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0'527 TONI




4 August 1945
20TH ~ .;:O""PER=A""T=.;I0:;:l:N::;:S
Strike Photo SUmitomo :3
Record Strike Commended :3
Strike Photo Sum1tomo 4
Damage Photo SUDlitomo 5
Strike Photo Kawanishi Alc Co. 7
3,527 Tons on Four Cities 8
Damage Photo Hitachi 9
Damage Photo Utsonomiya 10
315th Bombs 011 Targets 11
Damage to 11 Targets 11
Damage Photo Wakayama 12
Damage Photo Numazu 12
Damage Photo Sendai 13
Damage Photo Kure Naval Arsenal 14

~JAP~A...:NE::::S::.=E A!!l DEFENSE

Reasons for Weak Air Opposition 15
Jap Night Fighters Reluctant 17
Notes on Jap Aircraft

W t Dinghy Drill Mandatory 20
R:scue Etiquette Violation Patal
Attention Japanie~~aie~eJaps 24
Home waters SU c
It is lntend,d that thh naltly re~
POI't b, • 'aurel of IntOl'lIII.tion tor com_
bat crew, ,Del Harr ott'tcau 1Iho havi a
hglt1mate interest 1n the operatt on, or
tbe twentieth Air 'oral . With i n thou
limits it should rective the widest pOlI _
s tbl, c1reula tiOD. permlu 1t11, under the
provls1oM or All 38o.~ .
In order that I lllU:1mum or inteU1_
IlIlIel ma7 b, included , the rlpart 11
811'111 In O'I'e:'lll clault1cat1on at sec _
ret. WIlen the natura at the III.Ilterlal
nrrallt" 1n41vl4ual artielu have re_
ceived • lonr .. curity cla.n1tleatlon.
!be report 11 s o '''-=b1l4 that the
CatpOlWlnt "CtlOIlll 1Il1 b, 1'11:10'1',4 I nc!
circ:ulatad or tUto!! separate17 . It pOl'_
tlons are l'ePl'ocNcec! , sleurlty r.sula_
tions CIlst be observed and tna .!Iourel

Carre,polldenci rl,udll'11 thll pub- S1!IIlT!IIO Purr BU!ftD:

lication should b, addruu4 to th_ Cea. Sa-be 0- 58tb 'IUI& B-2~
Ilanell.IIC GebUal , mnttetb Air Poree,
APO 234, elo,. , san I"rancuco land 011 th. SJa1~o ..t-t
Calitarnta, Atteotion: .te ot 5 , A_f. - I al IacfI1str1 Plant (tarP
263.l) OD 24 Jul1. (St.

~ 4. h....:..-
blow-lIP aut pII')

!be 1U0cai at ~.utDI as

COlonll j G. S . C.
Ae or s, A- t attested b1 a a_lllatioa tit titl.
~ pal'tlc1patiDi .. ltt b7oe~ carl', ,.
~. .~~'-'~
to 0&711&1> t .trU"
~ t trial targets ia JapeD
AUTH : C.G. ~AF. Initials (l;~b ~l.~!t time !lace 26 JUDe.
8pUU. lid
ttl_ 8.a_1a AU fJf ." , .... "'1 .
R~ by 351h PTU
DA.TI 4 August 194~ ~

7 -38-0 1
__ 0 "" Air POorce B-89s
~ ~tt b 24 July in the largest
~ launched against the eo--
tltee Ofte B-29 or this trem_D-
\J.eII tailed to "turD. !be
_0 AD

...... fI . .~111104
~ at
. . . . ; ,..
,_ IWO~Js.

~.t~' credited wlth .t~

l.~ .'" droPped 3. 7 54 tODl ;:,
_~ "'-1.8 enell1 ... _ tr,. 500
:..r::=r-:: - ,", .. -
d.. olitloa b~.
all! TO SUVITCIIO: Ttl!! post strike photo or the SUII1tOllo Indmtr1
'.&IIt shown in the pre ceedlng strike photos . reveals that 77 percent
i the plant was destroyed by the 58th Wing attack.

~ iIl1 l s work was broken down early and one was lost 10 the tar~et
~ individual missions, in area. Cloud COfer was 0 to 3/ 10
-pllsb11l8 of whieh the B-29s and visual bomb1ng was done . Forty
,ftft tD4u.strlal plants and two ot the B.. 29s landed on 1.0.
~ addItion to the bombing Bo enemy aircraft pre enconn-
'hlas!t opportunity. Details teredo Flak was or heavy caliber.
ons tollow: moderate to intense and generally
ineccurate. Forty one B_295 , 48
lIISSI ON 284 percent, ot those biBblng targets
sustalD.ed flak damage but mos t or
~~;etLlght Ve tal IndusU1, it was ainer. The 1055 ot 008 B-29
~ Ptodu 26M . This is ODe ot U attributed to tlak•
... ~~l'e ot propellers tor
- lar t a1l' crat t. It also .,Tbls target haS ceased to exist
1111 4lU' ~e quanti ties ot alum.- as a target. OIl this str1ke the
~8th wing destrored 76.9 percent or
BLAST El'?!cr o
sbot on the' A gr1zzled PI who
IJtotae~Ulllln es sential to a1l'-
~ h Oil. It 119 l ocated OD
~ izlduilll'bor waterfront in a
examined thIs blO'll'-U.P of tb. til , trlalhed area. Tb1.l'-
photo like th:r eYious Page said he had never se en anyth l D& on,:. ~ 'oJhalt perce nt bad been
cent aDd total (laaa88 aDII
just god., 96 peree nt•
1 t. Total da8&!e to "-ttl is onJ
9CI per-

die.ted by arro!~OCk onittect on the buUdlnaS I n this picture i~ " ~ B..29 strikes 00 l~ .ISSI~ 285
The bombs ar e 4 • e plant 111 the Sumltomo vetal IndU5 0 ~ •
c: r umbl1 ll& l ike thOOO-~~ers. Roots and even walls appear t ~ 5attt
e W8 or Jericbo . ,'cl.lnat "1ne: launcbed 90
___ I ~th. Plant,a. or 1II>Ub
_ ~r w1th '88 tons. raar
. -- . targets. three l"etar-'
, "., .nn ''iiortbn,t ot Osaka in the town Post strike recOnnaissance or
Xunna has not been lIIade . Photo,
or TaJEaruuka . show 434,500 square teet ot d&!lac.
the 88 aircraft to the Osaka Army Arsenal, bl'1n.giq:
SeTenty ,e'VeD ot irborne dropped the total to date to I S percent .
of the S8th ,"Ill> 8 aod Z4 tons
450 tons on the :;;;;r~8d&.r target. nSSI ON 287
~:~:b:· t~ge,t5e_~;'70PP~;:n4:
, our return8 • Aichi Aircraft COlllpa~, !ltolrq
and t was generally clear Plant, Target 1729 . This plant.
at the targ_ rtsual Port,. B_29s previously discussed. is ODe ot the
and bomb1ng was •
landed on 1.0. largest and ne.est ot th. Aicb,l
CompaQ1 plants. PreTlous d.......
1 eD8IIl1' aircraft .are air- trca B-29s attacks totals about IU
bor:'t'fn8 the vicinity ot ~8 ~r~! percent at the root area.
but Ilooe attacked. na a
t t 1Ia5 .ode.rate aDd geoe.rall1 The 3l3th Wing attacked tbta
arse .. _ Thirty seveD aireratt, target. at 74 B_295 a1l'barne 5'7
U percent ot th050
b bi"JP 'lUl-
0lIl ..... 1 , dropped 464 tons on the pri~y
ta1q,.ed flak damage; su rece va target. rour bombed other tarseta
ujor da2a!8. and three returned early . BOlibi llS
was by radar thrOllsb 10/ 10 cloud.
strae pbotOll look 1'81'1 good; T'l'8llty tIn lallded oa 1.0.
00 post strike reconnaissance haa
Men obtaioed. Air oppos itIon waa nil. Plak ...
lIIeager to lI.~erate and generall1
Osaka Arunal, Target 382 , anci inaccurate. It was accurate tf2r
!'awana urban area. fbe Osaka Ar-
:!!tIDal has beeD discussed previously
alt1 tude bUt ott in az:1auth.
eircraft IWitalned flak duaga .
in this pubUeation. K\nrana IS a
town at about 42,000 population 10- Bo poat strike recocnaiuabCe
eated I.e .un southwest ot' Bagoya. has been obtained.
It 15 81} s..portant industrial e1 ty
and burs. greater burden DOW that
lasOY8 has been seriously dama~ed
byB-29 str1.ku. ~1lII. and '~ 1t1
anruou ara scaewbat sFa'll'lil1&. Tau Ul'ban ArM. ThIs citr, popa_
'lbe ci tr pr0r,r, hOlJ$T8r, 111 about lation 68,000, ill another ot the ItAW1JlISHl llR<mFT C(IIP"'" ..........
one square 1111 e and bu a population h1lh1r Induatrlalhed. arMS denlop- Plant, under attack br 58th' 11l!C cttU'taI
density at 30,000 per squan IIUe . ed in recent reara to ebsorb the tn- record bl"ealdns da111&ht strikeS aD 26 JUDI.
dUlltr1al overflow t'rc:a laSoya ••aa;r
Thirty unn or the 170 73rd "'itl@; small plants are wi thIn the e1 ty
and seTa.rlll l.&rl:e ones jus t outsid. 115510. 290
aircraft a1l'bOl'ne dropped 25S tOM
on the Osaka usenal and Us ba..bed. the ci t)t. It 18 a vu,. e<apacUT ut
~1110 a.ttacked Tsu, which was lfakaj1Jl8 Airerat t PlAJI t '"
lunna with 80S tOM. rb.e latter buUt ci t7 of about two square aile, TarS 1635, was the taJ'Se IMtor 81
... the Fiaary radar tar&et. 51..% "1Imy radar target . seve"'''
in area. ':...!t thell on et

dr. .U.rd'att. SeY,

othel'S ba.~ targets otoPPOl'tuni t7 dropped 294 tons :514tb .tl
.and l11ae returDed early. A Marly The 313th had 41 aircraft dJ' .. ~Ii.t , s1.x returned early and ot tn_ dropped M6 t;QIl!I 0on thiS
solid Wld.wcast prfl'l'aUad at the pOattton at b<XDbs trom four plaD tbl"c;agb 9 to 1011 c10adt
borne asa1nst it, 38 of which ~. Weather .as lal la cloud. one t bCllbi14 SblnP! tblae retul'-
tugeta . !h1l'ty I11Il8 B-29s landed
on In. ped 282 tons. Two b~bed otb ..
targeta and one returned .arJi' otthe B-29s landed at IWO. ear11 ao4 dUpotit aD of tbt
or tibe other 18 QDkD-' Slfft·
Borablng was by radar throuch 1 0

10 '~111 a1..reratt .ere ellCOWl_ cloud. One laDded at Iwo. aircraft were stghte4 laaded at :r-o •
'tC'1IId. '!'b81'e WU no 1013 t o tlak
but 407 a1rCl'at~1 or 37.5 percent at
orv a.u targets, sllltained
No enem:;y oppositi on .. s .noOQDoo
~tIUd not attack. 'Yeager and
'belt' nak was encountered at rwen~
.lIb'" bOt
dS4 DOt a::::-.
fUll"" . .

~~::,:.=~~17 -
tared. No flak ft ll repQrte d • t:d lagon and meager , aCcur-
Only one receiTf!4 u.-
tlak 1rU generaU)

l bOllb1nc,
,.1 .. 1. fts
Post strike photos baTe not ba.D
~ ;~eeur.te tlak as repor-
~ ~'loto. NIne aircratt Sus"
or nak damage. ..................
I.P!" (_ooJ
tho \ _iJO'o
!1&btr one l'llrcr&ft at the 314t1l; ~t baVfo bed
IIItrUe pbotos


~ they dld not attack. po uk no

3,527 TONS
heavy and medium weapons was Ye:'
meager and inaccurate. ,.
No post strike reconnaissance ot

t he target has been obtalned .
The '7 3rd Wing bombed Hitachi
city ot 8e,ooo population whlch ' a
"ore. the lIIost 1mportant indUstrial ca.1t
put"!:' :=2:- ID;~1;h·l:1r&D~t!~:
'f'weoUatb Air
plu nor th of To""o. I t 15 a manu:
tacturing center tor electrical
night o? l~~;~~lary strikes at ur. equipment, machine tools, aircraft
sulls 0 or Japen. P'uk- parts! tanks and 10cClllotlYes . It
baO-1z:I~S~Il~o:r!DO Okazaki _re 15 &.1S 0 a copper mining and retln-
ut, Hitae. tODS The total oC lng center. Most ot t he city's pop.
hit b,. 3,527 d' t 46 and the ulat10n is highly skilled employ...
e1 t1es hi t 110'1' stan 5 a 1 57 This ot the Hitachi interests , wblcb
Dumber ot such missi oDs 5. ,
Ul'ies of tour cost two B- 9 II. have been heavily subsldized by tha
government .
)(ISSI O" rrn -- PUXUI
Httachl is located eo IIlle.
TIle 58th WII1#5 bad as a target t he northeast of TolQ'o on the ealt
urban are. ot rukui, II city oC lOa, coast ot Hon.shu. It 11es astrll!t
000 population located 1n wast cen- the vital Joban coas tal railroad
tral HOll5hu eo .Ue, trom the ltne from Tokyo. It haa about three
JapeD se•• The buUt-up area covers square miles ot congested area aDd 3t
square lI11es 'and the popu_ the bUildings are largel,. singlAl.
story, light and illt'lammable.
lation deMit,. Tarles!l'ca 3 0 ,000
to 50,000 per square 11.11&.
'l'be 73rd had 130 aireratt all'-
rumt 15 one ot the lleet t.por- barile, 127 ot wbtch dre ettecti...
tant IDdutrlal dt1es OD t he nst t he primary 1I'aa bit by 94'7 too. at
51da or Honshu. It. pre-war impol'_ incendiaries tl'0III 12.600 teet . Sls
t&nce ..., pr1lurU,. bacaWlI ot te:z_ bcabed visually aDd ao b1 ra_
tile llanutaCtul'lD& and trade. It through 9 to 10110 cloud . OM bit
alao 11 a prefectur, capital . lIere a target ot opportunity . Two!-t9t
rae.nU,. 1\ hu ~COll. · 1JIpol"tant were lost. oae ot -.bieb dltcb.t
because at the nr ,00111 produced Ibortly after takeott aDd t'rc. 1Iblft
11l it, 1ntIuatl'1al planta. tlve lUl'TlvOl"I were rescued. ODe
Inc:!u4. aireratt parts! electl'ical la II1.saia& to UQbawn r •• seas. lII'DCIII boabe4 b1 .,!I'd W1DI OIl DUlt or 19-20
July. Sixty tOllf' pet'ceDt or tM bQllt--lIP . , . 11
.qu1P11ent, lUehine too s, iron and
other ..tal prodUcts ~ rubber goOds,
ch_icals and te:z:tllea, In addition,
Onl.,. one eneDIT aircraft .... 1&tI-
ted and It mada no a t tack. .t \biH
burned oat. 8e"ra1. pportaDt l~tr1al
P'Ukui is Japortant as a ran center ot tn. tore. encountered ..apr and 1f8re destroyed or daMl •
on ttle Kawau lleiD 11n •• In.accura te h ..vy a nd mec1i~ tlak.
50 loss or dalllage was Incurred. 140 ft~ to 'l'O,,"0.
TIle !18th llounted 130 alrcratt
tar the Itrike, 126 ot 'IIIlich bcabed Tbe 7.3rd Wing' s bca.bin& d.,tr~
- ...
II tJJ.& popula tion ot 61.000.
" Of! ttl .ost important tUhing "".b1
(2lotbl SJ lOC&* 10 eas\jU'll BaD-
.bIl 00 the pr-.tDeDt PeDiD-
the Pl'1aar,. nth 93'7 tons. ho hit
other targetl and two were inetfec_
• 88 'QUare m.U., or &5 perceat
~1e ' east coast ot RolllhU •
to: ,ala. It 11" abOll t e'"

tiya. Poarteen ba.bad b,. radar and built-up area ot the cit,.. bl'il11iD1 the. prtaary scurc. of ot !01q0. !be bQ11t-GPt11. , . of Wet
tile total damage t o date to 18 : : ; " luo Tolqo. yokobUA aDd
lIe Yisuall,..hoc. 12,800 teet. "0
elOQda to 3110 clOUd pren,lled ,"er cent. Three aumb.:red aDd • \ 41tJ~ populaUol1 centers ot
~te. ct. 'l'b.e cl t1 cootalDS
1111118 it ttab
ID tb8 ..D'*' of th. ct."·
~* .~.r!f
the targ.t. ho nnd run alreratt other targets .. re d...ged. !b'
tormer Ineludas a copper utiotr1 ~ t1t concentr.t1on ot iII-
~... ead lIP
I.ccc.panied the .. in torce, one ot 'lb' 515. IfF
In.,, ."Oct.ted witb the tiSb-
.,01 ~~fta1'1-:::r ,..t...
and two eDl>lneerlng worD. 91 ot 1Ibf.ob ....
1It!.ich droPped leatleta.
VIaBlCB 279 __ caOSHl
1_ - boat bu1l41oa. ~
~.J.t.. tilt tactor1ee. '!be sobll .. ~'1:
... OIl'! _ '-<-..u !O"""" 11>'~
... , ..._,' _'"
l'bve weI'. DO losses and no
claw against the enem,.. fhloee
was blt 00 the n1lb~~
r 'llli C&:-ries the yttal toOd to
"-Oi"-~" 111....
en.:y aireratt were Sighted but Choa:hl
19-20 lul.7 by tbe 31.3th 1I'1D1. ot :a
"tt~ Pl)intll north aD4 ... t .
o is the SOdt;bel'D tar-
• iIIportant 1DlaDd if....

, p.~!!tt
'1',0 RCJf
.n~ ODII wind run alreraf't
.us airborne In addlUon to the
oar~. The etty is Situated OIl the
hagt aoo CIlira Rivera. 18 1I1I:-
southeast ot RagOJa Castle. It t!
torce. an old city. highly lntlaQabu 10th and 11tb 011 targets 10
with a population denUty r:L a • aged. In the tau t&1'l 11' .......".
two enemy aircraft were
seen and no attacks were sustained.
proximately 30,OOu to 50,000
sons per square IIlh. 'nle -ltl
pet ,. tl1 be h1t by Twentieth Air
JII B-B911 were attacked during
ho or ttle 10 large tanka 11' . - '
d8lll8ged. fh'l'tIttnery areata l!.
buUt-uP arsa is one aqu.&re 11111&. ? b1 the ~15th W1ng. On the ly lJru1nag"d.
Two aircraft sustained minor d&ll- r"'/t 19-20 July the Rippon 011
&.@8 trOll generally meager and teac- p at AJl&8asaki was the tar_ COAL LIr.,UEPACTIOI CO,
urate heavy and ..edtum .rlak. A or 131 B-29. airborlle fica the ;.r1!b1J lllstallattoO 1s the most Tbe Ube Coal L1quetaetloll C-.
tf!'W ineffectIve ground rockets were 3l4th Wing, 1.26 bOIlbed the prtar, pa ll1 was tile t&l'set CD the n1&bt at
"rbirty etalt percent ot the bull t_
up area ns destroyed on this mls-
target with 910 tons. 01:18 bo.be4
another target and three returned
early_ One nnd run a1rcrart is In_
• t refinery in the Osaka-AlI._
ar- and is locatea at the
rII or the lIuko Rtver in Amaga_
22-23 July. 'nlb outfit is ObI at
tile leading producen or synthetic
cluded in the total. Sixty e1lht j .,b~. The plant produces oU 1n Japan, It is located CD tilt
1 sho, briDging the total to date to Ube Harbor watarf'lom. Since till
43 percent. or .'8 square mile. bOlllbed by radar and 58 v1aual.l1 ittl, plollne and bY-Droducts. Sh1pptng blockad. ba! utle &eelS!
througb 9 to 10/10 undercut hOWl tdb't1c plant 1s adjacent to to crllde 011 Dearly t..poss1bla tor
Kl SSIOli 260 -- OKAZAKI 14.890 teet. SOllie ot the boII.b1D1 !dtJIIl"1 and tank tarm. Japan thu plant 1s eomldered or
aircratt tound a large bole ln the b1gbe;t pr10ritr 1n ttle Japalll!'
Okazaki, the tar~et tor the 314 tb cloud cover. )I 3l5th bad M aircratt air- petroaUil lncNstry.
W1.c&, Ilas & pOpulation ot 84,000. , ,,,iDlt the target, 83 ot
It Is another at the citIes which, Three enemy aircraft were sight- Ul'opped 665 tons ot GPs. One saTeMy two ot tbe 80 8-291 eir.-
In recent years, has absorbed th.e ed bu.t they dld not attack. Bea., . . aarlJ'. Bomb1ng waa by ra- borne drOPped. 520 tOQl 011. the pr1-
OV8l'tlo. of IDdustry from NagO)'a. and medium tlak ... s meager and lb- !br~ 1/10 clou4 trClll 15,000 .ary target. '11'1.11' bc.bed otber t&r-
III pre-wv days Okazaki was pr1..llar-
111 concerned .ith agrieulture and
accurate and there was no lou or
damage caused by tlak.
J,'OO teet altituc1e. In addi- gets and tCllJ1" retarDed _17. Su..
tu;tU. u.outacturlng, but to4ay it
1\0 the . .1n torce, two wind ty e1gbt or tile slJ'cratt _bed bJ
Iltfttt dropped 16 tons ot GPs radar tbroqb. sIlO clood Com' tpc:.
is to.rtUtl&out implements of war The 314tb d •• trored .65SqUtl'll tlIotfU R.ttnery at wakayama. 12,900 teet; otbert bo.tJll! rtauallJ
sueb. as a1rcr&f't parts, ordcancII,
electrical equlJlClent and ilUl'lll48rable
light metal parts tor V&l'lous In-
mile. which is 68 percent ot the
bntlt-up area. '01ll' lndustrial
wore .1gb-
One air
In odd'tion to tile . , . tore" ,.;
wind run aucratt were auberae &lid
areas were badly b&DID.ered, three at
dustries. It also contains many them be1n& completely destrCIJId. ~uatalned mlnor damage tr~ dropped 11 tOI'l5 or rrapebtat1011.
abado. tact arles. (Secret) L IOU-ager and inaccurate bcabs 00 the Ilppoa 011 C~ at
'It, Ia..e .• edtUll tire was o~ l18bt.~ a1I'cran are dr-
i nt, tire was trOll! hae ttudell8'tau.

searchligbt actt?-
t POpeOlllltereo .hT the eztens1n
. attacDd,
1'1'_ .ed1acaDl1. ~
bot'llfl aplnat the 8-291 bit oal.1 -
. .poas DO. . aU••to ....
i:lt Itrlk fer aDd lIaceur&W. 'Ib'" - ..
IMet1 e Photos ahow that to .. s or 4U&I&'. e ll
..Oll plant 0011 two ot
s ea ca pee! damaSe an4
10 poat-s'tru
bat beeD Obt&UIM at tb. "",.t.
recOllll " -
_U tanks are uD4P- (s.cret )

.. ,......01 ...
... .........
.. -
I~ ....elMOt 1.811 .......

.... .":e...
here ln an ob- ot auace
l1que photo, .. \ Ole1tt4. oa. th. tollorio& tar-
bUSlt..ap ....... (II .,.. •
32 percent d... ........ o!PI4' ,,, ...... .-".:
strayed by -
'!'Por ..~Saton8 epinst 'llbteb ratlroad aSl1W1 ar-. aDd
58th nIlS 00 11- lib I'~, ~n previous issue. ot
......... g.nce R.port:
13 Jul7.
~a.b, b1t OIl the D1&bt ot
I ~ ~tb. 73r4 ftaI. ,ortJ
t..'Qoltlt ot th. ball t-up ....

~tt.:r"to' ""111&111& ....

~U. date to 59 ~CeD'.
'1\'1 11)' ain... ccapletelJ de-
th1a attack.


1t'AJAYAl'.A (abOTe) was 52 percent Im1IAZU (below) took • real b_t.-

deruoyed OD. 9.10 Jul,. by the 1111 trOlfJ. the S8th Wing on 16-
31~tb Iftag . Burned out area 17 July . Damage COVers 1.2
( outlined til pIloto) totals 2 .1 square mile .- 89 .5 percent at
square .ues. the buUt-up area at the c1ty •

SEJfDAI bit on 9_10 JalJ' by the 58th

Wing , l ost 1.26 square aile of tts
bull t-UP area.

. hit by 58th wing 00
16-01'7 Ju11 . Wget 15 89 percent
destr oyed . _ 1.2 Square .Ue. fWD
targets and tour others
were d&al&l,d.
~2-13 July. Res ulting Qlla. belibel! by 73rd Wire 011 16-
ret isth, .1!!8 square mile . 32 per-
bu.n t-up area. 17 J'\iI1. tar,at 25 p8l'ee

a.u.. hOlDbed by 3l4.tb " lng on

~1r12-13 July. Photo eO'ler-
ttl' t~OItIPlete but shows 16 per-
,~ '48 eity destroyed. (Cloud
I ~ 60 Pel'eellt or the area at
or reconna1ssance.)

!. . . . . . . ~ hOlllbed 15~at~h!!.•.!I~I1_.::"t.,;°;;;P_________
by __
1110 H 5
FOR f/;;Jt3 #~:. J'~-~ .err tt1ft'le~l:h't tb'U'D~:-~
pr oblbl1:;-IJU,l otJI d~.,ed .0'1 tr6
!ORE NAVAL ARSENAL is 56 pezoeent destroyed tollow_
ing an attack by the 58th aCd 73rc! Wings Oil 22 .:.c tbe~ t o the J a pane se con..
~.6ddltl0 oppose the rUkll 1:1'
June. !~11J1. coa:l#· f ... .1'"
Ii lnftsl
1 ~.
aircraft f or a n e:t-
anon of ttle hO!Dela •
eral other reasoOS tor
od , ......
th' fb··
111' ploch,l.te taC~~ot' .-
an~· t~'
destroyed; aoother Il8val arsenal :r Pent
etto small scale ot .rap •• iJIII'
.tl~nrZll-:OIf .!:!'S:o 11l~P
branch , 100 percent destrOYedj u n_ N1Pl!D 011" Kudaaaul.l , o::t toll:'i::Ong theSe reaSOD!i
ident1tied inc!ustry. 65 percent de- hit b;y IStli"""ilD8 on ngbt ot 15-16 t~,••0.1 111
str oyed; railr oad stat1on, 50 per_ JulJt. Twenty percent ot sterq. ~~""l"tot""'''' ..s9 .trl~ ...t
ceot destroyed; unidentified 1lldus _ capaC ity destroyed . Ten pereent at 'ItaB-2 9" are s triking some t,al' .. :;.....-
.o.eof , btl 8
---~ ~'!....
~ •• ~-
try. 90 percent destroyed. r efinery units destroyed.
kUre Naval
"" Veas wh1ch are poorlY de·
t¥senal , bit on 22 '\I.vfo.. 1IlUlt1pllc1tY ot stl'l)d1'
]011< ~
...5. pil.... ..
- - JO--~
oS..I'" '~·I~ .s-~)
by 51sit W: _ Juneoy---nie 50 and 73rd W1D&. '. weakens the Jap's eapabl1-
July. ~e totals 204, aoo square
teet,27. 6 percent ot the r oot ___ _
Nine othEr adJacent targete
Seventy pereent of thh target 1_
damaged or destroyed . Tb1s tiDl
bOlDb1ng Job knoeked out 2. 949 ,690 \
ettecting 1nurC8ptioDe

square teet ot the root area. (COD- Itlac' poo.- operat1~-;-~

", .... :..~
d8lllaged by the strike.
.'"."."~ .

t1dent1al) I ot OUr the b.oaael&DII
fe ar ask.' iD~
:."s.aD ..

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