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research paper

Renal function is independently associated with red cell

distribution width in kidney transplant recipients: a potential
new auxiliary parameter for the clinical evaluation of patients
with chronic kidney disease

Akos Ujszaszi,1,2 Miklos Z. Molnar,1,2,3 Summary

Maria E. Czira,4 Marta Novak4,5 and
Red cell distribution width (RDW), a measure of heterogeneity in the size
Istvan Mucsi1,4,6
Institute of Pathophysiology, Semmelweis Uni-
of circulating erythrocytes, reportedly predicts mortality. Similarly to RDW,
versity, Budapest, Hungary, 2Harold Simmons impaired renal function is also associated with inflammation and protein-
Center for Chronic Disease Research & Epidemi- energy wasting. This study assessed if renal function is associated with
ology, University of California Irvine Medical RDW independent of relevant confounders in stable kidney transplant
Center, Irvine, CA, USA, 3Division of Nephrol- recipients. We examined the association between RDW and estimated
ogy, Department of Medicine, University Health glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) in a cohort of 723 prevalent kidney trans-
Network, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, planted recipients who were not receiving erythropoietin-stimulating
Canada, 4Institute of Behavioral Sciences, Sem- agents. Associations were examined in regression models adjusted for age,
melweis University, Budapest, Hungary, 5Depart- sex, comorbidity, blood haemoglobin, iron indices, markers of nutritional
ment of Psychiatry, University Health Network,
status and inflammation, markers of bone and mineral metabolism and the
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, and
use of immune suppressants. Lower eGFR was significantly associated with
Division of Nephrology, Department of
higher RDW (r = 0382, P < 0001). This association remained highly
Medicine, McGill University Health Centre,
Montreal, QC, Canada
significant even after multivariate adjustments where 10 ml/min decrease in
the eGFR was significantly associated with an increase of the RDW values
Received 3 December 2012; accepted for (B10 ml/min decrease = 0078; 95% confidence interval: 0044–0111). The
publication 26 February 2013 results were consistent in subgroups of patients with different levels of
Correspondence: Miklos Z. Molnar, MD, PhD, haemoglobin, chronic kidney disease status and various markers of inflam-
Institute of Pathophysiology, Semmelweis
mation and iron status. Lower eGFR is associated with higher RDW, inde-
University, Nagyvarad ter 4, Budapest H-1089,
pendent of comorbidity, iron deficiency, inflammation and nutritional
status in kidney transplant recipients.
Keywords: red cell distribution width, renal function, glomerular filtration
rate, kidney transplantation.

The red blood cell distribution width (RDW) is a quantita- individuals, as well as in general hospital inpatients (Patel
tive measure of the size variability of circulating erythrocytes. et al, 2009; Perlstein et al, 2009), suggesting a more general-
It is generally reported as part of the standard complete izable association between elevated RDW and mortality.
blood count (CBC) and is available in everyday clinical prac- Moreover, one study revealed that higher RDW values, even
tice at no additional cost. Generally, higher RDW values in the normal reference range, were associated with adverse
reflect greater variability in erythrocyte cell size, which may outcome in patients with CV disease (Tonelli et al, 2008).
indicate dysfunctional erythropoiesis or shortened erythro- Although a consistent association between RDW, comorbid
cyte lifespan. RDW was previously used as a marker of iron conditions and mortality has repeatedly been demonstrated,
deficiency anaemia (Karnad & Poskitt, 1985) but had largely the mechanism between RDW and adverse clinical outcomes
been neglected in clinical practice until it was identified as a is still largely unknown.
prognostic factor for all-cause mortality in patients with car- Given this consistent association with mortality, several
diovascular (CV) disease (Felker et al, 2007). Subsequent studies aimed to reveal the underlying mechanisms contrib-
studies have confirmed this finding in community-dwelling uting to variability of RDW, which is closely associated

ª 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd First published online 27 March 2013
British Journal of Haematology, 2013, 161, 715–725 doi:10.1111/bjh.12315
A. Ujszaszi et al

with functional iron availability and bone marrow function The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the
(Evans & Jehle, 1991). Recently the presence of inflamma- Semmelweis University (49/2006). Before enrolment, patients
tion (Evans & Jehle, 1991) and malnutrition (Patel et al, received detailed written and verbal information regarding
2009, 2010) were also related to higher RDW, independent the aims and protocol of the study and gave written consent
of iron or anaemia status. In addition, an observational to participate.
study in patients with chronic heart failure suggested that
kidney function is associated with RDW (Lippi et al,
Laboratory data
2008). Similarly to RDW, impaired kidney function is
associated with higher prevalence of anaemia (Stevens & All laboratory data was measured during the study visits in a
Levin, 2003), elevated inflammatory and nutritional status fasting state and included, among others, RDW, blood hae-
(Kopple et al, 2000; Oberg et al, 2004). We suggest that moglobin concentration (Hb), serum C-reactive protein
determining the potential mechanisms linking impaired (CRP) and creatinine, blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and serum
renal function to increased RDW may further our under- albumin levels. Ferritin level was determined as a marker of
standing of the adverse effects of chronic kidney disease total iron stores. To determine functional iron availability
(CKD). transferrin levels, soluble transferrin receptor, serum iron and
We hypothesized that, similar to patients with CV disease, total iron binding capacity were also measured. RDW was
higher RDW levels are associated with kidney function in measured as part of a standard complete blood count mea-
renal transplant recipients independent of relevant covariates. surement. For some of the analyses, patients were allocated
We evaluated the association of RDW with estimated kidney to one of three groups according to their tertile RDW levels
function in a cross-sectional study of stable, registered kidney [1 tertile: <133% (n = 215); 2 tertile: 133–140% (n = 258);
transplant recipients. 3 tertile  141% (n = 252)].
Serum samples were also collected at the time of the base-
line assessment and stored at 70°C for future use.
Patients and methods

Patient population, data collection and statistical Transplantation-related data and donor characteristics
Transplant-related data was extracted from the medical
All registered kidney transplant recipients aged 18 years or records and included current medications (including current
older (n = 1214), who were followed at a single transplant immunosuppressive treatment), transplant history, i.e. time
outpatient clinic at the Department of Transplantation and elapsed since the date of transplantation, length of time on
Surgery, Semmelweis University Faculty of Medicine, Buda- dialysis, type of allograft, history of treated acute rejection
pest, Hungary on 31 December 2006, were invited to partici- (s) after transplantation, human leucocyte antigen (HLA)
pate in a prospective, observational study [Malnutrition- mismatch, panel reactive antibodies titre (PRA), cold ischae-
Inflammation in Transplant - Hungary Study (MINIT-HU mia time, donor age and gender, and history of delayed
Study)]. Exclusion criteria were: acute rejection within the graft function. Total time with end-stage renal disease
last 4 weeks, current hospitalization, transplantation in the (ESRD) was defined as the total time on any type of renal
previous 3 months, acute infection or bleeding (Kovesdy replacement therapy (including any type of dialysis or
et al, 2010a,b, 2011; Molnar et al, 2010, 2011a,b,c). The kidney transplant).
baseline assessment took place during the year of 2007
(Kovesdy et al, 2010a,b, 2011; Molnar et al, 2010, 2011a,b,c).
Immunosuppressive therapy
After 1-year follow-up, all living patients with a functioning
graft from the original cohort were re-evaluated for inclu- Standard maintenance immunosuppressive therapy consisted
sion/exclusion criteria and were subsequently invited to of prednisolone, with either ciclosporin micro emulsion for-
continue participating in the study. mulation (CsA, Neoral; Novartis International AG, Basel,
Anthropometric measurements (weight, height, abdominal Switzerland) or tacrolimus, combined with mycophenolate-
circumference), details of medical history and socio- mofetil (MMF) or azathioprine or mammalian target of
demographic data were collected at baseline, when informa- rapamycin use (mTOR, i.e. sirolimus or everolimus).
tion on age, gender, menopause status, aetiology of CKD,
transplantation-related data including immunosuppressant
Statistical analysis
medication, erythropoietin-stimulating agent (ESA) use (yes/no),
and co-morbidities (the modified Charlson Comorbidity Statistical analyses were carried out using STATA 12.1 (Stata-
Index (CCI)) (Jassal et al, 2005) were obtained. The esti- Corp, College Station, TX, USA) software. Descriptive data
mated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) was calculated using were summarized using proportions, means (, SD) or
the CKD Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) equation medians (interquartile range) as appropriate and compared
(Levey et al, 2009). across RDW tertiles using analysis of variance (ANOVA) test

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British Journal of Haematology, 2013, 161, 715–725
RDW and Renal Function

for homogeneity, to evaluate differences across groups, and Results

test for trend, to evaluate if the linear trend or ordering
increased or decreased across groups. For continuous vari- Demographics and baseline characteristics
ables, Pearson’s or Spearman correlations were used based
on the distribution of the data to report correlation of with Patient selection processes are shown in Figure S1. Of the
RDW. Linear regression models were used to analyse the potential 1214 patients invited to participate, 205 (17%)
association between RDW and eGFR. Logistic regression refused to participate at the baseline data collection and
models were used to identify markers associated with ele- 16 (1%) patients were excluded based on exclusion criteria,
vated RDW (>140%). The association between RDW values hence the baseline study sample therefore included 993 patients.
and eGFR was evaluated by multivariate-adjusted regression After 1 year of follow-up, an additional 71 (7%) patients
models. In all statistics, two-sided tests were used and the refused to continue participation or were lost to follow-up.
results were considered statistically significant if the P-value one-hundred and fifteen patients were excluded from the
was <005. analysis because they had had an outcome event during the
The variables entered in the multivariate-adjusted models first year and 82 (10%) were not included in the primary
were selected based on theoretical considerations; we analyses because they were receiving ESA therapy. Finally,
included predictors in the models that were known to be RDW was missing for two patients, resulting in a cohort of
associated with RDW levels based on external evidence and 723 ESA untreated patients for our primary analyses.
clinical experience, and were available in our database. For Baseline patient characteristics are shown in Table I by
analyses, five models were examined depending on the level RDW tertile. Patients in the 3rd tertile (highest RDW values)
of multivariate adjustment: had the worst kidney function (639  193 vs. 536  189
vs. 471  186 ml/min; P < 0001), were older (46  14 vs.
1 unadjusted model (only eGFR); 52  12 vs. 55  11 years; P < 0001), had more time
2 model 1 plus case-mix: [(age, gender, underlying disease elapsed since ESRD diagnosis (110 (73) vs. 121 (79) vs.
of ESRD, CCI, ESRD time, tacrolimus and mTOR use, 126 (103) months; P = 0005) and had more comorbid con-
and use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor ditions (Table I). Patients with the highest RDW values also
[ACEi] or angiotensin-receptor blocker [( ARB)]]; had lower Hb levels (142  14 vs. 140  14 vs. 139  16 g/l;
3 model 2 plus anaemia and iron markers: (ferritin, soluble P = 0016) and more iron deficiency (Table I). They seemed
transferrin receptor, haemoglobin, endogenous erythro- to have higher BMI values (264  46 vs. 279  50 vs.
poietin level, iron supplementation); 277  47 kg/m2; P = 0006) and significantly higher
4 model 3 plus malnutrition and inflammatory markers: measure of central obesity (abdominal circumference) (96  13
(abdominal circumference white blood cell count, lym- vs. 100  14 vs. 102  13 cm; P < 0001). Additionally,
phocyte %, albumin, C-reactive protein,) patients with highest RDW had worse nutritional and
5 model 4 plus bone, mineral metabolism markers: [(Ca, P, inflammatory profiles, as indicated by lower serum albumin
intact parathyroid hormone iPTH)]. (415  36 vs. 412  36 vs. 39  39 g/l; P<0001) and
Our principal analyses were restricted to patients who higher CRP levels (24 (28) vs. 28 (38) vs. 40 (62) mg/l;
were not receiving ESA therapy. Additionally, as a sensitivity P < 0001) (Table I). Furthermore, serum phosphate levels
analysis, the association between RDW and eGFR was analy- (101  019 vs. 105  021 vs. 106  022 mmol/l;
sed in a sample that also included ESA-treated patients P = 0038) and iPTH levels (681 (294) vs. 786 (545) vs.
(n = 805). 905 (820) pg/ml; P < 0001) were higher in the highest
Subgroup analyses were also performed in relevant RDW tertile (Table I). Correlations with RDW values are
subgroups of patients based on: age, gender, presence of dia- shown in Table SI.
betes, CKD stage, body mass index (BMI) categories, Hb, Erythropoietin-stimulating agent treated patients, who
soluble transferrin receptor, serum erythropoietin, serum were excluded from our principal analyses, were older, the
albumin, CRP levels, tacrolimus and mTOR use. For these proportion of females were higher, were more anaemic, had
analyses, we restricted adjustment to eGFR, age, gender, CCI, higher RDW values and worse the kidney function
total ESRD time, Hb, soluble transferrin receptor, endoge- (Table SII).
nous erythropoietin level, CRP, serum albumin, abdominal Figure 1 shows unadjusted and multivariate-adjusted
circumference, tacrolimus and mTOR use, in order to com- associations of CKD stages with predicted RDW level,
ply with the general rule of having at least 10 observations indicating a linear and significant association of lower
patients/covariate included in the model. eGFR categories with higher RDW values. We also per-
Variance inflation factors (VIF) were used to assess formed an additional analysis that included quadratic
collinearity between independent variables. Model selection terms of eGFR, which was not significant and this further
was guided by minimization of Akaike Information Criterion confirmed the linear association between RDW and eGFR.
(AIC). Less than1% of our data were missing for all vari- Table SIII shows the association of kidney function with
ables, thus we used a complete-case analysis approach. RDW levels in 723 ESA untreated kidney transplant

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British Journal of Haematology, 2013, 161, 715–725
A. Ujszaszi et al

Table I. Baseline characteristics of the study sample.

RDW tertile 1 RDW tertile 2 RDW tertile 3 (test for
All patients (<133%) (133–140) (  141%) heterogeneity/
(n = 723) (n = 215)) (n = 258) (n = 252) P-for Trend homogeneity)

RDW (%) 138  10 129  03 136  02 149  09 <0001 <0001
eGFR (CKD-EPI) 543  200 639  193 536  189 471  186 <0001 <0001
(ml/min/173 m²)
Age (years) 51  13 46  14 52  12 55  11 <0001 <0001
Gender, female (%) 41 41 48 34 0089 0008
Presence of anaemia (%) 14 6 12 22 <0001 <0001
Presence of hypertension (%) 93 89 93 95 0008 0027
Presence of diabetes (%) 21 13 22 26 <0001 0013
Presence of coronary 8 4 7 13 <0001 0001
heart disease (%)
CCI 2 (1) 2 (1) 2 (1) 2 (2) <0001 <0001
Smoking (%) 19 20 19 20 0958 0683
Time since last 84 (75) 78 (63) 87 (81) 90 (74) 0049 0069
transplant (month)
Previous time on 19 (29) 18 (28) 20 (30) 22 (29) 0074 0092
dialysis (month)
Total ESRD time (month) 119 (87) 110 (73) 121 (79) 126 (103) 0005 0003
Primary cause of ESRD (%) 0490 0919
Chronic GN 24 26 23 23
Chronic TIN 13 15 13 11
PKD 17 13 18 21
Diabetic nephropathy 5 3 5 6
Hypertensive nephropathy 6 6 8 5
Others or unknown 35 37 33 34
Haematological parameters
White blood cell count (109/l) 79  23 75  20 77  21 85  26 <0001 <0001
Hb (g/l) 140  15 142  14 140  14 139  16 0016 0038
MCV (fl) 87  5 87  4 87  5 87  7 0077 0304
Erythropoietic and iron markers
Ferritin (ng/ml) 120 (195) 131 (246) 120 (203) 117 (175) 0005 0004
Transferrin (g/l) 237  044 235  042 237  041 238  048 0404 0731
Sol. transferrin 342  141 283  090 328  119 404  168 <0001 <0001
receptor (mg/l)
Serum iron (lmol/l) 174  92 197  102 183  96 146  68 <0001 <0001
Total iron binding 518  122 507  125 514  120 531  121 0047 0091
capacity (lmol/l)
Erythropoietin level (l/l) 103 (71) 94 (52) 100 (63) 120 (103) <0001 <0001
Iron or folic acid 23 25 21 22 0450 0619
supplementation (%)
Use of ACE inhibitor 31 25 33 34 0047 0085
or ARB (%)
Nutritional and inflammatory markers
BMI (kg/m²) 274  48 264  46 279  50 277  47 0006 0002
Abdominal circumference (cm) 99  14 96  13 100  14 102  13 <0001 <0001
Serum albumin (g/l) 409  37 415  36 412  36 39  39 <0001 <0001
Total protein (g/l) 723  53 732  47 727  52 711  58 <0001 <0001
Total cholesterol (mmol/l) 51  11 49  10 52  11 51  10 0065 0013
Triglyceride(mmol/l) 17 (14) 15 (12) 17 (14) 18 (14) 0001 0003
CRP (mg/l) 29 (42) 24 (28) 28 (38) 40 (62) <0001 <0001
Markers of bone and mineral metabolism

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RDW and Renal Function

Table I. (Continued)

RDW tertile 1 RDW tertile 2 RDW tertile 3 (test for
All patients (<133%) (133–140) (  141%) heterogeneity/
(n = 723) (n = 215)) (n = 258) (n = 252) P-for Trend homogeneity)

Phosphate (mmol/l) 104  021 101  019 105  021 106  022 0038 0047
Calcium (mmol/l) 235  014 236  014 236  014 236  014 0071 0060
Parathyroid hormone (pg/ml) 778 (598) 681 (294) 786 (545) 905 (820) <0001 <0001
Transplantation related data
Cold ischaemic time (minute) 1235  356 1201  378 1235  362 1262  329 0135 0185
History of delayed 25 24 24 26 0529 0775
graft function (%)
History of acute rejection (%) 32 26 35 33 0156 0145
HLA mismatches (%) 0812 0945
0 1 2 1 1
1 6 6 6 4
2 22 22 21 21
3 45 39 46 50
4 21 25 20 20
5 4 3 5 3
6 1 3 1 1
Steroid use (%) 79 70 79 85 <0001 <0001
Ciclosporin use (%) 43 41 49 39 0522 0062
Tacrolimus use (%) 47 54 43 44 0038 0029
Azathioprine use (%) 3 1 4 3 0408 0268
MMF use (%) 82 87 87 73 <0001 <0001
mTOR use (%) 9 3 6 16 <0001 <0001

RDW, red blood cell distribution width; ESRD, end stage renal disease; eGFR, estimated GFR; CKD-EPI, Chronic Kidney Disease – Epidemiology
Collaboration; CCI, Charlson Comorbidity Index; Hb, haemoglobin; CRP, C-reactive protein; ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; ARB, angio-
tensin-receptor blocker; GN, glomerulonephritis; TIN, tubulo-interstitialis nephritis; PKD, polycystic kidney disease; HLA, human leucocyte
antigen; MMF, mycophenolat mofetil; mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR, i.e. sirolimus or everolimus) use.
Values are in median with interquartile range or in mean  SD.

recipients. In unadjusted linear regression analyses a 10 ml/ Subgroup analysis

min decrease in the eGFR was significantly associated with
Figure 3 shows adjusted regression coefficients of eGFR asso-
an increase of RDW values (B10 ml/min decrease = 0151; 95%
ciated with a 1% higher RDW level in various patient
confidence interval [CI]: 0116–0186). This association
subgroups. The association with estimated kidney function
remained significant after adjusting for age, gender, cause
was similar in almost all examined subgroups. However,
and duration of ESRD, comorbidities and immunosuppres-
ESA-treated patients showed interaction (Pinteraction = 0013)
sive medications (B10 ml/min decrease = 0123; 95% CI: 0088–
with RDW. All other tests of interactions were not statisti-
0157), as well as iron markers (B10 ml/min decrease = 0087;
cally significant, indicating no effect modification by the
95% CI: 0054–0120). The association remained significant
examined characteristics (age, gender, presence of diabetes,
after additional adjustment for nutritional and inflamma-
BMI categories, CKD stage, Hb level, soluble transferrin level,
tory markers (B10 ml/min decrease = 0087; 95% CI: 0055–
endogenous erythropoietin level, CRP level, albumin level,
0119). Moreover, additional adjustment for indicators of
mTOR and tacrolimus use).
bone and mineral metabolism in the final model did not
weaken this association (B10 ml/min decrease = 0078; 95% CI:
0044–0111). The association of RDW showed an inverse,
Predictors of elevated RDW values
graded association with eGFR when it was modelled using
linear regression in both unadjusted (Fig 2) and fully To identify potential risk factors of elevated RDW, we
adjusted models. We found qualitatively similar linear performed logistic regression analyses on relevant markers
association between eGFR and RDW when the 82 patients modelling risk of elevated RDW values (i.e., RDW >14%,
who received ESA treatment were included in the sensitiv- reference is  14%). In the fully adjusted models, the risk
ity analyses (Figure S2). of elevated RDW was associated with each 10 ml/min

ª 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 719

British Journal of Haematology, 2013, 161, 715–725
A. Ujszaszi et al

inflammatory markers, as surrogates of protein-energy wast-

ing/inflammation, were all predictors of elevated RDW levels
(Table II).

In this cross-sectional study of 723 registered ESA untreated
kidney transplant recipients we found a strong, consistent
and independent association between RDW and estimated
kidney function. We demonstrated that each 10 ml/min
decrease of eGFR was associated with a 01% increase of the
RDW. Moreover, each 10 ml/min decrease of eGFR was
associated with a 27% increase in the odds of having an
Fig 1. Predicted red blood cell distribution width (RDW) values
elevated RDW value (>14%), independent of known con-
(and 95% confidence intervals) using unadjusted and multivariate- founders. In addition, patients with CKD stage 3 had two
adjusted regression model in patients divided according to chronic times higher, and patients with CKD stage 4 or 5 had more
kidney disease stage. Multivariate models were adjusted for estimated than three times higher odds of having an elevated RDW
Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR), age, gender, underlying disease value even after adjustment for potential confounders. These
of end-stage renal disease (ESRD), Charlson Comorbidity Index,
ESRD duration, tacrolimus and mammalian target of rapamycin use,
associations were not specific to any particular subgroup in
angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor or angiotensin receptor the study sample. Hence, we believe that our study in kidney
blocker use, ferritin, soluble transferrin receptor, haemoglobin, iron transplant recipients corroborates previous findings where
supplementation, albumin, abdominal circumference, white blood renal function was associated with the elevation in RDW
cell count, C-reactive protein, calcium, phosphate, intact parathyroid values Lippi et al, 2008; (Afonso et al, 2011. To the best of
our knowledge this study is the first to show this association
in renal transplant recipients.
Preliminary alterations in RDW values had been demon-
strated in CKD patients Docci et al (1989), who found that
maintenance haemodialysis patients had higher RDW values
than normal individuals. Recent data advocate that kidney
function is closely associated with RDW. More recently,
Lippi et al (2008) reported an inverse, graded association
between renal function and RDW in a large sample of
unselected outpatients. Furthermore, a subsequent study
showed that higher RDW values were associated not only
with renal function, but also with the presence of micro-
albuminuria, an early indicator of kidney injury (Afonso
et al, 2011). It is important to note that the association
remained significant after adjustment for kidney function
and markers related to higher inflammatory, worse nutri-
Fig 2. Unadjusted association between eGFR and RDW in 723
tional or iron status in a large unselected patient popula-
ESA-untreated kidney transplant recipients with additional distribu- tion. In addition, a recent study among critically ill
tional histogram of the eGFR. eGFR, estimated Glomerular Filtration patients with acute kidney injury showed an additional pre-
Rate; RDW, red blood cell distribution width. dictive ability of RDW levels for mortality (Oh et al, 2012).
Similar to patients with acute kidney injury, we also
observed a strong association between elevated RDW values
decrease of eGFR (Odds Ratio [OR]10 ml/min decrease: 1267; and adverse outcomes in our study population, validating
95% CI: 1121–1431; P < 0001). Patients with CKD stage the association of RDW with mortality in kidney transplant
3 had an almost two times higher odds of having elevated recipients (Mucsi et al, 2012).
RDW values (OReGFR 30–60 ml/min: 1995; 95% CI: 1271– Although there is an inverse, graded correlation between
3131; P = 0002), when compared with patients who had RDW and eGFR, we have to consider the fact that comor-
eGFR levels higher than 60 ml/min. Moreover, patients with bid conditions related to an increased RDW are also asso-
CKD stage 4 or 5 had an even higher risk of having elevated ciated with impaired kidney function. Impaired renal
RDW values (OReGFR <30 ml/min: 3334; 95% CI: 1557–7138; function, similarly to elevated RDW, is associated with
P < 0001). In addition, older age, male gender, longer ESRD increased CV risk, higher prevalence of anaemia in patients
history, use of mTOR, lower serum albumin and higher with CKD, malnutrition and inflammation, presence of

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British Journal of Haematology, 2013, 161, 715–725
RDW and Renal Function

Fig 3. Forest plot of regression coefficients (beta) [95% confidence intervals] of the association of eGFR (10 ml/min decrease) and red cell distri-
bution width using a multivariate-adjusted linear regression model in 723 ESA-untreated kidney transplant recipient in various subgroups of
patients. Models were adjusted for age, gender, Charlson Comorbidity Index, total end-stage renal disease duration, haemoglobin level, STFR,
endogenous erythropoietin level, CRP, serum albumin, abdominal circumference, tacrolimus and mTOR use. ESA, erythropoiesis-stimulating
agent; eGFR, estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate; BMI, body mass index; EPO, erythropoietin; STFR, soluble transferrin receptor; CRP,
C-reactive protein; mTOR, mammalian target of rapamycin.

hypertension, and disturbances of bone and mineral metab- (Oberg et al, 2004). Inflammation is associated with
olism and adverse outcome in non-transplant populations dysfunctional erythropoiesis not only via iron metabolism,
(Buckalew et al, 1996; Kopple et al, 2000; Sarnak et al, but also through direct impact on bone marrow function
2003; Stevens & Levin, 2003; Oberg et al, 2004). It is of cytokines (Chiari et al, 1995; Pierce & Larson, 2005).
known that impaired renal function is associated with Moreover, inflammatory cytokines and malnutrition are
higher inflammatory state and elevated cytokine levels known to be associated with erythropoietin responsiveness

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A. Ujszaszi et al

Table II. Multivariate-adjusted logistic regression of RDW >14% in Table II. (Continued)
723 ESA-untreated kidney transplant recipients. (A). The results of
eGFR as a continuous variable. (B). The results of eGFR as a categor- 95%
ical variable, according to CKD stages. confidence
confidence Variables Odds Ratio Lower Upper P value
Use of Iron supplement 1038 0634 1701 0881
Variables Odds Ratio Lower Upper P value medication
Haemoglobin level 0980 0964 0996 0018
A (1 g/l increase)
eGFR (10 ml/min 1267 1121 1431 <0001 log[Ferritin level] 0782 0643 0951 0014
decrease) (1 increase)
Covariates Sol. Transferrin receptor 1521 1287 1797 <0001
Age (1 year increase) 1030 1011 1049 0002 (1 mg/l increase)
Gender (female) 0277 0170 0450 <0001 log[endogenous EPO 1709 1090 2678 0019
CCI (1 increase) 1117 0996 1253 0058 level] (1 increase)
Total ESRD time 1005 1001 1008 0004 Abdominal circumference 0992 0976 1009 0360
(1 month increase) (1 cm increase)
Use of tacrolimus 1361 0897 2066 0147 Serum Albumin level 0939 0882 0999 0048
Use of mTOR 3646 1811 7340 <0001 (1 g/l increase)
Use of ACEi or ARB 0986 0649 1496 0946 WBC (1 x 106/l increase) 1229 1115 1354 <0001
Use of Iron supplement 0987 0602 1619 0960 Lymphocyte% (1% 0999 0972 1027 0942
medication increase)
Haemoglobin level 0981 0965 0998 0025 log[CRP] level (1 1380 1119 1702 0003
(1 g/l increase) increase)
log[Ferritin level] 0779 0640 0948 0013 Ca (1 mmol/l increase) 0930 0199 4352 0927
(1 increase) P (1 mmol/l increase) 1505 0539 4205 0436
Sol. Transferrin receptor 1498 1269 1768 <0001 log[iPTH] (1 increase) 1282 0934 1759 0124
(1 mg/l increase)
log[endogenous EPO 1731 1106 2709 0016 eGFR, estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate; ESRD, end stage renal
level] (1 increase) disease; mTOR, mammalian target of rapamycin; ACEi, angiotensin
Abdominal circumference 0993 0977 1010 0430 converting enzyme inhibitor; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker;
(1 cm increase) EPO, erythropoietin, WBC, white blood cell count;; Ca, calcium;
Serum Albumin level 0938 0882 0998 0044 P, phosphate; iPTH, intact parathyroid hormone.
(1 g/l increase)
WBC (1 9 106/l 1232 1118 1357 <0001 in maintenance haemodialysis patients (Goicoechea et al,
increase) 1998) and pre-dialysis patients (De Lurdes Agostinho
Lymphocyte% (1% 1002 0975 1029 0908 Cabrita et al, 2011). Prior studies have confirmed in patients
increase) with CV disease that RDW is independently associated
log[CRP] level (1 1364 1106 1682 0004 with inflammation (Lappe et al, 2011) and an early
increase) increase in RDW is detectable, even before the Hb falls to
Ca (1 mmol/l increase) 0932 0199 4371 0929 anaemic levels (Pascual-Figal et al, 2011). The above find-
P (1 mmol/l increase) 1408 0509 3895 0509
ings may suggest a possible link between renal function
log[iPTH] (1 increase) 1200 0868 1660 0269
and RDW through the direct and indirect effect of
eGFR (<30 ml/min) 3334 1557 7138 0002
impaired kidney function to erythropoiesis. It is important
eGFR (30–60 ml/min) 1995 1271 3131 0003 to emphasize that the above-mentioned co-morbidities,
eGFR (>60 ml/min, 1000 1000 1000 1000 malnutrition, and higher inflammatory state are prevalent
reference) in kidney transplant recipients(Molnar et al, 2011b). It
Covariates should also be noted that side effects of frequently utilized
Age (1 year increase) 1032 1013 1051 <0001 medications, such as renin-angiotensin blockade (Vanren-
Gender (female) 0264 0162 0431 <0001 terghem et al, 2003) or certain immunosuppressant medi-
CCI (1 increase) 1114 0995 1249 0062 cations, are associated with suboptimal bone marrow
Total ESRD time 1005 1001 1008 0005 function in renal transplant recipients, which may lead to
(1 month increase)
higher RDW (Afzali et al, 2006). While there is a complex
Use of tacrolimus 1327 0875 2013 0184
association between co-morbid conditions, impaired renal
Use of mTOR 3601 1808 7173 <0001
Use of ACEi or ARB 0962 0634 1461 0856
function and RDW, it is possible that the inverse relation-
ship between RDW and kidney function in these patients

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RDW and Renal Function

reflect the complex relationship of the above-mentioned that we excluded all patients with recent bleeding or hospi-
co-morbid conditions. Although we have extensively talization; we did not measure changes in RDW levels, thus
adjusted for several markers related to the presence of we could not adjust for the possible changes over time. In
potential co-morbid conditions, iron deficiency and anae- addition, the accuracy of GFR estimation based on creatinine
mia, inflammation and malnutrition, indicators of bone is limited and can be affected by dietary intake, muscle mass
and mineral metabolism, as well as for medications, the or even after exercise. In agreement with recent findings
effect of residual confounding related to these conditions (Lippi et al, 2008; Afonso et al, 2011), we believe that
cannot be excluded. Of note is the fact, however, that elevated RDW is associated with renal function. Future stud-
adjusting for these comorbid conditions in our analysis did ies investigating the association of higher RDW levels with
not abrogate the association between RDW and renal func- mortality, particularly CV mortality, might lead to new
tion. The complex pathophysiological pathways linking knowledge regarding the high prevalence of CV death in
elevated RDW levels to impaired kidney function are still kidney transplant recipients.
not known and merit further investigation.
According to Bion(2000), RDW may reflect the amount of
the patient’s physiological reserve. Generally, the physiologi-
cal reserve represents a cellular response to stress. To main- In summary, we demonstrated that impaired kidney function
tain stable homeostasis, the bone marrow buffers the effect is a significant predictor of elevated RDW in kidney trans-
of stress by producing and releasing mature red cells. When plant recipients. Further studies to determine the potential
the physiological reserve is reduced or already exhausted, mechanisms linking impaired renal function to increased
anisocytotic, immature red cells appear in the circulation, RDW may yield new knowledge about the mechanisms link-
which results in an elevated RDW and indicates decreased ing CKD to adverse outcomes.
response to stress. However, this reserve theory was evaluated
in acute illnesses; patients with a chronic disease, such as
CKD, might also have disparities in physiological reserve.
This explanation may elucidate our findings as to why The authors thank the patients and the staff in the Depart-
patients with elevated RDW had only marginal differences, ment of Transplantation and Surgery, Semmelweis University
mostly within normal range either in markers of iron status Budapest.
or nutritional and inflammatory parameters. It is possible
that, in patients with CKD, even small changes in the
Author contributions
patients’ health status may lead to an early increase in RDW
values and adverse outcomes. Akos Ujszaszi contributed to analysing and interpretation of
Why might the close association between RDW and data and writing the manuscript. Miklos Z Molnar designed,
eGFR be clinically useful? Decisions about timing of dialysis organized and coordinated the study, organized and super-
initiation in ESRD patients and re-initiation in kidney vised data management, contributed to data analysis and
transplant patients are still controversial. Guidelines for tim- interpretation of data and wrote the manuscript. Maria E.
ing of dialysis initiation are based mainly on eGFR, in the Czira contributed to organizing and supervising data collec-
range of 6–15 ml/min but, surprisingly, observational stud- tion and entry, analysis and interpretation of data. Marta
ies and also a recently published randomized, controlled Novak contributed designing and organizing the study, to
trial (Cooper et al, 2010) failed to justify the “early start” the analysis and interpretation of data. Istvan Mucsi
hypothesis. Based on the previously mentioned physiological designed, organized the study, contributed to the analysis
reserve theory, we propose that RDW might be a useful and interpretation of data and writing the manuscript.
additional parameter in the classification of patients to early
or late dialysis initiation. This hypothesis could only be
Funding source
tested in future studies.
Our study is remarkable for its large sample size and low This study was supported by grants from the Hungarian
number of missing data. However, as any observational Kidney Foundation, Hungarian Society of Hypertension,
study with a cross-sectional design, our study has certain Hungarian Society of Nephrology and the Foundation for
limitations. A study such as ours cannot prove causal associ- Prevention in Medicine. MZ. Molnar is recipient of the
ation between RDW values and eGFR. Because the patients Hungarian E€ otv€ €
os Scholarship (MOB/77-2/2012). A. Ujszaszi
were followed in a single centre, our results may not be is recipient of the Hungarian E€ otv€ €
os Scholarship (MOB/77-
readily generalizable to other populations. Despite large 3/2012).
numbers of potential predictors that might affect RDW
values and eGFR levels, we cannot exclude the possibility of
Conflict of interest
residual confounding. Single measurement of RDW levels
could have reflected acute changes in RDW despite the fact None.

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British Journal of Haematology, 2013, 161, 715–725
A. Ujszaszi et al

Table SI. Correlation table of RDW in 723 ESA-untreated

Supporting Information
kidney transplant recipients.
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the Table SII. Comparison of ESA treated and untreated kid-
online version of this article: ney transplant recipients.
Fig S1. Flow chart of patients’ selection. Table SIII. Associations of RDW and 10 ml/min decrease
Fig S2. Unadjusted association of eGFR with RDW in all in eGFR of 725 ESA-untreated kidney transplant recipients
(805) kidney transplant recipients. estimated with multilevel adjusted linear regression.

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