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The Libyan Journal of Surgery

Case Report


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Ganasan Chelliah , Azhar bin Amir Hamzah , Mohamad Zikri Ahmad , Rashidi Ahmad
1)Department of Emergency,, Hospital Sultan Ismail, Johor Bahru, Mal
Malaysia, 2) Department of Surgery
and, 3) Department of Emergency Medicine, Hospital Universiti Sains Malay
sia, Kelantan, Malaysia.
Received: 13 January 2013, Accepted in revised form: 6 April 2013, Published: 9 April 2013
Corresponding author: Azhar bin
in Amir Hamzah
Hamzah, e-mail:

Carbuncles are superficial soft tissue infections related to hair follicles. Most common areas of
involvement include the back of neck, back, buttock and axillary region. If carbuncle is left untreated,
bacteria from carbuncle can penetrate into the blood stream and may cause serious complications,
cluding sepsis and infections in other parts of the body. We highlight a case of a 48 year-old
year diabetic
lady who suffered from the carbuncle
arbuncle that arises from the uncommon site (chin). Its clinical presentation
and management
agement along with a review of literatures are presented.
Key words: carbuncles, common site, chin

:‫الملخص العربي‬
‫ تقرير حالة ومراجعة األدب الطبي‬:‫جمرة في الذقن‬
3 3 2 1
‫ رشدي أحمد‬، ‫ محمد زكريا أحمد‬، ‫ أزھر بن أمير حمزة‬، ‫غنسان تشيليا‬

‫المناطق األكثر شيوعا تشمل ظھر الرقبة األرداف والظھر‬. ‫الدمامل ھي إخماجات لألنسجة السطحية الرخوة ومرتبطة ببصيالت الشعر‬
‫ بما في‬،‫ يمكن للبكتيريا الوصول إلى مجرى الدم ومن ثم يمكن أن تسبب مضاعفات خطيرة‬،‫إذا ما تركت دون عالج‬. ‫ومنطقة اإلبطين‬
‫ مصابة بداءالسكري التي أصيبت‬48 ‫نسلط الضوء على حالة سيدة عمرھا‬. ‫ذلك تسمم الدم وإخماجات في أجزاء أخرى من الجسم‬
‫ في ھذه الورقة تم عرض الحالة الطبية والعالج مع مراجعة األدب الطبي المتعلق بھذه‬.‫بإخماج الجمرة في مكان غير مألوفوھو الذقن‬
‫ الذقن‬،‫ مواقع شائعة‬،‫ جمرات‬:‫الكلمات المفتاحية‬

arbuncles are cluster of furuncles In- Gradually increased swelling and localized Pain
volving hair follicles connected Subcu- over the chin that were associated with Foul
taneously, causing deeper Suppuration
[ smelling greenish discharged. She denied any
and scarring. It is often broad, swollen
swollen, erythe- fever, sore-throat or tooth-ache. ache. She applied
matous, deep and painful ful mass that usually open herbal medications over the Chin which she
and drain through multiple1. Carbuncles may sought from the traditional healer. There was no
develop any where including the head, bu buttock sign of improvement despite the treatment. She
and neck region. However carbun carbuncles show was diagnosed with hypertension and hyper-
predilection for the back of neck, probably due cholesterolemia a few years ago. On examination,
to relative frequency of hair follicles in that she was alert and in minimal pain. Her blood
region2. We describe
scribe a case of a 48 year
year-old lady pressure, pulse rate, temperature, oxygen
who suffered from the carbuncle of the chin. To saturation
tion and pain score were 217/100 mmHg,
the author’s best knowledge, there was only one 84 beats per min, 37° C, 100% and 6/10
case reportt on carbuncle of the chin avaiavailable in respectively. There was a superficial 8cm x
the Medline-indexed
indexed literature in the last 50 10cm swelling over the chin extending extend to
years3. submental region. It was firm in consistency,

Copyright © 2013. Libyan J Surgery This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License,
License which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Citation: Libyan J Surg & 2013, 2:839571 - http://dx

/ 839571
1 (Page number is not
no for citation purpose).
Azhar bin Amir Hamzah et al
Erythematous and tender on palpation. Minimal Intravenous Cloxacillin 500 mg every 6 hours
greenish discharged was noted, figure1. She had was administered. The intravenous antibiotic
no difficulty to open and close her mouth. Oral was converted to oral form on day 6 after fever
and neck mobility examination revealed no and surrounding inflammation seemed to settle
abnormalities. down. It was continued for 2 weeks. Daily
dressing was performed until healthy granulation
tissue was evident. It was observed that a tight
glycaemic control and stabilization of blood
pressure control hastened the recovery. Pus from
carbuncle culture and sensitivity yielded
Staphylococcus aureus that is sensitive to
methicillin. During her one week follow up, the
wound was clean and dry. After few months
theWound healed with keloid scar and skin
conTraction, figure 3.

Figure 1. Showing a huge carbuncle on the chin

Full blood count results revealed a feature of

leukocytosis(white cells 16X109 cells/liter). Her
random blood sugar was elevated (22 mmol/L).
Other electrolytes were within a normal range.
Plain radiograph of skull was normal with no
signs of periosteal reaction and soft tissue gas.
She was diagnosed with submental carbuncle
and uncontrolled diabetes mellitus. She was
referred to surgical team for saucerization.
Insulin infusion and oral captopril 25 mg was
administered to control the blood sugar and Figure3. Showing skin contraction and keloid scar over
blood pressure. Subsequently, saucerization was the chin
performed under general anesthesia. The carbuncle
was confined to the mental region with slight DISCUSSION:
extension into the superficial area of submental Bacterial infections of the skin and adjacent
triangle. The area of infection involved the deep ubcutaneous tissues are common presentation to
cervical fascia. There were multiple abscess emergency department4. The spectrum of these
pockets deep to the carbuncle and 20 ml of pus infections may vary from a simple, selfcontained
was drained out.There were discharging sinuses cellulitis to a severe, life threatening, and rapidly
that bleed once in contact with the hemostat. The evolving necrotizing fasciitis. Carbuncle is seen
hemostat was used to break up any loculations between these 2 extremes. Carbuncles belong to
within the abscess. The surgical Procedure went a group of superficial soft tissue infections
off uneventfully and she was doing very well related to infection of hair follicles. Most
post surgery, figure 2. Common areas of involvement include the back
of neck, back, axillary region and buttocks. It
rarely involves the chin or the medial third of
face (around eyes and nose) 1, 5.There are 3
possible mechanisms of carbuncle in our patient.
First, there is a violation of the barrier from
mechanical injury in the form of cuts, abrasions,
punctures, or thermal injury that introduces the
microbes into the soft tissue. Second, there is
obstruction to the flow of sweat, oils, and
sebaceous secretions that lead to proliferation of
the pathogens. Third, the fact that she is
diabetic, making her more susceptible to
Figure 2. Showing the wound post saucerisation contract infection. According to Tobias et al,
diabetic patients have impaired leukocyte
Citation: Libyan J Surg & 2013, 2:839571 - 839571
2 (Page number is not for citation purpose).
Azhar bin Amir Hamzah et al
function, and the metabolic abnormalities of chin may not be very straight forward as treating
diabetes lead to inadequate migration of carbuncle at the back, buttock, trunk and neck.
neutrophils and macrophages to the site of In our case, carbuncle arises from an exposed
infection, along with reduced chemotaxis. Such area, near to the face that might have some
cellular changes would predispose diabetic cosmetic and psychological implication if the
patients to an increased risk of skin infection6. healing undergoes severe scar tissue fibrosis or
Other possible risk factors for developing keloid formation. Surgeons have to meticulous
carbuncle includes poor hygiene, elderly, staphy during the excision of the carbuncle of this area,
lococcal nasal carriage, hot/tropical climate and as the end result might not be pleasing
contact with community-onset MRSA carriers3. experience for the patient as well as the surgeon.
Carbuncle over the face requires urgent attention Multidisciplinary approach involving the
compared to those on the neck and trunk as it general, plastic and maxillofacial surgeons
may be potentially life threatening. Anatomical during the planning and surgery is recommended
differences include loose subcutaneous tissues, in case of a large carbuncle arising from this
constantly moving facial muscle and valveless ‘sensitive’ area. Skin grafting after saucerization
veins communicate with intra-cranial sinuses are is a controversial issue. In most instances, skin
associated with a greater risk of intracranial grafting is rarely required due to excellent
spread of infection7. Therefore, early and radical wound healing after removal of source of
surgery, appropriate antimicrobial drugs, good infection1. Carbuncle wound post saucerization
control of blood glucose and the treatment of usually contracts to a smaller scar and heal via
associated disorders may prevent such serious fibrosis and does not usually require skin
complication8, 9. Most common attributes of grafting. This is because carbuncle tends to
carbuncles are Staphylococcus aureus, both involve the loose tissue of the skin where the
methicillin- susceptible and methicillin-resistant contraction is the predominant form of repair
strains7, 9. Staphylococcus aureus is a gram- especially over the neck, back and buttock. Skin
positive bacterium that colonizes the skin and is grafting wound be indicated if the contraction or
present in the anterior nares in about 25–30% of the healing process is hampered or slow. There
healthy people10. The fact that our patient had are two methods of grafting - split skin grafting
skin infection by methicillin-sensitive strains of and transpositional local skin flaps. A Split
Staphylococcus aureus, the choice of antibiotic thickness skin graft is a simple quick surgical
is various. Among the antibiotic of choice solution for certain defects if it involves a wide
include s penicillin derivatives amoxicillin- area and contraction process will cause severe
clavulanate, cloxacillin and ampicillin sublactam,
# disfigurement or diminished function of the area.
first generation cephalosporin cephalexin, Local skin flaps has an extra advantage than
clindamycin and trimethoprim/ sulfamethoxazole. split thickness skin grafts whereby it covers such
Surgical approach for carbuncle is similar defects effectively and at the same it gives a
regardless of anatomical location of infection. better cosmetic result. 11.
Most authors from past and present recommended
wide excision of lesion until healthy tissue is CONCLUSION:
exposed1, 3, 5, 11. It requires extensive removal of Carbuncle of the chin is not uncommon. The
chronically undermined skin with wide exci- commonest responsible organism is Staphylococcus
sion8. Traditionally, surgical treatment of aureus. The management poses a great challenge
carbuncle is divided into incision or excision1 to the surgeon because it involves the face that
Donald Barlow describes a method of cruciate might have some cosmetic and psychological
incision of the infected tissue and flaps of implication if the healing undergoes scar tissue
maximum thickness are recommended for fibrosis or keloid formation. Multidisciplinary
preservation of blood supply in face and neck approach is recommended for difficult cases.
region3. In contrast, Donald Gordon advocated a
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