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Nama : Aldo Piantika


Give thanks to Allah
Berterima kasihlah pada Allah

Education in Indonesia


assalamu'alaikum wr. wb

i will tell u about islamic education

in indonesia to introduce various islamic

education institution

indonesia as the moon and largest muslim population Formatted: Font: +Body (Calibri), 12 pt, Not Bold, Font
color: Auto

in the starsworld, in the country of indonesia Formatted: Space After: 10 pt, Line spacing: Multiple 1.15
li, Pattern: Clear

Untuk bulan dan bintang yang tlah diciptakan Formatted: Font: +Body (Calibri), 12 pt, Not Bold, Font
Prays in all day full color: Auto
Berdo'alah sepanjang hari Formatted: Font: +Body (Calibri), 12 pt, Not Bold, Font
What is and what was color: Auto
Untuk segalanya
Take hold of your iman
Kuatkan imanmu
Don't givin to syaitan
Jangan berikan pada syaitan
Oh you who believe please give thanks to Allah
Oh kau yang yakin, berterima kasihlah pada Allah

Allahu Ghafuur Allahu Rahiim

Allah maha Pengampun Allah maha Penyayang
Allahu yuhibbul Muhsinin
Allah menyukai orang-orang yang berbuat baik
Huwa Khaliquuna Huwa Raziquuna
Dialah sang Pencipta Dialah sang Pemberi rizki
Wahuha ala kulli syaiin qaadir
Dan Dialah yang berkuasa atas segala sesuatu

Allah is Ghafur Allah is Rahim

Allah maha Pengampun Allah maha Penyayang
Allah is the one who loves the Muhsinin
Allah-lah satu-satunya yang mencintai orang-orang yang berbuat baik

He is a creater
Dialah sang pencipta
He is a sustainer and
Dialah sang penolong dan
He is the one who has power over all
Dialah satu-satunya yang punya kekuatan atas segalanya
live cand coexist peacefully and harmoniously


maybe this is only an impetation about

islamic education in indonesia that i can convey

wassalamu'alaikum wr. wb. Formatted: Space After: 10 pt, Line spacing: Multiple 1.15
li, Pattern: Clear
Formatted: Font: +Body (Calibri), 12 pt, Not Bold, Font
color: Auto

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