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Zoe Helfand

Professor Davola


February 16, 2018


1. There are many types of personal goals that I have. In particular, my personal technology

goals I would like to meet is to better help the students in the classroom as a teacher. My

first main goal with technology is to be able to use it in front of the classroom as swiftly

as I can. This includes knowing where everything is, including lesson plans or videos I

want to show the class, as well as not having to make the kids wait and lose track of what

we were going to do. I believe technology is a big part of being a good teacher because

in this time period, we use technology a lot in classrooms. That being said, another goal

for me is to be proficient with google slides, docs, etc. That way not only can I work on

them in class, but I can effectively use it at home to add onto my thoughts. A lot of

classes now have smartboards to be used as one of the ways to teach. Another goal for

myself would be to learn how to use the smartboard with each tool that is given with it

such as SMART Notebook. This is because with all the colors, shapes, etc with this

feature, I can use it to keep the kids interested and help each kind of learner. As my

professor, I think the only main thing that you would need to know from me is that I am a

visual learner so by explaining each assignment like you do with videos helps a lot with

my understanding of the topic. This class is computer technology in education, so I think

by having this class helps focus on how we as future teachers can use all different kinds

of technology that we will learn, to better ourselves in technology.

2. The two ISTE standards I want to focus on implementing in my classroom would be

learner and citizen. These two standards I believe are very important as a teacher. I would

implement the standard of leader because I will be able to learn from other educators to

better my classroom technology and the overall environment. I can share my thoughts

and connect it to others to learn more for my classroom. The leader also is the person that

can advocate for others and put their students’ needs no matter how diverse over their

own. By learning and accessing different technology to increase the level and growth in a

classroom, it will make the students feel better with their learning and be able to ask

questions because of the openness to help as a teacher. I want to be able to help my

colleagues with exploring other models of technology like I would be using in my own

classroom. I would also like to implement the standard of citizen into my classroom

because I want to be that teacher that inspires and really helps the students grow as

learners inside and outside of the classroom. The more comfortable the student is to come

into the classroom and learn, the more they will learn and progress. By creating

experiences and establishing a diverse and cultural environment, this will help the

students feel more content. I want to be a good role model for my students, and by

implementing this standard of citizen, this will help manage and promote the way

children are treated with respect as well as my privacy and their privacy be put away if it

keeps the children relaxed and more intrigued to learn.

3. Going off of these standards for myself as a teacher, students should also know their

standards for students. This would be because each student requires a certain standard for

their learning. This standard will help shape each student into not only improve the

student but enhance themselves outside the classroom. These standards can help students
implement them in their own lives, such as at home. Some of these standards are

empowered learner, knowledge constructor, computational thinker, and creative

communicator. All of them will empower the students for preparation for the future,

support not only the digital or physical part of human life but the “hybrid” part, using

what they were taught not only the tools they used, and using technology not only within

their learning, but in their lives as well.

4. The SAMR Model was proposed to help educators permeate technology into teaching

and learning. This model enables teachers to design, instill, and progress digital

experiences that apply to technology. This experience of learning is supposed to

transform into higher levels of achievements for the students. This model uses

transformation: redefinition and modification, and enhancement: augmentation and

substitution. There are many lessons where you can implement this model. For example,

for a lesson in geography and travel, us can us presentational software to construct a

presentation to provide information about a selective place. This would be the

substitution part. Then you can incorporate videos, audios, etc. in the presentation to help

the students become more involve. This would be the augmentation part. Then you can

create a travel brochure to that specific location or a website about that location to

incorporates other kinds of media to learn about that place. This is called the modification

part. Lastly, use a link in that presentation to transfer your students over to google maps

and then google to have a better feel of where and what the location looks like. With

these 4 parts, you can also have the kids ask each student is they have visited that specific

place and if yes, what they like best about it and it no, where they have been instead. This

is combining the redefinition part with the rest. This SAMR Model should help
encourage future teachers to learn it and think about this growing technology to make

some of their lessons more engaging, interactive, and cooperative.

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