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As Pongo paced the floor, from time to time quivering all over like a Brazilian explorer

with a touch of malaria, he was still in faultless evening dress, for the idea of going to
bed on this night of fear had not even occurred to him. A young man visiting the parents
of the girl he loves, and knowing that at one sharp an uncle of maximum eccentricity will
be starting to burgle the house, does not hop between the sheets at 11.15 and sink into a
dreamless sleep. He stays up and shudders. Pongo had made one or two attempts to
divert his thoughts by reading Murder in the Fog, but without success. There are
moments when even the most faceless of fiends cannot hope to grip.
In a past the contemplation of which sometimes affected him as if he had bitten into a
bad oyster, Pongo Twistleton had frequently been called upon to tremble like an aspen
when an unwilling participant in the activities of his Uncle Fred, but seldom had he done
it more wholehearteldy than now. He was feeling rather as the heroine of Murder in the
Fog was wont to do when she got trapped in underground dens,the illusion that his
nerves were sticking two inches out of his body and curling at the ends being
extraordinarily vivid. And it is probable that mental distress would have unstrung him
completely, but for the fact that in addition to suffering agony of the soul he was also in
the process of dying of thirst, and this seemed to act on the counter-irritation principle.
The thirst of which he was dying was one of those lively thirsts which seem to start at
the soles of the feet and get worse all the way up.

1. Divide the fragment into clauses and specify their syntactic function. (EXCEPT the
underlined part).
2. Translate into Romanian.

2.In timp ce Pongo pasea pe podea, din cand in cand tremurand precum un explorator
Brazilian atins de malarie, era inca in ireprosabila camasa de noapte, dar ideea de a se
baga in pat in aceasta noapte plina de frica nici macar nu i-a strabatut gandurile. Un
tanar vizitand parintii fetei pe care o iubeste si stiind ca la unu fix un unchi de o
excentricitate maxima va incepe sa sparga casa, nu sare intre asternuturi la unsprezece
si cincisprezece si nu se scufunda intr-un somn fara visuri. Din contra, sta treaz si
tremura. Pongo a facut cateva incercari de asi schimba gandurile, citind Crima din ceata,
dar fara success. Exista momente cand pana si cel mai inexpresiv demon nu poate spera
sa reziste.
In trecut, contemplarea caruia uneori il afecta de parca ar fi muscat dintr-o stridie
stricata, Pongo Twistleton adesea tremura ca un plop tremurator atunci cand era un
participant nedoritor in activitatile unchiului sau Fred, rareori ar fi facut mai bine decat
acum. Se simtea de parca era eroina din Crima din ceata, atunci cand a fost prinsa in
pesterile subterane, iluzia ca emotiile lui ieseau la doi inch din corpul lui si se incolaceau
la capete fiind extrem de reale. Si e posibil ca stresul mintal s ail darame complet, dar pe
langa faptul ca pe langa suferinta agonizanta a sufletului, era de asemenea in procesul de
a muri de sete si asta parea sa actionize conform principiului combaterii iritatiei. Setea
din cauza careia murea era una dintre acele stari de sete vii care incepea din varful
picioarelor si devenea mai rau in sus.

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