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January 24, 2016 LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION: Melissa Milbrandt

To whom it may concern:

I have known Melissa for over 2 years now now, as she was a student in my AP Biology class last year, and I have her
again now in my AP Environmental Science class, and I am happy to write a letter of recommendation for her.

Currently in AP Environmental Science class, I see Melissa as a strong and willing participator in her group work. The
students were asked to build a model of deforestation and erosion on a 1 meter squared portion of a grassy slope outside
the classroom. Melissa was a strong contributor for her team, she had her lines down in the presentation, and she clearly
knew the model and what it was supposed to show. Also, as I walk around the room during group sharing sessions, in
which students discuss environmental degradation and strategies to improve the planet, she is a good talker, but also a
good listener. She is willing to modify her opinions if and when other stronger ones are presented her. She is flexible in
that way – a good quality in a learner.

Secondly, I really appreciate that Melissa speaks up when he notices something is not quite right, with an exam, quiz, or
lecture point. I have seen this in several settings, but one simple one is when there was an error in the exam key. Some
students are quite timid when it comes to confronting the instructor about mistakes. While Melissa perhaps comes off as
shy and quiet, she will not hesitate to ask about an exam or quiz question that she feels is misstated or contains an error.

Finally, Melissa is a disciplined and genuinely interested student. She has made a particular effort to develop her skills
and knowledge in her interest area - health care - by attending Saturday Academy at Oregon Health and Science
University (OHSU). There she spent time in class sessions, and workshop breakouts, covering topics such as laparoscopic
surgery and cauterization techniques. Also, Melissa spent a considerable amount of time on a personal research project
with Portland State University personnel investigating the bacterium Wolbachia, and its arthropod hosts. She performed
DNA extractions, and with the help of university researchers, was able to isolate specific genes within the microorganisms
– a truly enriching science experience for her, no doubt.

Please do not hesitate to contact me further if you have questions regarding my view of Melissa. I would be happy to
speak further on her behalf.

Thank you,

Richard Stanley

AP Environmental Science / Forensics / AP Biology Glencoe High School 503-844-1900 x 3562

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