Anda di halaman 1dari 10


Sri Lanka
Coconut to battle fat

A resident of Sri Lanka eats, on average, about 116 coconuts a year, and the people living in this
tropical paradise have the lowest risk of obesity in the world. The reason? Coconut oil is rich in fatty
acids of medium length that absorb swiftly in the body, accelerate the rate of metabolism and calorie
burn in the body, and give a lasting sense of being full. A study conducted on the topic found that
consuming about 2 spoons of coconut oil a day, 170 gram or 300ml, can help you lose about 1.3 kg
a month.

2. Austria
Yoga to beat insomnia

The use of yoga to decrease stress is known, but in Austria it is also used to battle insomnia.
According to a study by Pennsylvania University, a yoga exercise of about 20 minutes a day is just
as useful as taking a sleeping pill. In addition, the yoga reduces stress, chronic tension and
depressed moods within two weeks time. The reason is that the gentle stretching and controlled
breathing make the body secrete the GABA neurotransmitter, which has a calming effect on the
nervous system.
3. Indonesia
Ginger to boost cardio health

Indonesia has the highest consumption rate of ginger in the world. Locals don't just throw this tasty
root into their foods, the use it to make tea, candy, bread and other foodstuffs. They see it as a root
with great benefits for the heart - which are now backed up by science. Researchers from Stanford
claim that half a tablespoon of ginger a day will reduce risk of clogged arteries by 27%, and it is also
twice as efficient as aspirin at preventing dangerous blood clots.

4. India
Turmeric to stabilize blood sugar levels

a……In India, turmeric is not only a tasty spice, but a medicinal material used to treat high blood
sugar levels. Studies have shown that the active ingredient in turmeric - curcumin - reduces and
stabilizes the levels of sugar in the blood, as well as helps the pancreas secrete insulin when blood
sugar levels rise. One must take at least half a teaspoon a day for results.

b…….Drink Ginger Tea

Author Alice Peart suggests that drinking ginger tea helps in coping with the
situations where u feel nausea. Ginger root is known to block prostiglandins,
compounds that stimulate muscle contractions and cause a headache. Peart
advises that you should have 2-4 grams of ginger daily to feel better.
Immunity levels suffer a setback during monsoon and it becomes really difficult to
digest food. Then there is the risk of all kinds of skin and stomach infections.
According to Ayurveda, bitter foods are a great combat material for rain toxins. They
neutralise Pitta dosha, help in digestion and have anti-bacterial properties. So chew on

Vegetables like snake gourd, ash gourd, bitter gourd et al are extremely nutritious and
are a much better option than leafy greens during the monsoons. They are rich in
minerals like calcium, magnesium and manganese and perk up your immunity level.

Recommended By Colombia

To ensure that your digestive system works fine during the rainy season, you can
include cumin seeds and fenugreek in your diet. These magic herbs and spices soothe
the digestive process.

Neem leaves have anti-bacterial properties and work wonders on infections or skin
problems during rains.
5. Japan
Mushrooms to control cholesterol levels
a…..The average Japanese woman consumes about 8 kilograms (17 pounds) of mushrooms a year.
Adding mushrooms to your daily diet can help reduce the levels of cholesterol by up to 30%,
according to a study by Pennsylvania University.

b……Grill umeboshi (pickled plum) until it’s burnt, pour very hot green tea over it, then drink to
reduce a fever, says Reiko Kuroda, a Japanese ex-pat living in Boston. Other home remedies
for cold symptoms that she swears by: Grating lots of ginger, adding lemon and honey and
dousing it with hot water, then drinking it to clear up a stuffed nose. For a sore throat, “add
minced Japanese leek and minced ginger to miso paste. Pour hot water into the mixture and
drink it,” she says, adding that the miso is to make it palatable rather than for therapeutic
6. England
Mustard to battle muscle pain

Soaking in a hot bath with mustard seeds is a traditional English remedy for muscle pain. The unique
build of the mustard causes the body to secrete toxins through the skin pores, improve blood flow,
relax tense muscles and help heal damaged tissue.

7. Germany
Chamomile tea to battle gas

a…….This is an old German remedy that now has science backing it up. Stanford University
researchers found that sipping 2 glasses of chamomile tea a day can reduce that bloated
feeling. Chamomile reduces the secretion of cortisol, a hormone secreted during times of stress,
which causes stomach cramps.
b…….Chamomile tea to reduce bloating - Germany

What began as a simple German folk remedy has now been proven as a scientifically effective
method for fighting off bloating. A study conducted at Stanford University found that sipping two cups
of chamomile tea daily could help ease bloating and belly pain within just 24 hours. This is because
chamomile calms the adrenals and the production of a stress hormone called cortisol that can
interfere with digestion and produce painful gas and belly spasms. Not only does chamomile tea
soothe the stomach, it also causes the brain to produce more encephalins, or painkilling hormones
that will help fight off depression and negative thoughts.

8. Russia
Garlic vs. Viral infections

Russians use garlic when they need to battle colds, the flu and most other infectious diseases. A
study conducted by the University of Florida recommends consuming one clove of garlic a
day. According to the study, garlic contains organic composites that help fight viral infections, and
consuming one clove of garlic a day can decrease the risk of infection by 43%.

9. Finland
Coffee to battle depression
The Finnish are among the biggest coffee consumers in the world - each of them sips, on average,
1,640 cups of coffee a year (that's more than 4 cups a day). When coffee first arrived in Finland in
the 18th century, it was sold as anti-depression medicine. Drinking 2 cups of coffee a day can
reduce depressed moods by 34%, drinking 3 - by 42%. According to the study, the combination of
caffeine with the antioxidants found in coffee, energizes the brain and causes it to secrete anti-
depression hormones such as serotonin and dopamine.

10. New Zealand

Honey to battle sinus and throat infections.

Unpasteurized honey is a very common remedy in New Zealand for taking care of inflammation in
the sinuses and throat. According to researchers from the universities of Illinois and Amsterdam, the
natural antibiotics and the enzymes in the unpasteurized honey destroy almost 100% of germs and
viruses - including those that cause throat ache and sinus inflammations.

11. Egypt
Coriander vs. food poisoning

Coriander is a traditional Egyptian medicine for stomach problems. Now, a study published in the
farming and food chemistry journal shows that the seeds of the coriander hasten the healing process
after suffering from inflammation of the bowels and other stomach problems. Coriander kills the
bacteria responsible for stomach pain, including E-Coli and Salmonellae, by creating holes in the
outer shell. So next time you have a really upset stomach, mix one spoon of coriander powder in hot
water and soak for 5 minutes. Drink 3 glasses of this a day until you feel better.
12. Herbalism in the United States
In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA ) allows the sale of products made
from medicinal herbs under the category of dietary supplements. The product must clarify that it does
not treat, cure, or prevent a disease or condition.

This is because dietary supplements are not held to the same standard, and regulation, that a
medication with or without a prescription is held to. For example, manufacturers of dietary
supplements do not necessarily have to prove to the FDA that the supplements are effective.
However, if the product were a drug and claims to have some medical benefit, manufacturers would
have to provide evidence and go through a series of clinical trials, which can be expensive and can
take years to get approved.

As a young Hispanic, and new mom, now living in the United States, my interview with Rodriguez
and Cervantes left me wondering if I am sometimes too quick to run to the pharmacy, even for minor
aches and pains.

During an off-camera conversation with Rodriguez, I mentioned to him that my mother has been
struggling with hemorrhoids ever since she gave birth to me, 32 years ago. He paused then walked
off the set, and to the back of his car, where he reached for a bag and pulled out a small plastic
container with the word “hemorrhoids” handwritten in blue ink. Without asking for a dime, he
insisted I give it to my mom for her to try. Sure enough, things did get much better for her shortly
after trying it.

The idea of being able to not only alleviate certain ailments without the damaging effects of
chemicals on our bodies, but also passing down a cultural tradition that has been effective for
generations is one that I plan to embrace more in my own life. I am certainly not ready to cancel my
next checkup, nor would I skip a round of antibiotics prescribed by my child’s pediatrician. But upon
my return from Mexico, I did buy an aloe vera plant for my backyard. It’s healing gel is widely
known to work like magic to treat scrapes and burns. So the next time my son falls down and scrapes
his knee, I will be visiting my backyard instead of the drug store.

13. Ukraine

For coughs that accompany colds, says a Ukrainian tradition, stock up on garlic. Ukrainians
add garlic to many dishes and believe it keeps you healthy. Modern research confirms its
ability to fight viral infections and strep throat.

Garlic acts like a mild antifungal and antibiotic through the release of aromatic chemicals,
including allicin, in the body. Raw garlic is the most effective, but it can cause
gastrointestinal upset. If so, try garlic supplements, available at most pharmacies and
health-food stores.

14. China

a…….The ingredients in Chinese rhubarb are natural laxatives that also boost
the digestive system. This Asian prescription for constipation has been popular for years.


– Purée 3 stalks of Chinese rhubarb (not to be confused with garden rhubarb)

– Add 250 mL (1 cup) apple juice, 1 L (4 cups) of water, 1/4 peeled lemon and 15 mL (1
tbsp) honey
– Bring it to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes

b……Acupuncture to treat headaches - China

Acupuncture has been used for centuries in Eastern and Chinese medicine, but now more than 80
million Chinese use this therapy to treat chronic headaches. At Taiwan's Kaohsiung Medical
University it was found that daily acupuncture treatments work much better than prescription muscle
relaxants. This is because acupuncture prompts the release of powerful painkilling hormones called
endorphins and relaxes the scalp muscles to soothe the overactive pain nerves

15.Trinidad- in the north east of Africa

a…….Trinidadians grow ginger instead of buying antacids. Fresh or dried ginger can be
added to food or made into a tea. Add 5 mL (1 tsp) ginger to your favourite tea blend. It’s
also recommended for nausea and ulcer pain, ginger reduces stomach irritation and helps
produce digestive juices.

b……Dr. Bud Rickhi, a Trinidadian-born associate professor of medicine at the University of

Calgary and director of the Research Centre for Alternative Medicine, says devil’s claw, a
herb with claw-shaped leaves that grows in the Amazon, fends off joint pain. “Village
healers know how powerful it is,” he says.

Recent British and German studies show the herb reduces pain and inflammation in the
joints. But don’t take it if you’re pregnant: It may stimulate the uterine muscles during
pregnancy. You can buy devil’s claw teas or ointments at most health-food stores.

15. Fennels

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) is a flowering plant species in the carrot family.[2] It is a

hardy, perennial herb with yellow flowers and feathery leaves. It is indigenous to the shores of
the Mediterranean but has become widely naturalized in many parts of the world, especially on dry
soils near the sea-coast and on riverbanks.

After a meal of East Indian food, be sure to visit those dainty bowls filled with fennel. This
herb is excellent for helping digestion and decreasing flatulence.
16. Mustard baths to calm muscle pain - England

Ever heard of a mustard bath? While it may sound like a hoax, mustard baths are used heavily in
England to quell tight and achy muscles. Mustard has healing plant compounds that draw out toxins
through the pores to improve circulation, relax tight muscles and speed the healing of damaged

For your own mustard bath, mix 2 cups of Epsom salts, 1/4 cup baking soda, and 1/4 cup dry
mustard in a jar. Pour only 1/4 of this mixture into a warm bath, mix the water before getting in, soak
for 20 minutes and rinse.

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