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Second Grade News

January 27, 2018:

This Week: Jan. 29-Feb. 2

Monday- Music
Tuesday – Wellness
Wednesday – Technology
Thursday – Art
Friday- Music

Things to do!
 Yearbook Sale (Return yearbook order form to school)
 Register your child for Jump Rope for Heart! 
 Register to volunteer or donate items for our Valentine’s Day Party hosted
by Mrs. Garnett (Winnie’s mom).  Valentine's Day Sign Up
 In need of items for our 100th day of school!! Please sign up for an item to
make Friday (100th day) a success!  100th Day of School Sign Up

Looking Ahead (Please make sure you mark these days in your calendar! They
will be fun and important days!)

 Monday, January 29th- School Spirit Day- Wear your NA Spirit wear!
 Friday, February 2nd- 100th day of school CELEBRATION!
 Wednesday, February 7th- Author Visit- Dan Yaccarino
 Friday, February 9th- Valentine’s Day Party (2:30-3:30)
 Monday, February 12th- Opera Visit @ McCoy Center

Scholastic Book Orders:

Our class is LOVING reading time. They are all super interested in finding new
genres and books to get hooked on! A wonderful way to support your child’s
love for reading is to buy MORE BOOKS! Scholastic website has so many
amazing books and they are such great prices!! Here is the link to browse books
and order online:
Our class code for online orders is RHD8M. All book orders are sent to our school
and then sent home with your child.

Current Learning:

Fundations: We will wrap up this quick Unit 8 on Tuesday. We have been

focusing on the r-controlled sounds of ar and or, marking r-controlled syllable
types, and combining r-controlled syllables with other syllable types. The trick
words for this unit are: world, answer, and different.
Unit 9 will begin on Wednesday. This is a 2 week unit. Students will read and spell
words with the 3 remaining r-controlled sound combinations: er, ir, and ur. All
three make the same sound. The trick words for this unit are:
Week 1: picture, learn, earth
Week 2: father, brother, mother

Math: We will continue to focus on counting coins. Please continue to practice

this skill with your child at home. We are learning many new math games to help
reinforce this skill. In Number Corner this month, we have been focusing on
graphing, fractions and equations with unknowns (missing addends and sums).

Writing: We have begun raising the level of our Opinion letter writing. Some
strategies we will be utilizing this week are; jotting notes at the top of each page
to hold your idea, writers use what they notice to spark new ideas, helpful linking
words, and getting creative with conventions. The students are truly enjoying
writing their opinions about books through writing letters. In addition to the new
teachings above, the students will continue to study characters, favorite parts,
pictures, titles and covers. I really enjoy meeting with individual students during
our “writing conferences”. It provides such authentic opportunity to get to know
more about each student and the

Reading: GROWTH MINDSET! We are beginning to read books with characters

that embody Fixed mindsets vs. Growth mindsets. “I can’t do it” vs. “I can’t do
it… YET”. If you’d like to use this language at home, we read a book called
Bubble Gum Brain. One character has a “brick brain” and he has a negative
outlook on trying new things. He only focuses on the things he’s good at and
likes to brag. “Bubble gum brain” can’t do a lot of things but he continues to try
and finds new strategies to help him reach his goals! He has a positive attitude
and continues to set new goals. He has a lot of HOPE for himself!

We will continue to focus on fluency and comprehension this week through

Shared Reading poetry. We will also analyze Authors Purpose. We will read
strong mentor texts that allow us to figure out why the author chose to write
about certain things. Was is to persuade, inform, entertain, and/or explain?

Social Studies: Thank you Mr. Barber (Paisley’s father) for volunteering and
teaching our class! He will continue to teach our class Economics every Friday
for 5 weeks. Last week we learned about wants vs. needs and the various types
of jobs within a community. Please check our classroom website for pictures
from Friday!

Have a GREAT week!

Ms. Weber

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