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Total No. of Pages: " egister Number: Name ofthe Candidate: . MSc, DECREE EXAMINATION - 2012 (REAL ESTATE VALUATION} (FIRST YEAR) (PAPER VE) 180. PRINCIPLES OF RATING AND INSURANCE Aug) Maxtimuins 100 Marks (ine: 3 Hours Auswer any PLVE questions (5 * 20 106) a) Discuss at Jongth Annual Ksteable Value and the varies ingredients of the same (12) bh) Discuss the influines of English haw on tndian Law ia Rating. ciay 2. List und explain the various mothods of determining Anaual Rent (2a) 3. _ Describe with approticiute reference as fo sshat coastitules property of the Union for exemption of rates. 0) 1s * Give refowant delaits anid explain the followhigg + Commercial Property not usually fet aut ry + indusisiat property a oO coh stnstitutional property | * 3 . + Central Govesnment property 8 5." <5) Defines conttastolinsurance, | (io pee : 4), Explain how it varies fiom other forms ef eontract, 0g 6a). Explain insurabie interest. (ey 8)" [Weniity the relattonships where insiwrable interest may arise for those who may net to iegetly own the assct being insured. . (0) 8), Discuss the ppplication of average of undér tnsurance ta a fire polly. (40) b) Pravide a suitable example cxplatnitig the same. aa) 8. plain she significance of following in voisequential loss insurance. - i + Material damage provico : 6) : + Standing charges | (3) Indemnity Period 6) . + Non triding invue whieh will neh have a beuring on ihe cumputation of yross i profit wy / | | I 1 foul No. oFpazets) 2 [A | 6287 Register Ne, : “Namie of the Cenididete + 6 * 2) Désertbe physical, social and economic factors in relotion to developrient. (10) M.Se: DEGREE EXAMINATION, 2012 (REAL ESTATE VALUATION) (FIRST YEAR) ° (PAPER -V) 380, TOWN AND REGIONAL PLANNING . (Time: 3 Hours ‘Maxinpum; 100 Marks, _. 48x20=100) Answer any FIVE questions . Altquéstions corey equal marks 8) Dhserite the eyelusion of planning. - ae) {10} “b) Explain che planining practices in Lidia. by Waite sbout site planning... 19} 2) Discuss the eoncept of city atid the preparstics oF layouts. . 0) co b) Write a note on proparalion of development plan. (10) 8) White the threshold theories for-utility services, <10) b) List out the agencies involved in mister plan’ preparstion and iniplementiation. » Write thate roles. . (10) 4) Explain the development control and regulations of development wathorities. (10) b) Describe the effect of development control on valuation. ao 8) Weite about the hierarchy of regions and hunnan settlements. (10) b) Describe the development of sétellite towns. OD a) Describe the rules und regulations for development ptan under the planting acts. : a0 b) Write about the development conggel regulations and Ribbon developnient. nuies. C0) a) Namu:the agencies involved for the preperation of development plan and regional . plan under vasious acts and explain them, ao} 1b) Deseribe the Madras-revenue cade and tts important documents, «uo + Foetal No. of Pages:[ Register Number: Ratue of the Candidate MSc. DEGREE EXAMINATION, May 2018 (REAL ESTATE VALUATION} {PIRSY YEAR) 480: SURVEYING Maximum: 100 marks Anwar any FIVE qbestions (8 26= 109 1 Besctibe oriefly the meihed of conducting the survey of en area, cxplaining she eps Involved. Write short notes on the foltowieg. A) Ranging rod with a neat skated 8} Cross stasr, Draw the neat sketul of pri 4) Bring out the a votive compase and mart ie salicm. parte Tenee betwen tue meridian and tnagnetie mex 4: The interior angles of a traverse are Siveti below. If the beating of a line AB in RASMSW find the bearings ofthe re-niainiaglinos cf the traverses, cas, 14a5h! “B= 14°30"; 4 Whatare the differcnsourccsaidprivin of law and explain historical sauces caf Law. Wola ubare motes ou: i} Balmond’s four kieds of law, ii] Reeton’s four leinel of baw lif} Achool of puvispredence is) Philosophical achoo! 4, Dingues valient features of fhe cqpstitution of india 8 Write the difference betw Soure to issue writs ‘nthe jurisdiction of the Supreme court and High & Explody briefly hierarchfal syatem, of judiciary and the jurisdiction. 7, Dlomiee about the legiflative relations betwcer the Central and state. 8. Waplain iy detail abgut . fi) GonstitulionYaw and Local Government. ¥) Functions of the Panchayat S$SS53S ‘Total Ho. of Pagos: Register Number: Name of thy‘ Candidate: M.Sc. DEGREE EXAMINATION, May 2015 (REAL ESTATE VALUATION} {HIRST YEAR) 160: LAWS FOR, ACQUISITION AND CONTRACT Time: Tareehoure Maxinvum: 100 marks Astawor any FIVE questions (8 * 20 100) 1, Discuss isi details about the Jusicial test of valid custom and judicial precedent. 2. ‘What ure the differenteoursesand origin of law and explain histories] sources of Faw. 3. Write short notes on: ij Salmond’s four kinds of lav 3) Keeton’s four kind of law iii) School of jtwiiegéudlence + ix) Philosophies] schoo! Discuss salient featutes'of the éoas-itution of Indis. Write the difference between the Jurisdiction of the Supreme court and High Court to issue writs. 6. Expisia bivelly hlerarehiedl fete of judiciary and the jurisdiction 7. Discus’ about vie legislitive rebitions between the Central and state: & Explain ia detail about a} Constitution liw and Local Gédrninent, bj Puactions of the Panchayath, hh | | we Total No, of Pages:{ 6537 Register Number: Name of the Candidate: M.Sc, DEGREE EXAMINATION, May 2015 (REAL ESTATE VALUATION) {FIRST YEAR) 150; TOWN AND REGIONAL PLANNING Pine: Three hows Maximum: 100 marks Answerany FIVE questions {5 * 20= 100) J.) Reseribe the term town planning and wity ig town planning necessary? bh) Baumerate the contributing forces for the origin of towns and cities. 8) Bxiolly write the present position of planning in Indio, bj) Fxplatn the town planning of macra level to micro lovel. a) Doseriba the surveys which are carried out to collect data b} Why-is surveys carried out? What are the chief subjects of surveys? 4) Why are drawings to be prepared? What are the usual drawings prepared? }) Describe the preliminary survey? Mention the informatioa collected in ooelal survey a) Explain the importance of zoning with illustrations. bh) Peacribe the land use zoning, 0) Daumerate the data required for the preparation of a master plan. ti) Mention various stages of preparation ofa master plan for a town. t} Daplua the rules and regulations as prepared under town planning ects, b) Deaerile the necessity, objecis and basic concepts of regional panninr, Digouss the following topics. ) Madras revenue codé (MIL) 1) Reglonal plan acts ¢) Land acquisition acts «) Municipal acts. SHIGE, ‘Total Ns, of Pag GEG, Register Number: Name of the Czodiare: M.Sc. DEGREE EXAMINATION, May 2015 (REAL ESTATE VALUATION) (FIRST YEAR} 140: BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FRACTICE ‘Neve: Three hours Maximun: 160 marks Answer any FIVE questions (5* 20 = 100) 1, Explain the various methods deployed for testing cement. pustares: Detarmine differeutrepalringtechniques adopted to eepair concret: 4, Based on the working operations, how doors are classified? Explaia than with neat sketches, 4, With the neat sketches, explain the types of pitched roof Explsin the different types of deep lourniation with @ meat sketch, 6. Under what circumstances is pumping of sewage neces: water.closets? Explain briefly about the two types of water closets wi diagram. 7, Bxpisin the vasious types of Dooring construction in detail with neal vketches. 6. Prepere the delaiicd data fur the following items und calculate the s for Lem, pt clags hicks worlk in ouper structure with 20#10%1 0mm brick writiy 1:6 cement mortars. SENSES 2 6525 Staffstation| & Blo] RP] eT rye | 0.684 0.864 45} we [2246 1.684] 0.964) ¥S [ L105 1.368 [6748 Use height of collimation method. Vind the capacity of a reservoir from the contour data given in tate belew. The (20) plen is drawn to a scaly of 1: 4000 Contour | Arenfin om’ ‘Aréa(in om] B80 400” 205 i [3675 L7G 927.5 147.5 V5 7 a Begtain the method of traversing with, the plane table. (as) b} Enlist and explain the function a! any twa instrumente recuired for plane (5) t je surveying, SOE ELS Boucle A, Namie of the Candidate: (FIRST YEAR} WAPER= YD, 160, LAWS FOR ACQUISITION AND CONTRA’ day) : : wo Maxinunn: (00 Marks Answer any FIVE questio 1. Discuss the dofinition of law 93 given by Austin. W, in 3. Explaty the constitutional position of Diréotive Pri prevail when a conflic arises berween F (by Whattas the rote played by tema ing A. (2) Bigie sis grounds ou which a contrat becom: (8) Bap the ditfecent mocos by wh *Rémeeties fn fort aie of two kinds. Jud i 8 _ Explain the ature and © Ihe dléference benwen tax aad fee, ae 3. (0) What are the provisions given vndk * gequisifion of Lane? | ‘ (6) What i3 ‘meant by Arbitration Agzog: B RNR Tet ti @ : o . ye * : Total Ne ofPegess[ 3 ] . : Register Number: ‘ f ‘Name of the Candidate: = : } M.Se. DEGREE EXAMINATION - 2012 Z (REAL ESTATE VALUATION) wf’ | y @IRST YEAR) (PAPER- Vi) 3 ' Decerster) 170. VALUATION OF REAL ESTATE ~7 (lime: 3 Hours Mexizoume 100 Macks Aaswer any FIVE questions. 6x W= 100) i | ! Answer amy HIVE fal questions ENZO LR (4 maths each) Answer any 5 CFIVES) parts bristly within a far seutences ooly. 2} Detind and oxylain vali 69 en dechiontic tenn, | Land locked fan, hy is ithrapostant in vabsution? 5}, DidTenendiete between secess lane ¢) Explain the tom: sinking fing, 4) buts Getea coat gata tnd cene, Gy beth se? EF Uicter the Wealth Tax ct, Yoct B of Seaside Ml, how Is caxtalindon of net "> rasintainable ent achieved for freehold pronestes t gue: Whatis'e reverse morbage? : esa Aeraiiate between coonoufe Le age remaining fs, . 2) Whats ¢ cost inflation index with refeeence to Capitel Gains Tex? masts) 1) Mrs. X inhosied a pooperty upon death of ec hislend ou 1% day ef Febery, 2908. She sotd the properly gn 3" Mach, 2008 at RS. 59,00.000 whereas, th Registrar velued the property at Rs. $6,06,000 for thé purpuse af eszccsment of ctabup duty. The husband of Sirs, 26 ad. inbonind the prozoryy from his fathes Box Y upon his deuth jr the yer 1960. Mic Y perchesed the propery in the year 1950 at Rs, 7,00,000 andy. Cateulece the capital ens, Ip en origng tem capitel gains? Assume any date aot provided. Comment 0 your su ‘Note: Cos! faRation index for 2007-08 with bate 1981-82 05 100 is 561) (15 mass) 2) Valaation hag itsbasc in economies. Distuss this fa the Nght of the classical theories art ‘evolution of yatuation concepts (le marks) B In Iedevpur, « southesn developing suburb of Cafcatia, a number of four storeyed Daildings have been construpted recently. A local survey showed (hat she price of such newly constested flets having more or less similer specifications, ic., mveaic flooring, steel windows With inil$ steel grills, flash plywcod doors, cic. were being gold at about Rs. 6,000 per sq.m. The cost wns aboot 16% more with « Fifth: the tuilding, However in ong puxiciter building, obviously wscant for the more 2éfiaest which had @ superfast if Fitted to it, the flooring was uf good quitity custing about 15% mace thar, what wet Answver any 5 (RIVE) parts briolly withir to of three ‘scatcivigs each (4 marks vacti) a) Differentiate totween economic obsolestence and technological obsoleseeiice. $e, 1H vw) What is tand Locked lad? “Cun it be-valad?- Apo 3 " e} Define the term annua! value with reference to Rating. 4) What do you understand hy ‘Highest and Best Use’? How is this concept useful in ‘valuation? , Spe 168: ©) What are gil:-cdged son 8 and why ote they'celled so? What retums would an investor ities in todays investment marker? Say |} 1) Describe a Jowst threetypes of fractional interests in a real estate prapetty, '8) A lessce’s interest if & letssholdt property is siwayé of a dininishing character. [2 this ‘stement tru or false or none? ‘Give reason for your atiswer, 2) Stale biietly the valuation standends/guidance notes avaitable across the globe, (S mars} 1) "Witte a brief note on Survivor Curves, What purpose da they serve in valvation? (5 marks) OA freckald ale Jn one of the posh Secslities of Dethi has boea given out ona full zpaiting aud fosuring lesse with an tinexptred term of six years aan arumual rent-of Rs, 1,00,000. ‘The piesent arnpat rental value is estimated at Rs, 1,56,000.. “Ae a valuer, what advice, +ould you give regacding advange to by made Hue sume Was proposed to be mortgaged to ¢ financial institution for whom you Wore 2 consultant? (10 mrks) YAM Nawussn Pro KEG Gro, Can tgucd v5 & Low 2 avaisbte ix other neighbouring buildings. Im wclditén, oll fis ‘had nt Teast theee sidés . ‘open inthis pauticylac building; ond the building was well planed bo'H exchitecturally aud * ds faras How of oft, Sulight, etc, 44s-concemed. However, the flats. Were all very lazge in ‘hia Building, jo, each etwas nboyit 200 sym. as compared to thie general demand of 75, Aqua, ta tho neighbor-hood) The fats inthis building cavld not be widde'sméller, due to tte design, and fad to be sed by a single family. Assuming tha: the, Cats in this building «ae all complete and read to be sold, avhet would be die approxtinate reserve prieé that the developer asks for? . we CO marks) 4.) The method of calculating depreciation have been divided into aor-interést based miethods \ User sy aid methods based om interest:théncies. Sete and describe at least ome method from each of these categories. . (10 marks) Bt b) Whatis beling?. Ie ite standard method of vain large trac 6f land? "AccBrding to 9 ANN Gujarat High Cott judgument: ‘the. mothod of -mulyation. by .belts is aabiteary -aud | * -amtficat”. “Discuss givdie-Jour views and-citing. any. other. court judgermentts) either supporting or disgerting fom this view that you may be anvare of. (danasks) fl 3.) Whot is-Larit Vow in Reversion? "How ig it Calculated? Onder wir direumstances is it tee ihsefil in vahmntion?: Give any covet juigement vhex iv cowits hevejetther etipperted its use ortcjeoted it wheu valuing particular types ofpropecties, + QO marks) b) A man ides a 99° yates feast oii & plot of land aid pays 2 Mj of Be 600 per ioath:. He etebis'a Seildisig on the site at a colt of Re 2,60,000. Wha is thc virtual rout ff (sinking fund is considered af 2.5% (Z) if sinking fund is ignored? | 10 marks) 1 Hint: Sinking find fomunlee is S Wire, $* Sinking fed factor c. 7, Etat of aking ford o ‘no period ir years z ar 6 a) Dicowg- the apofedbitity of wihiing by the sent ethod. Stato its imitations ox alvainiuges as per practiced aspects prevititeg in. our country where rents may have bea Sy Tiozaaiforlong pessads of tims tinder vations rout eontrol acts. Fats fixing of standard ron i + solvid! Chis probiem of freezing rent efther for the land Jord or tenartt?- (10 marks} ‘ DY A fack'measiting about 2 cofiais (Bengal irashire: { cottak = 720, sqft) in ‘the heart of . Chdoutta needs to bo filled and the Muaicipal Corporation has given permission to 1H the 5 sine with ofd building material ané earth.’ Surveys show that the average depth of the . + ¥ tank is 30.8.and for propor filling an consolidation, the work of filing will have to be : carried out gtedually uyet a des years period, Transportation cost including cost of old ‘boilding matertat ond earth to the ste, is estimated at Rs, Spex evbic foer.. Adjacent land is expected to bosworth Rs, 10,00,000 por cotta: when land may be put w use. Eatin the preseok yalup"of the tank, ‘0 marks) Total No. of pages | Register No. : Name of the Candidare: May) 1a) ») 2 a) ») 3. 8) ty 4. a} b) 5. a) by 6. a) » M.Se. DEGREE EXAMINATION, 2611 {REAL ESTATE VALUATION) FIRST YEAR (PAPER-IH} 130. SURVEYING (Time: 3 Hours Mancimum: 100 Marks Answer any FIVE questions (58205100) All questions carry equal marks Desoribe with neat sketches how you will messire distance on sloping sound. ‘What are the sources of errors in chaining? Whst precautions would you take to guand against hem? Explain with neat sketohes different types of oross staff ag Dafine the following GH) @) Check fine anid Tie line Gil) Offset and baseline ‘What is Local aitraction? Hows itis dovected and adjusted? ao Define the following G15) Gi Back beating ard Fore bewing Gi) Dip and deciinacipn, ‘Write about metits and demerits «plane table A traverse is done by three stetions A, B and C in 4 cloclowise onder in th form of an equilateral ulangle, Af the bearing of AB is 80° 30, find the bearings of other slides. What ace temporary adjustments of level? How are they done? (19) Define the following G+) @ Back sight and fore sight Gi) Change point and Intermediate sight. ‘Write about different typos of bench marks, any The following consecwive readings were taken, with a levelling instuument et an interval of 26m. [Continue 2245 Additional information: G Tlosing stock Rs 33100 (2) Ontstanding wages Rs.860 bo (GQ Depreciation of Furniture at 103% (iv) Provide 3% for doubitul debts () Prepaidrene Rs.1D0 9) Briefly explain the objec:s of bookkeeping, b} Define BEP, How to constmuct the Breakeven chart and oxpleie it? a)’ Describe the various methods of deta collection. }) A problem in sunioties is given to five students A, B, CD and E. Their chances of solving It ate 1/2, 1/3, [/1, 1/5 aad 1/6, What is the probability thet dhe problem will be solved) 2) Fixed cost of the company is I8s.2,00,000 Sales ‘are Re4,00,000V- Variable eost per amit Rs. 100 selling price por unit # Red0/ Find () DEP Quantity (il) BEP sates (il) Meigin of safety (MOS) (Iv) If selling price increases by 10% what is the BEP sales? ° &) IF fixed cost is increased by 50% What if thé new BEP quantity. 6) What do you understand by sempling? State the methods of sampling distribution. 2) “A motor sar seas purohased on 1% January 2006-for Rs-40,090. On 30 Jae 2006, anethe? second hand cer was purchased for Rs.15,000 and 2s5,000-was apem for repairs. On 20 June, 2007, it was sold for Is.15,000. Prepare motor car account after allowing depreciation of 10% pa. on the writen down vale, b} Enumerate the components of time series. 4} Calculete the mean and median for the following frequency éiatibation ~ [Macks | No, of smdeuts b) Define depreciation, Explain the different methods of depreciation. ’ ote No. of Pages:| 7] a a fe o Regisier Number: Name of the Candidate: M.Sc. DEGREE EXAMINATION, May 2015 (REAL ESTATE VALUATION) WIRST YEAR) 1.80: PRINCIPLES OF RATING AND INSURANCE rks Maximuam: 100 Answer any FIVE questions (5 20 = 100} L, Dicees the role and effect of rent laws in fixiny rateable value. enable value. (amy two method 2 Duseriha the methods of assessing 3, Write sori note on: a) Ensurable Interest bj Third perly clalias. fn) Explain the principles of lab se b) Eluciciate the appmaches to the consequential lose oleira, 5. a] Disnuse the effect of rent lawe in fixing rateable value, Lj Wxplain the Judicial decisions on rating, 6. Explain the following with respect fo fife policy. ‘) Implied conditions b) Fxpress conditions 7, Pluoielate the daties of Insurer end Insured. & lgplaia the procedures for valuation and Jewy of tax un property by ruunieipalities in Indian context. SSBSSSS 2” Dishlex the ineed tor surveying’ ésing exror iti {Hiversé Aika he} the'methods of fist OOmndeaia Ken 2505 end 1 al ‘otal Wa. of Pages: 6536 Register Number: Name of the Candidate: M.Sc. DEGREE EXAMINATION May 2014 ~ (REAL ESTATE VALUATION) (FIRST YEAR} 140: BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PRACTICE ‘iano: Theo hours Maxine: 100 marks ‘Answer any FIVE questions ~ ~ (Sx BO = 100) 1. Deverlbe the process of maidng a brick and how it is tested. 2. Deverlbe the constituents of concrete, and their effects. 8. Dencnibe the types of foundations. 4, Uxpluin the types of roofs, with their advemtages and disadvantages. &. Deneribe the factors influencing the acoustic of a building, . Hixplain the process of termite proofine. 7, Devoihe the various materials used for doors and windows, with their udvaritages and disadvantage: &, Dxkbinin the various types of flooring, with their applications. Total No, of Pages [2] Register Number 6538 Name of he Candidate : ‘Nine: Phvee hone vt ue \ MSe, DEGREE EXAMINATION MAY 2014. QUAL BSEATE VAI.UATION) (RST YEAR) 470-~ VALUATION OP REAL ESTATE — I Maximum, : 100 marks Answer any FIVE questions. (8 20= 100) 2} Ligt ihe different types of ‘value’ of an immovable property and explain any five with example. ao {b) @— Baxplain the diffkcence botweea words cost, price and value. in context of immovable property, . 6) Gi) Valuation ia an axl, seiense or both! Explain by giving reasons, (6) st 10) “ee A Ieeaer will receive back leased propen’y worth Re.28,00,000/- alter 10 _yeura, Oalvulate its present worth hy adapting 656 nate obintor (1) A Jayuee wok a plot on 60 yeara lease end on the plot be buill) » house K00D/'yoar After'80 years, ne dptided to sale yioliting nel ineoma of Rs. A the mopeney. Calculate present gale.value of the prooert if oxpavtnd tre pa peta in dateil af ts yiold oninvectmont ie 8 snd rete of redemption of capital is %. 10) st five.ourgoings off ventes property, an) SS, fully vented fully development building has C43 upper Moora, There ave J 4 tanomts per floor, Ground floor fenants vay rent of Hs. 9U0!month for > gadh'tlas. Upper first flaor, second floor, ant third [uor tei rent oF Rs.g00,- month per at Rs. 750/ month por flat ancl Tes. 707 month per 6A Dat RGpeotively property tanag re He 28,000 per 6 month NLA tax is Bs.G0W year. Building insurance premium te Tis.900/- year. Sweeper salary ja Reé.250/- month, Comman bght bill is Re 200%. month celeulets market’ value of thé property if building ia'80 years old and expected vate of return of investment is 10% there Are no acerucd majar repaira to building and rent actis applicable. ag) What is epropistion? Styta come typas of acerumd depreciation and methods of com pucation, an () Explodn giving example how cost of construction can be estimaued with. Nv the help of zest index method and atate ite Hmilations. te dng Anna Rant: ~~! ~ jgtitules pioperty” of | me {a} Give at least ten major factors whirh afléct the value of the property in open market. Also state in whieh graup the seid factor can be classified? (19) Nes ; » SS’) Bxpluin che term sinking fund. Why it is important in velaation? (10) 8g NY Bxplain ‘wealth wax act 1957". - as) (0) In Mera Garden Number 2, 4, 6nd 8 aie tlic newly constructed similar houses. Number 2 was sold last month, wilt vacant posassyion for an owner at a cust of Rs 6,56,000. Number 6 hay been let on lonne jist now ata reat of Rs, 6000 per mori nev, Nuniber- § was sold one year back with ragart possession at 4 cost of Ra.6, 80,000. Your eliont haa viked you as to how saucli he cein offer for house 6.4. i Teas for suggesting the anidiinvat the sila. (10) 7. ca @)/ Expian any two oiajor facters affecting the value of wal catete in open x pisrket . (10) (b)} An assessee wae tenant in premises up t 1982 and got the same cunvarted inté ownership by payment of Re. 4,00,000!-in 1983 Ae carried cul now tiles work and plumbing work i the dat in 1986 at eost of yo As. 1,(1U,000/-, I 199) he sold the fat for Rs. 16, 00,060. couspuibe capital . “gain tax if OLL for 1988 and 1936 and 1991 are 149, 172 and 259 Y reapossively ao) 8. Ca) What are the advantages and disadvantages of Rent contral 0) DY) A comntercial building af ground. said three upper fldwr ia recently coustructed on the plot and meusuring 1200s¢ .mts axe in Chennai, Work ao ME Standard rent for 24 floor if ground flor 1 . yA? floor and 2° foot aiea is $00 sq.mita per floor and 8 floor built np floor aren is 800s¢.niis prevalent land rate in Tooality iv Re. 40,000-sq, mts and prevaleat cost uf constenetion ie Us. 42, OOU/sq. mats, ao ‘Total No. of Pages: Rawithox Number © Namo of the Candidaic: M.Se. DEGREE EXAMINATION MAY 2097. (REAL strate VALUATION) wins’ YEAR) 180 — PRINCIPLES OF RATING AND INSURANCIL Thea: Phiwe hows Maximum : 100 muaeiea Adswor.any FIVE questions, (6 x 20 100) ‘sy (ho Aulamentol spproachdifferences in xating between English ond 20} {dton ews wna explain them beieby.. 75°) 8, ie she“ “Tiimotmw he volulion of rating baaeid on foxir broad pre-positiona. F a) 4 Dimauea age" the levy of tex on proper in'the monieipal sasation f . Monit, (20) ‘Desurtho beioily the eritical: obiarenton afcatingin ‘India governing : ' (w} Commeraial property not’ usually det out BP + (3) th) Induuiid mroverty gp: s 6) (0) Inwtlintloadl property 2 @) (Canine government imopesty: gy ® land restrletivs’ Asuses of the natiranes patio, . : : ~ @0y, Wille note out tf) Galm seilanent -\ 37. tH) ele pariyclaims 5 4.9, ao) (10) Bo Lik thy Sallowlngin a Be polic . 4 ca) sind conditiona - of © (4) dixgmont conditions-~1 @ ©) Avy five pevile covered under’ fire policy that ‘than fire. | ean LPO @ ) Any five clanses placed ina fave policy @ th Uplate the factors that are considekeld in jasuitaiee lose dasesémment. (20) Toul Ne Pagon Raganite Niunbows 0788 . hung of the Candidate : - ' MSc, DEGREE EXAMINATION MAY 2017, (REAL ESTATE VALUATION) {FIRST YEAR) 170 — VALUATION OF REAL ESTATE - 1 . ‘Time : Threo houis : Maximum ; 100 rhe i L . Answer any RIVE questions. Gx 20= 400) aN “ 1. Digouse redemption of capital consteuation arid use of valuation tables, @ List the types oft. Differentiate lessor and lessee, * (EX Montio’ five different typos of vale af ant immovable property and ayplain the difference by giving exayaplos: @ : GD) Dicouss roal estate market. (BY World the depreciated replacement ott, 6 Write short note on >’ (a) Intemational valve standard _{b)” Roplacomont cost 4) Grid uodel v {) Automates sale analysis % How will you apsroack sale analysis techniques. and dotive tate of interest trom sale transaction-with an example: Q iot various pusjioée of abiuation and explain théan in detail. ~ . “E | $ wT otal Ne. of Pages: [7] oe Bowluroe Nuseinve : oy 9 Nous oft Candidates Saas yay P MSe. DEGREE EXAMINATION MAY 2017, 4 § : , (REAL ESTATE VALUATION) ay (FIRST YEAR) 140 — BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PRACTICE ‘time + Three hours Maximuni : 100 maria Answor any FIVE questions. (5 20 200) Ow ie: oat sends various - conguoted for stones and explain any: pve in riiaking a Brick end how itis tonted, a cD) : NMG eh a Bit contzol the corrosion, (6 S} VES Difioroniiate th tone nde wn ats a tho process of & ~ whnerate the senithtion 1a building iis vee Fe: ie the ‘purpose of dato. gualfsis and. waite the factors inifecting shaiate aye 1 enalysie? : Pi * Uiplain the process of tesinité procting, Boe &, “Prepare the detailed data for the fellowing items and calculate the tates (@) BCC works in CC1: 2: 8 for dolum of Size 280 x 250 nim and heigl of (b) Plastering with CM 7: 9 at 18’mm thick tor 100 m4 ‘Poul No, of Pages : [] Woglover Numbor ¢ : 6782 Naw ofshe Candldato: ‘ ‘M.Sc. DEGRED EXAMINATION MAY 2017. (REAL ESTATE VALUATION) GIRST YEAR) 130. SURVEYING. Tima t Chras houps ‘Maxintuit / 100 marke 1, ta) Doseribe die procedure to carry Out the dase, 1 purveying, , s, Sa () an) w ‘"tnebgured ang, 200° , 9) yerpendioulazly to AB from, A, the beasing.of C.and Bam. 3 roapoctively, AB being 23 m. Find the width of river. 3, he following perpendictlar offsets’ were talon at 10m intetvals froin a unvoy “lina to an texegular boundary line : 3.25, 5.60, 4.20, 6.68, 8.75, 6.20, 3.25, 4.20. nad 6.65, Galcilate ihe area enclosed betiveen the survey line, the irregular Jowndasy line and tho first, and last offecte, by Trapcaoidal rule and Simpsons witha, 2 tg , @0) A, (a) What ave the precautions to he adopted in using the compasa? ° (10) (1) Dowentbe thefallowiag: ,-” : eee) d) Lecalaticection —” . 7 Gi) Closing orrar * . (i) Temporary adjustment. 5. The dollowing-heacings were observed with a, eomip: ‘angle. Tine it ABS doe . BE. 493°" ob Fe AN 800% What ate, the acceszotieg asdd'in Plaie table surveying. plas with. B.. + LO sotival eke toh, Soon Me rm avo the advantages and disadvantages of plane tabling qi 1. Go Deeribe the “height of instrument’ dnd ‘riso-and fall) wpotheds “of v8 Gomoriting the levels, Discuas the mezits and demarits of each. (gy * () _. The following staff yeadings wero observed successively witha level, tie nstrdaeits having’ boon’ meved ‘aiter Vied ond auth ‘odidings'2: 22° 1.605, 0.985, 2.000, 2.865, 1,288, 0,600, Take BM. ‘of five point as * 30.000. Vind the:diffevence in lovel botwean Livat and last point. 3 (10) 3. @) Waatane the various wsos ofcontour may? , oy ERE 20h, ) | Byplain tho prineigles of MM. . @ Whatave the usos of Total Station? "> Dedoribe vomete sensing.” wees 4 ae 2 : 6782 Réneimoe 100 waarbo Area oe cenye HEV IN open HUN, (ths id= (it) om ) ‘Mee wnmne wba rl tt yest Aelia onload oP ed, bys of Pd pranapallniinitaynule, 1, a] tan 7, Vanb oa mages ts tdtng valent rages ob Jouervocdeinal authoriioe AQ" BeeMly vapatetes Lie frilonehing 0) Wabhas aval JHA Incnetvial leeation theory. be aay th) ialluaen of roginn serge Sa as) cy + taplaln tho sonooph of city’ aad. building bye laws and their effects om valuation, 4 Gon BR . . eo ' ‘Write wont notws on: : £09 Binpor dovelopment rules se ’ a9 i i ogy Madras revenue code. , lege f ic ad a 6. Usk the rules aod segulatione proparod wader the town ‘planning acts, Alo ee ithe agencins involved ‘in the preparation of development plan. 4 = 3.6 20) ‘Explain in detail abot he various: factors related to the orelogtmonte nd TED ofland. 1613 eo 6, Write in detail cbout the ovolution of plaaninte and{introdgetion 98 joneten prnctigos in India) I-35 a edit Totat No, of Pages:{ 2 | Register Number: Name of the Candidate: Men) la) b} 2 a) MSc, DEGRET EXAMINATION - 2013 (REAL ESYATE VALUATION) TIRST YEAR WARuR= 1) S30, SURVEYING 6342 (Time: 3 Hours Maximam: 190 Marks Answer any FIVE questions. (8 «20= 100) Dotine plane ourvaylng and yondetic surveying, |) Walte brio fly ubout the classification of surveying. {i}, Menniou the nbjecelves of suiveying, Deine lhe lllowingy 1 Bearing + ii) True meridian iit) Troy bearing, iv) Magnatic baaring V} Mugnorie wentlian - ‘Ths fallewing benvthig were obgeived with a compass. Calculate the insertor anghess. Line {Toru bearing an 6030" 6e + 12% Gi ‘iste De * nase3oe 6 Be . 200%" What ls meant by plana tabling? Mendon the various insinuments used in pane table survey, HAeny expinin the working operation of plane table surveying Delino the following” i) Lovelling 1 ii) Horizonte plane iii) Cau b) Moan sea level v) Bench mack Draw a neai sketch of Durpy level ane mark component parts. e) 0} Oy 0) ¢10) (10) (10) (19) al om 3. ay Distinguish 1) Capital and revenue expenditure 4) “Capital and revenue receipts 0) Prepare Trading, Profit & Loss account ans. Balance sheet for the year ending 31* Maret 2011. Rs: Rs, Capital 75000 Sales 75000 Cash 4000) Cartinge Inveare's 500 Building 40000 Fuel gas 1900. Wages 6909 Debtors 25000 Salary ‘sono Creditors Leo Rent 300 © Sales return 1890 Printing 700 Purchase return 1590, Stele (1.7.10), 12000 Bills Receiveble 2000 Insursnee pretmiusn 600 Advertisement 1600 Machine 12000 Dividend 800 Drawings 4000 Furniture 2000 Purchase 30000, Lean - 6000 “Additional Information 1. Closing stock Rs.14000%- 2, Provision for discount an creditors at 2% 3." Wilts Of Rs. 1000 es bac debts: provide 5% for bad debs, and Discount on Debtors 2%. 4. ay” Blucidate the methods of costing, BY Explain tho fastors that aftee: che computation of Depreciation 5. a) Explaia verious sources of collecting data, 5) Txplain briefly some of the uses of sraphs and charrs in preaenting business date & 9) Find the coctticient of correlation by Karl Pearson's method bevween X and ¥ Interpret its value. x 570420 40 a5 taka y 10 60 300 41 29 27 27 19 ie tooo bY “Beplain the meaning and sigaificanve of “corretation”. 7. ay Explain the uses of index Numbers. ©) Explain the importance of probabifity in business decision smeking. 8. ar Describe Variows methods of sampling. a: 6) Explain the impetiaice of sampling ia solving business problems, a Beets ‘Tatal Nu. of Pages: [2 Register Number: 6343 ‘Name ofthe Candidate: s M, Se DEGREE EXAMINATION - 2043 (REAL ESTATE VALAIATION) GARST YEAR) WAPER-IV) 140, BUDDING CONSTRUCTION PRACTICE, May) ‘Maxitviernn: 100 Maths (Time: 3 Hours Auswor any BIVE questions (202109) 1.3) Explata thy munuhotuciag process of ceatont, ; / OR, ~B) List ow hd various tents cqnducsed for siznes and exiflain any twa in detail 2, a) Explain .Weterptooting in buildings, on, © AF) Wheat mre tis proportes of firseehas brie? 3. a) What are the various canse of comosion of'éteel and briefly write pout its afer (OR) - 1b) What etc the diffecent types of distribution system of water supply and explain anyone in detail. 44, 9) Explain the different typos of floor Bnishing, . (OR) 5) Draw the plif of « single storied residential building with hall, kitchen, single bod with attached toilet and common stair case with R.C.C flat roof, Plan can be érawn to Not to Scaie. 5” ay Discuss in detail about the various type of foundations. (OR) b) List the types of bonds in Brick work and explain in detail about English boad ond Flemish bond with seat sketch. 2B , 5. 9) Pricfly describethe temporary adjustment of level cou penn the fotlowing terms, os 1 Helght ofieesirunent fi) | Back sight iii), Bore sight i) Tuming point 6 ¥) Intermediate sight Ai ‘The following consecutive readin’ Waie'tiken With a level and Sm ie © continuously stoping ground ata cammnon interval of 20m 0.385 13 1.925; 2.825; 3.730; 4.6855:0.625; 2.005; 3,510, 4485, The instuumont we shined afer sbith reading. Rule eut a page‘ot a level fold book and enler the toca readings. Caleulate tho reduced level by (i) Height of colfimazion methad Ci) Rise fd Ell method, The 8.L. of First vend iris 190,000 AY” Briefly desoribe the charncteristics of Sénsdun, 5“The following perpendicular olfkets were faker at 10 m ,iitervels ftom a survey line to an imegular bounduiry tine 3.25, 5%, 4.2, 5. 8.75, 6.2, 3.25, 4.2/5.65. Calculaw the area ‘erielosed beweon the sutvey line, the irregular Poundary tine and the fits and fact oftet,'by the application oF (a) A verses Ordinate rule, (b) Teapczoidel rute ancl (6) Simpson's rule. a) Brieflyexplain ~ pes 4) Microwave instruméat i) Visibic light instrument ‘by Write short notes onthe. geedimetor, B Met (0) Go £8) 110} ‘Total Na. of Pagers Regiolor Numiburs . ‘Name oF tre Candidate: ve M.Se, DEGREE EXAMINATION ~ 2013 (REAL ESCATE VALUATION) : L (FIRST YEAR) vot (@PARER ~V) 150. TOWN AND REGIONAL PLANNING —, , i May) (line § Howry ‘Maximism: 100 Marks sn ‘ Answer any FIVE questions (920=400) 1.) Disouss briefly Macro Level Planning and Micre Level Planaing. (lo) ‘) What are the planning practices in India? ) 2. a) Sketch and give names of eight different types of Towns and Villages ia anciant : adie. ao : b) Explain the level of urbanization. (10) Ba) Wha axe the prinelples of Towa Planning? ao ) Explain hierarchy of planning. ao A ais Discuss about Site Planning, . ag _Bfiixplain building bye-lavs with componsnts and is ffects on vatuation,(10) 5 GEKplain the procedure of preparing the Mester Plan, a) 76) What are the methods available for the projection of population and explain them, (10) x AExplain the legel mechanism for plac implementation: ay “oyDiscuse \s - 47 Encroachment on Streets « i} TDR Rights A @x5=10) 7, a) Explain the legal mechanism for plan implementation, ~ (ig) bea i in detail about Regional Planning, (0) 8¢ a)Explaid the different types of migration, CO byDisouss about AyGatellite towns a) Ribbon Developments rules, (3) 1 Ji-Madras Revenue Code. @) ESMEKEK 2 @) Waite short notes oa sanitation, sewage and sewer. L£ {OR) ) Discuss the various types of intertal wiring used in a building, aa) Whet are all the methods available itrdetermising the bearing capacity of soil? Explain? Any one in detail. (OR) by What Is the purpose of rate aridlysis and’ write the factors affecting the rate analysis? ah Prepare an estimate of the following items of a residentiel building from the following Sigure? i} Excavation for foundation, ) Sand filing in plinth, iG) P-C.C.(5 438) for foundation. iv) Firstelass brick masonry in ¢.m (136) up to’ plinth ¥) Bist olaos brick masonry th e.m (1:6) i Saperstructore a (OR) (0) Discuss in detail about che mcihod of writing Bill "Total No. of Pages:|_1 Regist Nurber 6345 Name of the Candidate: M.Sc. DEGREE EXAMINATION - 2013 (REAL ESTATE VALUATION) {FIRST YEAR) (PAPER--VI) 7 160, LAWS FOR ACQUISITION AND CONTRACT May . : : (Tae: 3 Hours Meeximum: 160 Marks Answer any FLVE questions, x2 = 1G 1. Discuss Lately abour the origit of law; tlie Source ard ramifications of few. 2.” Explain briefly the following: 2) Suberdinaye legislation. b) duieie prdcedents. 3c" Explain the power ond fictions of the President of india. Ac af Stata the Salient Features of the Indian Constitution: _ bs Disouss briefly shunt the Centre-Stawe Rolationshi, 57” ai'Explain the veriqus powers and functions of a Local Panchayat Président. AS Discuss the verious Sources of Revenue of a Municipal administéation. 6. “Remedies in tort are of wo kinds fudicial.and extre Judicial. Discuss in detail, AC Pate tis reesons for tesmination of contest oy Explain the various laws goyemed in the formation of a senteacs, SC” Deseribe the procedure involved in acquisition and requisition of an immovable property. YU %% Pan iy, - Total No. af Pages:[ 2] Register Number: Name of the Candidate: ‘REAL ISTATE-L Me), * Mexirmuri 60 Matis. iaestions * “Allquéstions fy caval rls 6} 6) 6) 1). Vilunton bas, ts Wigs in, ceondbaies ‘Discus ‘tis in the-lighi- af ane sis thgories ‘and roluton 9 aati concen (da) at, iin iy ik split ihe: difference by fae 10) be esti withthe lie of east index “nigthod ard State its fimfations, ve (10) ‘by Sue! “Ve ihajor. whatatteristios of lane and explain how edeli ore afteis ‘thé vais of land in realestate lst. (to) AP as Resse tnok a plot on 50 yeass cai! aid Gn the plot he:bel's house yielding net incoms of ZAK “AfisE 25 Years her déeidid fo vale the property.-Caldhilate the present valué of the BaSpertyés jee yield.on investtent ‘Sspandrate otredempton of capital is 3% (10) UY What is cant by: depresioioni? Ste some types Of scored depreciation and inethods of computaticins. (10) ‘Votat No, of Pages: [7 4 : Register Number: 6347 ‘Name ofthe Candidate: M.Sc, DEGREE EXAMINATION - 2013 . : . (REAL ESTATE VALUATION) FIRST YEAR (PAPER - ving) 180. PRINCIPLES OF RATING AND INSURANCE, May) (Fine: 3 Hows Maximum; 100 Marks, * Abswer any FIVE questions. . (B<20 = 100) AC ay Describe tie sources of Rating lave in India (10) PY Discuss the inftuence of English lew on Indian law ix ating, an Ae Discuss briefly about thé Levy of tax ou property id the Municipal iaxation Lisait. (20) 2 Espiain briefly the following Lo. 20) . BY Annual letting-vaive by Hypothetical rem . 4... Explain briefly the various methnds of assessing cateable value. 20) 4C Explain brietly the principtes and legal concepts in rotation to the insurance of (20) buildings, plant and machinery. 6 Explain the terms conditions, beneficial and restrictive olauses of dhe focurance (ny policy, . HF Nitrite note on 20) . AY? Claim settlement. OF Thied pacty ctaim 8. Explain briefly the consequential [oss of insurance, its scope, intension ard policy (20) cosiditions. Ceaa@ Ww & pains 2 18) What is tand valuo in Reversion? How itis calovlated? Under what ciroumstanees is it useful ju, ‘valuation? Give examples of any ecurt judgements whether supported jis use of rejected it whoo aluiig particular types of properdes, (10) b) State briefly the Dotine of uncamed increase. Cite-a-cay stidy whese this has been suppotted and discuss how ifciftbeén hiSirpcrated th the wealth fay Vitnation do) a). Explain About “Wealth Tax Act 195° ao) 2» “Athan takes'a 99 years Ikase.orba piot'of kind and pays a giound rent'of @:600 pér nionth. Hee exopts i tullting om the bite ata cost af €2% OL: Wai is dhe vllua! awit £0) Sinking fini ig _bongideret at 2.5% (if Tf shnicing-Fand is igh (2 Sinking fund'S=r/(143)"* where s~shnkiig furtd fectory rrate pf sinking fund; n=perted inyedrs: (0) a)” Disouss annual. value with referendsta. bat @). 1b): Baplaincihe erin “tine value of nipitey™. 5) 2y What is stamp duty? Which organisation in our ectuitry imposes this? 45) 48 Dilffezensiate betweori “Boonie Life" und Remaining Like? 6) AF What ae the odvaniage and isdvantages. of eat Control Act? . ao) ') A freehold shop located in. posh avea of Dell haa, been given out ¢ full repaiting and insuring Jedse with an. unexpired torm'ot six years‘at an’ anual rext of €.1,00,000. The prescn? énnval rental value if estiniated at €.1,50,000. As a valuti, wiret advice would yos give ‘regarding vidvance to be made if the same was-proposed to: be mo‘tgaged to a financial institution for vibom you are wonsithant?, : a (10) 4 Foul Novel poets) Register No. May) 6185. Naine.of tiie Cuindidate : MSc, DEGREE EXAMINATION, 2012 - AREAL ESTATE VALUATION) GIRST YEAR) (PAPER —1t, 130. SURVEYING. Cime:2.ttons Masicyam: 100 Marks Anster ais FIVE questions . All questions earry equal marks 2) Deting surveying. State the objectives of surveying and the detsited classification. (10) ©} @_ What ate bypotenusal allowance and reciprocal ranging? « (i) What do you understand by index sketch and tefecence sketch? @ a) What is closing crror in 4 waverse? Describe, with a neat skelch, how stich art emer is adjusted. ao b) A waverse ABCA is mace in the form of gquare taking tn clockwise order, if the bearing of AB is 120° 30', find the bearings oF other sites, 119) a) ‘Discuss about the merits and demerits of planetable surveying, (tay a0) b) Explain with neat skotches, varfous methods of planetat * inguin ia He curnest oa bubble? How is (he, P) What does the tox “Sensitiven seasitiveness, oreo (0) 4) A Liovol is sotup at 9 point 1S0m fhm A and 100m lum B. The ofsieved stall” Ioidings at A and B are 2,525 ahd 1.75% respectively. Tind te tric levet diffaronce between A and D. | a0) 4) Define the (othowing: 0) Level surface (i) Line of cotinftion (ii) Tuming poiet tivddata 9) bi) The foslowing coatings ure successively taken with a evel 0.355, O485, 9.625; 1.755, 1.895, 2.350. 170, 0.345, 0.685, 1.238) ad 21150, ‘The instremont was shifted afer the fourth and seventh readings. Prepare a lovel book and caleulate the RL. of diffiront points, The kL. of the first point is 255.500m. . ri) + Ge20=100) bobnn 8) Waite abou die characteristics of contours (18) ') The fotloivinig berpendicuiar offoets were taken fom a-chain line td 2 hedie, ' Distineo(n)c 0. -$ 10 18: 2 38. aes) Offsets (m}- + 3.40 4.25 2.60 3.70 +296 180 3.20 4,50 3.70 2.80 a Caloulate the'arca by Tripezotifaland Simpson’s nile, (dy a) Disc at electromagnetic energy and atmospheve and Beart (10)! 2) Defiie te following. © OY Coutcur feceval and horizontal equivalent GG) Sitnpiod’s rule aud Trapezoidil rule (10) 2) Briefly about ie printieté itvolved in EDM. (19) 0) Write abst any three methods of Image classification, (10) | Nume ofthe Candidates! * . M. Se. DEGREE EXAMINATION, 2012 - {REALESTATE VALUATION) : (RST YEAR) {PAPER-TV), 140. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PRACTICE May): . (Time: 3. Hours Makximom:-100 Matks ag, otis eopatiiets ofsnfet Discuss the finstiqns ofeach, (10) skeigh bth residential unilding shown in the Fig.1, draw the plan nnd dential biilding: | (20) 2h ‘of fSumdatfons. Explain any one with'a neat sketch, (10) | theraat xpos ofrooting, ae el hig pres fei materials. (20) indeistind by thé term ncousties? Waite « shoot essay/on the a dafecty'in Uuikding. : . (10) Bee aa at yi - Vropaie ia dtsall’S thc folow!ngtems of compound wall shown in the Fig.2 Lasicih.of dénnpoinad well is SOin. 29) )Enbwycrkoxenvatton. \ ~ b) Bat silting in fowndation : ©) Bedale wink Ju weper'stenature -d) Plastering in super structure 2% — Avalysin o8 tote for LOm3 of trick work in CM £3 using I class bricks for suiperstrueture, {20) Answer any FIVE questions (5x20=100) AU questions carry equil marks 1, 2) Maition a few tests on brick. Discuss briefly any one of them. am | " b) Hist the ppperties sind uses of the following {) Wood ii) Tits (10) Weite shor note on any fie of de following ® Characteristics and uscs of Asbestos 1) Sanittion ©) Specification and rate analy: ©) Blecicificetion ©} Materials for-doors and windows, =." (20) " krreaen Wall thickness spasm Bm xam ' ' st Weight ap veal cB ms i Dees Bear = heme aeons w “HALE | _. i THB RAB i iad Week Windew s Laer kim Woks AM the chimanctenc ave Cy Malye. AW th. dimen-siens 4 Boome, © Total Mo. of Pages Register Number: 2248 Name of the Candidate: M.Sc. DEGREE EXAMINATION, 2014 (REAL ESTATE VALUATION) 4 : @IRST VEAR) WAPER-VD) 160. LAWS KOR ACQUISILION AND CONTRACT May] [Time :3 Elonrs ‘Mexiganin: 100 Marks Answer any FIVE questions (z0st00) { 1. a) Bsplain the lepisaive eraétments. bb), Describe the source of elementary jurisprudence and its ramtifications. % a) Bnumouate the Quaamental sights of ladian legal system. * b) Discuss the directive principles of the state policy. i 3, 0) isouss the various types of local Government. ib) Bnumemis the powers and fonetions of Incal governimont. tor 4. a) ThoIndian Contact Act, 1872 isnot « complete code dealing with all Brauehas of the ave of contract. Comment, : : be ; bios britly the law relat to offi, ancoptance and evocation, When mney an offer and aeceplance be revoked? : 3, , a) Explain the term ‘comsiderstio#” and siste the exceptions to the rule, “No : consideration, no contract”, . by) “A mere silence as to tiots ts nol fiaud”. Discuss. 6,2) Briefly explain the remedies for breach of centract, < Dp Bnumerats the Goneral prinsiples of tot 7. a) Discuss the outline procedure for sale of immovable property. b) Discuss the varios enactments of Acquisitions and Requisition ot iimovable property . 8 a} Stale the salient features of lew of arbitration und conciliation. b) Discuss the elements of rent contrul lav. Total No. of Pages:| 2 ] Register Number: ‘Name of the Candidate: . *, MS¢. DEGREE EXAMINATION - 2011 % (REAL ESTATE VALUATION) QURT-YEAR) : (PAVER- VB) 470. VALUATIN OF REAL ESTATE —1 May) (Time: 3 Fours : Maximeth: 100 Maite Answer any FIVE full questions, GX 20= 100) i 5 G@) Explain the acts that contibuted to the degelopment of sabject of valuation in india? 0) : (b) ) Eeplaia the diffocence between cast, price and value in dhe context of immovable ro) ; Property. iD) Valeation isan attor scionee or boib? Eaptain piving reasons, fo) % (@) What is the present value of the rovérsion of an aggtetltueal land lot for 15 yours period, Asante that the value ofthe plot atthe end of 15 yuors will be Re. 800,000. ou the rate of interest expected is 6%, (cy (©) Monicipality has borrowed Rs. 5,00,000/. and it desires to pay off the said amount with ' interest im equal annul iastallnonts in 40-years petind. What will be annual instalment (uuits) neyable, ifituerest rate on loca is 794 and redemption yield tate aber 00 : 3G) Wha! are the ciffézen: types of Loases? Pplein any two in detail Go) (oy A Fully sented fully developed building has G-3 wpper floors There ate 6 tenants per floor, Ground foo: tenants pay rent of Rs, SOQmoath far each tet Upper first tloor, second flor : aud hed floor iénans, pay rout of Rs.525/+ month per flat, Re, S80) monk, per fled and ' Rs 530) month per flat respectively, Property thxes are Rs, 28,000 por 6 months, NA tax is Re sOuiveac. Duilding insurance promia is Rs, 850/- year, Sweeper salary ic Rs, 150/- month Common Ught bill is KB. month. Caleabite matker value ef we properiy if duilding is 30 years old and exccied rate of rettm of investment is 100 Thers aré no scored mnajor repairs to building and Rent Act is applicable, 0} 4+ @) Explain merits ard Demerits of investment in veal estite Vised-vis investment in Goyerament (10) security. ©) Explain with an oxainple how cos: of consimection can be estimated with the help of coat / index method & stale its limitations. LD} ® a) Giveut Idast ton major fhotors that affect the velue of the Propeny in open market, Also state in sphich group the said factor cam be classified? (i) (©) What ate the methods available wuler indirect moaner of working of land values under Maket Approach? ae) 6 (@) Explain Wealth Tax Act 1957, * (a0) ‘Toial No, uf Payes:| 2’ | . Register Nuusber: ‘Name of the Candidate: M.Sc, DEGREE EXAMINATION - 2014 (QEAL ESTATE VALUATION) @IRSY YEAR) (PAPER -1¥) 140. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PRACTICE Mayy (Time: 3 Hours Maxiraum: 100 Marks Answer suy IVE fall questions. SK 20=100) 1, @} Desciibe the provadtive for painting on wood surface. (©) Lisvout the characteristics of good building stone and discuss briefly oa quatrying of stones, 2. (@) Write shoxt notes on: (@ Grow7h tings Gi) Synthetic timber (i) Setting cotion of cement (b} Listtie properties and uses of plastic. 3. @ . Diserss-in.detetl tho theary of cossesion. (b) Explain in detail basement waterproofing 4. 1eom the Iie sketeh.of a residential building shown in Figure 1, dravy the plan, section at AA aad ‘Font elevation ofa single stored residentia| building with living hail, two bods with attached tolet and cotamon stair case with R.C.C flat 1yof. Ail dimensions are in min, 5. (@) Discuss in detail the various type o/'shallow foundations, (©) Wct gonssa! principles would you keep in mind while supervising a ()) stone work aul (di) brick work mder consicuciion. 6. (@) Describe in detail about the method of collection of sewage disposal (b) What are the functional requireraents of « ventilation systerx? 7. (a) Write the scope and importance of estimation, ©) ©) Whats the purpose ofrate analysis and wre the factors acting the ave analysis? 8. Hrepale an esbmate of the following items of a vesidentidl buildmg shown in Figures Qa) 2b) and 20). {a) Excavation for foundation (b) Sand filing ia plinth (©) BCC (1:48) for foundation (a) First class bick masonry in cement mortat 1:6 up to plinth (e) First class brick: Coasoary in cement mortar 1:6 in Superstructure (Sxd=20) (10) (10) @ @ () (10) (10) any Qo) a0) (0) ct0y a) ao (uy MS 2.375, 1.730, 0.615, 3450, 2.835, 2,070, 1.835, 0.985, 0.435, 1.630, 2.255 and . 3.530.m, . ‘The insteument wes shilted:afier fourth ond eighth reading. ‘The first reading was zaken on a BM, having RL -of 106.000m, Find the RL ofall de points using rise and fall method. ne 4, a) Write about the applications of contour map. ») Explain briefly he important’chatacleriaties of contours, 8, a) Enlist the photageaphic elements nsed in interpretation of photographs. Explain each elefvenc with suitatle example, ») The following perpendicular offgels wore taken from a chain line to a hedge Disiance (mi) — 0 6 DB R Mm 30 36 Offse: Gm} = 540, 450 360 2.70 180 2.25 3.5 Calculate g trapezoidal rale and Simpsen’s rule. Register Number: Name ofthe Candidate: @ May! hs a a » ‘ly vy » bh) | 87) tom no. er Pages: | 1 | [14 2248 M.Sc, DEGREE EXAMINATION, 2011 (REAL ESTATE VALUATION) @URST YEAR) PAPER-VD 160. LAWS FOR ACQUISITION AND CONTRACT [Time :3 Hours ‘Maximum : 100 Macks Answer any FIVE questions (520-109) Faxplain the loglaleuive enactments. Dosorlbe tha souce of elementary jurisprdence and iisramifications. ‘Finumerate tha fundainental rights of Indian fegal system. Discuss the directive psvciples of the state poicy, Disouss the various types of local Goverament, Bauinerato the pewors and fumetions of local government. "Yhe Indian Conteact Act, [872 is note complete code dealing with all-braushes of the avy of eomiract. Comment. Diseuss brisfly the law relating 19 offer, accopleace and vevseation. When may ait coifer and acceptance be revoleed? Explain the teem ‘coasideration? and state the exceptions to the cule; “No onsliferation, no contrast”, A mote silaitea‘ad to frets is'nol fraud”. Discuss. ‘Bolofly explala the remedies for broach of contract. ‘Bourorntg the, Goneral principles of tort Jisouns the outline procodure for cale of immovable property ‘Disowas ‘tho varius enactments of Acquisition ond Requisition of irnmoveble propecty. tal : ‘Stuelto walter atures OF lav’ oftarbitraton andl ceneiliavion. {Djgouse the olemants of rent control laws, otal Ne of Pages:{ 2 ] » Register Number: so . F269 Nine of the Candidate a M.S¢. DEGREE EXAMINATION - 2017 : {REALESTATE VALUATION) ! (FRT-VEAR) . (@PAPER VIN 170. VALUATIN OF REAL ESTATE ~[ Mey) (Tine: 3 Hous Maxima: 100 Marks Auswer any FIVE fall questions. {5 20100) 1G) isan the asta that conttbuted 10 the development of subjeot of vetetion in latin? ao ©) @Eolain the difference between cout, price mul vauein the conteaL atime @ Property. i) Valuations en actor science at both? Lpiain giving reonone Oo 7G) What is te presont value of the reversion of an agricultatel end let for 19 ears patiod. fase thal the valu of he ploval the ent of 1S years will be Re. 6000000 aod denne of interest expected is 6%, ry Municipality bas booed Rs. 5,00,000/- and it desires to bay off the said amount with Coenaty yn edbal annul installments i 30-yeers period. What will be annual invtelncue tauity) peyable, iPinuerest rate om loan is 7% and zedemption yield tate feds (10) 3G)» What are the different types of Leases? Explain any to in deta, 00) {h) A-fully rented fully doveloned building hs-G43 npper Hoots, There avo 6 tenants per floor, said Hoot fnaniy pay rent of Rs. SOD/tuonth for each Hat. Upper lit floor, sewed foo and third floor icianis,, pay rent of Rs.525/- month, per flat, Rs, 550/ month per flat and Rs.350/ month per fat vespectively. Property taxes are Rs, 28,000 per 6 months. N.A tax is AeiCOlvcar. Building insurance jremivn ip-Rs. 8506 yeac. Sweeper salary ts Ke tae morth. Common light bil is Rs.80/- month, Calctlaté macket vetue of dhe property bulling is 90 years old and expected rate of eetom of nwvestment is 10% Thee ce 70 aceraed major ropaiss wo building and Rent Act ‘is applicable, 0} 4 @ Explain mevits and Demerts of investment ia set osjpte risedovis investmentin Government (10) security ©) Explain with au example how oost of eonsirvctoe casi be estimated with the help of cost index method & state its limitations. ue) aay 5. (@) Give at Kast ten major tactors that afizct the velue of the propeny in open market, Also state in-which gronp the said factor cau be classified? a ©) Milt are the methods available under inditect maunee of working of land vote ‘Market Approach? 0) es under ae) ; © @) Explain “Wealthy Tax Act 1957" ag 4 5 t ' Total No. of Pages . : Registes Kamber 2247 ‘Name of the Candidate: % M.Se. DEGREE EXAMINATION - 2011 (REAL ESTATE VALUATION) (FIRST YEAR) @APER- Vv) 150. TOWN AND REGIONAL PLANNING May) * (Time: 3 Hours Maxinnun: 100 Marks Auswer any FIVE questions, 1 @)_ State the necessity of town, planing, Bxplain the peinciples of town planning. Co (b)_Narne the factors sonneered with davelepmont explain them, ao 2. (@) Explain ts types o? surveys in relation to town planning, Also desctibe the paepuretion of layouts. 10) (b) Deso-ibe the building byeloves ancl their effect on valuation, 10) 3. (@)_ Discuss the land! we zoning principles and thotr‘otfeets on teal estate, (0) : ©) Define “utitiy service”. Write and oxplainthe threshsld thooties for utili seevtown, 0) i 4. @) “Name the agencies involved inplan prepardtion amd inaplamantation. Staie thetr cule fa thy ; “preparation ofdevelopment plan. (0) (2). Discuss the fleets of development plan’ om valuation, Also state the effects of 73" and 74 constitutional amendments, (10) 5. (@). Deserite the offeuis of developimcat” conitél”and the regulations of development authorities on valuation, (19) (b) List out the building rules and regulations of Jocal or wupteipal authorities and explain (10) 6 (@_ Write the offeois of planving document on valuers anid oxplain, 1) (©) Desaribe the preparstion of dreft town plaatiing soheme. Also cxpletu the tem. “arbitration”, ao) 7. (a) Stats the nccessity of regional planing, Also waite lhe objectives aac basic cenrapis of i regional planning, a0) {b) Name the industrial jocation theories and explain them. (10) §. (a) Deseribe the alos and regulations as prepared under the Town, Planning Acts. . (10) (b) State the various Municipal Corporation Acts and the Municipal Acts and theie ret to valuers. (ay LY, al pound i, ae Wiguve-2a: PLAN Figure 1 Figure-ty: FOUNDATION, Veoh %a og, Vound Do, of Pagen: (7) Ragiatan Rumbor . : 6781 Nama af dhe Cnndtants : ’ M.Sc. DIRGREE EXAMINATION MAY 2017, (REAL ESTATE VALUATION) (FIRST YEAR) 140 — ACCOUNTANCY AND STATISTICS ‘Uno : Thies houre oo Maximum : 100 mses Answer any FIVE questions, x 20= 100) AC What da you mean by double ertry system and explain the rules of double antiy ayaiom? ~ §. Haplaly the foatures and advantages of cash book? 4 Iixplain the different types of correlation sith examples, 4, Dagoribe the different typox of regression. 8 Whats en index number? What are thie uses of index namber? BO rosin tho dbjcctives.of aecannting : (At Whats the difference hetiwaen eash balance of bank: tind sash? 8 For the following Yartioulars-find the selling price pex unit if b.Ep io to bo Tweught down to 9000 units? ~Variable cosvunit Rs 75 - ffir" uo Tino expenses — Rs. 2,790,000 Selling per unit “Rs. 100, * ~~ ak ‘Toil Ne, of Page 6154 * Replater Namie Mania Pie Candidate: 1 M.Sé. DEGREX, EXAMINATION - 2012 (REAL ESTATE VALUATION) . . (EIRST YEAR). WAPER TY) | 120, ACCOUNTANCY AND STATISTICS ‘ : . Hai) - ‘Maximuen: 100 Murks Time: 3 sours Anawer any FIVE questions 6% 20= 1905 ' tt) Define book-keeping. Explain its abjectives b) Compute co-offictont of quartile deviation fious the following data of tife ‘Sxpectenoy of patients adiitted in a hospi Mlooxpectensy (nmonths) 79 43 40 34 42 41 Na. of Patients 4 7 1 @ 7 2 © 3) What sie the steps to be followed to prepare it Balan . b) Pxplaia the precautions te be taken ke-data cotlection: : 4 : 3) Explain tie ditterent mettiogs of computing depreciation used in Sccounts, ' . & Fron the following Trial Balance and adjustiients given, prepare ‘Treding ind , Profit and Lass A/C for the year ending 31.3.2010 and 2 Belinice sheet ex on that dates Debit Balances . Creiit Batnnees . Opening stock 9,300 “Bank iniceest 200 Repaics 310. Purchase returns do Machinery bare Creditors 42.370 mo Furniture 1,330 Sales 20,560 . Offize expenses 750° Capital 24,500 | Trade-eapenses | 310 Losn 5,060 : Land & Buildings {5,400 Bank charges } 50 * Purcheses 45.450 : Sales returns 120 Advertisement Cash in hand Cash in bank Sundry expenses Insurance Travelting expenses ac Adjustments: ' D Glostng stock on 31 107585 1D. Propaid insurance 259 . ii) Depteciation on land and bulldogs @ 5% machinery @ to%4 3) Explsin the concops of parchases and selec ook b) Define. ‘Cost. What are the various elements of cost? a) Describe the: metheds of °») A bag contains 8 yellowy and 7 block batts, What isthe Probability of drawing 5 yellow batls? Standards Ltd. you sre required «9 Profit Gv) Margin of satecy, "7-500; Totat sales-”15,009, 4) Coleuiate the atitkmetic mean for the following distibetion, Classinteryat 2.3 45 67 BS to jo43 : wl Frequency 20.43 50,. 30 Ig me ‘ 1 | | ' t i E H >» & é wuss: ee an sunbot 2256 ow af OF tne Condidene . ~ MSc. DEGREE EXAMINATION, 2051 Bd (REAL ESTATE VaLuATiONy a GARST YEAR) > a @APER-VAH ¥ 180. PRINCIPLES OF RATING AND INSURANCE, May} Mime: 3 Hows I Maxisiue : 100 Marie Ausiver any FIVE giesthing 620-109) 1) What ae the ‘esious sources of rating tee in nin? 2) Can you itentfy the attoronce between raving te in nde, Bugtond and LSA, 2) What are the fases of valuation and levy of tein our countey? vl 2) Brietiy discuss the duties Of isurer aed the insured : f 9 Descrite the vatious methods ofassessing rateable valas . 1) State the prince of commnasbas nis and ret oie seanttous: i 4 a) State how the plopertics of port teust are. dealt ‘vith for musicipat assessment Perpare with reference 9 Chennat pos, li 1) Elucidase the tchistios ang stassification of est 3a} Whatis “Graduated scale metliod" of levy? Explain vith diagram, i . D) Discuss the principle of elaith setlement i i 6. a) Assignmenesd 50€ possible in fire instance Comment 1 Disenss tee functions ofthe foe as | \ 1 a) Distass tricty insurance Tnarkctand Tanctions oF the insure broker, ; 2) Bxplcica valuation Principles aut teshaignes in relation 1 insurance loss assessinent \ & a) Buieny discuss the Sonstquential loss insurance, . } 2) Discuss limitations in Sonseanentia lous cin white deating with ssasonal provhicty, ji i { | | | j TW} it ) ' 7 fa (b) ®) An Assessee owns aa office premises in Bangalore. It was let aut to a multinatiogt,, at root of Re 66,000/month (Rented fiom 31-10-2005). Property tax of RS.75,00\, Tnoniths are to be bome by the fenant. A sccurily deposit of Rs.25 lacs was taken on Wr. 6% interest was payabie io tenant, Prior to Octber 2005, oflice blook was vacant art NAR. -was fixed by municipality at Rs.90,000/-Worle out value of property as on 31-03-2006 and also wotk out the wealdh tax at 12% of value allowing 15 {ace exemption Ignore section S(vi) of WT. Act. Office block Yas purchased in 1998 fora sum of RS.22, 59,000-. Explain, giving examples, the meanings of “cost af xoqaisition, indexed cost of acquisition, ‘cost of improvement and indexed cost of ianprovement for capital gain tax purpuse”. ‘An Asscssee pnirchased in. 1966 Jand having $002 area with 200 m? building existing on the Plol. The purchase price wes Rs.100.000/-, The seid property was sold in Feb {996 for a price of Rs.15 Lacs. Compute Capital Gain Tex at 20% of gain if land ratc in 1981 was Rs. 200/20" and building cost when new-in 198] was Rs 1000/ m? Cost inflation Index in Fed 1996~ 281. (10) What are the good and bad effects of implementation of Rent Control Aci in major cities of ovty conintey? : A residential bungalow having 300 un builf up floor afed is built on 800 m? plot. Buggatow is 20 years old'Te is citaited in posh lecality of Chennai with exclusive gcrden, Present land tale in the area is Rs, 30.000/m? and present constriction cost is Re. 12,00W/m"' Determine Standard Real of bungalow, c Walon! 0) {io} (10) (29) a b) 2243 Ge of the Candidate: M.Sc. DEGREE EXAMINATION, 2011 {REAL ESTATE VALUATION) (FIRST YEAR) (PAPERt) (10. MANAGEMENT SCLINCES [Time :3 Ares Makimam : 100Marks SECKTON.A Answer aup TRO questions 220249 State the importance ef tinue eloniant, Triely discuss the fons —1un proditction fimetion, Explsin the relatioaship between marginal and avoragé cesi, Explein with a diagraan, Discuss the thenties of wages with special reference to metgitial productivity Discuss the funetions of entreprencis. Discus thé various measures (o contiol deflauian, What're tre compontais.of rations ‘ineeyne? Coa you identity the relatinaship baleen savings cn dvestansne? SECTION: Auiswvee any THER questions x20) Papin the causes and Gs of patel uconotiy en mie of kun ‘and its valued, Describe the Mustows neod lderarchy-theoty of motivation, What are ths quatities of aood leuder? ‘What are tbe various elements of cs? State the principles of scienliste manegement What are tue vatious uiethods of wage payment? ‘What ate the factors influencing the sclection and location ofplant? : State the principies of motion stay ‘Total Ne, of Pages: [. Register Number: Name of the Candidate: MSc. DEGREE EXAMINATION, 2011 (EAT ESTATE VALUATION) (FIRST YEAR) i WAPERTY 120, ACCOUNTANCY. AND STATISTICS May} fime 3 Rows Maxiauin: 100 Marky Answer any FIVE questions x20 10y) 19) Explain the miles for dobit and credit Give sullable example tor eack types of account. 5) Calestste couftcient oF queatte ‘deviation and eoeficient Of variation from the Sollowing data: _ _ 20 | Helow 0 | Belew 00 [Balow 80 [Bete 29 Ts0 aa im | 2 2) Site te difference herween a Trial Datanve and Balance Sheot 8) The follewsing data ceinte to the sores obtatned by 9 satesrmen of a company in an intelligence tes! aad theie weukly sales ‘tv aheusaad rupces, fala te |p EF ie wr Te —— [50 fs6 60 Tan bse] gol aot | Weckiysales "P30 / 60 [4050 [ 6 [aero 50 60) . * Ofna -Eression equation of sales tn inact ISCUCE fest Sates tothe salesmeg, (i) If the intelligence test scutes ‘07 a salesmen is 65, What would ba his Sxpocted ‘weokly sales? 3) Feplain the toma depreciation with reference os objectives. 2) Veopare Trading and Profit and Loss acount end a Balance Sheet Dehit Balances Rs Credit Bahoces Rs Tand 15,000 Seles 42,0400. Purchases 21,500 Purchase retums 400 Salaries 2,200 Jaterest 200 i . Rett 400 Creditors 4449 i Postage 349 Capital 15,600 Wages 5,200 Carriage on purchases 560 Carviage on sales 800 - Repaics 1490 Bad debts Aza Opening stock 3.100 Twniture 2,700 Debtors 6,00 Cash ie hand 1,300 Sales returns 1,020 _AINo. of Pasges:| 1 | 4 “ Register Number: oo ‘Name of the Canidae: MSc, DEGRUE EXAMINATION ~ 2013 (REAL ESFATE VALUATION) FURST YEAR (PAPER —4) 110. MANAGEMERT SCLENCE Mea) (Time: 3 Hours Meximera: 100 Marks Answer any FIVE questions. (8 * 20-2005 t. 4) Blucidate the ditferent price elasticity of demand. Db) Explain the different types of returns to scale, 2. ZY" Explain the fietors that detonnine low of demaae. 8) Elucidate the exesptionsto Law of demand 8) Explain how price oupui decisions are mac in micnopoly market, 6} Blucidkte ihe feanires of pertect marker 4. a) Explain the Ricardian theo’y of rent 23° Describe the fitnctions of entrepreneur 5. a lixplain the differant types of inflation. bY” Discuss the different spetheds tw coritrol infetéon. . 6. 4¥ Explain the componenis of Nationai Income, AY Describe the problems in catovlating National lacome. 8) Exalain the contribution of FW. ‘Taylor to Management. We Describe the fonctions of Management, 2. a” Deserihe the different methods of fob Hvaluation, UW Explain anytwo Motivation thearies, OWEEE Total No. of Pages:{ 2 Register Number: Namgof the Candidate: ' M.Sc. DEGREE EXAMINATIO! (REAL ESTATE VALUATION) FIRST YEAR, @APER.-1h 120, ACCOUNTANCY AN STATISTICS Bay) (Fine: 3 Hows Maximurs: 190 Marks 2013. Answer any KLE questions. (> 20= 200) J. a} Define Book keeping. Elucidate Accounting convepis and principles. ' bi Distinguish Double kevry and Single Entry System, 2. 9). List the vatious subsidiary books, What are the objects of prepating subsidiary books? : b) Fromm the following prepare cast book of M/s.Rern as.a May 21, 2012. Rs. May1 Balance at bank 4500 May2 Drew frombenk fereifice use, 500 May 3 Bouglit office furniture fa cash 320 Mey 8 Paid wagesin eash 159 . May 14 Drew from bunk for office ase. 250 May 16 Sold goods for cash 20, “ Mey 19 Reveivedsa chequy from Raj it setlernent of” their account of Rs. 750. Jess 5% discount Pai the sane direct into the bank May 23 Bought goods for cash 450 May 25 Drews cheque far self 400” May 3! Paid Jei account Rs 400/- hy cheque loss 29 { i } j {No.of Page: 6533 pister Naimaber: Name of che Candidate: M.Sc. DEGREE EXAMINATION, May 2015 {REAL ESTATE VALUATION) WIEST YEAR) ! 1G: MANAGEMENT SCIENCE i ‘Saae: The Waxinrum: 100 marks i ‘ a Ancwer any FIVE anestions (8 * 20 = 400} plain the features of Ienquatits 2 asting. . 5 cotreprencar and different types of : : ‘ &: Defias inflation and denation, Dismiss diffe reat methods to central bnfledion. a 7. explain aitferent mettiods of fob evaluation. , : 8 fin different types of 2 J factors imihvencing val ot . \ 4 A. Vaneye morico a Ply A A x ghee Sek bo 2. Seaveyirg. : Gun } 2-1 uy. Rorkdus, _Cawt ben wren |p S OTe ere -. “pen \ »38 G lamb For ALE Liew by . 1 yo V of cet tele the |S i, $i. POA prs [Ub - } ! i ‘Total No. ofPages:| Register Number: Name of the Candidate: Tine: Three hours Maximum: (60 marl M.Sc. DEGREE EXAMINATION, May 2015 (REAL ESTATE VALUATION) UIRST YEAR} 120: ACCOUNTANCY AND STATISTICS ce Any any FIVE questions {5 20 = 109} Defing buck beeping. Eapiain agcountian cance pts and prineigt Expisin different types of deprsciation the different methods of presentation of daa. le me: 1, median rev fen hie following dite [O[20# 40] 80) Bey Toya White short not on: 9} Uses of Iudex marabers ¥) Problems of index sums Explain ditferent :netheds of lvecaoting, From the following trai balance, Prepare wading, Profit and leas account aud Belance sheet as on 339 March 2014. ©] Gromit batinecs |e 4,500 | Capilal [24,000 turchases 20,000 | Sales 30,500 | Return inwards. | 1,500} Discount * 1,960 : Stock (1.4.2013}| 8,000 | Creditors 10,000 4 Salary 4,200 | Bills payatte | 2,500 | Wages 1,200 IRent 359} GB | Bad &

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