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J Oral Pathol Med (2009) 38: 63–71

doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0714.2008.00702.x ª 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2008 Blackwell Munksgaard Æ All rights reserved

Polymorphic drug metabolizing CYP-enzymes –

a pathogenic factor in oral lichen planus?
C. Kragelund1, C. Hansen2, J. Reibel1, B. Nauntofte1, K. Broesen3, A. M. L. Pedersen1, D. Smidt1,
H. Eiberg4, L. A. Torpet1
Section of Oral Medicine, Clinical Oral Physiology, Oral Pathology & Anatomy, Department of Odontology, Faculty of Health
Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark; 2Wilhelm Johannsen Center for Functional Genome Research,
Department of Medical Genetics, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark; 3Centre of Clinical Pharmacology, University of
Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark; 4Department of Medical Biochemistry and Genetics, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen,

BACKGROUND: Oral lichen planus (OLP) is a chronic Keywords: CYP; CYP2D6*4; cytochrome P450; molecular
mucosal disease with a characteristic clinical phenotype. mimicry; oral lichen planus; polymorphisms
Environmental exposures, e.g. drugs have been associ-
ated with the pathogenesis.
OBJECTIVES: To test the hypothesis that some OLP
lesions have a pharmacological pathogenesis related to Introduction
polymorphisms of the cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYPs) Lichen planus (LP) is defined as a chronic mucocuta-
resulting in poor or intermediate CYP metabolism. neous disease with unknown aetiology. Usually, LP is
METHODS: One hundred and twenty patients with OLP subdivided into cutaneous lichen planus (CLP) and oral
and 180 gender-matched controls without OLP were lichen planus (OLP) referring to the area affected, but all
genotyped for CYP2C9, CYP2C19, and CYP2D6 alleles with external and some internal epithelial surfaces can show
absent or reduced function. lichenoid manifestations, why a multidisciplinary eval-
RESULTS: The prevalence of poor or intermediate uation and treatment may be wanted (1). The prevalence
metabolizers was not higher among the OLPs as compared of OLP varies from 0.1% to 2.8% in different studies
with the controls; however, there were higher numbers of and in different ethnic populations (2–4). In Scandina-
variant CYP2D6 genotypes among the OLP females via, a higher prevalence of OLP among females has been
(P < 0.05). There were no differences between the groups found (4). If an aetiological factor is suspected, the
with regard to intake of drugs metabolized by polymorphic lesions are designated lichenoid. The oral lichenoid
CYPs or drug or herbal products inhibiting CYPs. The phenotype includes OLP, lichenoid contact lesions
prevalence of CYP2D6*4 alleles among the OLPs was (dental materials causing a mucosal reaction), lichenoid
higher [28%; 95% confidence interval (CI) 20–36%] than drug eruptions (LDE) and the lichenoid reactions seen
previously reported among Danes (19%; 95% CI 17–22%). in graft vs. host disease (5) reflecting heterogeneous
Fifty per cent of the OLPs had a CYP2D6*4 genotype as aetiology patterns. Clinical and histopathologic assess-
compared with 30% in the background population (P = ment of OLP is to some extent subjective (6, 7), and
0.0001). The CYP2D6*4 protein has sequence homology attempts to differentiate between lichenoid lesions and
with human herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV1) and LP clinically and histopathologically have not been
Candida albicans, which may result in molecular mimicry. successful (8). Thus, the lichenoid diagnosis is based on
CONCLUSION: It was not possible to substantiate a case history.
pharmacological pathogenesis of OLP based on poor or Drugs from almost all drug classes have been impli-
intermediate CYP metabolism. However, molecular cated in LDE (9). A few LDE case series have been
mimicry between CYP2D6, in particular CYP2D6*4, and reported (10, 11) but the majority of today’s knowledge
common oral pathogens may be involved in the patho- is based on spontaneously reported cases where the
genesis of OLP. introduction of drugs is related to mucosal changes.
J Oral Pathol Med (2009) 38: 63–71 Familial cases of LP have been reported. Most reports
are anecdotal cases (12), although a noticeable retro-
spective study from Denmark found a prevalence of
Correspondence: Camilla Kragelund, Section of Oral Medicine, 10% of familial LP (13). Familial LP suggests that a
Clinical Oral Physiology, Oral Pathology & Anatomy, Faculty of variety of genetic factors may be implicated in the
Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen, 20, Norre Allé, DK-2200 pathogenesis of lichenoid eruptions.
Copenhagen N, Denmark. Tel: +45 35 32 67 23, Fax: +45 35 32 67 22,
E-mail: The most important drug metabolizing cytochrome
Accepted for publication June 8, 2008 P450 enzymes (CYP) are the CYP3A4, CYP2E1,
Oral lichen planus and drug metabolizing CYP-enzymes
Kragelund et al.

CYP1A2, CYP2D6, CYP2C19 and CYP2C9, of which Materials and methods
the latter three have frequent, clinically relevant Study groups
polymorphisms due to single nucleotide polymor- The OLP group comprised 120 patients with OLP where
phisms, gene deletion and multiple gene copies. This the majority was living in the Copenhagen County. All
results in alleles with no (PM), reduced (IM), exten- OLP patients were randomly selected among 348 OLPs
sive (WT) or increased (UM) function. Subsequently, monitored regularly at the Clinic of Oral Medicine at the
individuals are categorized as poor (PM⁄PM), inter- School of Dentistry in Copenhagen. The average period
mediate (IM⁄IM, WT⁄PM, WT⁄IM, PM⁄IM), extensive of control was 4.5 years (range 6 months to 26 years).
(WT⁄WT) and ultrarapid metabolizers (WT · N active Two hundred and seventeen OLP patients were invited
genes) according to the enzyme activity of the different to participate in the study, but 97 refrained because of
CYPs. Both PMs and IMs may have a clinically old age or disabilities (n = 35), lack of time (n = 4),
significant increased plasma concentration when resistance against phenotype probe drugs (n = 9, see
treated with drugs metabolized by the enzyme in perspectives) or no specific reason (n = 49). The clinical
question (14, 15). The prevalence of PMs and IMs diagnosis of OLP was established by at least two
varies in different ethnic groups (16) but there are no specialists in oral medicine on clinical manifestations
reports of age or gender selection. Furthermore, the of classic bilateral reticular lesions during the recall
activity of the CYPs vary due to modulations by period. History of extra-oral LP manifestations was
environmental factors that may induce or inhibit the reported by 21% of the males and 26% of the females
enzyme activity. Of utmost importance is the fact that where CLP was reported by 19% of both genders. One
altered CYP activity may result in adverse drug male (2%) and nine females (12%) reported history of
reactions, interactions and therapy failure as some more than one extra-oral LP sites. Patients with
drugs, in particular those with a low therapeutic index lichenoid lesions restricted to the mucosa in direct
or drugs principally metabolized by one polymorphic contact with dental restorations and in that way
CYP, may reach non-favourable therapeutic levels suspected to be contact lesions were not included (24).
(15, 17). Thus, in this paper the OLP diagnosis was used for all
The CYPs have been associated with autoimmune patients with the oral lichenoid phenotype, as the
diseases, e.g. autoimmune hepatitis type 2, the mono- distinction between OLP and LDE is mostly based on
genic childhood variant (type 1) of autoimmune case histories and inconclusive clinical and histopatho-
polyglandular syndrome and drug-induced hepatitis logical criteria. Thirty-seven patients had the clini-
(16, 18). CYP2D6 WT proteins of the hepatocytes have cal diagnosis supported by histopathological features
been identified as the major target antigen for liver of LP (25).
kidney microsomal type 1 antibodies (LKM1) in The control group comprised 180 gender-matched
autoimmune hepatitis type 2 (19, 20). Molecular randomly selected among 191 elderly (>64 years) with
mimicry is a phenomenon where molecules from normal-appearing oral mucosa. Normal-appearing
different genes, e.g. self-genes and non-self-genes, share mucosa included normal anatomical variations, e.g.
similar structures or amino acid sequences. Molecular leucoedema, Fordyce’s spots and lingual varicosities.
mimicry is suspected in the pathogenesis of auto- The 191 elderly were part of a cohort of 668 participants
immune diseases as environmental molecules, e.g. of the ODONT II from the fourth follow-up examination
related to infections, pollutants or drugs, may trigger of the Copenhagen City Heart Study, a prospective
the immune response to mistake host structures with populations study started in 1976 (26). The inclusion
similar molecular shapes as foreign and attack them criterion was normal-appearing oral mucosa at the
(21). Amino acid sequence homology has been found clinical examination. A clinical oral examination of each
among CYP2D6 WT protein, cytomegalovirus, human participant was performed by trained investigators
herpes simplex type 1 (HSV1) and hepatitis C virus (OLPs by CK, controls by DS, AMLP, LAT) recording
(HCV) with evidence of cross-reactivity with the the status of the oral mucosa. The inclusion criterion was
LKM1 (19, 22). OLP lesions in the OLP group and normal-appearing oral
In a previous study on the relationship between OLP mucosa in the control group. The two groups were
and drugs metabolized by polymorphic CYPs, we found selected without concern to the participant’s medication
that the OLP group consumed significantly more drugs profile why both medicated and non-medicated were
metabolized by polymorphic CYPs and drugs with an included in this study. All the controls were native Danish
inhibitory effect on one or more CYPs than an age, Caucasians. Likewise, all the OLP patients were Cauca-
gender and ethnically matched control group (23). sians and the vast majority was native Danes, but one
Subsequently, it is possible that some OLP lesions have female originated from Sweden and two males from the
a pharmacological pathogenesis related to absent or United States and Finland, respectively. In order to
reduced CYP metabolism. Thus, we hypothesize that investigate if age was a confounder a subgroup of elderly
there is an association between non-functional CYP2D6, (>64 years) OLPs (the OLP > 64 subgroup) was anal-
CYP2C19 and CYP2C9 alleles, CYP-inhibition and ysed (n = 38) and compared with the controls.
lichenoid manifestations, possibly provoked by expo- All participants received verbal and written informa-
sure to drugs principally metabolized by a polymorphic tion and the study was approved by the local ethical
CYP. Furthermore, we speculate if the CYP enzymes committee (KF) 03-005⁄02, and written informed con-
may be the target for the immune reaction in OLP. sent was obtained from all patients.

J Oral Pathol Med

Oral lichen planus and drug metabolizing CYP-enzymes
Kragelund et al.

Drug and dietary supplement evaluation designed for CYP2C19*2 and CYP2C9*2. All target
The patient’s health and drug history, and the current sequences were amplified using polymerase chain reac-
intake of drugs and dietary supplements, i.e. vitamins, tions (PCR). All PCRs were performed by 5 min of pre-
minerals, fish oil and herbal products (herbal medicine denaturation at 96C followed by 43 cycles at 96C,
and supplements) at the examination, were based on 20 s, 52–67C (annealing temperature was dependent on
self-reported data and recorded by use of a standardized the primer set), 20 s, 72C, 30 s, followed by a post-
questionnaire, which was scrutinized by the examiners. extension step of 5 min at 72C (for details, see Table 1).
The CYP-metabolism for each drug (CYP-substrate Following amplification, an aliquot of products was
or CYP-inhibitor) was evaluated according to Flock- analysed by agarose gel electrophoresis, and the remain-
hart’s CYP drug interaction table (http://medicine. der was digested by specific restriction enzymes accord- (27), Lægemiddelkatalo- ing to the manufacturer’s instructions (New England
get (28) and Unger and Kaschina (29). The diversity of Biolabs, Beverly, MA, USA). Digested fragments were
dietary supplements with potential to interact with analysed by gel electrophoresis. The lengths of PCR
conventional drugs due to CYP inhibition, i.e. herbal fragments, restriction fragments and the restriction
products, was evaluated (30). enzymes used for the tests are all listed in Table 2. In
some cases, where the genotype was ambiguous, new
Genotyping PCR products were prepared and automatically
Genomic DNA was extracted from bloodspots from sequenced on an AB3120xl Genetic analyzer using
finger blood obtained from each subject and purified BigDye terminator v 1.1 (Applied Biosystems, Foster
using Macherey-Nagel NucleoSpin 8 Trace. Extracted City, CA, USA).
DNA was stored at )20C. The patients were tested for
CYP2C19*2,*3, CYP2C9*2,*3 and CYP2D6*3,*4, Statistics
*6,*9,*10. The CYP2C19*2,*3, CYP2C9*2,*3 and The chi-square test was used to asses the differences in
CYP2D6*3,*4,*6 alleles are PM alleles, whereas the the distribution of alleles, genotypes and medication
CYP2D6*9 and *10 alleles are IM alleles. Other alleles between the groups. The age distributions of the
than those investigated were defined as WT. groups were analysed by a unpaired t-test. To test
The genotyping for CYP2D6*3, *4 and *6 was for Hardy–Weinberg proportions and equality of
performed using primers as reported by Sachse et al. genotype frequencies within the groups standard chi-
(31), and allele-specific primers were designed for square tests with degrees of freedom (n – 1) according
CYP2D6*4, *9 and *10. The genotyping for CYP2C19*3 to the number of genotypic classes observed of each
and CYP2C9*3 were performed using primers as enzyme were performed. The analyses were per-
reported by Goldstein and Blaisdell (32) and by Sulli- formed using the SAS software package (Version 9.1).
van-Klose et al. (33), while allele-specific primers were A value of P < 0.05 was considered to be statistically

Table 1 Allele-specific primer sequences, and PCR conditions

CYP alleles Primer sequence Annealing temperature (ºC⁄20 s) Polymerase and buffer

Forced mismatches are marked with underlining and bold type.

SB, Taq DNA polymerase, 10· standard buffer, triton free (100 mM Tris–HCl pH 8.3, 500 mM KCl, 15 mM MgCl2) (Amplicon); AB, Taq DNA
polymerase, 10· ammonium buffer, Tween free [Tris–HCl, pH 8.5, (NH4)2SO4, 15 mM MgCl2] (Amplicon); PT, Platinium Taq DNA polymerase,
10· PCR buffer, minus Mg [200 mM Tris–HCl (pH 8.4), 500 mM KCl], addition of 50 mM MgSO4 (Invitrogen).

J Oral Pathol Med

Oral lichen planus and drug metabolizing CYP-enzymes
Kragelund et al.

Table 2 CYP alleles: restrictions enzymes, fragment size, mutation position and enzyme function

Restriction enzyme
(units per restriction Wild type Variant type Enzyme
CYP alleles analysis) (fragment size) (fragment size) Variant position Allele function
CYP2D6*3 (31) BsaA1 (3 U) 201 180⁄20 2549 A > del *3 None
CYP2D6*4 BstN1 (3 U) 115, 203 318 1846 G>A *4 None
CYP2D6*4 (31) BstN1 (6 U) 190, 163 353 1846 G>A *4 None
CYP2D6*6 (31) BstN1 (6 U) 190, 163 190, 139, 23 1707 T > del *6 None
*4 None
CYP2D6*9 Mnl1 (3 U) 10, 25, 90, 109 10, 25, 35, 55, 109 2615–2617 delAAG *9 Decreased
CYP2D6*10 Hph1 (3 U) 181, 71, 16 96, 85, 71, 16 100 C > T *4, *10, *14, *36, *37, Decreased
*47, *49, *52, *54,
*56B, *57, *63, *64
CYP2C19*2 Sma1 (6 U) 100, 200 300 681 G > A *2, *16 None
CYP2C19*3 (32) BamH1 (20 U) 175, 96 271 636 G > A *3 None
CYP2C9*2 AVA 2 (3 U) 3, 122, 178 3, 300 430 C > T *2, *24 Decreased
CYP2C9*3 Nsi1, WT (3 U) 112, 29 141 1075 A > C *3, *18 Decreased
CYP2C9*3 (33) Knp1, VT (3 U) 141 30, 111 1075 A > C *3, *18 Decreased

WT, wild type; VT, variant type.

Underlining mark the most common allele, however, the 100 C > T mutation is not essential for CYP2D6*10 but together with the reactions for
CYP2D6*4 the genotype was established on the current knowledge of the genotype frequency in Caucasians.

significant. When considered relevant the P-value and OLP females vs. control females (P = 0.0525). There
the odds ratio (OR) with the 95% confidence limits are was statistically significant difference for all the inves-
given in the text. Due to the explorative nature of the tigated CYP2D6 PM and -IM alleles OR 1.58 (1.02;
study no corrections for multiplicity were performed 2.45) (P = 0.0413) among the OLP females as com-
instead the resulting P-value shall be evaluated with pared with the control females [OLPs 55⁄101 and
this issue in mind. controls 60⁄174 (six missing alleles)]. Likewise, there
was statistically significant difference between the con-
trol females and females in the OLP > 64 subgroup in
Results the number of investigated CYP2D6 PM and -IM alleles
Demography OR 1.96 (1.05; 3.68) (P = 0.0328) [OLPs 21⁄31 and
Two-thirds of the OLP and control groups were females. controls (six missing alleles)]. There were no statistical
The age distribution among the OLP males and females differences between the control males, OLP males and
was quite similar as 12% of both genders were young males in the OLP > 64 subgroup but in particular, the
(<45 years), 59% of the males and 55% of the females high prevalence of CYP2D6*4 alleles in all three groups
were middle-aged (45–64 years) and 29% of the males was noteworthy.
and 33% of the females were elderly (>64 years). The For eight control persons, it was not possible to give
control group was on average 16.8 years older than the the full genotype for CYP2C9, CYP2C19 and CYP2D6,
OLP group (P < 0.0001), the control males 16.3 years although DNA extraction and PCR were replicated five
(P < 0.0001) and females 17 years (P < 0.0001) older times. Incomplete genotype led to exclusion from the
than the respective OLPs. There was no significant age frequency analysis of the involved alleles and from
difference between the genders within the OLP and the genotype frequencies where they are listed as missing
control group. (Table 3).

CYP2C9, CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 allele frequencies CYP2C9, CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 genotypes
The allele frequencies for the investigated alleles of The prevalence of CYP2C9 PM and IM genotypes in the
CYP2C9 and CYP2C19 did not vary between the control group, the OLP group and the OLP > 64
controls, the OLPs and the OLP > 64 subgroup or subgroup was quite similar. Likewise, there was no
between genders. However, there was a higher number statistically significant difference between the groups in
of the investigated CYP2D6 PM allele (P = 0.0360) the prevalence of CYP2C19 PM and IMs. For details
among the OLP females as compared with the control see Table 3a.
females OR 1.64 (1.03; 2.60) [OLPs 48⁄108 and controls Forty-nine per cent of the controls and 59% of the
50⁄184 (six missing alleles)]. The CYP2D6*4 allele OLP had a genotype with at least one variant CYP2D6
accounted for all the CYP2D6 PM alleles among the allele (P = 0.0993) nor was there statistical difference
females in the OLP > 64 subgroup but the CYP2D6*4 between the OLP > 64 subgroup (58%) and the con-
allele was not statistically more prevalent when com- trols having a variant CYP2D6 genotype (P = 0.3440).
pared with the control females (P = 0.1022). Nor was The prevalence of CYP2D6 PMs, IM and PM⁄IMs in
the CYP2D6*4 allele statistically more prevalent among the control group, the OLP group and in the OLP > 64

J Oral Pathol Med

Oral lichen planus and drug metabolizing CYP-enzymes
Kragelund et al.

Table 3a The frequencies of CYP2C9 and CYP2C19 genotypes in the OLP group, the OLP > 64 subgroup, and control group

OLP males Control males OLP females Control females Frequency

OLP group Control group
n () Frequency n Frequency n () Frequency n Frequency (predicted)a (predicted)a
CYP2C9 wt⁄wt 29 (7) 0.691 37 0.649 57 (19) 0.730 80 0.672 0.717 (0.701) 0.665 (0.656)
CYP2C9*1*⁄*2 8 (3) 0.191 13 0.228 8 (3) 0.103 26 0.218 0.133 (0.161) 0.222 (0.235)
CYP2C9*1⁄*3 4 (2) 0.095 4 0.070 9 (2) 0.115 7 0.059 0.108 (0.112) 0.063 (0.074)
CYP2C9 IM 12 (5) 0.286 17 0.298 17 (5) 0.218 33 0.277 0.241 (0.273) 0.285 (0.309)
CYP2C9*2⁄*2 1 (0) 0.024 1 0.018 1 (1) 0.013 3 0.025 0.017 (0.009) 0.023 (0.021)
CYP2C9*2⁄*3 0 (0) 0.000 1 0.018 3 (1) 0.039 2 0.017 0.025 (0.013) 0.017 (0.013)
CYP2C9*3⁄*3 0 (0) 0.000 1 0.018 0 (0) 0.000 0 0.000 0.000 (0.004) 0.006 (0.002)
CYP2C9 PM 1 (0) 0.024 3 0.053 4 (2) 0.051 5 0.042 0.025 (0.017) 0.023 (0.015)
Total number 42 (12) 57b 78 (26) 118b
of persons
CYP2C19 wt⁄wt 33 (10) 0.786 48 0.842 60 (20) 0.769 90 0.750 0.775 (0.773) 0.767 (0.746)
CYP2C19*1⁄*2 9 (2) 0.214 9 0.158 16 (6) 0.205 26 0.217 0.208 (0.212) 0.194 (0.235)
CYP2C19*1⁄*3 0 (0) 0.000 0 0.000 0 (0) 0.000 0 0.000 0.000 (0.000) 0.000 (0.000)
CYP2C19 IM 9 (2) 0.214 9 0.158 16 (6) 0.205 26 0.217 0.208 (0.212) 0.194 (0.235)
CYP2C19*2⁄*2 0 (0) 0.000 3 0.053 2 (0) 0.026 4 0.033 0.017 (0.015) 0.039 (0.019)
CYP2C19 PM 0 (0) 0.000 3 0.053 2 (0) 0.026 4 0.033 0.017 (0.015) 0.039 (0.019)
Total number 42 (12) 60 78 (26) 120
of persons
Predicted frequencies calculated according to the Hardy–Weinberg equation.
(), number of persons in the OLP > 64 subgroup; bthree control males and two control females did not have a complete genotype analysis for
CYP2C9, see text for details.

Table 3b The frequencies of CYP2D6 genotypes in the OLP group, the OLP > 64 subgroup, and control group

OLP males Control males OLP females Control females Frequency

OLP group Control group
n () Frequency n Frequency n () Frequency n Frequency (predicted)a (predicted)a
CYP2D6 wt⁄wt 17 (5) 0.405 22 0.373 32 (11) 0.410 67 0.573 0.408 (0.396) 0.506 (0.488)
CYP2D6*1⁄*3 2 (1) 0.048 5 0.085 3 (0) 0.039 5 0.043 0.042 (0.037) 0.057 (0.048)
CYP2D6*1⁄*4 12 (2) 0.286 20 0.339 31 (8) 0.397 29 0.248 0.358 (0.351) 0.278 (0.306)
CYP2D6*1⁄*6 2 (1) 0.048 1 0.017 1 (0) 0.013 0 0.000 0.025 (0.021) 0.006 (0.004)
CYP2D6*1⁄*9 0 (0) 0.000 0 0.000 2 (1) 0.026 4 0.034 0.017 (0.021) 0.023 (0.028)
CYP2D6*1⁄*10 0 (0) 0.000 1 0.017 0 (0) 0.000 3 0.026 0.000 (0.037) 0.023 (0.040)
CYP2D6*9⁄*9 0 (0) 0.000 1 0.017 0 (0) 0.000 0 0.000 0.000 (0.000) 0.006 (0.000)
CYP2D6 IM 16 (4) 0.381 28 0.475 37 (9) 0.474 41 0.350 0.442 (0.467) 0.393 (0.426)
CYP2D6*3⁄*3 0 (0) 0.000 0 0.000 1 (0) 0.013 0 0.000 0.008 (0.001) 0.000 (0.001)
CYP2D6*3⁄*4 0 (0) 0.000 1 0.017 0 (0) 0.000 1 0.009 0.000 (0.016) 0.011 (0.015)
CYP2D6*4⁄*4 5 (2) 0.119 4 0.068 3 (1) 0.038 5 0.043 0.067 (0.080) 0.051 (0.048)
CYP2D6*4⁄*6 1 (1) 0.024 0 0.000 0 (0) 0.000 0 0.000 0.008 (0.009) 0.000 (0.001)
CYP2D6 PM 6 (3) 0.143 5 0.085 4 (1) 0.051 6 0.051 0.083 (0.106) 0.062 (0.065)
CYP2D6*4⁄*9 2 (0) 0.048 1 0.017 0 (0) 0.000 0 0.000 0.017 (0.009) 0.006 (0.009)
CYP2D6*4⁄*10 1 (0) 0.024 3 0.051 5 (5) 0.064 3 0.026 0.050 (0.014) 0.034 (0.012)
CYP2D6 PM⁄IM 3 (0) 0.072 4 0.068 5 (5) 0.064 3 0.026 0.067 (0.023) 0.040 (0.021)
CYP2D6*4 genotype 21 (5) 0.500 29 0.492 39* (14)* 0.500 38 0.325 0.499 (0.454) 0.380 (0.391)
CYP2D6 other than wt⁄wt 25 (7) 0.595 37 0.644 46* (15) 0.590 50 0.427 0.584 (0.596) 0.495 (0.514)
Total number of persons 42 (12) 59b 78 (26) 117b

*P < 0.05.
Predicted frequencies calculated according to the Hardy–Weinberg equation; (), number of persons in the OLP > 64 subgroup; bone control male
and three control females did not have a complete genotype analysis for CYP2D6, see text for details.

subgroup did not vary considerably. For detail see cent of the OLP males and OLP females had a genotype
Table 3b. However, the OLP females had a higher with at least one CYP2D6*4 allele. However, a genotype
prevalence of genotypes with at least one variant with at least one CYP2D6*4 allele was only statistically
CYP2D6 allele as compared with control females OR more prevalent among OLP females compared with
1.93 (1.08; 3.44) (P = 0.0263) but that was not the case control females (33%) OR 2.08 (1.15; 3.75) (P =
when they were compared with the females in the 0.0142). In the OLP > 64 subgroup 42% (n = 5) of
OLP > 64 subgroup (P = 0.1659) (Table 3b). Fifty per the males and 54% (n = 14) of the OLP females had a

J Oral Pathol Med

Oral lichen planus and drug metabolizing CYP-enzymes
Kragelund et al.

Table 4 The distribution of combinations of variant CYPs genotypesa in the OLP group, the OLP > 64 subgroup, and control group

Status of genotype CYP2C9⁄CYP2C19 CYP2C9⁄CYP2D6 CYP2C19⁄CYP2D6 CYP2C19⁄CYP2D6
combination OLP Control OLP Control OLP Control OLP Control
IM⁄IM 1 (1) 1 13 (5) 22 9 (3) 12 2 (1) 5
PM⁄IM 10 (2) 7 7 (3) 5
Sum 1 (1) 1 23 (7) 29 16 (6) 18 2 (1) 5
In the table the genotypes are defined as PM when (PM⁄PM or PM⁄IM) and intermediate when (IM⁄IM, WT⁄PM, or WT⁄IM) (see text and
Tables 3a and 3b for further details).
(), number of persons in the OLP > 64 subgroup.

genotype with at least one CYP2D6*4 allele. This was medicated. Seventy-six per cent of the controls with a
statistically significant for the females as compared with CYP2C19 variant genotype were medicated vs. 59% of
the control females OR 2.43 (1.02; 5.75) (P = 0.0405) the all OLPs and 75% in the OLP > 64 subgroup. Of
but not for the males (P = 0.6361). the controls with a CYP2D6 variant genotype 80% were
The distribution of all the CYP2C9 and CYP2C19 medicated where only 62% of the corresponding OLPs
alleles occurred in the Hardy–Weinberg proportions in were medicated. However, 82% in the OLP > 64
the control group, OLP group and in the OLP > 64 subgroup with a CYP2D6 variant genotype were
subgroup. However, the distribution of the CYP2D6 medicated.
alleles was not in the Hardy–Weinberg proportions in
neither the control (0.05 > P > 0.02) nor in the OLP CYP2C9, CYP2C19, or CYP2D6 substrates or inhibitors
group (0.02 > P > 0.01). Interestingly, the dispropor- Forty-six percent of the medicated controls and 36% of
tion was due to the control males (0.01 > P > 0.001) the medicated OLPs had a daily intake of drugs
and OLP females (0.01 > P > 0.001). In the OLP metabolized by CYP2C9, CYP2C19, or CYP2D6 but
group >64 years the CYP2D6 alleles were distributed in the vast majority with a WT genotype for the enzyme in
the Hardy–Weinberg proportions. The Hardy–Wein- question. For details see Fig. 1.
berg disproportions were caused by few expected num- Only 7 in the OLP group and 13 in the control group
bers of the CYP2D6*9⁄*9 (control males) and the took medication inhibiting one of the polymorphic
CYP2D6*3⁄*3 (OLP females) as compared with the CYPs but only one OLP male in the OLP > 64
actual observed numbers and by a higher number of subgroup and one control female had a variant CYP-
actual observed CYP2D6*4⁄*10 genotypes as compared genotype.
with the expected number among both the control males Nineteen controls and 9 OLPs reported taking a
and OLP females (Table 3b). herbal product with a potential of CYP inhibition and
The combination of more than one variant genotype 17 and 8, respectively, took daily medication.
of the three CYPs in the groups are given in details in
Table 4. Thirty-one per cent of the controls, 35% of the
OLPs and 39% of the OLP > 64 subgroup had a
OLP Control
combination of at least two variant genotypes. The 100
1 1 PM 4 2
combination of all three variant genotypes was found in 90
IM 7
five controls and two OLPs (one in the OLP > 64 2
subgroup), and all of them were IMs for all the enzymes 80 2 9
(Table 4). 70

Medication, genotypes and allele frequencies
Significantly more controls (79%) than OLPs (64%) did


take daily medication (P = 0.0136) However, no dif- 40 12 23

ference was seen between the controls and the 7 30
30 10
OLP > 64 subgroup as 76% of those did take daily 15
medication (P = 0.7260). 20
Because both PMs and IMs may experience clinically 10
relevant increased plasma levels of drugs metabolized by
the enzyme in question and because of the low number CYP2C9 CYP2C19 CYP2D6 CYP2C9 CYP2C19 CYP2D6
of PMs; the PMs, PM⁄IMs and IMs were pooled with drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs
regard to analysis of CYP variant genotypes in relation
Figure 1 Percentage of drugs metabolized by CYP2C9, CYP2C19,
to daily medication. Seventy-six per cent of both the or CYP2D6 in relation to the genotype of the corresponding enzyme in
controls and the OLPs, and 75% of the OLP > 64 the OLP group and the control group (actual numbers of persons in
subgroup with a CYP2C9 variant genotype were bars).

J Oral Pathol Med

Oral lichen planus and drug metabolizing CYP-enzymes
Kragelund et al.

In our study it was not possible to subgroup the OLP
It was hypothesized that CYP polymorphisms are group according to present daily medication and CYP
associated to OLP; however, we did not find a higher genotype. As the control group was significantly older
prevalence of PM or IM genotypes for any of the than the OLP group age could be a confounder. In the
CYPs investigated in the OLP group as compared with selection of the control participants among the available
the control group. However, there were higher cohort it was considered more important to randomize
numbers of variant CYP2D6 genotypes and of the the selection and that the participants did not have OLP
CYP2D6 genotype with at least one CYP2D6*4 allele or other oral mucosal diseases than that they were
among the OLP females. The distribution of the matched with regard to age as there are no reports on
CYP2D6 alleles was not in the Hardy–Weinberg age related differences of CYP-genotypes. This assump-
proportions among the OLP females, which also imply tion was supported by the fact that no marked differ-
that polymorphisms of CYP2D6 may be in play ences were detected between the OLP group and the
among OLP females. OLP > 64 subgroup in respect to genotypes.
However, the prevalence of CYP2D6*4 alleles among Incidence–prevalence bias may influence our results as
the OLPs was higher (28%) than previously estimated the drug(s) that may have initiated a LDE may not be
among Danes (19%) (34). Likewise, 50% of the OLPs reflected by the current medication, i.e. 22 persons in the
had a CYP2D6 genotype with at least one CYP2D6*4 OLP group reported on changing drug regimen during
allele as compared with about 30% (71⁄169) (108⁄252) the past year. Such data were not available for the
among Caucasians in population studies (P = 0.0001) control group. Fourteen (33%) OLP males and 42
(35, 36) suggesting that CYP2D6*4 may be associated (54%) OLP females reported daily intake of medication
with OLP among both genders. The prevalence of when their OLP was diagnosed. Of these, 11 (79%)
variant CYP2C9 and CYP2C19 alleles in the OLP males and 22 (52%) females had a genotype with one or
group did not differ from that in the background more variant CYP2D6 allele where the vast majority
population (35, 37). There was no significant difference presented with at least one CYP2D6*4 allele (25⁄33).
between the groups regarding the daily intake of Our hypothesis was tested towards a control popula-
medication metabolized by polymorphic CYPs and the tion with more chronic diseases and higher exposure to
genotype of the corresponding enzyme. Nor was polypharmacy (data not published) than our OLP
there any difference between the groups with regard to group. Thus, we expected that control persons with
intake of CYP inhibiting drugs or herbal products with susceptible genotypes (variant CYP genotypes) were less
the potential of CYP inhibition. exposed to drug and herbal products with a potential to
inhibit CYPs, and drug metabolized by polymorphic
CYP2D6 and molecular mimicry CYPs than the corresponding in the OLP group. That
The CYP2D6*4 mutation results in a splicing defect of was not the case. On the other hand, the control group
the CYP2D6 protein, and the CYP2D6*4 protein has a appears to be too small to reflect the CYP genotypes in
unique 13 amino acids sequence, DAPFAPTVSWTKP. the Danish population (34) but due to the explorative
This sequence has a five-amino acid sequence homology nature of this study no sample size calculations could be
with HSV1-UL41 protein, VSWTK (accession num- performed. Thus, to substantiate the relation of
ber AY240501.1). The sequence homology between CYP2D6*4 and the OLP pathogenesis larger study
CYP2D6*4 protein and HSV1 gives rise to speculation most be initiated.
of molecular mimicry in the OLP pathogenesis, as 85% The prevalence of CYP2D6*5 is between 2% and 4%
of the adult Danish population are estimated to be in the European population (31, 34, 35). The allele is a
seropositive (38). Furthermore, the CYP2D6*4 protein deletion of the CYP2D6 gene and can be identified using
has an amino acid homology with Candida albicans, long PCR (42). Using DNA purified from whole blood,
SWTKP, which is part of the oral microflora in about it was possible to get a PCR product using the primers
50% of the population (39). and protocol published by Dorado et al. (42). Unfor-
Molecular mimicry is already suspected with tunately, using the bloodspots, it was not possible
CYP2D6 WT protein in autoimmune hepatitis type 2, to achieve a PCR product. Thus, the absence of
where CYP2D6 WT proteins on the hepatocytes are the CYP2D6*5 may be a confounder affecting our results.
major target antigen for the LKM1 (19). OLP has been Unknown confounders like non-recognized gender
associated with HCV in some geographic areas (40) and differences, differences in hormone status, environ-
it is possible that molecular mimicry may be involved in mental factors or genetic heterogeneity may jeopardize
the pathogenesis as sequence homology has been found the OLPs or protecting the controls. There are a number
between CYP2D6 WT protein and HCV (19, 22). of studies on the decline in the CYP functions due to
CYP2D6 transcript has been found in oral epithelial infection and inflammation (43). Considering that the
cell lines (41), and it is of major interest whether oral OLPs experience a chronic inflammation, their drug
epithelial cells in vivo express the CYP2D6 proteins as metabolizing capacity may be influenced profoundly.
epitopes, or whether they do so when induced, as the
cross-reactivity between C. albicans, HSV1, CYP2D6 Perspectives
WT and CYP2D6*4 proteins may be of special interest This study suggests that CYP2D6 may play a role in the
from an oral perspective. pathogenesis of OLP not solely due to susceptibility to

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Kragelund et al.

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J Oral Pathol Med

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