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Mata kuliah Fenomena Transport 2

Sistem penilaian:
• Kehadiran : 5%
• Kuis : 15% (2 kali sebelum UTS dan 2 kali sebelum UAS)
• Tugas kelompok : 10% (1 kali sebelum UTS dan 1 kali sebelum UAS)
• UTS dan UAS : 70%

Metode pembelajaran
• Materi dari dosen
• Bagian pokok diterangkan dosen
• Bagian lainnya dipelajari sendiri (bagian dari Student Centered Learning)
• Tugas kelompok (bagian dari Student Centerd Learning)

Siapkah kita menghadapi MEA? Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Adalah Elizabeth Pisani, seorang WNA kelahiran Amerika Serikat,

epidemiologis, dan mantan jurnalis yang menuliskan artikel itu, di
situs dan yang dikelolanya.
Dia menyampaikan keprihatinannya pada Indonesia dari hasil survei
PISA tersebut.

"Tapi yang menjadi kekhawatiran bagi saya bahwa anak-anak

Indonesia bahkan tidak menyadari seberapa buruk sistem
pendidikan sekolah yang membuat mereka gagal," tulis Elizabeth
dalam ulasannya.

Elizabeth menyebut, mayoritas anak-anak Indonesia, terutama yang

berusia 15 tahun, tidak memiliki kemampuan dasar yang diperlukan
dalam masyarakat modern saat ini. "Mereka berpikir bahwa mereka
siap untuk masa depan (padahal kenyataannya tidak)," imbuhnya.
Siapkah kita menghadapi MEA? Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Fakta kompetensi siswa

Program International Student Assessment (PISA) di bawah Organization Economic

Cooperation and Development (OECD) mengadakan survei tentang kemampuan
siswa dan sistem pendidikan.

PISA menggelar survei ini sejak tahun 2000 dan rutin melakukan survei tiap 3 tahun
sekali. Terakhir, survei PISA tahun 2012 lalu yang baru dirilis awal pekan Desember
2013. Survei ini melibatkan responden 510 ribu pelajar berusia 15-16 tahun dari 65
negara dunia yang mewakili populasi 28 juta siswa berusia 15-16 tahun di dunia
serta 80 persen ekonomi global.
Ada 3 kemampuan siswa yang dinilai dalam survei ini, yakni:
• kemampuan matematika,
• kemampuan membaca dan
• kemampuan ilmiah (sains)
Ketiga kemampuan ini mencerminkan sistem pendidikan di negara masing-masing.
Selain itu mereka juga ditanya motivasi dan kepercayaannya atas sekolah dan
pendidikan yang mereka jalani.
Siapkah kita menghadapi MEA? Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Fakta kompetensi siswa (lanjutan)

Hasil studi PISA untuk Indonesia:

• Kemampuan matematika siswa-siswi di Indonesia menduduki
peringkat 64 dari 65 negara alias kedua dari bawah dengan skor
375. Kurang dari 1 persen siswa Indonesia yang memiliki
kemampuan bagus di bidang matematika.
• Di bidang kemampuan membaca, Indonesia mendapatkan skor
• Di bidang kemampuan sains mendapatkan skor 382.

Hasil studi PISA untuk Singapura:

•Singapura menduduki peringkat kedua kemampuan siswa dalam
bidang matematika (573),
•Pringkat ketiga dalam kemampuan membaca (542) dan sains
Siapkah kita menghadapi MEA? Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Peringkat kemampuan berbahasa Inggris:

Indonesia menduduk peringkat Ke-26 Negara Berbahasa Inggris yang merupakan

bahasa Internasional.

Posisi Indonesia ini di bawah: Singapura, Filipina, Malaysia dan Thailand.

Siapkah kita menghadapi MEA? Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Jangan kuatir, Indonesia masih juara

•Jumlah waktu anak Indonesia menonton televisi mencapai 300 menit

per hari.
• Anak-anak Australia 150 menit per hari,
• Anak-anak Amerika Serikat 100 menit per hari,
• Anak-anak Kanada 60 menit per hari.
Pantaskah kita meminta kehidupan dan kesejahteraan yang lebih baik?
Sedangkan kita tidak belajar dan bekerja dengan lebih baik.
Ingat! Tuhan itu adil

Banyak pelajar di luar negeri belajar 3 bulan sebelum UAS setiap semester dari
jam 8 pagi sampai jam 11 malam.
Pantaskah kita meminta kehidupan dan kesejahteraan yang lebih baik?
Sedangkan kita tidak belajar dan bekerja dengan lebih baik.
Ingat! Tuhan itu adil

Banyak pelajar di luar negeri belajar 3 bulan sebelum UAS setiap semester dari
jam 8 pagi sampai jam 11 malam.
World steel production Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

6 jt ton per tahun, itupun
tidak ada steel kualitas tinggi
Integrated science in metallurgical engineering Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta
Copper extraction: mineral reserves Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta
Copper extraction: world biggest smelter Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta
Copper extraction: world biggest smelter (cont.) Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Where is Indonesian smelter?

Even an African nation (i.e. Zambia) has a bigger copper smelter than Indonesia
Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Determining the system resistance

affecting the fluid flow
in compressor and pump system
Recall: Pump selection Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta
Recall: Compressor selection Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Typical application ranges of compressor types.

Recall: Compressor selection Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

How to compare compressor efficiency?

• small capacities, the positive displacement compressor is generally the best.
At higher capacities, valve and seal leakage, mechanical friction, and flow
discontinuities increase rapidly, limiting overall efficiency.
•In a centrifugal compressor the opposite is true. In small capacities, the sealing
surface is large in comparison to the compression element, the impeller. As the
compressor size increases, the seal leakage rate grows slowly relative to volume
through-put. Reduced mechanisms (bearings, valves, seals) and improved through-
flow contribute to improved efficiencies at the high capacities.
•Axial compressors have the best efficiency. Both mechanical and aerodynamic
losses an axial compressor are very low, resulting in efficiencies approaching 90%
or even better.
Introduction Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

In order to overcome the head (energy) required by the process system, a pump
must produce a certain amount of head (energy) which is equal to or greater than
that required by the system.

The system head or resistance has three components;

•friction loss
Friction loss varies as the square of the flow rate and depends on the piping
layout, pipe diameter and equivalent length (including valves and fittings).
•static pressure
Static pressure is the difference in pressure of the discharge pressure vessel
and the suction pressure vessel.

These three components are totalled and

plotted against flow rate to create a curve of
system head required
Bernoulli Equation Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Ideal pressure equation out pressure loss

Bernoulli equation: Pressure convervation which is based on the law of energy

conservation (note that the SI unit the equation below is Pascal)

At many cases, the pump head and system resistance is written in meter. Thus, the
corresponding pressure equation pressure loss is following:

Head in pascal
Head in meter =
Density x gravitation
Bernoulli Equation Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

The basic approach to all piping systems is to write the Bernoulli equation between
two points, connected by a streamline, where the conditions are known.

Where 1 is start and 2 is finish/end point


since Then

• P represents the static pressure

• which represents the kinetic energy

• ρgh is hydrostatic pressure which represents the potential energy

Laminar and Turbulent Velocity Boundary Layers Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta
Kinematic and dynamic viscosity

A fluid that has no resistance to shear stress is known as an ideal fluid or inviscid
fluid. Otherwise, all fluids have positive viscosity, and are technically said to be viscous
or viscid. In common parlance, however, a liquid is said to be viscous if its viscosity is
substantially greater than water's, and may be described as mobile if the viscosity is
noticeably less than water's.

Dynamic viscosity - is a measure of internal resistance. Dynamic (absolute) viscosity is

the tangential force per unit area required to move one horizontal plane with respect to
an other plane - at an unit velocity - when maintaining an unit distance apart in the

The kinematic viscosity (also called "momentum diffusivity") is the ratio of the dynamic
viscosity μ to the density of the fluid ρ.
Laminar and Turbulent Velocity Boundary Layers Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta
Dynamic viscosity (measured at room temperature)

Dynamic (Absolute) and Kinematic Viscosity of Water

In general, include for liquid

metal, viscosity decreases
with higher temperature
Laminar and Turbulent Velocity Boundary Layers Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

The onset of turbulence depends on whether the triggering mechanisms are

amplified or attenuated in the direction of fluid flow, which in turn depends on a
dimensionless grouping of parameters called the Reynolds number
Inertia forces
Reynolds number = Viscous forces

Characteristics of Reynolds Number:

1. Reynolds Number represents the ratio of the inertia to viscous forces.
2. If the Reynolds number is small, inertia forces are insignificant relative to viscous
3. For a large Reynolds number, however, the inertia forces can be sufficient to
amplify the triggering mechanisms, and a transition to turbulence occurs.
4. The transition between laminer and turbulent flow occurs at a critical distance
from the edge, XC which can be determined by setting the Reynolds number at
5 x 105
Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta
Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta
Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta
Piping Systems and Detail

Piping systems based on location can be divided as below list:

- - P 28
Introduction Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta
Influencing factors system resistance Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta
Factors influencing the system resistance:
1. Static head
• Higher static head will increase system resistance.
• a closed loop, the static head is zero.
• In high-rise applications, the static pressure can become considerable
and exceed the pressure rating of the piping and the components such
as chillers.
2. Surface roughness of pipe / ducting material
Rough surface will increase system resistance
3. Diameter of pipe / ducting
Smaller diameter will increase system resistance
4. Length of pipe / ducting
Longer pipe will increase system resistance
5. Flow velocity
• Higher flow will increase system resistance
• Turbulent flow increases the system resistance
6. Number of fittings and accesories
More fittings (Valve, diffuser, expansion, etc.) and accesories (e.g. filter)
will increase system resistance
7. Number of elbow and branches
More elbow and branches (e.g. T-branch) will increase system resistance
Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Piping optimization
Steps Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Steps to determine the system resistance:

1. Determine the static head
2. Determine the Reynolds Number
3. Find the corresponding pipe roughness
4. Consider the system resistance due to elbow, branch, valve, fitting, etc
5. Consider the system resistance contributed by the involved aggregate, e.g.
Machine that has to be water cooled, pressure loss in fluidized bed,etc.
6. Pay attention also the maximum pressure and maximum flow which can be
handled by the aggregated machine. Otherwise, the pipe and connections in and
to the machine can be damaged.
Diameter of pipe / ducting Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta
liquid pipe, up to 14 different wall thicknesses are made the same outside diameter
which depends on the size. They are identified by schedule numbers, of which the
most common is Schedule 40. Approximately,

Dimensional standards, materials of construction, and pressure ratings of piping

chemical plants and petroleum refineries are covered by ANSI Piping Code B31.3
which is published by the ASME, latest issue 1980.
Diameter of pipe/ducting Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta
Hydraulic Diameter Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta
Compared to flows in a circular pipe, inmation on the friction coefficient in
noncircular pipes is limited. In order to apply the friction coefficient expressions
proposed originally circular pipes to noncircular pipes, the pipe diameter is
replaced by the following hydraulic diameter, Dh, defined thus:

where A and P are the cross-sectional area and the peripheral length (or wetted
perimeter) of the noncircular pipe, respectively

Exercise: Calculate Dh
Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Recall: Reynold Number Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

The onset of turbulence depends on whether the triggering mechanisms are

amplified or attenuated in the direction of fluid flow, which in turn depends on a
dimensionless grouping of parameters called the Reynolds number

Reynolds number =

The Reynolds
number flow in a
circular tube

where um is the mean fluid velocity over

the tube cross section and D is the tube

The critical Reynolds number corresponding to the onset of turbulence is 2300

Pipe roughness Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

The static pressure in a circular pipe first decreases rapidly in the developing region
axial distance from the entrance of the pipe and then decreases linearly
axial distance in the fully developed region. The pressure drop, Δp, in the fully
developed region is expressed by Darcy-Weisbach equation as follows:
Pipe roughness: Moody diagram Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

2 solutions to determine the friction factor:

a. Using the Moody diagram
b. Using the empirical equation

both solutions, we must first determine the Reynold Number

Data required to determine the pressure loss in piping by using the Moody Diagram
Pipe roughness: Moody diagram Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta
Pipe roughness: Moody diagram Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta
Pipe roughness: Empirical equation Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta
Recall: Bernoulli Equation Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

The basic approach to all piping systems is to write the Bernoulli equation between
two points, connected by a streamline, where the conditions are known.

Where 1 is start and 2 is finish/end point


since Then

• P represents the static pressure

• which represents the kinetic energy

• ρgh represent the potential energy

Pipe elements Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta
Pipe elements Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Basic Piping Knowledge

Fitting (ASME/ASTM Standard)


Elbow 45 deg Elbow 90 deg Elbow 180 deg

Pipe elements Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Basic Piping Knowledge

Fitting (ASME/ASTM Standard)

•Reducer •Tee

Reducing Equal
Concentric Eccentric
Pipe elements Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Basic Piping Knowledge


Set in

Pipe elements Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta
Pipe elements Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta
Pipe elements Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta
Pipe elements Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta
Valves Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Pressure loss and its corresponding financial lost due to valve installation
Valves Material Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

• Stainless Steel:
•fluid temperature < 350 deg F
•pressure < 250 Psi (Corrosion flow)
• Brass:
•fluid temperature < 450 deg F
• pressure < 330 Psi.
• Iron:
• fluid temperature < 450 deg F
• pressure < 330 Psi.
• Bronze:
•fluid temperature < 550 deg F
• pressure ≤ 450 Psi.
• Carbon/Alloy Steel:
•fluid temperature ≥ 550 deg F
•pressure ≥ 450 Psi.
Pipe fittings: Laminer flow Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

At many literatures, K is written as ζ

Pressure loss
Pipe fittings: Turbulent flow Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

At many literatures, K is written as ζ

Pressure loss
Exercise Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Sebuah jaringan pemipaan mempunya data sebagai berikut

Panjang : 150 meter
Jenis material pipa : cast iron
Kecepatan fluida : 100 m3/s
Pipa persegi panjang (lebar x tinggi) : 10 cm x 15 cm
Jumlah elbow long radius :4
Jumlah elbow square :3
Jumlah check valve ball :2
Jumlah butterfly valve yang tertutup 10 ° :2
Jumlah butterfly yang tertutup 40° :3
Jumlah percabangan T :5
Beda ketinggian : 5 meter
Jenis fluida air dengan karakteristik sbb:
a. Density : 995 kg/m3
b. Kinematic viscosity : 3.26 10-6 m2/s
Buatlah persamaan matematika grafik dari sistem pemipaan untuk data operasional
Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta
Power needed by motor:

= h x density x g x Q

Power should be in Watt

Where: h = h static + h friction
Q = flow rate of water in m3/s
Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta
What is the required motor pump
if water at 74 Celcius is being pumped
with flow rate of 40 m3/s
under this condition:

Discharge: length 15 m, diameter 60

cm, material drawn tube
Suction: length 5 m, diameter 120
cm, material galvanized iron

Pressure loss inside the pump is 1.2

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

A pump recirculating 300 Liter/min of water at 82 Celcius. The total length of 4-in pipe is
25.0 m and the total length of 3-in pipe is 75.0 m. Compute the power delivered
by the pump to the water if the pipe material is cast iron. Pressure loss inside Pump is 3

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