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Content Analysis

Subject: English Level : 5th grad unit 10 Are there any lentils?

Outcomes Skills Structures Functions New words

Reading Countable Expressin

Using countable and un g likes
countable nouns;
and Butter.cupboard,f
uncounta about
Explaining plans; our
Writing ble nouns
Using sequencing words; ,
Listening for gist and . herbs.lettuce.onio
specific Speaking The Acquiring ns,
information; infinitive awareness of
Describing a photograph; Yoghurt.salt
of kinds of food Spices.pepper.
Ordering events using Listening purpose
sequencing words; Shopping list
Reading for gist;
Asking and answering
Using and spelling correctly
Using correct punctuation;
Explaining an author’s
point of view in
a simple text;
Using appropriate
patterns for writing simple
Pronouncing words corre

Subject: English Level : 5th grade unit 11 The meal tastes delicious

Outcomes Skills Structures Functions New word

Imperatives Giving Bowl,cut
with adverbs of instructions Everyone,feel
order for a recipe Farmer,finally
Using pronouns;
Ordering events using Reading Frying pan
Expressing Saucepan
Listening for gist and
Writing op[nions Taste
about food Sound noisy
information; Speaking
Asking and talking about
Sense verbs Demonstating
future plans;
with adjectives appreciation
Accepting and declining Listening of rhymes in
Using and spelling correctly
Taking part in a simple,
Writing sentences and
paragraphs using
given frameworks;
Writing a dictated
paragraph using
correct punctuation marks;
Writing entries in a
learning log

Subject: English Level: 5th grade unit 12 Why is kareem excited?

Outcomes Skills Structures Functions New word

Giving reasons Giving reasons for Because,hunt,i
Using reflexive pronouns; Asking and answering ris
Listening for gist and specific Reading action Soil,star,view,
questions using why and
information; because
Ordering pictures to match a Early,national
text; Writing Sharing information wild
Talking about illness; about feelings
Asking and answering
Writing sentences and simple g Showing value of
paragraphs on familiar topics; Jordanian symbols
Writing dictated sentences;
Demonstrating understanding Listenin
of simple g
informational materials;
Retelling events in a story;
Writing sentences using clear

Subject: English Level : 5th grade unit 13 Review

Outcomes Skills Structures Functions New
Revision of
Reading imperatives Naming objects Revision of
Revising unit 10-12 and Words
done; Writing countable Giving instructions for
Talking about things you have always and drawing the jordanian flag 10-12
wanted to do; Speakin uncountable
Describing life events up until now; g nouns Planning and presenting
Listening for specific information; recipes
Listening to and singing along with a Listenin
song; g
Reading for gist;
Answering comprehension questions
about a text;
Using and spelling correctly learned
Taking part in simple exchanges and
completing a table of information;
Writing a simple information paragraph

Subject: English Level : 5th grade unit 14 You should play sports
Outcomes Skills Structures Functions New word
Giving advice The modal verb
what is still to be done; Reading should Showing Energy
Listening for specific appreciation of
information; Writing Linking Exercise
Reading for specific conjunctions Sports
information; Speaking Fizzy drink
Using and spelling Giving advice for good
correctly learned Listening health Hard
Using print or Identifying cause and effect Health
electronic dictionaries
to Olympic games
understand unfamiliar
words in a text;
Reading and ordering
Writing sentences
using given
Taking part in simple
exchanges and
completing a table of
Recognizing the
correct stress and
pronunciation of
English words

Subject: English Level : 5th grade unit 15 There was a great celebration !
Outcomes Skills Structures Functions New word
Describing past events; Identifying pictures
Matching pictures to a Reading The past simple of correctly Celebrate
series of short the verb to be Celebration
texts; Writing Showing appreciation of the Fireworks
Asking and answering The past continuous value of independance Married
questions; Speaking Crowd
Listening for gist; Display
Repeating main ideas Listening The present independen
from a simple continuous ce
oral presentation;
Listening to and
writing a dictated
paragraph using
correct punctuation
Writing a simple letter
to a friend;
Using and spelling
correctly learned
Writing entries in a
learning log

Subject: English Level: 5th grade unit 16 Life will be different

Outcomes Skills Structures Functions New word
Talking about predictions by Model verb will to Architect
using will; Reading make predictions Sharing information Astronau
Describing recent actions; about future careers t
Listening for gist and specific Writing Design
information; Comparing life in the Floor
Taking part in simple Speakin past and in the future Skyscrap
exchanges; g er
Asking and answering Giving opinions; Spase
questions; Listenin future
Reading for specific g
Using and spelling correctly
Reading and ordering
Reading an informational text;
Writing sentences using given
Preparing and presenting a
dialogue to the class
Subject: English Level: 5th grade unit 17 Have you ever climbed a mountain!

Outcomes Skills Structures Functions New word

Asking and answering using Reading Lake
Present perfect Sharing information Land
present perfect;
Giving reasons; Writing tense about oneself Low
Listening for gist and specific Place
information; Speakin
g Value of Jordanian port
Listening to and singing along
with a sites
song; g
Reading text and matching
Asking and answering
Using and spelling correctly
Explaining with evidence the
motive of
a character in a simple story;
Writing a simple letter;
Recognising stress in multi-

Subject: English Level: 5h grade unit 18 review

Outcomes Skills Structures Functions New word
Agreeing and disagreeing;
Giving opinions; Reading Present perfect Acquiring respect for Revision
Revising unit14-17; others Of vocabulary 14-
Listening for gist and Writing 17
specific Present and past Expressing opinions about
information; Speakin continuous future career
Using print or electronic g
dictionaries to
understand unfamiliar Listenin
words; g Model verb will
Reading for gist and
specific Linking gonjunctions
Using and spelling correctly
Developing opinions based
on two
written sources;
Recognising stress in multi-
Comparing ideas with those
of peers

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