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Concepts and Techniques in Molecular Biology An Overview

William P. Sheffield

I REALIZED that molecular biological concepts bonds), whereas C on one strand always binds G on
and techniques were not always embraced with the other (via three hydrogen bonds). The sugar or
enthusiasm at the first meeting I attended o f the phosphate backbone forms the long axis of the
American Society of Hematology in Boston in molecule, with the nitrogenous bases inside and
1990. At that meeting, a plenary speaker convulsed oriented perpendicular to the backbone. The mono-
his audience with laughter by telling a joke. The meric unit that serves as a building block for DNA
punchline involved a hematologist and an internist polymers comprises a base-substituted deoxyribose
who jumped out of an airplane without parachutes sugar attached to three phosphate groups, and is
rather than listen to a molecular biologist rhapso- known as a deoxynucleotide triphosphate.
dize about, gene structure. Nevertheless, it is even Understanding the structure of the double helix
more difficult today than it was 7 years ago to pick set the stage for our current understanding of how
up a copy of Blood or Transfusion, for example, the genetic information held in DNA is propagated
without coming across numerous articles in which to ensure survival of daughter cells, and transcribed
molecular biological approaches are use d . This and translated to form the protein products that do
article will provide an overview aimed at demysti- the work of the cell.
fying these now widely used approaches.
Molecular biology can be thought of as a disci- THE FLOW OF GENETIC INFORMATION
pline lying at the confluence of biochemistry, DNA, as Information Repository
genetics, microbiology, and protein chemistry. Con- The human genome, or the sum total of all DNA
ceptually, molecular biology focuses on nucleic in a human somatic cell, is approximately 3 billion
acids and the protein products they encode; opera- base pairs (bp). 4 In other words, if all human genes
tionally, all molecular biological experimentation and intergenic DNA were arranged on a single
involves deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in one way DNA molecule, it would constitute a double helix
or another, and specifically the manipulated DNA with 3 billion substituted deoxyribose units on each
molecules known as recombinant DNA. strand. In reality, the human genome is divided
DNA is the biomolecule that contains all genetic among 23 chromosomes. Somatic cells contain 46
information. Uncertainty over what material com- chromosomes (ie, 6 billion bp), having obtained 23
prised the gene ended in the late 1940s and the chromosomes from each parent in the union of
early 1950s when it was shown that purified sperm and egg. Each chromosome is a single,
preparations of DNA transferred pathogenicity be- linear, double-stranded DNA molecule containing
tween bacterial strains, l and that viral DNA, not thousands of genes. When cells grow and divide,
viral coat protein, enters cells and directs viral both daughter cells must receive a full complement
propagation? Radiograph diffraction patterns of of cellular DNA. In a process known as replication,
DNA crystals showed a helical structure. The processive enzymes called polymerases use each
realization that the diameter of crystalline DNA DNA strand as a template for the synthesis of a new
was too great for a single strand led Watson and
Crick to propose that DNA is a double-stranded
helix) From the Department of Pathology, McMaster University,
As shown in Figure 1, each DNA strand is a Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, and Canadian Red Cross Society
polymer of substituted sugars joined by phosphate Blood Services. WPS is a Bayer~Canadian Red Cross Society/
Medical Research Council of Canada Scholar.
linkages between the 5' carbon of one deoxyribose Supported by the Canadian Red Cross Society Research and
and the 3' carbon of the next. The substitutions Development Fund, and the Heart and Stroke Foundations of
(attached to the 1' carbon) are purine (adenine, A, Canada and Ontario.
or guanine, G) or pyrimidine (cytosine, C, or Address reprint requests to William P. Sheffield, PhD, Associ-
thymine, T) bases. The two strands are antiparallel, ate Professor, Department of Pathology, HSC 3NIO, McMaster
University, 1200 Main St West, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8N
in that one lies 5' to 3', whereas the other lies 3' to 3Z5.
5', and complementary, in that A on one st{and Copyright 9 1997 by W.B. Saunders Company
always binds T on the other (via two hydrogen 0887- 7963/97/1103-000653. 00/0

Transfusion Medicine Reviews, Vol 11, No 3 (July), 1997: pp 209-223 209


regions found primarily 5', or "upstream" of the

coding regions, intervening sequences that inter-
rupt coding regions, and intergenic and repetitive
DNA elements of unknown function. Coding DNA
:iparallel strands blocks are called exons and the non-coding DNA
that interrupts exons are termed introns. The func-
tion of introns, which are absent from bacterial
DNA, is unclear, but they may play an important
evolutionary role by allowing greater ease of
fJ Hydr'~ogen" /2,_c a,c~~ joining together exons to form new proteins in
higher organisms. 6 -~
In terms of cellular localization, the vast major-
ity of human DNA is found in the nucleus. A small
circular DNA molecule is found within mitochon-
dria, composed of 16,569 bp, which encodes sub-
units of mitochondrial proteins important in energy
metabolism. 7 Nuclear DNA is found complexed to
proteins such as histones in a nucleoprotein com-
plex that includes ordered structures called nucleo-
somes, in which DNA is made compact by folding
around the protein scaffold.8 Extranucleosomal
stretches of DNA are able to bind other, less
abundant proteins that pave the way for transcrip-
Fig 1. Structure of the DNA double helix. The upper arrows
indicate the schematic opening of the double helix to show
tion of the DNA message into an intermediary
the antiparallel arrangement of the deoxyribose backbone. messenger, a related nucleic acid called RNA
The positions of the four carbons within the ring and the (ribonucleic acid).
single carbon outside the ring structure are indicated and
numbered (1-5'-C). Phosphate groups are indicated diagramati-
cally by a circled P, and the purine or pyrimidine bases are R N A as a Genetic Messenger
shown as a boxed B. The lower arrow indicates an exploded
schematic diagram of the base interactions, showing A:T and RNA differs from DNA in that it is single-
G:C complementary base pairing. stranded and its sugar backbone contains a hy-
droxyl group on the 2' carbon, making it ribose
complementary strand (using only the 5' to 3' rather than deoxyribose. Like DNA, each mono-
direction). Each daughter cell thus receives one meric unit is substituted with one of four purine or
"old" strand of DNA and one newly synthesized pyrimidine bases, but RNA uses uracil (U) instead
complementary strand for every helix in this semi- of thymine (T). The process of transferring genetic
conservative process. information from DNA to RNA, transcription, is
Given that the protein products of genes are mediated by RNA polymerases. 9 These enzymes
made up of combinations of twenty different amino use one strand of the DNA as a template, and
acids, it is not immediately obvious how DNA, produce an RNA chain in which every 5'-ACGT-3'
with only four different subunits, can encode all of DNA produces an antiparallel 5'-ACGU-3'
this information. This became clear when it was ,RNAtranscript; because transcription, like replica-
learned that the molecular machinery that recog- tion, proceeds in the 5' to 3' direction, this means
nizes the genetic code reads, or recognizes, three that the RNA polymerase actually uses the non-
bases at a time. The number of different ways that coding strand of DNA as a template. In any
four bases can be arranged in codons, or groups of chromosome, which strand is coding and which is
three, is 4 3 , o r 64, providing more than sufficient non-coding varies for different genes. RNA tran-
means to encode 20 amino acids. 5 scripts that encode proteins are known as messen-
As might be expected, the genome is not simply ger' RNAs (mRNAs) and are generated by RNA
a continuous stretch of coding information. A polymerase II, whereas RNA polymerase I gener-
human gene contains both coding and non-coding ates ribosomal RNAs that play essential roles in the
DNA. Non-coding DNA includes genetic control ribosome, .and RNA polymerase III generates both

transfer RNAs (tRNAs, adaptor molecules that usually greatly reduced in size compared with the
bring amino acids to the RNA template in transla- primary transcript, the mature mRNA still contains
tion) and another rRNA. additional non-coding information, in two zones: at
As shown schematically in Figure 2, the initial the 5' end, referred to as the 5' untranslated region
mRNA transcript of a nuclear gene is processed in (5' UTR, generally of 50-150 bp); and at the 3' end,
three ways: its 5' terminal phosphate is "capped" referred to as the 3' untranslated region (Y-UTR,
by bonding to the 5' carbon of a 7-methylated generally Of 200-1000) bp. The 3'-UTR is thought
guanine; a stretch of adenosine residues are added to contain sequences that can contribute to the
to its 3' end to form a poty(A) tail; and portions of determination of mRNA stability.
the transcript corresponding to introns are spliced
out. These modifications take place in the nucleus, Translated Protein As "Final" Product
and are mediated by various enzymes and com- RNA translation takes place in the cytoplasm
plexes that recognize signals in the nascent tran- when mature mRNAs bind ribosomes. Eukaryotic
script. 1~After processing, the mature mRNA enters ribosomes 0e, those from organisms with nuclei)
the cytoplasm through nuclear pores. Although are made up of 40S and 60S ribosomal subunits,
each of which are rRNA-protein complexes, u The
small subunit attaches to the cap structure of
A eukaryotic mRNA and processes along the mRNA
( GENE > in the 5' to 3' direction. When the sequence AUG is
promoter encountered, a methionine-can'ying tRNA binds to
the codon, and recruits the other 60S ribosomal
o: , : oO subunit to form the full 80S ribosome, with the aid
RNA Pol II Transcription of initiation factor proteins. The ribosome then
moves along the mRNA template, reading codons
m I in the reading frame, or sequence, determined by
Processing the placement of the AUG. As shown schematically
in Figure 3, as the next aminoacyl tRNA binds the
mTG ~ 'AAAAA n
second codon, it "steals" the methionine from the
Splicing first tRNA, forming a peptide bond, and moves
from the A (aminoacyl) ribosomal site to the P
mTG ~ A A A A A n
(peptidyl) site, forcing ejection of the deacylated
~ Exportfrom nucleus to cytoplasm tRNA that formerly was charged with methionine.
The nascent polypeptide chain is therefore built in
the amino to carboxyl direction. Chain elongation
continues, until UGA, UAG, or UAA termination
signals are encountered. Because translation is
processive, and because the ribosome sterically
mTG I U ....... I AAAAAn covers only about 80 nucleotides, many ribosomes
5'-UTR ORF 3'-UTR can be in the process of translating even a small
mRNA at the same time) 2
Fig 2. Transcription of eukaryotic genes. (A) shows the
transfer of genetic information from a hypothetical three-exon With chain termination and release of the pep-
gene. After transcription by RNA polymerase II (RNA Pol II), a tide, protein synthesis is complete, at least from the
primary RNA transcript containing the transcribed introns is point of view of having completed the task of
formed. This primary transcript is processed by the addition of
a 5' cap structure (m7G) and a 3' polyadenylated tract assembling the linear chain of amino acids. How-
(AAAAn). The processed mRNA is then spliced to remove the ever, for proteins to achieve their full biological
transcribed introns, yielding the mature mRNA, which is then activity, they must be maintained in an appropriate
exported from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. (B) shows the
same mature mRNA whose generation is detailed in A, but conformation, and reside in the appropriate cellular
with additional information. The position of the start IAUG) environment) 3 This is achieved by a combination
and stop (UGA) is shown in the upper line diagram. These of spontaneous folding, folding and disulphide
points serve to define the open reading frame (ORF), and the
5'-untranslated region (5'-UTR) and 3'-untranslated region bond formation assisted by protein chaperones, and
(3'-UTR) t h a t f o l l o w it, as shown in the lower line diagram. post- or co-translational modification. The later


Every cell in the body contains the same comple-
tRNA binding ment of DNA, arranged in the same way. 14 The
only exceptions are cells like committed B-
lymphocytes, in which a specific rearrangement of
5' 3'
mRNA the immunoglobulin locus has taken place; sex
cells, which are haploid; and unusual specialized
"cells" like erthyrocytes and platelets that have lost
their DNA during maturation. In spite of the
identity of genetic information found in all other
cells, different cell types exhibit vastly different
~ Peptidebond
formation patterns of gene expression, in that genes that are
practically silent in one cell type can be abundantly
expressed in others. How is this control achieved?
5' 3'
Although the molecular details of this essential
question are under continuous, and vigorous inves-
tigation, much of the broad outlines of the answer
have become apparent. Enkaryotic genes are pre-
dominantly regulated at the level of transcriptioN,
however in some cases post-transcriptional control
( ~ ~ Lossof uncharged is an important additional influence. Although gene
tRNAand amino-
acyl tRNAbinding regulation involves both DNA structures and the


Fig 3. Translation of a eukaryotic messenger RNA by a Rever e

ribosome. This schematic diagram shows the eukaryotic 80S transcription~ Transcription
ribosome (RIBOSOME), highlighting its 5OS and 30 S subunits
(su). The exit (E),peptidyl-tRNA (P), and amino-acyl tRNA (A)
binding sites are shown, as well as three ribonucleotides ~ [E~>E~ [E~>RNAsN~176
iNNN) preceding the start codon (AUG), and a Phe codon
(UUU), on the template (mRNA). The upper figure shows a
Met-tRNAbound via its anticodon to the AUGcodon,with an
incoming Phe-acyl-tRNA. The middle diagram shows peptide Tra'nslation
bond formation, and transfer of t h e growing peptide chain to
the former Phe-tRNA.The lower diagram shows exit of the
former Met-tRNA, movement of the ribosome along the
mRNAto transfer the nascent chain-tRNA to the P site, and an
incoming tRNA corresponding to the third codon.
modifications often involve the interaction of ad- Modifications
dressing signals on the nascent polypeptide with
Protein (with
translocation proteins on different organelles, sig- full biological
nals that can be removed by proteolysis after, or activity)
during, protein translocation. Finally, proteins are
often modified by the covalent addition of addi- Fig 4. Flow of genetic information. The flow of. genetic
tional chemical structures, eg, N- or O-linked sugar information from DNA to RNA to prQtr isr s~hematically
chains, or phosphate or acyl groups. Once again, shown, with the distinction being made between protein
product, and protein product that has been appropriately
these modifications occur in response to signal folded and post-translationally modified and delivered to its
sequences carried within the amino acid sequence appropriate location. The interrupted arrowsindicate the less
of the protein, and complete the flow of genetic commonly encountered flow of information from RNAto DNA
(reverse transcription, often by retroviruses) and the impor-
information from DNA to fully functional protein tant but less numerous RNA products that do not encode
product (Figure 4). protein produ.cts(eg,ribosomal and transfer RNAs).

regulatory proteins that bind these structures, act- distances from the start of transcription, and are
ing in concert, the control regions and the control position- and orientation-independent. In addition,
factors will first be examined separately. DNA enhancer elements cannot enhance transcription in
sequences lying on the same chromosome as the the absence of a promoter. Enhancer-binding pro-
gene under consideration are referred to as "cis- tein transcription factors are thought to overcome
acting sequences," whereas the transcription fac- their seemingly distant location through looping of
tors, often encoded on another chromosome, are the DNA, which brings them into sufficient proxim-
referred to as "trans-acting factors." 15 ity to their target gene to activate transcription. 18
Similar elements that operate to prevent or down-
Cis-acting Sequences regulate transcription are called silencers.
A promoter is a region of DNA essential to gene An important point is that most genes contain
expression. This gene control region lies immedi- multiple binding sites for both ubiquitous and
ately 5' tothe initiation of transcription of a given tissue- or temporally-specific transcription factors.
gene, and usually comprises no more than 100 to This provides for part of the diversity of gene
200 base pairs. The promoter serves to recruit and expression patterns; other contributions arise from
guide RNA polymerase molecules to initiate tran- the nature of the trans-acting factors themselves. 19
scription at the appropriate site. This guidance is
indirect, because the general transcription factors Trans-acting Factors
which bind to promoter elements themselves form As discussed above, transacting factors are DNA
a multi-protein pre-initiation complex with RNA binding proteins whose binding to DNA results in
polymerase. These factors are proteins named TF activation of transcription. Most commonly, this
(transcription factor) followed by the number of the end is achieved by the binding of other transcrip-
RNA polymerase with which they interact, and a tion factors by the trans-acting factor, with the
letter.16 other factors either being associated with or a direct
Smaller functional modules exist within the part of the basal transcriptional machinery. These
promoter region. Taking the first transcribed base complex interactions between numerous DNA mo-
as + 1, and defining upstream bases as negatively tifs, DNA binding proteins, and transcription factor-
numbered, many promoters contain a DNA se- binding proteins make possible myriad different
quence motif called the TATA box between - 2 5 patterns of gene expression, without the energeti-
and - 3 5 . TFIID commences the mRNA transcrip- cally unfavourable need for myriad individual
tion initiation process by binding to the TATA box, transcription factors. Further parsimony is reflected
assuring an appropriate start site and unidirectional- in the organization of transactivators into structur-
ity. 17 At least five other factors and RNA polymer- ally related groups, and in transactivators that
ase then bind to form the pre-initiation complex, function as heterodimers, Common structural mo-
which is capable of low-level, basal transcription. tifs seen in transactivating proteins include the zinc
Stronger promoter activity requires upstream acti- finger, leucine zipper, and helix-turn-helix (HTH)
vator sequences such as the CCAAT and GC boxes, domains.
which are often found between - 7 0 and - t 0 0 ; The zinc finger is a cormnon structural motif
unlike the TATA box, the latter two elements can be present in transactivators, consisting of a 30 amino
positioned on the non-coding strand. Even greater acid zone containing two cysteines and two histi-
increases in transcriptional activation are mediated dine residues that coordinately bind a zinc ion. 2~
by cis-acting sequences which are usually located This extended conformer wraps part way around
further upstream. the double helix, contacting both a three base-pair
The upstream activator sequences act by binding subsite and the sugar/phosphate backbone. Hun-
transcription factors that usually are bimodal in that dreds of proteins contain zinc finger domains. Zinc
they combine a DNA-binding site with a site binding is also seen in the nuclear receptor super-
capable of binding a component of the pre- family of hormone binding proteins, in this case
initiation complex. As such, these activators re- using two cysteines and two histidines. 21 These
semble enhancer elements in the means by which dimeric proteins bind diffusible hormones like
they increase basal transcription. Enhancers differ estrogen or glucocorticoids in a step that unmasks
from promoters in that they can act at great their DNA binding domains. Following transport to

the nucleus, they then transactivate target genes amino acid sequence is translated, o1"translation is
containing a cis-acting hormone response element. abruptly terminated. Alternatively, single amino
Leucine zipper trans-acting factors also form acid changes can abrogate signal sequence func-
dimeric units whose subunits intertwine via c~-heli- tion, preventing the gene product from reaching its
cal coil-coil interactions. 22 Examples of leucine proper location, or disrupt global protein folding, or
zipper (or bZIP for basic zipper) proteins include disable a ligand or substrate binding site: If the
the cyclic AMP response element binding protein genetic mutation affects a key regulatory protein,
(CREB). Regulated phosporylation of CREB mono- like a trans-acting factor, whole networks of genes
mers promotes dimerization and transactivation. 23 may fail to be appropriately transcribed (for ex-
Heterodimers also can form between different ample, mutations in the Pit-1 transcription factor
proteins containing leucine zipper domains, such as underlie combined pituitary hormone disorders28).
the jun and fos proteins that comprise the AP-1
transactivator. 24 Multimerization domains are also TAPPING THE FLOW OF GENETIC
found in HTH proteins such as octomer-binding INFORMATION
proteins, the pituitary-specific Pitl factor, and devel- Although the "central dogma" of molecular
opmentally important homeodomain proteins, 25and biology states that genetic information flows from
even more strikingly in the helix-loop-helix pro- gene to RNA to protein, much of the explosion of
teins such as muscle-enriched MyoD protein, z6 By genetic knowledge fuelled by molecular techniques
forming heterodimers, a relatively small number of has become available through reversing or tightly
transacting factors can generate great diversity in channelling that flow. The molecular biological
regulating different genes. technical !'mind set" mixes reductionist, in vitro
Although most trans-acting factors are transcrip- experimentation with a willingness to let microor-
tional activators, examples exist of RNA-binding ganisms, cultured cells, or even whole organisms
proteins that modulate the expression of a gene at "do the work.'"As will hopefully become clear in
the post-transcriptional level. For example, the this section, and as shown in Figure 5, there are
same regulatory proteins bind to stem-loop struc- many different ways to use molecular techniques,
tures in the 3' end of transferrin receptor mRNA and many potential starting points.
and the 5' end of the ferritin mRNA when iron
stores are low, increasing the stability of the former Working With DNA and RNA
transcript and decreasing the transcription of the Experimental manipulation of both RNA and
latter. 27 This variation on the theme of gene regula- DNA requires reasonable, but differing levels of
tion completes our survey of how information care. Although the protection of samples from
encoded in DNA is used to produce proteins or microbial and non-specific organic contamination
regulate gene activity, and sets the stage for consid- is a given in both instances, DNA is relatively
eration of two topics: how the flow of information stable; inclusion, where possible, of chelating agents
is disturbed by mutation, and how the flow of (eg, ethylenedianainetetraacetic acid, EDTA) usu-
information can be tapped by molecular biological ally serves to protect DNA from endonuclease
techniques (see next section). Although a rigourous degradation. On the other hand, its single-stranded
treatment of genetic mutation is far beyond the cousin, RNA, is susceptible to attack by resilient
scope of this review, the simple concept that things and ubiquitous ribonucleases that can withstand
can go wrong at any step in the transfer of autoclaving. Minimizing contamination, cross-
information is useful. All genetic mutations involve contamination, and losses of RNA and DNA is
DNA changes at the level of the gene, ie, insertions, achieved through the extensive use of disposable
alterations, or deletions of sections of DNA of plasticware. Both nucleic acids can be concentrated
single oa" multiple base pairs. Alterations to pro- by alcohol precipitation. Whereas gentle~l~ysis pro-
moter or enhancer regions can greatly reduce cedures favour the isolation of high molecular
transcription, whereas those affecting mRNA splic- weight DNA that would otherwise be sheared,
ing or stability can prevent or reduce gene product rapid lysis in the presence of strong denaturing
formation in spite o f normal primary mRNA tran- agents is required for efficient RNA isolation. The
scription. Alterations to the coding region can shift bases of both DNA and RNA absorb strongly at 260
the reading frame such that a completely different nm, a property that can be used for yield determina-

Fig 5. Flow diagram of mo-
lecular biological experimenta-
tion. Possible experimental strat-
Differential < ~ 1 ~ [E~> Northern Southern < ~ ~
display Blot Blot
egies are schematically depicted,
starting from either native pro-
tein, RNA, or DNA (boxed). For cDNAlibrary Genomiclibrary
instance, the purified native pro-
tein can be used to raise an anti- Antibody E ~ Screenlibrary Probe
body+The antibody probe can be ~/ ~, /~+~/ Genomioclone
used to screen a cDNA library
generated from RNA. Once se- cDNAclone ~'
quenced, the cDNA correspond- ~ ~[~ ~ DNAsequence
ing to the native protein can be
used to express either native or ~' DNAs~uence<~
mutated recombinant protein, or w Exonmapping
to screen a genomic library gen- Degenerate Mutagenesis
erated from DNA. Resulting ge-
oligonucleotides Heterologous~ ~
expression Knock-out Promoter
nomic clones can be used to /~ ,~ ,~ mice
construct vectors for the genera-
tion of knock-out mice, in which Recombinant Mutantprotein
the gene corresponding to the Transgenic protein
original native protein has been
mice <~
inactivated, and to characterize
the gene's promoter elements. Testfunction(s)

tion, with protein contamination being reflected by purification of enzymes with the desired properties
comparison to absorbance at 280 nm. Although from microbial or viral sources. Although they are
physicochemical methods involving the ultracentri- all important tools, restriction endonucleases are of
fugation of DNA and RNA through density gradi- particular importance.
ents of cesium chloride can be used to obtain highly Restriction endonucleases can be thought of as
purified samples, these methods have been largely forming part of a bacterial immune system. 3~These
supplanted in recent years by the development of enzymes specifically recognize and cleave DNA
commercial ion-exchange type resins capable of sequences of invading foreign (ie, viral) DNA,
rapid and efficient nucleic acid purification. while leaving their host DNA, previously protected
The large size, strong negative charge, and by specific methylases, intact. Most restriction
similarity of substitution between monomeric sub- enzymes recognize palindromes, DNA sequences
units of RNA and DNA render them ideal mol- with an internal plane of complementarity (eg,
ecules for resolution in an electric field. Electropho- GAATTC or GGATCC) and are named for the
resis through horizontal gels of agarose is widely organism from which they are purified (ie, BamHI
used for separation and visualization of DNA and for the first restriction enzyme purified from Bacil-
RNA, with the former being easier to visualize lus amyloliquefaciens H). Literally hundreds of
through the use of ethidium bromide, a fluorescent different restriction enzymes with different site
dye that intercalates between DNA strands. Electro- specificities are now available, in many cases now
phoretic mobility of RNA that is proportional to its isolated from cloned genes introduced into more
size alone requires the prevention of intrachain common laboratory bacteria, such as Escherichia
interactions, usually achieved by incorporation of coli. With a restriction enzyme and a ligase, an
denaturing agents such as formaldehyde and/or enzyme capable of joining two pieces of DNA
formamide. Analogous denaturation is required to together in a 5'-3' phosphodiester linkage, one can
separate DNA strands through incorporation of make a recombinant DNA molecule by joining
urea in acrylamide gels and formamide in samples. together two or more pieces of DNA, which were
originally not contiguous.
Enzymatic Tools Today, the freezer of any molecular biology
Manipulation of DNA and RNA required the laboratory will contain kinases (which add phos-
development of techniques for specific cleavage, phate groups onto the '5'-hydroxyl end of DNA),
modification, copying, joining, and controlled and polymerases (which copy DNA or RNA from
general degradation. Usually this was achieved by primed or unprimed templates), phosphatases

(which remove terminal phosphate groups), DNA Libraries

exonucleases (for controlled digestion from ter- An unusual and powerful feature of molecular
mini), and ligases. In addition, reverse transcriptase biological approaches is the use of libraries or
is particularly important, being an enzyme capable "clone banks." No one would have expected a
of generating a complementary DNA (cDNA) copy protein chemist to say, "I want to purify coagula-
of a primed mRNA template. tion factor VIII. Therefore I will purify all plasma
proteins and then determine which one I want." Yet
this is the essence of screening a library for a gene
sequence. Libraries are vector preparations, which
The ability to make recombinant DNA mol- instead of containing a single kind of insert DNA,
ecules would have remained an intellectual curios- are ideally made up of hundreds of thousands of
ity without the ability to amplify, or make many independent insert DNA sequences, which taken
copies of the recombinant DNA. This was achieved overall, represent the total genetic diversity of the
by using vectors, autonomously replicating ve- starting material. When transferred to bacteria
hicles for the propagation of DNA. The most under appropriate conditions, each bacterial cell
commonly used vectors in molecular biology re- will take up a single plasmid, containing a single
main plasmids. A plasmid is a small, circular, cDNA insert, or "clone". The challenge in working
autonomously replicating DNA. 3~Laboratory plas- with libraries lies in devising effective means of
mids contain an origin of replication, a dominant screening them to identify the potentially rare clone
selectable marker (usually an antibiotic resistance that encodes the gene of interest. Once clones have
gene) and a "polylinker" or multiple cloning site. been isolated, or even enriched, they can be readily
The latter is a string of unique restriction endonucle- biologically amplified by growing up the bacteria
ase sites, into which can be introduced foreign or bacteriophage harbouring the foreign DNA, and
DNA, most easily through ligation of cohesive, the process is repeated until a pure clone is isolated.
compatible ends. Plasmids may be used simply for Libraries are one of two general types: cDNA or
the amplification and propagation of recombinant genomic. The genetic starting material for the
construction of a cDNA library is mRNA, whereas
DNA sequences, to aid in sequencing these se-
that used for a genomic library is genomic DNA,
quences, or to express the protein-encoding infor-
partially digested with a restriction endonuclease to
mation residing in the DNA sequence. For the latter
cleave it into pieces of manageable size. As edited
two applications, appropriate positioning of the
versions of genes, cDNA clones are ideal for those
insert DNA with respect to elements contained
wishing to derive the primary'sequence of a protein
within the plasmid vector is required. Plasmids are
of interest, or to be able to express it in a
usually transferred into host cells for amplification,
heterologous system. Conversely, if the investiga-
propagation and expression; if the transfer is into
tor needs access to the promoter region or intron/
bacteria or yeast, the procedure is known as exon boundaries, a genomic clone is essential.
transformation, whereas transfer into cultured cells Selection of the cell or tissue from which to
is known as transfection. make cDNA is an essential first step in library
Bacteriophages are viruses that infect bacteria, construction. Indeed, the first cDNAs to be cloned
and can also be used as recombinant DNA vectors. were those corresponding to mRNAs that predomi-
Insert DNA replaces non-essential sequences in nated in certain cell types: globin in reticulocytes,
these linear vectors to make recombinant phage. albumin in hepatocytes, growth hormone from
The use of phage can bring technical advantages pituitary cells. After mRNA purification, the total
over the simpler plasmid systems, particularly with mRNA population is reverse transcribed, using
respect to the size of the inserted DNA region. reverse transcriptases (RTases) purified from mu-
Phage/plasmid combinations known as cosmids rine or avian viral sources. This synthesis must be
allow further increases in the size of foreign DNA primed, using a small synthetic oligonucleotide.
that can b e "cloned", or stably propagated in pure Originally, this was done using oligo(dT) homopoly-
form. 31 The yeast or bacterial artificial chromo- mers of 12 to 18 units, which bound to the p01y(A)
some (YAC or BAC) offer further increases in the tail of mRNAs via A:T base pairing. RTase then
maximum allowable size insert, up to 300 kbp; 32 catalyzes the copying of this mRNA template into

cDNA form. This approach is still used today, true for RNA-DNA and RNA-RNA interactions.
although mixtures of random hexamers can also be This means that a radiolabelled DNA molecule can
used. At the end of this first strand synthesis, the be used to find its complementary DNA or RNA
resulting RNA:DNA hybrid is converted to double- sequence, provided that the way has been cleared
stranded DNA by degrading the RNA strand with by denaturing, inter- and intra-strand separation of
RNAse H and replacing it with DNA via the action the target nucleic acid. A simple use of this
of DNA polymerase. After addition of synthetic principle lies in the use of oligo d(T) primers to
oligonucleotide linkers or adaptors specifying re- hybridize to the poly(A) tract of mRNA referred to
striction endonuclease sites, the cDNAs can be above.
inserted into an appropriate vector. Many variations More complicated interactions involve the use of
on this theme have been developed, including the single stranded DNA probes, radiolabelled by modi-
enrichment of target mRNA sequences by "subtract- fication reactions that typically use 32p-substituted
ing" or removing ubiquitously transcribed mRNAs, terminal or internal phosphate groups. Suppose that
and directional approaches in which the first strand one had isolated a clone from a liver cDNA library
cDNA is provided a 3' homopolymeric C or G tail corresponding to a new protein, and wanted to
through the action of terminal deoxynucleotide know two things: (1) In which other tissues is the
transferase. The cDNA can now be manipulated in mRNA transcribed; and (2) How big is its gene?
a directional manner, and inserted into whatever Both questions can be answered, using either an
vector (plasmid or phage) is appropriate. 33 RNA (Northern) or DNA (Southern) blot. 35,36In the
Genomic library construction is simpler in that case of the former, mRNA from each tissue is
no synthesis is required, but more complex in that separated, in separate lanes, by formaldehyde/
larger sized pieces of DNA are manipulated. Total agarose electrophoresis, and transferred to a nitro-
genomic DNA preparations are made and restricted cellulose or nylon membrane. Following cross-
with enzymes such that only partial digestion is linking to fix the RNA to the blot, the labelled
achieved. This means that a collection of DNA cDNA probe is allowed to bind to its target. After
fragments of 15 to 30 kilobase pairs might be the performance of washes under conditions that
generated, with, for example MboII-cohesive ends, minimize non-specific binding, autoradiography is
but containing within them some uncut MboII sites. used to visualize the presence, and size of the
These DNA fragments; too large to be inserted into transcript, detected by virtue of its binding the
a plasmid, can be used to produce recombinant probe. DNA blotting is analogous, except that
bacteriophages through ligation of the left and right restriction enzymes are used to cut the high molecu-
"arms" of the digested linear phage genome. After lar weight DNA. Although the great diversity of the
incubation with packaging extracts that assemble genome prevents individual bands from being seen
these recombinant viral DNAs into infective viri- by staining, by hybridization a discrete pattern of
ons, the phage are used to infect bacteria, and to bands emerges; if a full length cDNA was used, it
produce a primary lysate, or phage stock, contain- will bind to all fragments containing exon se-
ing the total library. Although it is tempting to quences. Adding the size of all hybridizing frag-
amplify this library by repeated infection, too many ments together gives a reasonable estimate of the
rounds of this process will make the/library less size of the gene, less upstream control elements.
representative, in that some recombinant clones A specialized application of Southern blotting is
encoding parts of the genome could have growth known as DNA fingerprinting. 37 This technique
disadvantages over others. 34 exploits the presence in the genome of variable
number of tandem repeat (VNTR) sequences. These
Hybridization are di- and tri-nucleotide sequences of unknown
The ability to form hydrogen-bonded, comple- function found at multiple and diverse sites, and
mentary duplexes, is central to the molecular present at each site in 2 to 20 copies. The high
genetic flow of information in the cell. In addition, degree of variability in VNTRs means that the use
this property of DNA and RNA has been exploited of several VNTRs with one or more probes on
for technical reasons. Unlike most proteins, DNA Southern blots yields a pattern that is distinctive for
duplexes can be thermally or chemically denatured each human, and is invaluable in family and
and renatured relatively easily, and the same holds forensic studies.

Library Screening protein of interest. This approach was used to clone

The same principle used in Northern and South- the thrombin receptor. 41
ern blotting allows libraries to be screened by Differential display of mRNA is another tech-
hybridization. Again using our novel liver cDNA as nique in which no prior knowledge of the transcript
is required for partial cloning. 42 After RNA isola-
an example, the same radiolabelled probe can be
tion from cells treated with a given drug or
used to screen a genomic phage library. At appropri-
stimulus, and from control cells, oligo dT primers
ate multiplicities of infection, the phage will form
with an additional 3'C, G, or T are used separately
lytic plaques on lawns of bacteria on agar plates.
to reverse transcribe the preparations. Each cDNA
Oriented nitrocellulose filters laid on these plates
population is then subjected to PCR using random
rapidly bind DNA and protein from the plaques,
primers in the presence of radioactive nucleotides,
and, once fixed, provide a membrane surface
and the resulting heterogenous population of prod-
analogous to the Southern blot. After hybridization
ucts is resolved on a sequencing gel. Display
and autoradiography, zones containing phage with products that are clearly up- or down-regulated by a
the gene insert can be excised from the plate, and given treatment are then identified, excised from
the phage eluted and used to reinfect bacteria, this the gel, PCR-amplified, and sequenced. Compari-
time at lower plating densities. After several rounds son of the DNA sequence of the partial cDNAs
of this process, a phage plaque derived from a identified in this manner to known sequences in
single recombinant phage clone can be isolated? ~ DNA databases is then used to determine if a novel,
What then; can be used to probe a cDNA library? regulated gene has been discovered.
If portions of the protein sequence can be deter-
mined by protein sequencing, degenerate synthetic DNA Sequencing
oligonucleotide primers can be synthesized. These
The ability to clone and manipulate DNA would
mixtures of oligonucleotides contain all possible
have had far less impact had it not been for the
choices for the codons specifying the string, or
development of methods to determine the base
strings of amino acids, some of which will bind to
sequence of any piece of DNA. Two equally
the appropriate cDNA. If two separate stretches of
effective systems, chemical (Maxam-Gilbert) 43 and
amino acid sequences are known, it is now possible
enzymatic (Sanger) were developed; today the
to make a specific probe using the polymerase latter system is by far the most commonly used. 44
chain reaction 39 (PCR; discussed below). In it, single stranded DNA or double-stranded
If the cDNA library has been cloned into an plasmid DNA made effectively single-stranded by
expression vector, a specific antibody to the protein chemical denaturation serves as the template. A
of interest can be used to probe the library. The small synthetic oligonucleotide primer of 17 to 20
reason this is possible is because the vector pro- nucleotides is annealed to a site in the vector just 5'
vides a promoter and prokaryotic initiation of to the cDNA, and polymerized by a DNA polymer-
translation signals; some also encode a portion of a ase in the presence of radiolabelled oi" fuorescent
bacterial protein, followed by unique restriction nucleotide triphosphates. A phage T 7 DNA polymer-
sites. Introduction of the cDNA library into this site ase chemically modified to enhance its polymerase
will result in some of the cDNAs being fused in activity and minimize its exonuclease activity is
frame to the bacterial protein, thus generating a widely used for this purpose. The other key ingredi-
fusion protein capable of being recognized by the ent o f t h e DNA sequencing reactions are dideoxy-
antibody. In the case of the widely used Xgt11 nucleotides that serve as chain terminators because
phage expression vector, the bacterial protein is the they lack a 3' hydroxyl to which the next nucleo-
enzyme [3-galactosidase, and the [3-galactosidase tide can be attached in polymerization. The an-
fusion protein will be found in the plaques, and nealed primer-template preparation-is split into four
bind to nitrocellulose filters. 4~With the continuous separate reactions for polymerization, with each
evolution of cloning technology, it has now become sub-reaction containing one of the four dideoxy
possible to isolate cDNAs corresponding to pro- chain terminators. For instance, the A reaction
teins for which no DNA or antibody probes exist, contains dCTR dGTP, dTTP, arid a mixture of
by transforming or transfecting pools of clones into deoxy- and dideoxy-ATE The ratio of the latter is
cells that will express the biological activity of the adjusted such that some of the elongated chains

stop at any given A. Electrophoresis of these boxylation, and generally cannot be relied on to
populations of radioactive single-stranded DNA promote native disulphide bond formation in an
molecules, using high resolution urea-acrylamide efficient manner. These problems can sometimes
electrophoresis capable of resolving DNA mol- outweigh the ease and low expense of expression in
ecules differing by a single base, is then used. bacteria. 45
Electrophoresis of the four reactions side-by-side Yeast expression systems generally fare better at
produces a sequencing ladder that can be read by folding foreign (especially mammalian) proteins,
visual inspection of autoradiograms, or, as is increas- and are capable of many post-translational modifi-
ingly the case, by computerized recovery of the cations, including N-linked glycosylation. How-
information from an automated system that uses ever, the commonly used baker's yeast Saccharomy-
fluorescently tagged nucleotides. Various strategies ces cerevisiae can hyperglycosylate, adding up to
have been devised to "read-through" areas of DNA 80 sugar subunits to sites that generally have only
with strong intrachain associations that would 10 to 15 in their natural setting; qualitative differ-
otherwise stop or impair the processive movement ences in glycosylation are also found. New yeast
of the sequencing polymerase. systems, such as the methylotropic Pichia pastoris
may overcome this problem. 46 Moving further up
Heterologous Expression Systems the evolutionary scale, expression of heterologous
Isolation of a cDNA furnishes the investigator proteins in insect cells, using a system derived from
with all the nucleic acid information required to baculovirus, can provide high yields of well-
produce the protein in an expression system, pro- folded, post-translationally modified products. The
vided that the information is presented in an technical difficulty Of working with this system has
appropriate manner. The systems are said to be recently been reduced. 47
heterologous because they involve the expression Mammalian cell expression systems are undoubt-
of foreign DNA, and because they generally result edly the closest experimental system to the native
in expression of a protein in a milieu in which it site of production of human proteins. 48 In contrast
would otherwise not be found. This latter feature to bacterial systems, if a full-length cDNA is
eliminates the need to separate the recombinant available, it can be inserted into a mammalian cell
protein from the endogenous version that would expression vector without extensive manipulation.
otherwise be present in a homologous system. These vectors provide appropriate strong enhancer/
The use of Xgt-ll expression cloning systems promoter sequences and polyadenylation signals on
results in bacterial expression of a [3-galactosidase opposite sites of a cloning site, and can provide
fusion protein, which provides at a minimum a non-translated intron sequences that add to the
source of antigen of the cloned protein of interest. efficiency of expression. Transfection of these
In some cases, the fusion protein acquires the expression vectors in cell culture, using chemical
biological activity of t h e cloned fusion partner. or liposome-mediated uptake results in transient
This fusion approach has been incorporated into expression of recombinant products, for instance in
numerous plasmid expression vectors that are easier the widely used SV40 virus-transformed simian
to use than a phage system. The advantage of this kidney COS cell line. The ~tg levels of protein
approach is that native or hybrid bacterial promot- produced in this rapid expression system are often
ers and sites of initiation are used, and the presence sufficient for some analyses. Obtaining more pro-
of the bacterial portion of the protein can stabilize tein necessitates the generation of permanently
the fusion protein against degradation. Unfortu- transformed cell lines. In this case, relatively rare
nately, whether fused or unfused expression of cells in which the plasmid expression vector has
foreign cDNAs in bacteria is used, the resulting inserted itself into the genome must be selected,
product is often insoluble and nonfunctional. Al- usually through cotransfection or provision on the
though in some cases this "aggregation body" can sameexpression vector of genes conferring resis-
be isolated, and the protein solubilized and re- tance to antibiotics (typically G418 or hygromy-
folded, the process can be difficult and empirical. cin). Although generation of stable cell lines is
Irrespective of this potential outcome, bacteria are expensive and time consuming, it is usually pos-
incapable of performing post-translational modifi- sible to select high expressors, cell lines in which
cations such as N-linked glycosylation and ",/-car- the expression vector has fortuitously integrated in

a genomic location conducive to high expression. including those that give rise to human genetic
Continuous propagation of such lines can yield disease. The techniques of molecular biology have
milligram levels of recombinant protein, and is the been applied to characterize the genetic lesion in
technique used on an industrial scale to produce numerous genes and kindreds. Of particular use in
recombinant factor VIII for treatment of hemo- this regard is the technique of PCR. Briefly, this
philia A. 49 amplification technology makes use of two oppos-
ing gene specific primers, a heat stable polymerase
Mutagenesis (from Thermus aquaticus [Taq] or other extremo-
If an acceptable system has been found for philic microorganisms), and an automated thermo-
heterologous expression of the protein product of a cycler. By alternating between temperatures, this
cDNA, then molecular techniques can be used to process uses the polymerized DNA product of one
alter single or multiple codons of that cDNA. cycle as a template for the production of more DNA
Following confirmation that the desired changes product in the next, and achieves a geometric
have been made by DNA sequencing, the mutated amplification. The extraordinary power of this
cDNA can then be expressed, and the altered technique is explained in detail in a recent review in
this journal. 51
protein assessed for any resulting changes in biologi-
cal function. This site-directed mutagenesis 5~ is
generally achieved through the use of a synthetic Transgenic Mice
DNA oligonucleotide that is complementary to a Transgenic mice are animals whose genome has
portion of the cDNA in a plasmid vector, with the been stably altered by genetic manipulation. In a
exception of one or more bases flanked on either sense, the use of transgenic mice can be seen as
side by 9 to 15 unchanged bases. After denaturation either heterologous expression or mutagenesis on a
of the plasmid, these regions of complementarity grand scale. 52 Two routes of transgenesis are used:
are usually sufficient to permit binding of the microinjection of fertilized murine ova, and genera-
mutagenic oligonucleotide to its target site in spite tion of chimeric animals following genetic manipu-
of the internal mismatch. This oligonucleotide is lation of pluripotent embryonic stem cells. The
used to prime synthesis of the rest of the other former, which is technically simpler and was
strand of the plasmid. When the plasmid with the developed first, uses linearized plasmid DNA con-
internal mismatch is used to transform bacteria, structs in which a cDNA has been positioned
progeny formed after replication contain either downstream of an enhancer/promoter. After micro-
mutant or parental sequences. A variety of strate- injection of this material, some ova will integrate
gies exist for increasing the proportion of mutant multiple copies of the constrfict as a tandem array.
plasmids over parental, such that DNA sequencing Transfer of the ova to foster mothers leads to the
of a handful of inserts of the resulting plasmids birth of offspring, some of whom will have inte-
yields the desired mutant. Other ways to alter grated the DNA into all of their cells. Some of these
cDNAs include truncation using processive exo- animals will also express high levels of the encoded
nucleases to perform controlled digestions, for product; mice transgenic for human growth hor-
instance on the 3' end of the cDNA to make a mone, to cite an early example, are double the size
family of proteins with the same N-terminal, but of non-transgenic littermates. This form of transgen-
progressively shorter C-terminal regions, or linker- esis is ideal for adding something to the mouse
scanning, in which a dipeptide is introduced at genome, for instance, high level oncogene expres-
different points Within the cDNA. In all cases, the sion to develop an in vivo carcinogenesis model.
resulting mutant proteins are assessed for loss of Another example would be the secretion of clotting
function that ties the mutation to an important site factors into the milk of transgenic mice. Transfer of
on the protein. Purification of recombinant proteins this technology to larger dairy animals could one
in any system has been simplified by the develop- day provide an economical, non-blood product
ment of affinity tags, short stretches of amino acids source of factor concentrates) 3
which, when incorporated into the recombinant Taking something away from the mouse genome
protein, confer the ability to bind to affinity or requires additional manipulation. First, genomic
immunoaffnity columns. clones of the target gene are modified such that an
Of course, natural mutations are also found, essential element is replaced by a minigene encod-

ing antibiotic resistance. Next, embryonic stem In the latter technique, a radiolabelled putative
cells are transfected with these constructs, and promoter sequence (eg, one excised from a ge-
stable integrants are selected. A subset of these nomic clone) is incubated with a nuclear extract. If
clones undergo homologous recombination to re- transcription factors bind to the labelled DNA to
place the endogenous copy of the target gene with form a complex, this complex will display dimin-
the engineered, disabled one. Embryonic stem cell ished migration upon subsequent non-denaturing
lines harbouring this targeted change are grown up electrophoresis. This shift in mobility can be fur-
and injected into the blastocyst of developing mice ther dissected by competition with specific oligo-
embryos. Resulting offspring are chimeric in that nucleotides corresponding to known transactivator
some of their cell lineages derive from the engi- binding sites, or by producing a "super-shift" when
neered cells. Breeding these animals produces specific antibodies to known transcription factors
offspring in which one or both copies of the gene of are added to the reaction.
interest have been disabled. 54 Examples of these Determination of transcription factor binding
engineered mutant mice now abound; a recent sites can also be aided through the use of deoxyribo-
example involves the "knockout" of the procoagu- nuclease I (DNase I). DNAse I digestion of mini-
lant tissue factor geneY mally perturbed genomic DNA, followed by South-
ern blotting to determine the site of DNase I
Promoter Studies hypersensitivity, is useful in mapping sites of
The intense scientific interest in gene regulation, nucleosome clearing and trans-acting factor bind-
particularly at the transcriptional level, has spawned ing.. This approach has been useful in finding
a variety of molecular biological techniques for important regulatory sites that are unusually distant
studying promoter activity. The initial location of from the genes they control, for example, the Locus
promoter/enhancer sequences is often achieved by Control, Region (LCR), which lies 5-25 kb up-
an approach that is the reverse of what is used to stream Of the first globin gene whose activity it
produce heterologous expression of cDNAs. In- regulates in the globin gene cluster. 58 DNase I will
stead of inserting the coding region into a vector also cleave radiolabelled DNA constructs in vitro,
providing the promoter, reporter gene expression on average every few base pairs to generate a
vectors require the insertion of putative promoter ladder. Introdncfion of increasing amounts of nuclear
sequences upstream of a readily detected cDNA extracts into these reactions will alter the pattern, as
such as that of chloramphenicol acetyl transferase, stretches of DNA that would otherwise be cleaved
luciferase, or naturally fluorescent proteins. A rea- by DNase become protected by DNA-binding
sonable approach would be to position as many proteins. Conceptually similar schemes use other
kilobase (kb) of upstream genomic DNA that is DNA modifying agents such as methylating agents,
available in such a construct, then use deletional and are also useful for this kind of fine mapping of
rnutagenesis to whittle this down to a minimum modification-sensitive transcription factor binding.
functional promoter. The expression plasmids are
transfected into cell lines, and cell supernatants or
lysates are analyzed for the presence of the indica-
tor protein or its activity. A more ambitious varia- This article is first and foremost an overview, in
tion on this theme, aimed at determining the tissue that it is impossible to cover in a few pages an area
specific nature of promoter sequences in vivo, is to of biology that is the subject of large textbooks and
generate transgenic mice using the reporter expres- technical manuals. Nevertheless , the concepts and
sion plasmid, and then examine various tissues and examples of techniques given above shotild pro-
cell types for the presence of the reporter protein. vide the reader with the broad outlines necessary to
Conceptually similar studies can be performed in understand other molecular techniques and issues
vitro, using nuclear extracts) 6 These either involve that have not been addressed here. For instance, the
the generation of transcripts in an in vitro transcrip- Human Genome Project,59 which aims to sequence
tion system, in which care must be taken to control every nucleotide in the human genome by 2005, is
for nonspecific transcription arising from the disrup- analogous to the smaller scale DNA sequencing
tion of the normal context of template DNA, or rely and DNA fragment ordering discussed here. The
on electrophoretic mobility shift analysis (EMSA). 57 yeast two-hybrid system6~becomes understandable

as a means of detecting protein-protein interactions mation into all areas of biology and medicine, as
by transcriptional activation. Phage display sys- research shifts to an increased focus on how the
tems can now be thought of as "classical" library mapped and sequenced genes of the human genome
screening in reverse, where instead of probing interact and shape biological function in health and
immobilized clones with a free probe, the library is disease. As a final note, the reader whose appetite
allowed to flow past an immobilizedprobe. 57 for molecular biological concepts and techniques
Without a doubt, the years to come will see a has been whetted by this overview, is directed to
continued integration of molecular biological infor- the three final references. 62-64

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