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Members of the
Division of Dermatology
Systemic Corticosteroid Use in Dermatology:
Defining, Detailing, and Demystifying Alfred Balbul, MD
Alain Brassard, MD

Corticosteroids play a major role in the dermatologist’s armamentarium. First used for Wayne D. Carey, MD
inflammatory dermatoses in 1951, they remain the mainstay of dermatological therapy because Ari Demirjian, MD
of their anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive properties.1 This issue of Dermatology Therese El-Helou, MD
Rounds reviews the pharmacology, dosing, and adverse effects (AEs) of these common agents.
William Gerstein, MD

Corticosteroids (CSs) have long been a mainstay of pharmacotherapy in a variety of disorders Fatemeh Jafarian, MD
and conditions for the suppression of inflammation and of the immune system. Research con- Manish Khanna, MD
ducted in 19292,3 led to the development of cortisone as a new compound in 1935.4 In dermatol- Audrey Lovett, MD
ogy, CSs are widely prescribed in either topical or systemic formulations in various potencies to
Raynald Molinari, MD
tailor therapy according to severity of the underlying condition, anatomic location of application,
area of involvement, and patient age.5 CSs, however, are associated with a number of serious Linda Moreau, MD, Director
adverse events, particularly with long-term use. Safe and effective use of this class of agents, there- Brenda Moroz, MD
fore, requires knowledge of their mechanism of action and potential complicating factors. Khue Huu Nguyen, MD
Overview of Systemic Corticosteroids Elizabeth A. O’Brien, MD
The basic structure of all CSs is the cyclopentanoperhydrophenanthrene ring, composed of Denis Sasseville, MD
3 hexane rings and 1 pentane ring. Modifications on this steroid structure result in synthetic Editor, Dermatology Rounds
agents with varying anti-inflammatory potencies, mineralocorticoid effects, and durations of Wendy R. Sissons, MD
action (Table 1). Active molecules, such as cortisol and prednisolone, have the essential hydroxyl Beatrice Wang, MD
group in position 11. Prednisone and cortisone must undergo conversion by the 11 hydroxylation
Kevin Watters, MD
enzyme in the liver to become activated. Prednisolone or cortisol should be administered in
patients with severe hepatic disease since they are unable to metabolize prednisone or cortisone.6 Shadi Zari, MD

Absorption and distribution

Over 50% of administered CSs are absorbed in the upper jejunum.6 Concomitant administra-
tion with food does not affect absorption, but may delay it. Peak plasma levels are achieved with- Centre universitaire
in 30-100 minutes. Metabolized primarily by the liver, metabolites are excreted by the kidney and de santé McGill
liver. Approximately 90%-95% of endogenous CSs are bound to cortisol-binding protein (also
known as transcortin) or to albumin in the circulation. The other 5% is unbound cortisol;7 this is McGill University
the active moiety. Many factors influence circulating quantities of cortisol-binding protein (CBP). Health Centre
It is increased in pregnancy, estrogen therapy, and hyperthyroidism. However, conditions such as McGill University Health Centre
hepatic failure, renal failure, and hypothyroidism decrease CBP levels and, therefore, increase Division of Dermatology
drug toxicity. Synthetic glucocorticoids have less avidity for CBP (estimated at 70%) and, thus, Royal Victoria Hospital
have a higher AE profile. 687 Pine Avenue West
Room A 4.17
Mechanism of action Montreal, Quebec H3A 1A1
Tel.: (514) 934-1934, local 34648
A schematic representation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is shown in Fax: (514) 843-1570
Figure 1. The HPA axis is a feedback loop that includes the hypothalamus and the pituitary and
adrenal glands. The hypothalamus produces corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) that is
released onto the anterior pituitary gland. The latter secretes adrenocorticotropin hormone The editorial content of
Dermatology Rounds is determined
(ACTH) into the systemic circulation that, in turn, stimulates the synthesis and systemic release solely by the Division of Dermatology,
of CS by the adrenal glands. The loop is completed by the negative feedback of cortisol on the McGill University Health Centre.
hippocampus, the hypothalamus, and the pituitary gland. The greatest amount of cortisol is
released during the early morning hours prior to waking. The basal rate of cortisol production is
20-30 mg daily;8 however, up to a 10-fold increase is possible in situations of stress.9
Table 1: Systemic corticosteroid (CS) Figure 1: Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
pharmacology function and regulation

Equiva- Mineralo- Plasma Duration

lent dose corticoid half-life of action
(mg) potency (min) (hrs)
Cortisone 25 1 60 8-12 Hypothalamus Cytoplasm
CRF Nucleus
Hydro- 20 0.8 90 8-12 GRE X
cortisone Annexin 1
phosphatase IL-1, IL-2, IL-8
Prednisone 5 0.25 60 24-36 Anterior Pituitary

Prednisolone 5 0.25 200 24-36 Glucocorticosteroid (Cortisol)

Adrenal Gland Glucocorticosteroid Receptor
Methylpred- 4 0 180 24-36
nisolone Activating Protein 1
Triamcinolone 4 0 300 24-36
Dexametha- 0.75 0 200 36-54 CRF = corticotropin releasing factor; ACTH = adrenocorticotropin
sone hormone; GRE = glucocorticosteroid response element;
MAPK = mitogen-activated protein kinase; TNF = tumour necrosis
Betametha- 0.6 0 200 36-54 factor; GM-CSF = granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating
sone factor; IL = interleukin; NF = nuclear factor

Cortisol enters the cellular cytoplasm and binds to the Similarly, induction of CYP 3A4 by rifampin and anticon-
CS receptor.10 This activated receptor complex then vulsants such as phenytoin and phenobarbital may
translocates to the nucleus to either enhance or inhibit the decrease serum levels of CS. Other effects are due to
expression of target genes by 2 independent mechanisms. potentiation of intrinsic AEs rather than true interactions.
In the first, direct binding of the activated glucocorticoid Noteworthy are increased gastrointestinal (GI) toxicity
receptor complex to a specific deoxyribonucleic acid with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs),
(DNA) sequence, known as the glucocorticoid response additive immunosuppression when coadministered with
element, in its promoter region induces transcription of other immunosuppressant drugs, decreased effectiveness
annexin I and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) of antidiabetic agents due to induced hyperglycemia with
phosphatase 1. This limits the formation of prostaglandins CS, and worsening hypokalemia with diuretics. Hypo-
and leukotrienes. In the second mechanism, the receptor kalemia is also responsible for the increased arrhythmias
complex binds to activator protein 1 (AP1) and nuclear after concomitant administration of digoxin and fluro-
factor κB (NF-κB), thus inhibiting them. The end result is quinolones.8
inactivation of cytokines, interleukins (ILs), adhesion mol-
ecules, and proteases, which achieves a decreased inflam- Dosing and Administration in Dermatology
matory state. Glucocorticoids differ in their relative anti-inflamma-
tory and mineralocorticoid effects and duration of ACTH
Dermatological indications and contraindications suppression. CSs with minimal mineralocorticoid effects
CSs are used to treat a vast array of acute and chronic are usually selected to decrease sodium retention. More-
dermatological conditions; broad categories are listed in over, CSs with an intermediate half-life are preferred to
Table 2. Absolute contraindications to systemic steroids reduce AEs. Prednisone is usually the oral medication of
are systemic fungal infections, herpes simplex keratitis, choice because it has a sufficiently prolonged action to
and hypersensitivity. Relative contraindications include ensure the sustained effectiveness of a single daily dose
active tuberculosis (TB) or a positive tuberculin test (puri- and minimal mineralocorticoid activity. The daily dose of
fied protein derivative [PPD]), active peptic ulcer disease prednisone varies depending on severity of the dermato-
(PUD), or recent anastomotic surgery, hypertension, logical condition and ranges from 0.5-3 mg/kg/day.11,12
depression or psychosis, diabetes mellitus (DM), osteo- The most common initial dose is 40-60 mg/day for an
porosis, cataracts, and glaucoma. average-sized individual. Treatment regimens can be divid-
ed into low-dose (<10 mg of prednisone or equivalent per
Drug interactions day) and high-dose (>20 mg per day).13 Physiological
Most drug interactions are due to dexamethasone and doses are equivalent to about 5-7 mg of prednisone.
methylprednisolone, whereas prednisone and pred- CSs can be given as a single daily dose, a split dose, or
nisolone have fewer interactions. Medications that may as an alternate-day dose. When initiating therapy, a single
increase serum levels of CS are macrolide antibiotics and daily dose is preferable, given in the morning when there is
azole antifungals via cytochrome P (CYP) 3A4 inhibition, maximal adrenocortical cortisol secretion. At this time,
and hormonal contraceptives via decreased clearance. the HPA-axis is least suppressed by medication since max-
Table 2: Cutaneous indications for CS therapy as >4 weeks duration.14 In long-term therapy, CS-sparing
agents are usually added to the regimen, allowing the
Bullous dermatoses patient to be weaned off the steroids.
• Pemphigus vulgaris
• Bullous pemphigoid Tapering
• Cicatricial pemphigoid
• Linear immunoglobulin A bullous dermatosis CS tapering is required to avoid a flare of the dermato-
• Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita logical condition and prevent withdrawal symptoms due to
• Herpes gestationis persistent HPA axis suppression. There is a lack of clinical
• Erythema multiforme evidence to favour a particular regimen, and various taper-
• Toxic epidermal necrolysis ing durations have been studied. Two studies revealed that
(Stevens-Johnson syndrome)
there were no clinically significant differences in outcomes
Autoimmune connective tissue diseases between a 2- to 5-month tapering timeframe.15,16 Short-
• Dermatomyositis
term glucocorticoid therapy, even at high doses, can be
• Systemic lupus erythematosus
• Mixed connective-tissue disease stopped without tapering because HPA suppression will
• Eosinophilic fasciitis not persist and consequences are unlikely. In long-term
• Relapsing polychondritis therapy, however, tapering should be done in decrements
Neutrophilic dermatoses of 10% to 20% every 1 to 2 weeks, taking into account the
• Pyoderma gangrenosum underlying disease, patient frailty, and individual response.
• Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis For prednisone, this roughly translates into a decrease of:8
(Sweet syndrome) • 10 mg/day every 1-2 weeks for an initial dose
• Behçet disease >60 mg
Papulosquamous and eczematous dermatoses • 5 mg/day for 1-2 weeks for doses between
• Contact dermatitis 20-60 mg/day
• Atopic dermatitis • 2.5 mg/day for 1-2 weeks for doses between
• Photodermatitis
10-20 mg/day
• Exfoliative dermatitis
• Erythrodermas • 1 mg/day for 1-2 weeks for doses between
• Lichen planus 5-10 mg/day
• 0.5 mg/day every 1-2 weeks for doses <5 mg/day
• Cutaneous and systemic
Intravenous (IV) therapy
• Sarcoidosis IV CSs are given in 2 situations: for stress coverage in
• Urticaria/angioedema patients on long-term CS and HPA axis suppression, and
• Androgen excess (acne, hirsutism) in severe or life-threatening diseases to rapidly gain con-
• Type I reactive leprosy trol. Two methods of administration are available: methyl-
• Problematic hemangiomas of infancy prednisolone, devoid of mineralocorticoid activity, can be
• Kasabach-Merritt syndrome given at a dose of 2 mg/kg divided 4 times daily or as pulse
• Panniculitis
therapy of 500-1000 mg daily for 1-5 days. Pulse therapy
is usually given in a monitored setting due to potential
imal feedback suppression of ACTH secretion occurs from serious AEs (ie, sudden death, atrial fibrillation, anaphy-
endogenous production. To gain rapid control in severe laxis, and electrolyte imbalances). Slow administration of
disease, a split dose (subdividing the daily dose in up to 4 pulse steroids over 2 hours, along with concomitant infu-
doses) can maintain a steady plasma concentration. This sion of potassium and electrolytes controls before and
increases medication efficacy, but also increases HPA axis after therapy, help circumvent these effects.17,18
suppression. Therefore, conversion to a single daily dose
should be done as soon as possible. Intramuscular (IM) therapy
Alternate-day regimens – used once disease control is IM CS therapy is not widely used in dermatology. One
obtained – is double the usual daily dose given every sec- advantage is assured compliance since the physician
ond day. The rationale is that efficacy is determined more administers the dose. However, once the dose is adminis-
by anti-inflammatory intracellular transcription mecha- tered, there are disadvantages, including high interperson-
nisms than by actual drug presence in the circulation.8 In al variability with erratic absorption, lack of daily dose
this regimen, patients are not exposed to high daily gluco- control, and no diurnal variation. Therefore, this route of
corticoid concentrations and, therefore, have less HPA axis administration is considered to be less physiological.
suppression. Conversion from a daily to an alternate-day Tapering only occurs through biotransformation of the
regimen should be carried out gradually. One method is to drug. Other unique complications are lipoatrophy and
progressively diminish the dose on one day, while building sterile abscess formation at the injection site.19
it up the next.
Use of CS can be divided into short-term and long- Adverse Effects (AEs) Associated
term therapy. Short-term is defined as treatment for ≤3 with Corticosteroids
weeks and is usually reserved for acute conditions (ie, CS therapy is associated with numerous AEs. Short-
allergic contact dermatitis). Long-term therapy is defined term therapy is usually well-tolerated and has fewer AEs.20
Table 3: Adverse events associated with CS therapy

Baseline At 1 month and
(pre-treatment ) then every 3 months Annual Treatment cessation
History Personal and family Polyuria
history: diabetes, Polydipsia
hypertension, Psychological effects
dyslipidemia, Sleep disturbance
glaucoma Bone pain
Abdominal pain
Physical BP BP
examination Height Height
Weight Weight

Laboratory Fasting glucose Fasting glucose AM cortisol

Lipid profile Lipid profile
Electrolytes Electrolytes

Imaging CXR
DEXA (at-risk patients) DEXA

Special tests Tuberculin skin test Slit lamp exam

Slit lamp exam

BP = blood pressure; CXR = chest x-ray; DEXA = dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry; PPD = purified protein derivative

AEs are typically dose-related and increase signifi- treatments (eg, raloxifen, calcitonin) and newer mol-
cantly at higher doses. However, even low doses for ecules (eg, teriparatide and denosumab) is beyond
prolonged periods are associated with significant the scope of this article.
morbidity and mortality.14,21,22 Clinicians need to Osteonecrosis, also known as avascular or aseptic
thoroughly evaluate and monitor (Table 3) their necrosis of the femoral head, is one of the most feared
patients at baseline and during follow-up visits when complications of CS therapy.6 It usually occurs after
prolonged CS therapy is anticipated. Given the 6-12 months of CS therapy and is associated with risk
numerous AEs of CS, this article focuses on those factors such as trauma, alcohol abuse, smoking, renal
that are more common and preventable. transplantation, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE),
and hypertriglyceridemia. Localized pain on exertion
Skeletal progresses to pain at rest, and because findings on
Osteoporosis is one of the most prevalent and plain x-rays may take 6 months to appear, magnetic-
serious AEs of prolonged CS therapy. The prevalence resonance imaging is preferred for diagnosis given its
of CS-induced osteoporosis can be as high as 30%- higher sensitivity and specificity.27 Conservative
50% if no preventive measures are taken.23,24 Patients treatment consists of stopping medications, rest, and
at highest risk are the elderly, postmenopausal avoiding weight-bearing. More advanced cases
women, smokers, alcoholics, and those with previous require referral to an orthopedic surgeon for core
osteoporosis or fractures, sedentary lifestyle, low decompression and fibular grafting. In most cases,
body-mass index, hyperthyroidism, higher CS dose, total hip arthroplasty is eventually required.28
and rheumatoid arthritis. Most of the bone loss
occurs in the first 6-12 months of corticotherapy;24 Gastrointestinal
therefore, preventive treatment should be initiated Many physicians concomitantly prescribe hista-
early if prolonged therapy is expected (>5 mg of mine receptor antagonists or proton pump inhibitors
prednisone for >4 weeks). Patients should abstain with CSs to avoid gastric and duodenal ulcers;
from smoking, minimize alcohol and caffeine con- however, there is controversy in the literature on this
sumption, perform weight-bearing exercises, and take topic. CSs independently increase the risk of PUD,
calcium 1500 mg and vitamin D 800 IU daily (some but this increase is marginal (estimated relative risk
authors recommend even higher doses of vitamin 1.1-1.5),29,30 which is less than the risk associated
D).25 Patients should undergo annual bone density with NSAIDs. However, the combination of CSs and
testing; as dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry scans are NSAIDs results in a synergistic increase. Studies have
not all made equal, the patient should go to the same revealed a 2-fold increased risk of GI AEs in patients
location every year.26 First-line preventive therapy is taking CSs and NSAIDs compared to those taking
oral bisphosphonates; eg, alendronate (70 mg once a NSAIDs alone31 and a 4-fold increased risk of GI
week) or risedronate (35 mg once a week or 150 mg complications when compared to nonusers of either
once a month).24 Discussion of other second-line drug.30 Patients taking CSs in combination with

acetylsalicylic acid or other NSAIDs or with risk angiogenesis, fibroblast function, and collagen produc-
factors for PUD require prophylaxis; however, tion.20 Some of these AEs are permanent; therefore, a
cytoprotection is debatable in patients taking gluco- high index of suspicion is required to prevent them.
corticoids alone. Early symptoms of PUD are masked
by the anti-inflammatory effects of CSs, which Immunological
explains the higher degree of perforation. CSs are associated with multiple effects on the
immune system. There is an increased susceptibility
Ocular to bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasitic infections, in
Glaucoma, mostly associated with topical oph- particular cutaneous staphylococcal and superficial
thalmic steroid preparations, has been documented fungal infections. A high index of suspicion is
with systemic CS at doses >10 mg/day.32 Cataracts required as fever and other signs of inflammation
usually occur bilaterally after prolonged CS use and may be masked. Alternate-day therapy and low-dose
can be distinguished from senile cataracts by their therapy reduce the chance of opportunistic infec-
posterior subcapsular location. Children are more tion.40 Because TB reactivation remains a concern in
susceptible than adults. Cataract formation is usually long-term therapy, a detailed exposure history should
caused by doses >10 mg/day continuously for >1 be taken prior to therapy initiation.41 A PPD should
year.33 Cataracts may stabilize if the CS dose is signif- be performed and, if positive, a baseline chest x-ray. A
icantly lowered or the CS is discontinued.34 Ophthal- 9-month course of isoniazid is recommended for
mological evaluation should be performed annually patients with latent TB.41 Patients with human
to detect and treat these complications. immunodeficiency virus, Wegener granulomatosis,
SLE, or on other immunosuppressive agents should
Cardiometabolic receive trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole or dapsone
Metabolic and cardiovascular AEs associated with prophylaxis to prevent infection with Pneumocystis
CSs are numerous. Increases in blood pressure (BP) jiroveci.42
may occur secondary to increased sodium and fluid
retention, particularly among CSs with strong miner- Adrenal suppression
alocorticoid effects (fludrocortisone and hydrocorti- Exogenous CS can affect the entire HPA axis
sone).35 Patients should be monitored every 2-3 and cause adrenal suppression within 4 weeks, even
months for BP elevations. Lipid abnormalities, particu- at low doses. This can be mitigated by using single
larly hypertriglyceridemia, are common; the mecha- morning doses or an intermediate-acting agent on
nism may be related to insulin insufficiency and alternate days. The hypothalamus is suppressed
ACTH suppression.36 All patients on prolonged CS first; however, it is the first to recover, while the
therapy should follow a calorie-restricted diet low in adrenals are the slowest to recover. After prolonged
saturated fats. Hyperglycemia is another potential suppression, ACTH levels may not return to normal
metabolic AE. Causal mechanisms include increased for months and cortisol levels may take >1 year to
hepatic gluconeogenesis, decreased peripheral glucose recover.8 HPA axis suppression can be verified by
uptake, and insulin resistance via alteration of receptor measuring the morning serum cortisol level. Morn-
functions.37,38 Development of de novo DM is uncom- ing CS dose should be held on the day of the test.
mon if the patient previously had normal glucose tol- Low cortisol levels (<10 g/dL) confirm impaired
erance; most patients revert to their prior glycemic HPA axis function. Adrenal function can be tested
status within a few months of CS cessation.39 Patients with the ACTH stimulation test, where 250 g of
with pre-existing DM or glucose intolerance common- ACTH is administered and cortisol levels are mea-
ly experience significant hyperglycemia and difficulty sured at 30 minutes and 1 hour after administra-
with glycemic control during CS therapy. Frequent tion; cortisol levels >16 g/dL indicate normal
blood glucose monitoring is required and patients adrenal function.8 With HPA axis suppression, the
should be managed pharmacologically as routine type body is unable to mount a stress response. Early
II diabetics. Patients already on oral hypoglycemic symptoms of adrenal crisis are weakness, fatigue,
agents often require therapy with insulin. anorexia, nausea, and fever. IV CSs are necessary
prior to major surgery or in severe illness to avoid
Cutaneous shock. The usual morning dose is taken with an
Multiple cutaneous effects can occur with sys- additional 100 mg hydrocortisone IV at induction
temic CS therapy, including purpura, telangiectasias, of anesthesia and 25 mg of hydrocortisone every 8
atrophy, striae, pseudoscars, acneiform or rosacea-like hours for 24 hours. 43 Minor surgical procedures
eruptions, hirsutism, alopecia, hyper/hypopigmenta- under local anesthesia do not require replacement
tion, acanthosis nigricans, facial plethora, and fat therapy.
redistribution causing the classic “buffalo hump” on A more common problem is the CS withdrawal
the upper back. Systemic CS-induced acne or folli- syndrome wherein the patient develops arthralgias,
culitis characteristically presents with uniform papu- headache, mood swings, lethargy, and nausea upon
lopustules on the chest and back. Systemic CS rapid tapering of long-term CS therapy. A slower
therapy may impair wound healing by inhibiting taper prevents this problem.18,44

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rheumatoid arthritis: an analysis of serious adverse events. Am J Med. 1994;96:115. for Dermatology Rounds are to be sent by mail to P.O. Box
14. Nesbitt LT. Minimizing complications from systemic glucocorticoid use. Dermatol Clin.
310, Station H, Montreal, Quebec H3G 2K8 or by fax to
15. Bignola C, De Simone G, Belloli C, et al. Steroid treatment in active Crohn’s disease: a (514) 932-5114 or by e-mail to
comparison between two regimens of different duration. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. Please reference Dermatology Rounds in your correspondence.
16. Hings IM, Filipovich AH, Miller WJ, et al. Prednisone therapy for acute graft-versus-
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host disease: short- versus long-term treatment. A prospective randomized trial. Trans- Publications Post #40032303
plantation. 1993;56:577.

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