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Hasil uji normalitas

Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnov(a) Shapiro-Wilk
pekerjaan orang tua Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
nilai matematika buruh ,129 13 ,200(*) ,938 13 ,426
tani ,212 6 ,200(*) ,906 6 ,408
PNS ,179 11 ,200(*) ,927 11 ,380
nilai biologi buruh ,121 13 ,200(*) ,971 13 ,901
tani ,254 6 ,200(*) ,837 6 ,124
PNS ,184 11 ,200(*) ,899 11 ,180
nilai fisika buruh ,135 13 ,200(*) ,957 13 ,703
tani ,194 6 ,200(*) ,923 6 ,531
PNS ,125 11 ,200(*) ,952 11 ,669
* This is a lower bound of the true significance.
a Lilliefors Significance Correction


a s
Le vene's Test of Equality of Error Varia nce

F df1 df2 Sig.

nilai matematika 1,228 2 27 ,309
nilai biologi 1,796 2 27 ,185
nilai fis ika ,384 2 27 ,685
Tests the null hypothesis t hat the error varianc e of the dependent
variable is equal ac ros s groups .
a. Design: Intercept+ pekerjaan
Multivariate Tests(d)

Hypothesis Noncent. Observed

Effect Value F df Error df Sig. Parameter Power(a)
Intercept Pillai's Trace ,981 435,720(b) 3,000 25,000 ,000 1307,159 1,000
Wilks' Lambda ,019 435,720(b) 3,000 25,000 ,000 1307,159 1,000
Hotelling's Trace 52,286 435,720(b) 3,000 25,000 ,000 1307,159 1,000
Roy's Largest
52,286 435,720(b) 3,000 25,000 ,000 1307,159 1,000
pekerjaan Pillai's Trace ,067 ,298 6,000 52,000 ,935 1,790 ,124
Wilks' Lambda ,934 ,290(b) 6,000 50,000 ,939 1,740 ,121
Hotelling's Trace ,070 ,281 6,000 48,000 ,943 1,688 ,118
Roy's Largest
,063 ,543(c) 3,000 26,000 ,657 1,629 ,146
a Computed using alpha = ,05
b Exact statistic
c The statistic is an upper bound on F that yields a lower bound on the significance level.
d Design: Intercept+pekerjaan

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Type III
Dependent Sum of Mean Noncent. Observed
Source Variable Squares df Square F Sig. Parameter Power(a)
Corrected nilai matematika 70,216(b) 2 35,108 ,109 ,897 ,218 ,065
Model nilai biologi 196,147(c) 2 98,074 ,416 ,664 ,833 ,110
nilai fisika 86,561(d) 2 43,281 ,200 ,820 ,400 ,078
Intercept nilai matematika 119728,268 1 119728,268 371,949 ,000 371,949 1,000
nilai biologi 120332,883 1 120332,883 510,902 ,000 510,902 1,000
nilai fisika 139317,790 1 139317,790 644,503 ,000 644,503 1,000
pekerjaan nilai matematika 70,216 2 35,108 ,109 ,897 ,218 ,065
nilai biologi 196,147 2 98,074 ,416 ,664 ,833 ,110
nilai fisika 86,561 2 43,281 ,200 ,820 ,400 ,078
Error nilai matematika 8691,150 27 321,894
nilai biologi 6359,319 27 235,530
nilai fisika 5836,406 27 216,163
Total nilai matematika 141163,000 30
nilai biologi 143378,000 30
nilai fisika 159863,000 30
Corrected nilai matematika 8761,367 29
Total nilai biologi 6555,467 29
nilai fisika 5922,967 29
a Computed using alpha = ,05
b R Squared = ,008 (Adjusted R Squared = -,065)
c R Squared = ,030 (Adjusted R Squared = -,042)
d R Squared = ,015 (Adjusted R Squared = -,058)

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