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Intensive Care Med (2018) 44:91–93

DOI 10.1007/s00134-017-4824-y


Understanding blood gas analysis

Luciano Gattinoni1*, Antonio Pesenti2 and Michael Matthay3

© 2017 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg and ESICM

Introduction ­CO2 content in the red blood cells is lower than in

Blood gas analysis is probably the most common diag- plasma due to the lower pH in the red cells.
nostic tool used in intensive care. In fact, a proper under- ••  Different blood gas machines, for the same pH and
standing and use of arterial and pulmonary/central ­PCO2, provide different values of ­ HCO3− up to
venous blood gas and electrolytes analysis makes it pos- 2 mmol/L in cases of severe acidosis or alkalosis, due
sible to correctly interpret most of the respiratory, circu- to differences in the implemented algorithms.
latory and metabolic derangements which may occur in ••  The base excess (BE), i.e., the difference between
critically ill patients. the actual and the ideal buffer base (i.e., the sum of
­HCO3−, dissociated proteins, and ­HPO42−, measured
Blood gas analysis variables at ­PCO2 40  mmHg, pH 7.40 and proteins 70  g/L)
Before discussing their clinical use, we would like to is equal to the strong ion difference (SID). In the
underline some the characteristics of the blood gas analy- venous blood, the base excess is always higher than in
sis variables which are usually ignored. Indeed, it is worth the arterial blood by 1.5–2 mmol/L due to the lower
noting that: pH and higher ­PCO2 (leading to higher ­HCO3−).

••  The reported hemoglobin oxygen carrying capacity Clinical use

coefficients ­(mLO2/g) vary quite surprisingly from Arterial sampling
1.32 to 1.36 or 1.39; this reflects the different molecu- Arterial sampling allows the precise assessment of oxy-
lar weights attributed to hemoglobin (from 64,000 to genation ­(PaO2 and hemoglobin saturation, either com-
67,000 Da). puted or directly measured by oximetry), of ventilatory
••  These hemoglobin oxygen-carrying capacity coeffi- status ­(PaCO2) and of acid–base equilibrium (BE and
cients are used to compute other variables such as: pH). It should be noted, however, that the oxygena-
oxygen transport ­(DO2), the arterial–venous differ- tion status may be clinically assessed by pulse oximetry,
ence (ΔavO2), oxygen consumption by reverse Fick’s although keeping in mind its limitations, such as the
method ­( VO2  =  ΔavO2*CO, where CO is cardiac presence of carboxy- and meta-hemoglobin, severe ane-
output in L/min  ×  10) and the Riley’s shunt frac- mia or vasoconstriction so severe as to impede signal
tion [Qs/Qt  =  (CcO2−CaO2)/(CcO2−CvO2)] [1]. transmission.
The use of different coefficients may primarily affect
the ΔavO2 and the ­VO2 if measured by reverse Fick’s Central venous sampling
method [2]. The central venous sampling is inadequate to assess the
••  The total ­CO2 given by the blood gas machines refers efficacy of oxygenation, which, however, may be esti-
to the ­CO2 content of plasma and not to the whole mated by pulse oximetry. In contrast, both venous P ­ CO2
blood, which is lower by 5–10  mmol/L. Indeed, the and BE are well related to the arterial ones (3–5 mmHg
and 1–2  mmol/L higher, respectively). Therefore, res-
piratory and metabolic status may be assessed by central
venous blood plus pulse oximetry. In addition, the central
venous sampling provides the central venous oxygen sat-
Department of Anesthesiology, Emergency and Intensive
Care Medicine, University of Göttingen, Robert‑Koch‑Straße 40, uration ­(SatvO2), which is an extremely sensitive monitor
37075 Göttingen, Germany
Full author information is available at the end of the article

of variations of respiratory, hemodynamic and metabolic space measurement means leaving out an excellent
homeostasis. Indeed: bedside indicator of the structural changes of the lung
[6], and one of the best prognostic factor available in
VO2 (mL/min) 1
Satv O2 = Sata O2 − · ARDS patients [7]. Indeed, the computed dead space
Q(L/min) Hb(g/L) · 1.39 increases not only when the ventilation of the pulmo-
nary units with high VA/Q increases but also when
Metabolism 1
Satv O2 = Lung − · the shunt increases [8]. Therefore, physiological dead
Hemodynamics Oxygen carrying capacity
space is a strong indicator of the overall function of
As shown, whatever change in lung function, hemo- the pulmonary gas exchanger (pulmonary dead space
dynamics, metabolism or oxygen transport affects and shunt).
­SatvO2. Indeed, S
­ atvO2 does not tell us which one of the
basic vital functions is impaired (i.e., it is not specific), Respiratory, hemodynamic and metabolic relationships
but it monitors immediately their alterations (i.e., it is Beyond the shunt fraction and the dead space, the simul-
extremely sensistive). Therefore, sampling the central taneous sampling of arterial and central venous blood
venous blood in patients in whom pulse oximetry is avail- allows the diagnosis and monitoring of several other
able provides more information than the arterial blood pathophysiologic conditions:
••  Respiratory: beyond the usual assessment of oxygena-
Dual sampling tion ­(PaO2 and P/F ratio) and ventilation (­PaCO2),
Several important data variables may be acquired with the measurement of venous admixture makes it pos-
the dual sampling. Here, we will focus particularly on sible to quantify the impact of hemodynamics on
the shunt fraction and on the pulmonary dead space oxygenation. Indeed, it is known (but usually forgot-
assessment. ten or ignored) that cardiac output and shunt are
related. A decrease of cardiac output decreases the
Shunt fraction shunt and increases the oxygenation [9]. As an exam-
The shunt fraction, correctly named venous admixture if ple, an increase in the ­PaO2 with PEEP loses its clini-
measured at an F ­ iO2 lower than 1.0, quantifies the frac- cal pertinence if associated with a decrease in ­SvO2,
tion of cardiac output flowing through pulmonary units indicating a probable decline in cardiac output, and
with a low or nil ventilation/perfusion ratio. It represents that the change in oxygenation is more hemody-
the best estimate of the oxygenation status, although namic than recruitment-related.
rarely used in intensive care medicine, where the oxygen- ••  Hemodynamic: impending hemodynamic insuf-
ation assessment is usually performed by computing the ficiency may be easily detected by a decline in the
­PaO2/FiO2 (P/F) ratio (mmHg). The limits of the P/F ratio ­SvO2 and by widening of the veno-arterial difference
in the oxygenation assessment [3, 4] are shown in Fig. 1, in oxygen content; this happens as the first mecha-
where we plot the P/F ratio as a function of shunt at dif- nism before energy crises (tissue hypoxemia and
ferent levels of F
­ iO2. As shown, the same patient with anaerobic metabolism) may occur. It is worth noting,
30% true shunt may be classified as severely, moderately however, that a lowering of ­SvO2 and widening of
or even mildly hypoxemic [5], depending on the delivered ΔavO2 are warning signals not necessarily indicating
­FiO2. The discrepancy between the venous admixture an energy crisis.
and the P/F ratio is particularly relevant for shunt frac- ••  Metabolic: the occurrence of energy crises due to tis-
tions between 0.2 and 0.3. sue hypoxemia is manifested by several signals, all
related to the partial shift of metabolism from aero-
Pulmonary dead space bic to anaerobic: primarily a decrease of pH, worsen-
The dead space measurement requires both the P ­ aCO2 ing base excess, a decrease of strong ion difference
and mixed expired P ­ CO2 (physiological dead space) or (SID), an increase of veno-arterial difference in ­PCO2
the end-tidal ­P CO2 (alveolar dead space). This meas- and of its ratio to the ΔavO2 [10], together with an
urement has also been almost abandoned in the ICU, increase in plasma lactate. In the presence of these
as the ­P CO2 levels are not usually considered a rel- signs, treatment and careful monitoring of its effects
evant clinical problem. However, omitting the dead should follow immediately.



FiO2 0.21
P/F rao

mild FiO2 0.40

FiO2 0.60
200.0 FiO2 0.80
FiO2 1.00


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Fig. 1  The ­PaO2/FiO2 ratio as a function of shunt at different ­FiO2 levels. Data computed with Kelman’s subroutine [11], assuming an oxygen con-
sumption of 250 mL/min, cardiac output 5 L/min, temperature 37 °C, ­PaCO2 40 mmHg and pH 7.40. The intervals used to define mild, moderate and
severe oxygenation impairment are represented with different colors (light blue, yellow and red, respectively)

Author details 2. Gattinoni L, Carlesso E (2009) Chapter 124: arterial and venous blood
 Department of Anesthesiology, Emergency and Intensive Care Medicine, gases. In: Ronco C, Bellomo R, Kellum JA (eds) Critical care nephrology,
University of Göttingen, Robert‑Koch‑Straße 40, 37075 Göttingen, Germany. 2nd edn. Saunders, Philadelphia
 Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, University 3. Aboab J et al (2006) Relation between PaO2/FIO2 ratio and FIO2: a math-
of Milan, Milan, Italy. 3 Cardiovascular Research Institute, University of Califor- ematical description. Intensive Care Med 32(10):1494–1497
nia, San Francisco, San Francisco, USA. 4. Karbing DS et al (2007) Variation in the PaO2/FiO2 ratio with FiO2: math-
ematical and experimental description, and clinical relevance. Crit Care
Compliance with ethical standards 11(6):R118
5. ARDS Definition Task Force et al (2012) Acute respiratory distress syn-
Conflicts of interest drome: the Berlin definition. JAMA 307(23):2526–2533
On behalf of all authors, the corresponding author states that there is no 6. Gattinoni L et al (1994) Lung structure and function in different stages of
conflict of interest. severe adult respiratory distress syndrome. JAMA 271(22):1772–1779
7. Nuckton TJ et al (2002) Pulmonary dead-space fraction as a risk factor
Ethical approval for death in the acute respiratory distress syndrome. N Engl J Med
This article does not contain any studies with human participants or animals 346(17):1281–1286
performed by any of the authors. 8. Suarez-Sipmann F et al (2013) Corrections of Enghoff’s dead space for-
mula for shunt effects still overestimate Bohr’s dead space. Respir Physiol
Funding Neurobiol 189(1):99–105
None. 9. Dantzker DR, Lynch JP, Weg JG (1980) Depression of cardiac output is a
mechanism of shunt reduction in the therapy of acute respiratory failure.
Chest 77(5):636–642
Received: 10 April 2017 Accepted: 26 April 2017 10. Mekontso-Dessap A et al (2002) Combination of venoarterial PCO2
Published online: 11 May 2017 difference with arteriovenous O2 content difference to detect anaerobic
metabolism in patients. Intensive Care Med 28(3):272–277
11. Kelman GR (1967) Digital computer procedure for the conversion of
PCO2 into blood CO2 content. Respir Physiol 3(1):111–115

1. Riley RL, Cournand A (1949) Ideal alveolar air and the analysis of ventila-
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