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Unit 2

1 Read page 16 again. Match the beginning and ending of each
1 When water gets warm a by the wind.
2 When water vapour rises b form clouds.
3 When water vapour cools c they fall as rain.
4 These droplets of liquid d it evaporates into water vapour.
5 Clouds are moved e it meets cooler air.
6 When the droplets get big f it turns back into droplets of
and heavy liquid.

1 _______ 2 _______
3 _______ 4 _______
5 _______ 6 _______

2 Read page 17 again. What do the clouds look like in the pictures?
Picture 1 _______________________________________________________________
Picture 2 _______________________________________________________________
Picture 3 _______________________________________________________________
Picture 4 _______________________________________________________________

3 What type of weather do these clouds bring?

Picture 1 _______________________________________________________________
Picture 2 _______________________________________________________________
Picture 3 _______________________________________________________________
Picture 4 _______________________________________________________________

10 Comprehension: matching sentence beginnings and endings; finding information

Unit 2
Can you find the missing letters?

1 The first letter in each pair of words is missing.

Use the letters in the box to work out what it is.

s c t w r

1 __ a i n __ i v e r
2 __ e a __ t o r m
3 __ e a t h e r __ a t e r
4 __ o p __ a l l
5 __ o o l e r __ l o u d

2 You have made ten words. Put the words you have made in
alphabetical order.
1 _______________ 2 _______________
3 _______________ 4 _______________
5 _______________ 6 _______________
7 _______________ 8 _______________
9 _______________ 10 _______________

3 Use three of the words you have made in sentences of your own.
1 _______________________________________________________________________
2 _______________________________________________________________________
3 _______________________________________________________________________

Vocabulary: word beginnings; alphabetical order; sentence writing 11

Language building

Remember. A phrase is a group of words which forms part

of a sentence. A phrase does not make sense on its own.

These clouds look like cotton wool.

like cotton wool = phrase

1 Some of these are phrases. Some of these are sentences.

Tick the phrases.
1 above the land
2 The sun heats up the water.
3 rivers, lakes and the sea
4 as rain
5 into the sky
6 Rain falls from the clouds.

2 Use each of the phrases you have ticked in a sentence of your own.
1 _______________________________________________________________________
2 _______________________________________________________________________
3 _______________________________________________________________________
4 _______________________________________________________________________

12 Language building: phrases

Unit 2
1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. Be careful to use
the correct forms of the verbs.

know look be come sit fly see think

wåÎ Ï«yÒˆg over the rainforest, John ______________ out

While the plane _____________
of the window. He _________________ the trees below him. Monkeys
_____________________ in the branches. Suddenly there _______________ a
flash of lightning. ‘Oh, no!’ John _________________ . He _________________
that a storm _____________________ .

2 Make questions for the answers.

1 Where ____________________________ The plane was flying over the forest.
2 What __________________________________ John saw animals in the trees.
3 What ______________________________________ The monkeys were playing.
4 ______________________________________________ Yes, a storm was coming.
5 How ______________________________________________ John felt frightened.

3 Write the sentences again in the negative.

1 The bird flew slowly. ___________________________________________________
2 It started to snow. _____________________________________________________
3 The sun was shining. __________________________________________________
4 The animals were sleeping. ____________________________________________
5 We knew the way. _____________________________________________________
6 I was feeling tired. ____________________________________________________

4 Look at the pictures. Use the words to make a story. Use the
correct past tenses.

While – Ben and Tom – walk – forest,

they – see – lots of birds and animals.

Parrots – sit – trees.

Monkeys – swing – branches.

Suddenly – they – hear – roar.

They – turn round – and – see – tiger.

It – hide – trees.

Ben and Tom – stand – still.

While – they – look – it, – tiger – walk away.

‘We – lucky,’ – say – Bob. – ‘tiger – not – hungry!’

5 Now write the story.

W∏Ò¬· B´n –ˆd Tøm Æflªfl ∑–«≥Òˆg Òn —h· ƒøªfl‚t,

14 Grammar: past simple and past continuous

Unit 2
Remember. The letters tion sound like shun.

1 Complete the crossword.

Clues across ➜

4 3

Clues down

2 Choose the best word to complete each sentence.

protection collection inspection

1 The boy collected stamps for his stamp _____________________ .

2 You wear a helmet for _____________________ when you ride a bike.
3 When you look at something carefully, you do an _____________________ .

3 Use these ‘tion’ words in sentences of your own.

1 station ______________________________________________________________
2 action ______________________________________________________________

Spelling: tion spelling pattern 15

Look at the pictures. Read the words.
They explain how a seed grows.

1 2

plant, seed, soil roots, grow

3 4

bigger, suck up, water shoot, push up

5 6

leaves, appear leaves, grow, bigger

7 8

buds, appear buds, open, flowers

Unit 2

Now use the pictures and the words

to explain how a seed grows into a
plant. Write it in the correct order.
Use the present tense.

Step 1 _________________________________________________________________

Step 2 _________________________________________________________________

Step 3 _________________________________________________________________

Step 4 _________________________________________________________________

Step 5 _________________________________________________________________

Step 6 _________________________________________________________________

Step 7 _________________________________________________________________

Step 8 _________________________________________________________________

Writing: explaining a process 17

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