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Chapter 1


Online Grading System is an application in which you can

create your own profile. The teachers post the student’s grades through

online, the teachers can easily spread news once they post it, everybody

will see announcement and class schedule from their teachers. Also,

online grading system is a system that can help teachers to easily

encode grade via internet. This program has a mobile protection code

for the security of grades of the students.

Nowadays, educators find it easy to have an online grading system

in their school because it promotes home-school connection and allow

parents to monitor their child performance in school. In this case, parents

and teachers will able to communicate and ask question to each other

about the student performance inside the room.

Grades also help teachers communicate with one another and it can

easy to understand data about student performance. Its’s not like in

element and secondary, because in this department there are different

grading system in every subject, they are different in percentage in terms

of major and minor subject. Online grading system it is only in college

students especially in the Universities.

Project Context

Online Grading System for Almond Academy Foundation

Incorporated is a system that help teacher to lessen their time encoding

grades of learners, and parents can monitor their child performance.

A. Data Capture


B. Input

Name of Document: Summary of Grades/Class Record

Prepared by: Teacher

Purpose: To see or to view the grades per semester.

` Recipients: Teachers and Parents

C. Processes


Objectives of the Project

Specifically, the system aims to:

1. The Teachers, Parents, Students will easy to get information with

each other like, Faculty Information, Guidance Information, Class

Schedule and Announcements.

2. It can lessen the time for encoding and releasing grades.

3. Easily spread announcements or information.

4. Enabling the parents to view the child’s grades anytime.

Purpose and Description

The purpose of this system to the students is they can create

profile and they can view their grade anytime, they can easily see the

announcements, schedule, information and their grades and to busy

parents or guardian they can monitor their child performance inside the

room, and to the teachers they are able to view and edit grades, they

can easily spread announcements or information and also teachers used

this system to keep parents informed about what their child doing in

class and how well they are doing it.

Online Grading System is a system that will lessen the registrar’s

task in encoding the grades, the teachers can submit grades online it

can lessen the time for encoding and releasing grades. It is intended for

the college instructors only and graduate schools only and not for the

elementary and secondary department. In this system is not

automatically compute grades of the students, thus, the teacher must

input the computed grades.

Scope and Limitation

The researcher conducted this data to provides information

including their grades. It completely shows the academic performance of

students. The target users of this system are the teachers and parents of

students. It provides all data needed to accommodate the program. This

program is not automatically compute the grades of students, unless, the

teacher must input the grades of prelim, midterm, semi-finals and then


Conceptual Framework

Definition of Terms

Online Grading System – system that can help teachers to lessen their

time encoding grades.

Instructors/Teachers – a person whose job is to teach and the one who

submit and encodes the grades of students.

Students – a person who studying and perform school activities.

Encoding - the activity of converting data or information into code.

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