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The 10 commandments of the Sicilian Mafia.

First at all, Cosa Nostra was born in Sicily, Italy in the early nineteen century. It’s one
of the most important criminal organizations in the world, and it has a hierarchical
scheme and a well-defined aim. According to regretful members of Cosa Nostra,
there are a lot of paramilitary organizations and important politicians working to
provide unlimited financial resources to the mafia.

As I said before, Cosa Nostra has a structure and a well-defined aim. However, what
many people don’t know is that It has 10 commandments which must be absoluttely
respected by his members. These commandments have been found by the Italian
Police in a hidden place in Palermo, as a result of an important police operation in
2007 to capture the Boss Salvatore Lo Piccolo.

1. People who can't be part of Cosa Nostra: Anyone who has a close relative in
the police. Anyone with a two-timing relative in the family. Anyone who
behaves badly and doesn't hold to moral values.

People who wants to be part of the mafia must be invited, the rest don’t have any
possibility. People who has a connection with the Police can’t be part of the Cosa
Nostra because it would make vulnerable the organization under the law. In
addition, it can’t be part of the mafia who has cheated on his wife, and who doesn’t
have moral values. We can think, it’s completely self contradictory according to the
modus operandi we know of the mafia, but the main idea of a gangster is to go
unnoticed on society and to show an acceptable moral behavior to avoid being
accused with the authorities.

2. No one can present himself directly to another of our friends. There must be
a third person to do it.
The most important thing about this commandment is that every gangster puts his
life in a serious danger when he introduces another person to other member of the
family. It’s because if the person introduced has a bad behavior inside the
organization, the gangster who introduced him also will pay the Price.
Another important thing, it’s that if gangster introduces the other person as “ a
friend of ours” it means the person is already part of the family, but if he uses the
expression “A friend of mine” the rest of the members will be carful because he isn’t
a formal member yet.

3. Never look at the wives of friends.

It’s contradictory again but a member of the Cosa Nostra can’t have a relationship
with wives and daughters of other members of the organization. This
commandment has nothing to do with honor and moral of the person, but the
stability and goals of the organization. Punishments are severe, and usually it is

4. Wives must be treated with respect.

Respeto no implica fidelidad. Este mandamiento se refiere a que los mafiosos no
deben agredirlas, ni tampoco ridiculizarlas en publico.

5. Never be seen with cops.

Esto nace como a consecuencia del programa de protección al testigo que surgio en
1970 en usa, que le para daba a los mafiosos la oportunidad de dar información al
FBI a cambio de protección. Con esto muchos accedieron y se descubrieron y
derrumbaron muchos negocios. Por eso tener relaciones con policias está
completamente prohibido.
6. . Don't go to pubs and clubs.
Se sabe que estos son sitios claves para hacer negocios. La verdadera razon de este
mandamiento es que los miembros no deben exhibirse muy amenudo, es decir, el
problema es la publicidad.

7. Always being available for Cosa Nostra is a duty, even if your wife is close to
give birth.
No hay vacaciones en la mafia, no hay licencia por enfermedad, no hay jornada
laboral de ocho horas. Una vez se entra en la organizacion, esta se apodera de ti.

8. . Appointments must absolutely be respected.

Esto se relaciona con el mandamiento anterior, debes acudir siempre cuando te
llamen. Nunca faltar.

9. When someone asks for any information, the answer must be the truth.

Este mandamiento es menos severo, pues los jefes saben que todos mienten, sin
embargo no deben descubrirte, es por ello que los jefes confían mas en aquellos
que creen que le mentirán menos.

10. . Money cannot be appropriated if it belongs to others or to other families.

Pueden robar a cualquiera menos a alguien que pertenezca a la organización. Esto se

hace para conservar la armonía y el éxito de la mafia.

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