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Right to one’s person Self-defense or Respecting other’s The soldiers forcibly

reasonable violence- possessions. placed Aung San Suu
protection of your own Not taking what’s not Kyi under house arrest.
life and body. ours.
Inspection only being
held when needed.

Right to conscience This right includes Protect people’s ability Attacks on religious
freedom to change his to do what they believe liberty are increasingly
religion or belief, and is morally best. impacting people and
freedom, either alone organizations, forcing
or in community with them to choose
others and in public or between violating their
private, to manifest his conscience or stop
religion or belief in doing the job they have
teaching, practice, chosen to do.
worship and
Right to respect Everyone has the right A State cannot Based on the case of
to respect for his interfere in an Aung San Suu Kyi her
private and family life, individual’s private life political allies were
his home and his but at the same time arrested and
correspondence. has a duty to protect imprisoned. Many of
every individual’s her supporters were
moral and physical harassed.
Right to organize The National Labor Worker’s right to Employers threaten
Relations Act grants organize into a union in and harass employees
employees right to constitutional law and who attempt to
“form, join or assist constitutional politics. organize unions.
labor organizations, to
bargain collectively
representatives of their
own choosing, and to
engage in other
concerted activities for
the purpose of mutual
aid and protection.”
Right to livelihood The human right to Access to and control Taking over of a shop
livelihood and land is over productive by security forces for
the right of all women, resources including defense purpose
men, youth and land and water. without giving
children to a dignified compensation to
and productive owner.
livelihood which
enables them to live in
peace, security, justice
and dignity.

Right to marriage Men and women of full Men and women Child and forced
age, without any should have the same marriages.
limitation due to race, rights when they are
nationality or religion, married, separated or
have the right to marry divorced.
and to found a family.

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