembelajaran bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa kedua atau sebagai bahasa asing.

Dalam konteks bahasa kedua, di luar kelas bahasa Inggris siswa memiliki pajanan yang

cukup karena bahasa Inggris digunakan sebagai alat komunikasi utama. Dalam konteks

bahasa asing, di luar kelas bahasa Inggris siswa tidak memiliki pajanan yang cukup karena

bahasa Inggris tidak digunakan sebagai alat komunikasi utama. Di sekolah-sekolah di

Indonesia, bahasa Inggris pada umumnya diajarkan sebagai bahasa asing. Oleh karena itu,

guru yang akan menggunakan pendekatan CBI perlu mempertimbangkan sejumlah faktor


Salah satu faktor tersebut adalah organisasi kegiatan belajar mengajar. Pada tahap

awal kegiatan pembelajaran, guru perlu secara eksplisit mengajarkan kosakata yang akan

digunakan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran inti. Guru dapat menyediakan glossary (daftar

kata yang digunakan dalam topik yang dipelajari). Pembekalan kosakata ini penting agar

siswa terbantu dalam memahami isi dan kemudian mengkomunikasikannya. Bernier

(Lingley, 2006) menyatakan bahwa untuk keperluan tersebut guru hendaknya membantu

siswa dengan konteks bahasa pertama dan perlu menyesuaikan teknik atau metode
mengajarnya agar siswa dapat memahami isi yang menjadi sasarannya. Misalnya, di dalam

teks Matematika ada frasa „least common multiple‟, di Biologi ada kata „taproot‟, di Fisika

ada „states of matter‟ dan di Kimia ada „chemical compound‟. Guru perlu menjelaskan

kepada siswa bahwa frasa-frasa tersebut dalam bahasa Indonesia „kelipatan persekutuan

terkecil‟, „akar tunggang‟, „wujud benda‟, dan „senyawa kimia‟. Konsep-konsep tersebut

sudah dikenal siswa dalam mata pelajaran tersebut. 7

Pada kegiatan pembelajaran inti, guru perlu memberi contoh yang berupa model

teks baik lisan maupun tulis sesuai dengan keterampilan yang akan dilatihkan. Seperti yang

disebutkan oleh Nunan (2004), pembelajaran bahasa Inggris yang menggunakan

pendekatan CBI sebaiknya mengintegrasikan sejumlah keterampilan. Jika alokasi waktu

memungkinkan, dalam satu pertemuan keempat keterampilan berbahasa, yaitu menyimak,

berbicara, membaca, dan menulis, dapat digabungkan sekaligus. Jika integrasi keempat

keterampilan tidak mungkin dilakukan dalam satu pertemuan, integrasi setidak-tidaknya

dua keterampilan dapat dilakukan. Pada kegiatan pembelajaran inti, keterampilan

berbahasa dilatihkan berdasarkan isi teks yang relevan dengan mata pelajaran. Siswa

dilatih mengeksplorasi isi teks melalui kegiatan menyimak, berbicara, membaca, dan

menulis, sesuai dengan keterampilan berbahasa yang ditekankan.

Pada kegiatan penutup, siswa diarahkan untuk membuat kesimpulan mengenai apa

yang telah mereka pelajari dan merefleksikan apa-apa yang mudah dan sulit dalam

kegiatan pembelajaran. Kegiatan ini dapat dilakukan baik secara lisan maupun tertulis.

Dengan cara ini, siswa dapat mengungkapkan gagasan, yang berarti dapat berkomunikasi

baik secara lisan maupun tertulis.


Berikut ini contoh sederhana kegiatan belajar mengajar bahasa Inggris yang

menggunakan pendekatan CBI di tingkat SMP. Bahan pembelajaran diambil dari Biologi
dengan topik Plants. Keterampilan berbahasa yang dilatihkan adalah menyimak, berbicara,

membaca, dan menulis. Kompetensi dasar yang akan dicapai adalah merespon dan

mengungkap makna dalam bentuk teks description.

1. Kegiatan pembelajaran awal

Guru menuliskan di papan tulis leaves, flower, plant, dirt, soil, pot, roots, stem,

above, below, under, in, atau kata-kata lain yang sesuai. Guru membawa tanaman ke dalam

kelas atau menyuruh siswa melakukannya. Guru meminta siswa untuk mengamati tanaman

tersebut dan mendiskusikannya, dengan menggunakan language expression (ungkapan),

seperti "Look at this pretty plant. It's in a pot. See its green leaves. Here's a flower. It's on

the stem." Ungkapan yang lain dapat digunakan sejauh ungkapan tersebut sesuai konteks.

Kata-kata yang ditulis di papan tulis dijelaskan kepada siswa bahwa kata-kata tersebut

akan digunakan pada kegiatan berikutnya. Guru meminta siswa untuk memperhatikan

ejaan dan ucapan kata-kata tersebut. 8

2. Kegiatan pembelajaran inti

Untuk melatih keterampilan menyimak, guru dapat menyuruh siswa untuk

melakukan sesuatu dengan Total Physical Response (melakukan perintah), misalnya “Point

to the leaves”. Untuk melatih keterampilan berbicara, guru dapat menyuruh siswa

menggambar tanaman yang lengkap (daun, bunga, cabang, dan akar) di papan tulis, dan

meminta siswa menyebutkan nama-nama bagian tanaman tersebut dalam bahasa Inggris.

Guru dapat menanyakan kepada siswa tentang tanaman tersebut dengan pertanyaan seperti

“What color are the leaves/the stem?”, “How does the leaf/stem feel?”, “Is it

smooth/rough?”, “What's above/below the dirt?”, atau pertanyaan lain yang relevan.

Dengan menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut, siswa berlatih keterampilan berbicara.

Untuk melatih keterampilan membaca, guru dapat memberikan kepada siswa teks tulis

tentang tanaman dari buku teks Biologi, koran atau majalah dan meminta siswa
mendiskusikannya. Untuk melatih keterampilan menulis, guru dapat meminta siswa

mendeskripsikan secara tertulis gambar-gambar di papan tulis yang digunakan juga untuk

melatih keterampilan berbicara. Ini semua dapat dilakukan jika alokasi waktu

memungkinkan. Jika waktu terbatas, kegiatan inti dapat dilakukan dengan

mengintegrasikan setidak-tidaknya dua keterampilan.

3. Kegiatan penutup

Bersama-sama guru, siswa menyimpulkan dan merefleksikan butir-butir yang telah

mereka pelajari. Guru dapat mengulangi penjelasan terhadap butir-butir penting yang telah

dipelajari jika hasil refleksi menunjukkan bahwa siswa masih menjumpai kesulitan.


CBI adalah pendekatan pembelajaran yang mengintegrasikan isi mata pelajaran

dengan bahasa. Alasan yang menjadi dasar CBI adalah bahwa „a second language is

learned most effectively when used as the medium to convey informational content of

interest and relevance to the learner‟ (Brinton, Snow & Wesche, 1989: vii). Tidak seperti

pendekatan pembelajaran bahasa pada umumnya, yang biasanya didasarkan pada penyajian

dan latihan tata bahasa dan kosakata yang tidak selalu kontekstual, CBI memberikan

kepada siswa keterampilan berbahasa yang bermakna dan kontekstual melalui bahan-bahan

yang otentik berdasarkan tema-tema dalam mata pelajaran tertentu. 9

Karena CBI berkaitan dengan isi mata pelajaran (Carson, Taylor & Fredella, 1997),

tidak mudah bagi guru untuk menyadari sepenuhnya bahwa ia sedang mengajarkan bahasa.

Guru yang mengajar bahasa Inggris dengan pendekatan CBI dapat lupa akan tugas

pokoknya, yaitu mengajarkan bahasa Inggris, karena lebih mementingkan mengajarkan isi

mata pelajaran tertentu. CBI adalah pendekatan pengajaran bahasa, sehingga guru tetap

harus menitikberatkan pada pembelajaran bahasa dan siswanya adalah siswa yang sedang

belajar berbahasa dengan segala permasalahan kebahasaan yang harus mereka hadapi.
Misalnya, mereka harus tetap belajar berkomunikasi secara perpasangan dan dalam

kelompok kecil. Mereka harus tetap dapat menerapkan strategi menyimak, berbicara,

membaca, dan menulis.

Dalam konteks pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di Indonesia, sampai pada tahap

tertentu, guru-guru bahasa Inggris di SMP dan SMA sudah melaksanakan pembelajaran

melalui CBI. Berdasarkan Standar Isi Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk RSBI, Standar

Isi pada Standar Nasional diberi tambahan yang berupa muatan “keilmuan”, yaitu yang

berkaitan bidang MIPA. Dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, guru dituntut memilih bahanbahan

ajar yang berkaitan dengan MIPA. Banyak buku teks bahasa Inggris yang telah

memasukkan topik tentang ilmu pengetahuan. Jika guru-guru menggunakan buku semacam

itu sebagai sumber bahan, mereka berarti sudah menggunakan CBI dalam proses

pembelajaran bahasa Inggris. Tugas-tugas di luar kelas yang harus dikerjakan oleh siswa

seperti mencari artikel tentang Global Warming untuk kemudian didiskusikan di dalam

kelas sampai pada tingkat tertentu juga berkaitan dengan prinsip-prinsip dalam CBI.

Praktik-praktik yang demikian dapat dikembangkan secara sadar dengan menggunakan

prinsip-prinsip CBI secara lebih terstruktur dan sistematik agar tujuan membekali siswa

dengan penguasaan bahasa Inggris untuk kepentingan komunikasi ilmiah dapat dicapai.

Hal yang perlu selalu diingat adalah mereka guru bahasa Inggris yang melatih

keterampilan berbahasa Inggris siswa, bukan guru MIPA yang membekali siswa dengan isi

mata pelajaran tersebut.


Brinton, D.M., Snow, M.A., & Wesche, M.B. 1989. Content-based Second Language

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Carson, J.G., Taylor, J.A. & Fredella, L. 1997. The role of content in task-based EAP

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Crandall, J. dkk. 1987. Integrating language and content instruction

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Crandall, J. and Tucker, G. R. 1990. Content-based instruction in second and foreign

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Education: Issues and Strategies. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Johnson, K. & Johnson, H. 1999. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Applied Linguistics. Oxford:

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Lingley, D. 2006. A Task-based approach to teaching: a content-based Canadian studies

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By: Erwin Hari Kurniawan
The problems of this research were how to improve speaking ability using series of picture and how
to motivate the students to speak English. The research was guided by a conceptual framework
leading to the using series of pictures through pair work to improve their motivation to speak English
during the process of classroom communication interaction. The research type was an action
research. The subject consisted of 20 students of the third special class of SMP Ar Risalah Kediri in
2007-2008 academic years. The research data were collected using test (test after first treatment
and test after the second treatment), observation for collecting data on the students’ motivation in
improving speaking ability using series pictures. Data on speaking ability using series of picture were
analyzed using the descriptive and statistic analysis, using the increasing of mean after the first and
the second treatment. The study concluded that using series of pictures through pair work as a
teaching strategy variation has brought a new nuance in English language teaching in improving
their ability to speak English.
Masalah dari penelitian ini adalah bagaimana meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara mengunakan
gambar berseri, dan bagaimana memotivasi siswa dalam berbicara bahasa inggris. Penelitian ini
dilatar belakangi oleh konsep kerangka penting pada penggunaan gambar berseri melalui kelompok
belajar untuk meningkatkan motivasi mwereka untuk berbicara bahasa inggis selama proses
interaksi komunikasi di kelas. Jenis penelitian ini adalah menggunakan CAR. Subyek penelitian ini
terdiri atas 20 orang siswa pada kelas IX-A, SMP Ar Risalah Kediri tahun ajaran 2007-2008. Data
penelitian dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan tes (tes sesudah perlakuan pertama dan tes sesudah
perlakuan kedua) ini, pengamatan untuk mendapatkan data pada motivasi siswa pada peningkatan
kemampuan berbicara dengan mengunakan gambar berseri. Data pada kemampuan berbicara
menggunakan gambar berseri diananalisa menggunakan descripsi dan analisa statistik
menggunakan peningkatan nilai rata-rata siswa sesudah treatmen dan kedua. Penelitian ini
menyimpulkan bahwa penggunaan gambar berseri melalui kelompok belajar sesebagai variasi
strategi mengajar telah membawa suatu nuansa baru dalam pembelajaran bahasa inggris dalam
peningkatan kemampuan mereka untuk berbicara bahasa inggris.
Students’ learning outcome, which is still considered as unsuccessful, has always been the focus of
criticism towards the failure of teaching of English in Indonesia. As a consequence English teachers
are demanded to be responsible for the failure in making the students capable of using English for
communication both productively and receptively. To alleviate this ordeal, educators, practitioners,
and policy makers quite often pay very much attention to research dealing with the curriculum,
methodology and teachers excluding such significant variables as the learner perspective. They
have rarely taken the learner perspective into consideration as a very important contribution to the
learning process.
Does the failure have any relations to these factors? Some English textbooks written for young
learners seem to neglect these factors. As a matter of fact, many research findings have shown the
powerful role of the students in improving their learning outcome.
Teaching speaking in Indonesia is considered to be the most difficult, pronunciation, structure,
discourse, and the social context of culture and situation. In short, it needs the mastery of the
linguistic and the cultural competence. Besides, as speaking is difficult, more effort is required on the
part of the students and teachers. It is not enough for the students to listen or to speech only. The
teachers need to give the students’ activities to practice the new speech among the four basic skills
of language. Bourdons in Nunan (1993) stated that spoken language needs the mastery of
vocabulary habit. This means that practice speaking needs much time to fulfil the requirements of
the mastery of spoken English, either from school or the environment.
Teaching English at Junior High School in Indonesia as stated in Curriculum 2004 revised in 2006
covers abilities four aspecs of language. One of them is speaking ability. Paultson and Brunder
(1975) stated that the objective of the language teaching is the production of the speaker’s
competence to communicate in the target language. Rivers (1968) stated that the teacher should
give the students opportunities to practice speaking. She further stated that if the students are able
to practice the new speech habit throughout as the children do in his native language, the problem of
speaking fluency of foreign language would be lessened.
Teaching speaking at Junior High School in Indonesia is one of the main focuses in the English
teaching. Therefore the English teachers should find out the effort on searching and creating a new
model in presenting materials, in order to increase speaking ability.
Based on the background above, the researcher formulates the following research questions: (1) Do
the students have high motivation in speaking English using series of picture?; (2) Does the use of
series of pictures through pair work significantly improve their ability to speak English?
Related to the problem statement above, the objective of this research is then specified: (1) to know
about the effectiveness of using series of pictures in improving their motivation to speak English
through pair work; (2) to know about the effectiveness of using series of pictures through pair work in
improving their ability to speak English.
The result of this research is expected to be useful information to: (1) increase the teachers’
knowledge of English and share experiences in improving speaking ability using series of picture; (2)
encourage the teachers’ colleagues in doing action research in improving their teaching as the
professional practices; (3) give any contribution to the general public in increasing knowledge
concerning about classroom action research and get any reflection for being perfection.
This research is done by the subject of the students of the third class of SMP Ar Risalah Kediri using
series of pictures through pair work to improve their ability to speak English. The researcher focused
his research in improving speaking ability and the students’ motivation in the process of teaching
and learning using series of picture. The topics or themes used were: (1) Global warming; (2) Daily
activity. Series of pictures through pair work were used to attract and encourage the students to
improve their ability to construct their understanding and the ability to speak English and help the
teacher to present the materials.
The researcher found some studies had been conducted using the students’ own picture through
pair work in improving their ability to speak English. Some of them: (1) Rahman, Aulia (2007) in his
research stated that teaching speaking here is how teacher can give a good theme to the students,
the theme must make students fill happy so they will give attention all times during the teaching
process. The learning and teaching of a second or foreign language is a complex process. Learning
is “Acquiring or getting of knowledge of subject or skill by study, experience, or instruction.” Similarly,
teaching, which is implied in the first definition of learning, may be defined as. “Showing of helping
someone to learn how to do something, giving instructions, guiding in the study of something,
providing with knowledge, causing to know or understand.” Teaching can not be defined apart from
learning. (2) Westnood, Peter and Oliver (1975) stated that in improving oral language there are four
ways should be considered in which teachers sometimes operate to restrict language development
or indeed at times train students not to listen but to speak; (3) Hergenhalm in Elliott (1996) stated
that good teaching begins with knowing what you want to teach: the stimuli, you must also identify
the responses you want to connect to the stimuli and timing of appropriate satisfiers. (4) Hulse in
Elliott (1996) on the effective teaching and effective learning stated that feedback or reinforcement of
asking question is very important. It is a powerful tool of controlling behaviour of the students. If you
praise students’ correct responses immediately and the students increase correct responses; (5)
Erna (2006) in his research stated the way of teaching speaking as follow: The stages of teaching
and learning speaking is divided into three stages which commonly known as presentation, practice,
and production. (5) Nunan (1993) distinguished between motor-perceptive skills, which are
concerned with correctly using the sounds and structures of the language, and interactional skills,
which involve using motor-perceptive skills was all that one needed in order to communicate
successfully. Besides, he suggested that, in particular, learners need to develop skills in the
management of interaction involves such things as knowing when and how to take the floor, when to
introduce a topic or change the subject, how to invite someone else to speak, how to keep a
conversation going, when and how to terminate the conversation and so on.
Speaking lesson can follow the usual pattern of preparation, presentation, practice, evaluation, and
extension. The teacher can use the preparation step to observe, draw, and establish a context for
speaking task on certain objects and things (where, when, why, with whom it will occur) and to
initiate awareness of speaking skill to be targeted. In presentation, the teacher can provide learners
with a reproduction model that furthers learner comprehension and help them become more
attentive observers of language use. Practice involves learners in reproducing the target structure,
usually in controlled or highly supported manner. Evaluation involves directing attention to the skill
being examined and asking learners to monitor and assess their own progress. Finally, extension
consists of activities that ask learners to use strategy or skill in a different context or authentic
communicative situation, or to integrate use of new skill or strategy with previously acquired ones
(Brown, 1994).
Speaking function is the productive and interactive skill. (1) What is productive skill? With reference
to usage, it is then perfectly true to say that speaking is productive and makes use of the aural
medium. Widdowson (2003) described that the act of communication through speaking is commonly
performed in face-to-face interaction and occurs as part dialogue or other forms of verbal exchange.
What is said, therefore, is dependent on an understanding of what else has been said, whether by
the speaker or the interlocutor in the interaction; (2) What is an interactive skill? Richards et al.
(2000) stated that speaking is rarely done in one direction or in the form of monologue. It involves
the participation of the listener. In an interactive communication, a speaker, and therefore the
speaker also becomes a listener. Why series of pictures? A wise statement says ‘I hear I forget, I
see I know, and I do I understand. This means that if we have learning experiences by observing,
drawing, doing and also what our eyes see and catch most of the time will stay long in our memory.
Therefore, the statement strengthens to improve speaking ability by using series of pictures as
media to teach English. Pictures as visual aids will attract students’ attention, and motivate them to
learn. In addition, using series of picture means that the students try to connect the plot in the picture
to be a link of story.
Rahman, Aulia (2007) said that teaching showing pictures can make the students remember more,
more impressed, more interested and more focused. Ways, ideas, and criteria of using series of
pictures: (1) the techniques of using pictures have been around for centuries and have had its place
in all approaches to language teaching. Through traditionally the purpose of using pictures has been
to describe or illustrate a written or recorded passage (Wright, 1000 pictures 2) . Brown (2007)
stated that picture can be used in many stages of the instructional process, to introduce and
motivate study of new topics, to clarify misconceptions, to communicate basic information, and to
evaluate student’s progress and achievement. Furthermore, he suggests some ways of using
pictures for ensuring maximum students benefit from using them; (2) Using pictures can be an
effective technique for any proficiencies level or language skill. The following is an example of how
one picture can be used in improving speaking ability. To teach speaking where the students share
personal experiences that somehow relate to what is happening in a picture they have been given
and drawn; (3) In teaching English using pictures need some criteria: make sure pictures are clear
and unambiguous; make sure pictures provide reason to communicate (an opportunity or challenge);
make sure pictures are interesting, simple, accurate, useful, legitimate, and visible.
The resources of pictures may be from: newspapers, magazines, internet, and the teacher and
students’ own drawing. As teaching English based on meaning-based approach has to achieve the
goal of teaching that is communicative competence in which students are encourage to negotiate the
Westwood, Peter and Oliver (1979) stated the principles of oral language should the language
program of teaching speaking be based on: (1) create an enjoyable, entertaining, social learning
situation, which gives pleasure to the students; (2) keep the pair work activity; (3) arrange for
fragment, intensive sessions in two or three short sessions daily; (4) ensure active participation
remembering that it is what a student practices saying, not what he hears, that improves
communicating ability; (5) have clearly defined, short term goals for each sessions: teaching a
certain adjective, adverb, or conjunction: ‘and’ and’ but’; (6) observe the slow learners and give
some degree of repetition and our learning if necessary; (7) use material such as practices and
games to hold attention as the basis for language simulation; (8) use pleasure and praise as
K–W–L stands for Know, Want, and Learn. It is teaching model that encourages students to have
an active learning by activating their prior knowledge for anticipating the material that they are going
to learn. It is also commonly used for teaching or developing reading, writing and speaking skills.
There are three stages to K-W-L model as in the following: (1) Know, at this stage students need to
activate their prior knowledge by observing, drawing, talking, writing about anything they know about
the topic/object of the reading/speaking. Information collected at this stage, can be drawn or written
on the piece of paper for everybody to see. If the students run out of ideas, they can start predicting
information on more general categories; (2) Want, is students are encourage to ask question, think
about what they want to say or present to speak from the series pictures. So student can make a list
of sentences/questions in which the answer will be derived from the pictures. Such activity will give
students reason to speak or explain the picture because they are eager to practice their English
freely; (3) Learn, here is students describe series pictures and then they write down or retell anything
that they have learned from the pictures. It is the time when they confirm their prediction from
previous stages.
The teacher should know the characteristics of a successful speaking activity. Characteristics of a
successful speaking activity: (1) learners can speak a lot; (2) every participation is point; (3) having
motivation and intention; (4) try to reduce the barrier in speaking such as: (1) shy to make mistake;
(2) satisfied to be listeners; (3) giving no contribution. The teacher can eliminate those problems by
doing speaking activities as like: (1) giving guided questions; (2) peer work; (3) question and answer
drills; (4) retelling.
In assessing the spoken language, the assessor should pay attention to: (1) purpose and resources;
(2) test types; (3) elicitation techniques of oral test; (4) marking; (5) test evaluation.
Peer work activities are the integral aspect of many teachers’ approach to language teaching. One of
the easiest and the best ways of allowing all students in the class to speak English is to encourage
peer work. Every student has partners to explain his/her picture in improving their ability to speak
English and all the pair work activities take place at the same time.
Peer work activity consisted of dialogue, interview, giving correction and contribution. In the pair
work activity, the students could explain the picture as in turn. It means that the interaction between
one student and another might be carried out in the form of pair work, and Individual work activity
can be in oral report or oral presentation, monologue, giving explanation, and describing pictures
The method used in this research was classroom action research focused on improving speaking
ability using series of picture.
The subject of the research consisted of 20 students of the third class of SMP Ar Risalah Kediri in
2007-2008 academic year.
This research had one dependent variable and one independent variable: (1) the independent
variable of this research was the teaching device using series of pictures through pair work. Using
series of pictures means the pictures belong to the students (e.g. pictures taken from magazines and
newspapers) or the pictures that the students had drawn by themselves. Pair work was a teaching
technique/activity which allowed students to act in accordance with the assignment; (2) the
dependent variable of this research was speaking ability. It was empirically by the students’ mastery
of using series of picture which covered fluency, pronunciation, vocabulary, structure, discourse and
the social context of speaking.
To collect data, the instruments to be used: (1) test consisted of pre-test, post-test, and formative
test; (2) observation. Test after the first treatment and test after the second treatment administered
to find out the improvement of the students’ speaking ability, the formative test was administered to
measure about the improvement of their speaking ability from the cycle 1 and cycle 2. The
observation was administered to measure the characteristics of the students towards the application
of using series of pictures through pair work, and questionnaire was administered to support the data
of the students’ improvement in speaking English ability.
Before the treatment, students mean in speaking was 65.0. Then after the treatments, data on the
students’ speaking skills were collected in line with the instruments (tests, questionnaires, and
observation) and were analyzed using the scoring system, tabulating, percentage, classification,
calculating the mean score, from the first treatment, the researcher got the mean of the students
reached 68.3. Then after the second treatment, the mean increased to be 78.8. Based on the
observation after the treatments, it indicated that among students had more selves confidences and
had more participant in speaking. The rating scale (band) used for measuring the improvement of
the students’ speaking skill was taken from Sujiono (1992: 47):
First treatment
Second treatment
Number of Students
Number of Students
Very Good


Based on the findings and discussion in the previous parts, the following conclusions are:
(1) The implementation of teaching English in this action research using series of pictures through
pair work as teaching strategy could nurture the students’ motivation in improving their ability to
speak English both at the first cycle and second cycle;
(2) The use of series of pictures through pair work as teaching strategy could improve speaking
ability significantly. This led to the conclusion that using of series of pictures through pair work as a
teaching strategy is a need in English language teaching and learning in improving their ability to
speak English in the term of vocabulary, grammar, discourse, and their performance based on the
context of situation. It has brought a good nuance and variation in English language teaching
particularly in teaching speaking ability.
The first is addressed to the third class of SMP Ar Risalah Kediri dealing with the classroom
implementation of the findings. The second one is addressed to the foreign language teaching
1) The classroom implementation of the findings
Since the implementation of using series of pictures has been proven to be successful in improving
their ability to speak English, it is strongly suggested that such teaching strategy “improving
speaking ability using series of pictures” could be continually implemented in teaching speaking.
2) Further researchers
The emphasis of conducting this research was the improving speaking ability using series of picture.
The result of this research showed that speaking ability could get significantly improvement gain.

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Brown, R. S, and Nation, P. 1997. Teaching Speaking: Suggestion for the Classroom.
Online.;Last modified: April 11, 2007.
Cragon, John F. and David W. Wright. 1999. Communication in a Small Group: Theory, Process,
Skill. America: Wadsworth Publishing Company.
Depdiknass. 2003. Pedoman Teknis Pelaksanaan Classroom Action Research. Jakarta.
Djuprianto. 1991. Teknik Pengajaran Percakapan. Malang: Ya3 Malang.
Doff, Adrian. 1988. Teach English, Teacher Training and Development. Bendigo: Cambridge
University Press.
Elliott et al . 1996. Educational Psychology, Effective Teaching, Effective Learning.
Ellis, Rod. 1988. Undestanding Second Language Acquisition. New York: Oxford
Glanas, Gloria J, Katherine Adams, and John K. Brilhart. 2001. Effective Group Discussion: Theory
and Practice. America: McGraw-Hill Companies.
Harris, David P. 1977. Testing English as a Second Language. New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing
Hoover, Judith D. 2002. Effective Small Group and Team Communication. Orlando: Harcourt.
IKIP PGRI Madiun. 2006. Dharma Pendidikan: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran. Nganjuk.
Nazir, Mohammad. 1983. Metode Penelitian. Jakarta Timur: Balai Aksara.
Nunan, David P. 1991. Learning Teaching Methodology: A Textbook for Teacher. New York.
Prentice Hall.
Nurhadi. 2001. Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL). Malang: Universitas Negeri Malang.
Rivers, Wilga M. 1968. Teaching Foreign Language Skills. New York: The University of Chicago.
Stemerding, A. H. S. 1973. Teknik Rapat dan Diskusi Kelompok. Jakarta: Balai Aksara.
Wright, A. 1989. Pictures for Language Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Zaini, Hisyam, Bernaudy Munthe, Sekar Ayu Aryani. Strategi Pembelajaran Aktif di Perguruan Tinggi

In 1983, there has been discussion among experts that only education in the United States
on how to achieve good teaching and student abilities is higher. The discussion came to the
surface due to report the National Commission on Excellent in Education which states that the
ability of students in the field math, reading, and science in the U.S. is always measured with
standard measuring devices (standardized tests). Presumably it bothers expert career and
technical education. In addition, global economic factors, demands of an increasingly
competitive marketplace, technology is growing, and changing world of work is often considered
as factors that influence change in curriculum Career and Technical Education (CTE). Moreover,
changes in demographic character of students, and growing knowledge about how to learn and
teach whatever is causing it to be effective, leading to a career and technical education experts
review the basic principles and methodology of engineering education and careers.


Has long Lev Semenovich Vygotsky (1978: 118) states that his The best method to teach
reading and writing is not through formal teaching in the classroom, but through the game
situation. In addition, Vygotsky expressed his belief that writing and speaking skills will flourish
when students immersed in language usage when students are in play situations. Thoughts
expressed by Vygotsky suggests that learning language skills will be easy and exciting when
students brought into the world of play that has unwittingly encourage students to using the
language he had learned naturally. When the play and language That there has been a real
learning process. It was said, because at the time that children are faced with the use of whole
language, relate directly to the needs of the child (relevant), it faces is a functional language, the
child face to face with the real purpose of speaking activities, and with the use of natural
language is the child control the usage of the language.

Why does the world play so meaningful for the language learning process of children?
According Edelsky (1986), if in the event an authentic language (natural) are the events that have
personal meaning, impression for himself, and meaning significant for users of the language
itself, there will be a transaction between reader and text reading. When the transaction took
place, a reader will constantly do problem solving, and at the same time he built and improve
psycholinguistic strategies used in language learning. Through this transaction readable text that
serves as an intermediary for the development of reading and writing language learners.
Transactions between the text and the reader is based on opinion of the concept of text Halliday
and Hasan (1976:293-295) who argue that the text is a unit of interaction semantics of a
language. In the text there is unity meaning by the context, a common thread that describes the
relationship intact between the facts with facts from which it originates environment.

Furthermore, Vygotsky saw language learning as a cultural activity of the complex (a

complex cultural activity). It was said, because in process of learning the language a child is
dipped into the crater of culture that takes into introduce children to the use of language, both
verbal and written. In civilized society, children are familiar with an environment full of
printouts. In the environment the children interact and play with the printed matter long before he
entered the school. School is a new environment that the child should continue the role of the
original environment. Moreover, schools should able to develop and expand the process of
immersion of children into achieving literacy skills (immersion in literacy). Schools can make an
environment that is in it as a richer literacy environment of the home environment of children
before. This is where teachers can be a cold-handed mediator capable of making children feel at
home in school, because school transformed the atmosphere into the crater of literacy immersion
richer and more appeal to children. Language in school activities is conditioned as a world filled
with the atmosphere of speaking, whether oral or written, the authentic (authentic speech or
literary event).


A first question to be answered is whether learning outside class different from learning
in the classroom? Perhaps one answer is different, because learning outside the classroom is to
learn spontaneously, while learning in the classroom is learning an orderly, planned, and
scientific. If that be our choice, then we belong to the class who think that science concepts can
be learned in the classroom environment must be substantively different from what can be
learned outside the classroom.
Goodman and Goodman (in Moll, 1993: 229) argues that learning in within and outside
the classroom should not be different. There are factors that bind to both, so that learners with
different conditions were the same. Factor mentioned is that learners taught through the
experiences of Indo language, linguistic schemata are grown, and grown language skills.
Schemata of experience and growth that then grow a personal understanding of the functions and
rules of language, also grew well as an understanding of a child on the influence of the
surrounding environment to the process of language learning.

The development of language skills in the child is formed by two forces. First, the inner
strength that encouraged children to express him. The second strength lies in the
need tocommunicate with others who were then able to direct the growth of children's
language to fitwith language or language family in the neighborhood children. The establishment
of theselanguage skills can take place due to the "language of two-
way transactions" (language myriadtransactions) among children with other community
members, both in school and outsideschool. In the transaction, the language is growing in self-
testing of children facing land, which is through the
understanding or misunderstanding interacting parties, and also from theresponses given
by participant transaction. Thus, the presence of parents, relatives, neighborschild's
age, parenting helper huge role in encouraging the growth of language development in
children through the transaction process. As for school, classroom teacher
attendance, benchfriends, classmates, seniors who play a role as a supervisor is the
perpetrator transactions that encourages growth and development of language proficiency of
students in the event the transaction. Children do not imitate language of adults
and children had never learned the rules of language out of context its use. Rules of
language and social rules of their use was found bychildren individually in the context
of language use, and in turn these rules by the childrenadapted to the social norms when he
learns to use the language being learned is.


The critically important thing to do is create a climate of learning

the students. Berns and Erickson (2001) asserts that the creation of an environment that
encourage self-regulated learning is the realization of the basic requirements contextual learning.
Climate is expected to learn the meaning of linking content lessons in the context of student life,
as revealed by Berns and Erickson (2001), that the connecting content with context is an
Important Part of Bringing meaning to the learning process.
in the classroom contextual language learning, teachers and students are transactions
reciprocal. That is, traditional attitudes of teachers who stated that every teaching conducted by
the teacher can fully control the learning is considered too simplify the learning problem.
Contextual language learning requires changes in teacher attitudes, as emphasized by Vygotsky
(Weltsch, 1985), that teachers must begin to realize the power of the transactions in the
classroom. Therefore, teachers must plan well these transactions, including by building mutual
respect between teachers and students. It was here, the incident was a reflection of learning a
language event happen- on in the community: Teachers appreciate the efforts made by the
students, guiding students to be able to assess itself and mutually respectful of each other, and
with the creation of conditions that would be realized so that mutual respect. This is similar to
the statement of Goodman and Goodman (in Moll, 1993: 235) which states that, "One teacher's
key to success is building an atmosphere of mutual respect in Their cooperative learning
classroom. these Become social communities where teachers value each learner, help the
Learners to value themselves and each other, and win the respect of Their students. "
Changes in teacher attitudes as mentioned above can not be interpreted as reduce the
authority and responsibilities of teachers. Desired change of attitude toward teachers is that
teachers lead their students with the knowledge that he was present at environment of
studentswith more experience and knowledge that many of them, and he was
present there because he respects the rights of their students. Therefore, when
present among students, teachers will try tounderstand his students, to know
whether students experiencing learning or not, and teachersready to
provide encouragement and facilities needed by students. Teacher to class with a contextual
approach is a teacher who has worked with students, and create an atmosphere
ofcreative learning (learning atmosphere).

To build a learning climate in the language classroom, teachers can change the role in
accordance with the desired climate. There are 4 kinds of roles that can be run by teachers:
1. Teachers as decision initiatives
A good teacher is one who is full of initiative. That way the teacher did not be passive.
Among the things to be done by teachers is to create creative learning context. In addition,
teachers must take the initiative in encouraging spirit of his students to learn to solve problems,
identify, and discover their needs\
2. Student teacher as observer
A good teacher should be skilled at observing students, both when child care was work or
play. Teacher in class with this contextual approach to the development of skills students need to
know. According to Vygotsky (Goodman and Goodman, 1993), teachers should try to know the
Zone of Proximal Development of each student.
3. Teachers as mediators
Redefinition of the term learning requires a redefinition of the term of teaching. Optimal
learning requires teaching skills that can
support and facilitate learning, without clamping,without giving pressure, without damaging, or
blocking the realization of learning. As amediator, teacher is present in the midst of their
students to encourage interaction. As a mediator in reading and
writing lessons, teachers should be in between student and text.Teachers can ask
questions whose answers will guide students to the problems inherent in the
text, giving provocation, directs students' attention to things that are strange, invites students
to more carefully observe certain parts of the text, helping students with the conceptor scheme
that can expand the horizons of student thinking.
4. Teacher as a liberator
The difference between the teacher's role as mediator and teacher intervenes located the
presence or absence of the freedom given by the teacher to student, or there Whether or not the
pressure exerted by teachers against students. Intervention happen if the teacher controls the
class with strict controls, giving guidance signs are very curb the learning process, so that
treatment inhibit the growth of the teacher students' self confidence. Paolo Freire (1970)
distinguish between the views education as a treat students like someone to save money in the
"bank" and treat students as "liberators". If the student as a bank, a teacher who put the
knowledge into the head students little by little, and students do not perform any power. By
contrast, if the teacher as a liberator, he gave freedom to the students, so that students feel



Teaching and learning strategies are important in learning activities teaching in the
classroom, because with these strategies teachers can create learning conditions that support the
achievement of learning objectives. In addition, teaching and learning strategies chosen and used
well by teachers can encourage students to actively pursue learning activities in class (Oxford,
1990: 1)
The selection of teaching and learning strategies should be based on consideration
of placingstudents as learning subjects that are not just passively accept what is delivered by the
teacher.The teacher should place students as beings who are naturally have the
experience, knowledge, desires, and thoughts that can be utilized to learn, both individually
and in groups. The strategychosen by teachers is a strategy that can make students have a belief
that himself capable oflearning, which can exploit the potential of students to its
fullest. Strategy teaching and learningsuch characteristics is a cooperative strategy Learning.
Cooperative Learning is a kind of group learning that involves four
to six students. Withinthis group, students work together other students under teacher
supervision to resolve the issueprovided by the teacher. In the discussion group, the
students can express opinions and to a student who was appointed as group leader can take the
initiative to conclude the discussion.
Shepardson (1997: 10-10) mentions several characteristics of Cooperative Learning
(cooperative learning) as follows:
1. Teachers should always strive for interaction between students who are in a group (student-to-
student interaction.) Cooperative learning strategy does not justify allowing a student teacher is
too dominated the discussion. Teachers have an obligation to control the course of this group
learning activities. Teachers must be can create conditions that can provide equal opportunity to
each member of the group for opinions, submit a summary, maintained, or even provide a way
out if the discussion is experiencing congestion.
2. Teachers should create a positive interdependence among group members. That is, each group
member must be pursued involved in this study. By way of giving a prearranged turn, teachers
can make students force themselves played a part in the group. Teachers need to explain to group
that each member should familiarize themselves with the good opinion of listening to other
members, and must learn to accept others' opinions if what other people think it's better than the
opinion itself. Therefore, students who are good at can help another friend to chip in mind.
3. The ability of each member of the group counted fairly (individual accountability). In the
cooperative learning groups of no participants expressed the opinion that allowed a voluntary
basis. Under the deal that has been made previously, each group member will express an opinion.
Therefore, the turn, a member of the group will receive a hostess duties of teachers, such as
group leader, as the framers of the discussions, or as a transmitter of the discussion.
4. The strategy emphasizes cooperative learning on achievement of common goals (group process
skills). This strategy teaches students to exchange information, teach each other group members
that have not been able to, and mutually menghar gai opinion of its members. The process of
reaching an agreement this group practiced and grown during the discussion in progress.
5. Members of this cooperative learning groups should not be too big, moving from 4 to 6 people.
Group of this size provides the possibility for members to exchange ideas. In addition, teachers
are also easy to oversee the process of learning that emphasizes the cooperation among the
members of this group. With a group that is not too large, students who have a mental barrier,
shy, or lack of initiative, may request assistance to other members, or gradually be encouraged to
participate actively in the learning process group (Shepardson, 1997; Johnson et al., 1992).

Stages of Implementation of Cooperative Learning

Stages that can be taken on the use of cooperative learning strategies in the
classroomwith a contextual approach include: (1) division of the group, (2) division
of duties, (3) the implementation of group discussion, (4) implementation of a class discussion.
Distribution Group
In accordance with one of the principles of cooperative learning, group division is based
on the heterogeneity of students. Members of the group have different capabilities as far as
possible with the intention that the group members are enabled to increase its ability to lower
after interacting with members of the higher-capable. In other words, grouping students through
cooperative learning has advanced so that students with higher ability have a positive effect on
the lower. The effort is in accordance with the statement that was popularized by Johnson and
Johnson (2001), which swim or sink together.
In addition to setting the group members based on the capability, the distribution of group
members also noticed the large number of members in a group. Cooperative Study groups should
try to get the number of members in a group are not too large, ranging between 4-5 people, so
that learning is intensive interaction among members groups and teachers are easier to control.
One who gets appointed as the coordinator responsibilities shared duties to members of his
group, among other duties as registrar, messenger discussions, and answering questions for other
groups. The tasks that have been given to each each member is only valid for one round, or
completion of a task given by the teacher to the group.
To maintain that the students do not depend on other students, on the next round of duties
as chairman, registrar, and conveys the results of the discussion can be exchanged to other
members. The very need to get the attention of teachers at the turn of the task is that the rotation
is intended to familiarize a student get the same heavy duty. More important than that, so that the
valuable experience gained was not only brilliant student who usually dominate the opportunity
within the group.
Division of Duties
At the beginning of a discussion group, the teacher re-emphasize the importance of
principles of cooperative learning, namely, that each group member must have the same feelings,
that sink or swim together (Johnson and Johnson, 2001). Through this principle, is expected to
grow awareness of each member of the group to share knowledge and experience they have,
appreciate the opinions of others, and willing to reach out to help group members to the group
successfully completed the task of each group. After dividing the class into groups, the next step
is to assign tasks to these groups. The task is a task group that intended by the teacher prepared
for discussion by the students in a group. In this discussion, teachers try to realize the nine steps
of learning called by Nunan (1992: 17-24) as a negotiation like this continuum.
in this small group, teacher, first of all explore students' understanding of the goals they wish
to achieve together. Return of learning the principles of cooperative learning are reminded to
heed together. Furthermore, with their understanding of that, each group moves to start a
discussion .. In the third step, the teacher let the exchange of ideas occurred. At this stage,
students are allowed to discuss according to the catchment understanding and improve skills they
possess respectively. The involvement of teachers allowed to keep only the first stage of this
discussion group do not get stuck or jammed. If assistance had to be given, teachers should
ensure that students remain entitled to decide for themselves what they think is right. Help
teachers they consider to be one of the alternatives that they can develop further. If a group were
active and successful, the teacher is only acting as an observer ( observer). If such a situation is
created, then the cooperative learning has reached the fourth step, namely to keep the confidence
of each member of the group continues to grow.
Each group must realize that learning could occur if each member of the group was
convinced that he capable of. Cooperative learning will materialize if group members are better
able to willing to donate their ability so that other group members "Do not drown". The fifth step
is to help students identify ideas, opinion, throw mind they have done in the discussion. This
needs to be done that the students used to think systematically and coherently. With teacher
guidance, thoughts, throw an idea, or any comment that could be list of identification mind more
can be well understood. However, it needs to be where the position of teachers in this stage:
teachers only serves as an alternative provider, and the decision remains inside the group
decision. This is in line with the sixth step and Seven of Nunan (1992: 22), that teachers should
"Encourage learner choice and allow Learners to Generate Their own task ". Furthermore, the
eighth step, students are given opportunity to formulate their conclusions. In this activity,
students are encouraged to express his conclusions, and other students are encouraged to
comment on the conclusions peer group. At the very least, members of the the other group gave
approval to the conclusion of his friend. Finally, on the ninth step students are given the
opportunity to apply as a researcher, ie to synchronize records of each member of the group for
later put together to be a group report. This is in line with the opinions of Heath cited by Nunan
(1994: 23) that "Students were asked ... to work together as a community of ethnographers,
collecting, interpreting, and building a data bank of information ... They Had access to the
knowledge I wanted, and the only way I Could get That knowledge was for Them to write to me.
"The report is used as the basis for The next stage, which brought together a group with other
groups which discusses the same poem with the same approach. Two groups of The same critic's
poems brought together in a discussion between groups.
Group discussions with Cooperative Learning Strategies
To complete the task with a good group, classroom teachers with strategies cooperative
learning to manage the distribution phase of this task well. For that, in the distribution of this
task, according to Johnson and Johnson (2000), teachers should emphasize that the students tried
to create a partnership with members of the group. A group members should try to stick to the
guidelines that among each member of the group needs to have a positive
interdependence(positive interdependence) which can be revealed in deeds such as sharing
learning resources that support, provide support for the opinion expressed by members of the
group, and celebrate with the group's success in completing the task group. In addition, the four
basic elements of cooperative learning to another, ie respect for individual donations (individual
accountability), tried to argue in the building of positive interactions (face-to-face promotive
interaction), trying to interact socially, and always involved in a group must always be kept in
process of task completion for each group, after the group in where members and their duties,
teachers establish the working mechanism group, so that the responsibility of each member of
the group are good. Each member of the group, at the beginning of exercise, has the task that has
been established since the beginning (predetermined), namely a chairman, a becomes registrar,
one or more members of a resource, and the remainder to convey the results of the discussion, or
answering questions from other groups. The division of tasks thus not necessarily be realized
perfectly. Therefore, individual accountability and group accountability can be applied in stages,
in accordance with conditions of each class.
The division of the group with members that are not too big aims to create interaction face to
face so they know each other more closely. This can be done by changing the way students not to
sit together with their habit everyday is sitting in a row and not face to face. In strategy
cooperative learning, the inner relationship between students plays an important role for
cooperation between group members can be realized. Therefore, each group is placed in a
position to sit in a circle and close together, so they look more familiar. By way of sitting like
this a lot of cooperative effort that can be achieved, for example, ask questions, check answers in
the book, asking the meaning of a word or expression, and lending to each other information
sources that are not owned by a member of the group. Even sometimes one member of the group
told his friends to ask something to the teacher mentor. Once the task is distributed to each
group, the teacher recalls aspects of what should be resolved cooperatively.
In the conduct focus group discussions, students are given the freedom to choose place, in
the classroom or outside the classroom. That is, so they are more relaxed, not awkward or afraid
when I express opinions, and interpretations arise from thinking individuals in the group, or any
of the results of discussions among group members, or the conclusion of an individual or a group
after they were argue.
Implementation of group discussions attempted to walk naturally. The influence of
teachers sought as little as possible. The presence of teachers in groups of no more to monitor the
discussion. The teacher circulates from group to group to motivate, provide direction if students
encounter problems can not be completed by all members of the group, answering questions does
not concern the substance of the content of the task, and other technical matters concerning the
implementation of group discussions in order to run optimally. In short, teachers could play a
role as a facilitator. If teachers are forced to answer questions that lead to answers questions,
teachers can advance students' knowledge of fishing, provide possible answers that can come out
of the question, and ultimately, teachers let students make their own decisions.
In the process of observing, facilitating, and drive mechanisms for
collaboration in thestudy group with cooperative learning strategies, teachers strive to pay
attention to five things that are emphasized by Johnson et al. (1990: 71-72
1. Each member of the group sought to remind each other to always pay attention to the questions
to be answered together. Each group members must be sure that he understands what must be
answered in the study group, and should also be aware that other members in group also have the
same understanding.
2. Inter-group cooperation among members should be extended in several ways, such as asking
questions or interpretations of the meaning of a word or array in the poem, adding thoughts
opinion on a group of friends that have been made previously, or any other method that appears
in the discussion in progress.
3. 3. Teachers record all group efforts that lead to cooperation between group members. Positive
efforts are then transmitted to other groups so that the level attained by a cooperative group can
also be perceived by other groups. For example, a group trying to understand overall meaning of
the poem by reading the poem turns into
task group. With silent reading, a poem can be understood by better, because by reading the right
way, listeners can find not meaning contained in the poem; selection of colors sound, pressure,
expression faces, and movements of poetry readers when reading a big impact to the
understanding of poetry.
4. The techniques work together within each group are considered good note
by the teacher. Furthermore, the techniques discussed at the first pause in the a meeting attended
by two groups that analyze the poem with the same technique. In the next round, new techniques
were tested and the observed effectiveness.
5. The group that had finished answering the questions made by the teacher as leading questions
assigned to write the results of their discussion. Later, members of the who had been appointed
previously requested submit results of their discussion on the future the class. On this occasion,
the level of cooperative students not only be on small group cooperation, but cooperation in a
group that is greater.

Discussions Between the Same Group

In the discussion among the same group, two groups of problems critic The
samemutually irreconcilable. Its purpose is to see the difference in results between the
two groups in question. For example, Group 1 was presented to Group 2, Group 3 presented to
the Group 4,Group 5 presented to the Group 6 and Group 7 Group 8 is faced with.
Discussions between the groups could account for any difference between
theinterpretation of results caused by (1) lack of accuracy of understanding
the tasks / questions, (2)the difference perception of concepts, terms, terminology, and
(3) differences / diversity of knowledge and experience possessed. However, through the
guidance of teachers of allobstacles that could addressed and the interpretation of students still
recognized as an originalinterpretation.
Of discussion among this group to learn the
new results obtained for experience sharingwith other groups. In meetings between
groups of discuss this same issue, expanded learning environment. Inner relationships between
group members who have united to try reunited withthe other groups. This
action certainly change the atmosphere of a mind that is calm. efforts
required certain that intergroup competition does not appear, because this meeting could lead
toefforts to maintain the results of group discussions. Teacher re explained the importance of
working together and learning together. She stressed the
importance dictum CooperativeLearning Strategies, namely Swim or Sink together. Work
with both so that tasks can be solved by both groups and with better results of the results
achieved by one group.
The results of two group discussions were presented in the class discussion.
Meanwhile, the results of previous study also remained an important document for further
discussion. Concrete outcome of discussions between groups is the increased ability, courage,
and initiative participants who previously seemed passive.

Class Discussion
Based on discussions between groups the same, the students have gained understanding
and experience of others from the previous understanding. The next step is a discussion class.
Class discussion is intended to obtain another input of different groups. Thus, the acquisition of
student learning increasingly rich, broad, and deep. Prior to class discussion, first set that the two
groups that discuss the same issues rolled into one group. Thus, class discussion followed by the
four groups. Despite being a member of the group, right to ask or refute remain on each
individual. It is intended to foster individual responsibility and group all at once.
In summary, cooperative learning in the classroom has contextual characteristics the
following. First, cooperative learning can increase the frequency of cooperation among group
members. Second, cooperative learning can reduce the urge to compete, so that students do not
mind sharing their knowledge and skills have. Therefore, the teacher gives credit to all efforts to
work together, students also encouraged to involve members of the group in an effort to
understand the task or conclusions of the results of their discussions. Third, learning atmosphere
groups seem more fun because the burden is not borne difficulties by individual students. This
study group, is not realized by the students, led each group member perform tasks for the benefit
of the group. Fourth, cooperative learning helps improve the ability to work together in teams,
practicing respect for the opinion of other group members, and encouraged to create a sense of
confident members of the group: that he could donate his mind to interests of the group task
completion. Fifth, cooperative learning can improve learning outcomes is more optimal because
of the opinions and conclusions that came out was opinions and conclusions of the group. Sixth,
cooperative learning provides a useful experience that doing things together and mutual respect
from the other one will give better results.

In conclusion, the enlarged group meeting this gradually attitude led to study with as below.
1. Cooperative learning can reduce distrust a person who feels less able.
2. Encouragement from members of the group was able to cultivate a sense of confidence students,
that he is able to contribute ideas that are useful for solving task group.
3. For students who are relatively more capable, successful co-operative Learning Strategies reduce
the tendency to compete. Another attitude that successfully grown in this group of students is the
emergence of encouragement to help members other groups to understand the problems and
complete tasks that become the responsibility of the group.
4. This strategy can also be shown that the ability of each student who rarely occurs when learning
in the classical style was gradually boldly displayed through the encouragement of the group.
5. Cooperative learning strategies can also show that learning in groups small, cohesive and willing
to work together to encourage students to dare to try an opinion, offer solutions to problems
facing the group, and dare to take action that is "risky one", because individual persons are not
revealed an error in this learning strategy. that there is the result of learning together. With
attitudes like this, all members are expected have the same feeling: the success or failure are the
property of the group.

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