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4 Module 7

Core Focus Ideas for Home

• Division: Halving and finding whole number quotients and remainders • Making sense of division
• Common fractions: Adding and subtracting with the same denominators relies on recognizing the
• Common fractions: Mixed numbers related multiplication facts.
• Common fractions: Interpreting line plots to solve word problems To know how to divide 172
into 4 equal shares, students
need to see that 172 can be
Division regrouped as 16 tens and
• Students review the basic concept of division as fair sharing. They focus on the 12 ones, both of which are
important strategy of partitioning (pulling apart) the number that is being divided easily divided by 4.
into parts to be shared, piece by piece. Usually, students start by first sharing the
• To practice division facts,
hundreds, then the tens, and then the ones.
review basic multiplication
• Students build on what they already know about multiplication to make sense facts until they can be
of the division equation. repeated automatically.
7.1 Division: Halving two-digit numbers • Practice real-life problems
Two friends share the cost
with remainders. E.g. “I want
Step In $68
of the remote control car.
to divide 22 cards evenly
What amount should they each pay?
How do you know?
among 6 friends. What is
Imagine they share the cost of the helicopter.
How could you calculate the amount they each pay? $74 22 ÷ 6?”
Layla uses blocks. Cody uses multiplication.

2≈ = 74
• If this is challenging, model
2 ≈ 35 = 70 $35 each is not enough. the division problem using
2 ≈ 40 = 80 $40 each is too much.
2 ≈ 36 = 72 $36 each is almost enough. multiplication: “I need
to get close to 22 using
2 ≈ 37 = 74 They each pay $37.
multiplication times 6. I know
Look carefully at Layla’s blocks.
In this lesson, students halve a two-digit number.
Why did she regroup 7 tens and 4 ones for 6 tens and 14 ones?
that 5 × 6 = 30, but this is
Look carefully at Cody’s strategy.
How did he calculate the amount each person should pay?
greater than 22. I know that
• In this module, students are presented with division situations where some items
Step Up 1. Complete each of these. Use blocks to help your thinking. 2 × 6 = 12, but this is less
are left over after sharing equally. The term remainder is introduced to describe
a. b. than 22. I know that 3 × 6 =
the quantity that is left over.
18 is close but there are 4
7.3 Division: Finding whole number quotients and remainders
left over. Since 4 is less
Half of 46 is Half of 84 is
than 6, I cannot make
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46 ÷ 2 = 84 ÷ 2 =
Step In Look at these jars of marbles. another group of 6, so 22 ÷
♦ 244
6 = 3 with a remainder of 4.”
ORIGO Stepping Stones  • Grade 4 • 7.1

34 22 25

Imagine you want to share the jar of 34 marbles

equally among 4 friends. The amount left over in a Glossary
division problem is also
How many marbles will be in each share?
How many marbles will be left over?
called the remainder (R).
A division equation is made
What thinking did you use to calculate the number of marbles in each share?
up of the dividend (total),
I thought of a fours
fact that has a the divisor (the number of
I shared 34 cubes product near 34.
into 4 equal groups.
There are 2 left over.
8 × 4 = 32. I then
have 2 more.
groups), and the quotient (the
Nancy shares the jar of 22 marbles into bags of 6. How many bags does she use?
number in each group).
In this lesson, students find whole-number quotients
How many marbles are left over? How do you know?
and determine the amount left over (remainder).
Step Up
1. Share each jar of marbles into bags of 5. Write the multiplication
fact that helped you calculate the number of bags. Then write
12 ÷ 3 = 4

the number of marbles left over. dividend divisor quotient

• Students use known a.multiplication facts to ≈partition
dividends. Students split these
dividends into smaller parts
27 so each part can be divided separately, making the
bags with marbles left over
overall division easier.
≈ =
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bags with marbles left over

♦ 250 ORIGO Stepping Stones  • Grade 4 • 7.3

4 Module 7

Common fractions
Ideas for Home
• Students explore the addition of fractions with the same denominator, e.g.
4 2 6 • Encourage your child to
10 + 10 = 10, using an area model or a number line.
draw pictures of fractions to
7.5 Common fractions: Adding with same denominators better understand addition.
A common error is to add
across the numerators
Step In Leila shaded 10 of this rectangle purple.

She then shaded

10 yellow. and the denominators
What fraction of the shape did she shade in total? 4 2 6
Complete this equation to match.
(e.g. 10 + 10 = 20 ). Drawing
Can you think of another
pictures can help prevent
= + way to shade 10 of
the total shape with this error.
two colors?

How could you use this number line to calculate

10 +
10 ?
• Point out mixed numbers
in recipes, and ask your child
to convert mixed numbers
Complete this equation to match. Look at the equation you wrote. to improper fractions. E.g.
2 8
When you add fractions, what happens
to the numerator? 2 3 is equivalent to 3 .
• Students have already worked
+ =
with improper fractions. This module introduces
What happens to the denominator?

mixed numbers. 1. Each large rectangle is one whole. Shade parts using different
• Talk about mixed numbers
Step Up colors to show each fraction. Then write the total fraction
that is shaded. and the ways they can be
• Students are encouraged to think about different ways mixed numbers can be
a. b. c.
explained: by talking about
composed and decomposed into whole numbers and common fractions, as well
them, by drawing pictures,
as improper fractions.
3 4 1 3 4 2 and by writing them as
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+ 8 = 6
+ 6 = +
10 10

• Area models can illustrate adding mixed numbers, but this module focuses on improper fractions.
using the number line.
♦ 256
It is a more flexible model that easily demonstrates various
ORIGO Stepping Stones  • Grade 4 • 7.5

• Encourage your child to

composing and decomposing strategies for adding mixed numbers.
explain the number line
representations, and also
7.6 Common fractions: Adding mixed numbers
to think about and draw
Step In How could you calculate the total
amount of water in these pitchers?
3 qt 3 qt
number lines or other pictures
2 qt 2 qt

Mia thinks 2 8 is equivalent to 2 + 8 ,
1 qt 1 qt whenever they are working
4 4
and 1 8 is equivalent to 1 + 8 .
with fractions.
She wrote this equation.
3 4
She added the whole numbers first. 2+ +1+ =
Next she added the fractions.
8 8
• Practice subtracting mixed
Then she added the two totals. What is the total?
3 4
numbers that require
Alejandro started with 2 8 , added 1, then added 8 . 2 4
Show his method on this number line.
decomposing. E.g. 7 5 − 4 5 .
2 5
Decompose 7 5 into 6 + 5
2 7
+ 5 , which equals 6 5 . Then
0 1 2 3 4
7 4
subtract 6 5 − 4 5 , which
Step Up this lesson,
1. Use students
Alejandro’s add
method to add mixed
these numbers.
mixed numbers. 3
Show your thinking on the number line. results in 2 5 .
• In this module, students2 4 also focus on subtracting common fractions, and using
2 1
+1 4 =

a number line to find the difference between mixed numbers. Glossary

2. Calculate
0 the difference.
1 Draw 2
jumps on the number
3 line to 4show your thinking.
A mixed number is a whole
1 3
5 12 −52+21 =5 =
3 3 number and a common
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
fraction added together and
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0 1 2 3 4
4 1 −3 3 =
5 5
written as a single number

♦ 258 ORIGO Stepping Stones  • Grade 4 • 7.6

0 1 2 3 4 5
without the addition symbol.
3. Calculate the difference. Show your thinking.
a. b. c.
3 3
7 1 −2 4 = =6 2 −5 4 9 10 − 4 10 =
6 6 5 5

d. e. f.
4 9
= 14 2 − 1 3 16 12 − 11 12 = =5−3 6
8 8 8

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