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FRC – A system of training which applies scientific methods to expanding active,

usable, functional ranges of motion.

Principles of Progressive Adaptation

 Using incremental loading strategies in order to induce adaptive mechanisms
in various tissues

Irradiation – The spreading and increased strength of a response.

 This law speaks to the fact that neurological activation of musculature
surrounding the intended muscular contraction will act to ramp up
strength/tension development.
o Intensity Gradient
o Example (Make a fist)

Flexibility – The ability to passively achieve extended ranges of motion.

Mobility – The ability to control ranges of motion.

Injury – Tissue damage occurs when applied load/stress exceeds the load
bearing capacity of the tissue.
Capacity >>Load=Prevention

Benefits to the FRC

 Progressive tissue adaption = protection/injury prevention
 Improved neurologic function
 A means of rehabilitation
 Strength development
 Improved athletic function
 Articular health & longevity

 Simultaneously strengthen & increase articular ranges of motion.
 Conditions the nervous system to maximize active articular range
 Induce progressive adaptations for tissue preparations and/or safety
 Develop baseline movement fluidity by practicing progressively more
complex sequential articular flow patterning

Expand - PAILs & RAILs

 Capsule
 One-Joint
 Multi-Joint
 Using Isometric conditioning in progressively larger articular angles in order
to simultaneously expand & strengthen increasing ROMs
 Using isometric conditioning in progressively small articular angles in order
to simultaneously expand & strengthen decreasing ROMs

Joint Angle
Control – CARs

CARs (Controlled Articular Rotations)

 Utilizing active, rotational movement drills at the otter limits of motion in
order to stimulate articular adaptations, outer range control, and kinesthetic
I. Articular Screening
II. Rehab
III. Articular Health & Longevity
IV. ROM Maintenance

Create – PALs & RALs

PALs/RALs (Progressive & Regressive Angular Loading)
 Using kinetic loading strategies in order to teach the nervous system how to
control ROM’s
o Passive Range Holds Lesser
o Passive Range Lift-Off
o End-Range Isometrics
o End-Range Rotational Training Greater
o Kinetic Stretching

I. Can allow us to override the stretch reflex
II. Efficiently and effectively activate motor units
III. Build strength and induce tissue adaptation in long/short ranges
IV. No unnecessary/excessive afferent input
V. Safe (No Sheer Force)

Eccentric Neural Grooving – Using eccentric training in order to induce both tissue &
neural adaptations with the ultimate goal of improving movement control.
I. Optimizes tissue adaptation
II. Continues to improve flexibility
III. ‘Safe-guards’ ROM’s (Principal of Specificity
IV. ‘Groves the nervous system for movement

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