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Soal-soal Asistensi Fisika Statistik – 5

Jum’at, 4 Desember 2009

1. UAS 1999 No. 4, UAS 2000 No. 4, UAS 2002 No. 4

Suseptibilitas magnetic per-unit volume dari suatu solid magnetic diberikan oleh χ = A/(T – θ) dengan A
dan θ merupakan konstanta yang tidak tergantung suhu dan medan magnet. Carilah perubahan entropi
per-unit volume pada temperatur T jika medan magnet dinaikkan dari 0 sampai H0!
2. UAS 2005 No. 4
Consider N non-interacting and distinguishable molecules in thermal equilibrium with a heat bath at a
temperature T. The internal space of each molecule may be describes by a simple one-dimensional
harmonic oscillator of frequency ω. The occupation probability (Pn) of the n-th state relative to that of
the first excited state is given by:
= exp ( -n )
a) Obtain the temperature of the system in term of ω (and appropriate fundamental constant)!
b) Obtain the partition function of the system and corresponding free energy!
c) Obtain the average energy of the system!
d) Obtain the entropy of the system!
3. UAS 2004 No. 4
Consider a system consisting of three particles, each of which can be in any one of two quantum states of
respective energy ε dan 3ε. The lower level of the quantum state has two fold degeneracy. The system is
in contact with a heat reservoir at temperature T = (kβ)-1.
a) Calculate the number of accessible state for MB, BE, and FD statistics if the total energy is 5ε!
b) What is Z if the particles obey BE statistics?
c) What is Z if the particles obey FD statistics?
d) Find the mean energies for b) and c)!
4. A certain solid contains N identical nuclei. Each nucleus can be in any one of three spin states labeled by
the quantum number m, where m =1, 0, or -1. Due to coupling with the electric field environment, the
energy of a nucleus depends on its spin orientation in the following way: the nucleus has energy 0 in the
m = 0 state, and the nucleus has energy ε in the m = 1 state and the m = −1 state.
a) Find an expression, as a function of temperature T , for the nuclear contribution to the average
energy E of the solid. Assume that the N identical nuclei are located in distinct positions in the solid
where the fields are identical!
b) Find an expression, as a function of T , of the contribution of these N nuclei to the entropy S of the
c) By considering the total number of accessible states, calculate the nuclear contribution to the entropy
of the solid in the T → 0 limit!
d) Calculate the nuclear contribution to the heat capacity CV of the solid!
5. UAS 200$ No. 2, UAS 2005 No. 2
Turunkan formulasi entropi dari pengetahuan fungsi partisi untuk partikel gas ideal yang memenuhi
(a) Statistika Fermi-Dirac, dan (b) Statistika Bose Einstein!
Nyatakan entropi tersebut hanya sebagai fungsi nr !
6. UAS 2003 No. 2
Anggap energi partikel dapat dinyatakan sebagai E ( z ) = az dengan z bisa momentum atau koordinat

ruang dan dapat bernilai antara -∞ sampai ∞. Bila sistem mengikuti distribusi Boltzmann klasik,
tunjukkan bahwa energi rata-rata system ini adalah kT/2!

Selamat Mengerjakan, Semoga Sukses !

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