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Neutron-Density crossplot showing the plotted points for parts (j) and (l).

Note how a tie line has been used to calculate the porosity on the
sandstone line of the point for part (l) (14%, 2.35 g/cm3) because it does not lie directly on a line. The tie line is parallel to that between the
20% points on the sandstone and limestone lines.
The formation density tool sees an apparent decrease in density. This log has a small depth of penetration. When caving occurs the tool
measures more of the drilling mud (in the caving) than it would if caving were not present. Drilling mud has density less than that of the
formation, thus overall density is underestimated. The neutron tool may see a slight increase in neutron limestone porosity units, although
usually no change is seen in shales. This log has a small depth of penetration. When caving occurs the tool measures more of the drilling
mud (in the caving) than it would if caving were not present. The drilling mud has a similar concentration of hydrogen as shaly formations
due to the hydrogen in the pore water plus large amounts of clay bound water, therefore the overall neutron porosity (that depends mainly on
the concentration of hydrogens) changes little. The LLD resistivity tool is a deeply penetrating tool. Although the resistivity measurement
can be affected by caving in the borehole, the deep penetration means that this effect is negligible.

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