Anda di halaman 1dari 8


1. Fill in the blanks:

a. ................................................. are very important part of our daily life.

b. The standard unit of length is .................................... .

c. A ................................... can be used for measuring short length.

d. ............................ is measured in seconds, minutes and hours.

e. Thermometer is used to measuring...........................................

f. Cubit was the first recorded unit to measure...................................

g. A ruler is used for measuring ............................. lengths.

h. The standard unit of measuring weight is.............................

i. Capacity is measured in .........................

j. Temperature is measured in .........................................

k. The words long and short are used for comparing .........................................

l. Words like heavy and light are used for comparing............................................

m. The words more and less is used for comparing .........................................

2. Complete the following:

a. 1 kilometer =

b. 1 meter =

c. 1 kilogram=

d. 1 liter=

e. 1 hour=

f. 1 minute=

3. Write the standard unit of measurement of followings:

a. Length:

b. Weight:

c. Capacity:

d. Time:

e. Temperature:
4. Write the name of instrument used to measure following:

a. Length:

b. Weight:

c. Capacity:

d. Time:

e. Temperature:

5. Answer the followings:

A. Name the measures to find out or express the quantity of different things.



B. What will you use to measure the length of door?



C. Which unit is used to measure:

a. Long Distance:

b. Short Distance:

D. Write the unit presents in :

a. Ruler:

b. Meter Rod:

c. Measuring cylinders:

d. Thermometer:

e. Stop watch:

E. In olden days there were no standard units of measurement. Draw and label the things which

people used at that time to measure the length and weight.

F. What is temperature tell us?



G. In olden days people used sundial and sand watch to know the time. What do you use today to

know the time? Draw the picture:


H. Look at the picture and write the name of instrument and all tell where it is used for.

Instrument Name Used for

I. What is meant by standard unit of measurement?




J. Name one instrument used to measure length?



K. What is capacity?



L. Name the first recoded unit to measure length.


M. What does temperature tell us?



N. Why did people feel the need to keep the measure of the things uniform for everyone?



O. What is a measuring cylinder used for?


P. Which body parts did people use for measuring length in olden days? Also name the measure used?


Q. What are the things that your mother would have to measure for making kheer?

R. Write whether it takes minute, seconds or hours to do following

a. To reach Mumbai : …………………………………..

b. To do four sums :……………………………………

c. To wear socks and shoes :……………………………………

S. Name any two things that are measured with the help of measuring tape.


6. Can you tell-?

a. How many meters in 1Km? ………………………………………………………

b. How many centimetres in 1 m? …………………………………………….

c. How many minutes in 1hour? …………………………………………..

d. How many grams in 1KG? …………………………………………

e. How many mililiter in 1liter? …………………………………………………

7. Write how much.

a. A ribbon was 50cm long. After I cut, 37cm was left. How much did I cut off?


b. Gita mother needs 1m 50cm of cloth to make the frock. How many cenetimeters of cloth she must

buy. ? (1 m=100cm)


c. Neetu buys 5 liters milk to ice-cream. Can you tell how many millilitres is it?


d. Raju bought two sugar filled containers to his house. One container weighed 2kg 250 gm while other

weighed 4 kg 500gm. What would be their total weight?


8. Name the units used to measure the following:

a. Milk :- …………………………………..

b. Vegetables :- ……………………………………

c. Time :-……………………………………
d. Body temperature :- …………………………………..

e. Room temperature :- ………………………………….

f. Cloth :-………………………………….

g. Road :- ………………………………..

h. Petrol :- ………………………………….

i. Pencil Box :- ………………………………….

j. A person’s Weight :- ………………………………….


9. Look at the picture and write how much distance Neha needs to travel from her house to the garden?

10. Number the following objects in the increasing order of their weight.
11. See the Picture given below and answer the following questions:

a. How may glasses jug A can fill? ………………………………

b. How many glasses jug B can fill? ………………………………….

c. Whose capacity is more Jug A or Jug B Why? ………………………………………………………………………….


12. In order days, people used sundial and sand watch to know the time. What do you use

today to know the time? Draw it.

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