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, i '•' '•)

It Looks


rom Here
: ) • • : ! ' . , ' • , . • '

By Marvin Cox

-(A. C; Press Correspondent)

^Washington D. C—During ' the Vol. XIII Georgia State College' for Women, Milledgeville, Ga., December 4, 1937 Number 9
/ regular' session of Congress, which
convenes in January, Representative
' Wesley Disney of Oklahoma is go-
srig to press for action on his bill to
Music Department To Give Two Parts Griffith and Williams Outstanding In Jester
* establish a National 'Academy of Ot Bach's Christmas Oratorio Dec* 11
Public Affairs. He can't do it during
the 'current special session ,he ex-
Comedy "Nine Til Six," Directed By Grubb
plained to your reporter due to the Mr. and Mrs. Noah, Long, Caldwell, D'Andrea To Be Soloists; Pittard,
•pressure of tax'legislation now being Production O n Friday Night Show-
Jenkins Are Pianist, Organist.
•considered by his committee, the ed Good Plot and Creditable
powerful Ways and Means group. Acting. Stage Setting Good.
.The Disney bill would establish a "The Christmas Oratorio" by Bach the Festival of Circumcision; on the
civil; academy to train men and wo- will be presented Friday evening, Sunday after this ,and on the Festival Last night the Jesters presented.
men of college age for work in the December 10, at 8:15 P. M. by the of the Epiphany. "Nine Till Six". The plot was an
'government just as army and.naval Music Department. Soloists for the The passages are made up of Cho-
rales, Choruses, Airs, Recitatives, and incident in the lives of the employees
officers are trained at West Point and program will be Helen Granade Long,
of a swanky English dress'shop with;
Annapolis. soprano; Dorothy Wilbur Noah, con- pieces for two or more singers. The
the touch of a social problem brought
At present training for government tralto; Edmund Caldwell, Tenor; Max first two parts of the Oratorio have in. The plot itself left you without
jwork—the biggest business in the na- Noah, Bass; Frank D'Andrea, Bari- been arranged for women's voices much feeling, but the play was put
tion—lags behind practically all other tone. Miss Catherine Pittard is to be by E. Harold Geer. over by the acting of the-cast.
locations. There are several training the pianist, and Miss Maggie Jenkins, The program is as follows:
schools for Foreign Service, but few organist. Mr. Max Noah is the con- PART I Beth Williams who had the part
es.l,,,to*pre$\v~- -prospective ar- ductor, with Frank D'Andrea acting of Grace, a poor English girl, played
On the First Day of the Festival
as Assistant Conductor. the part well even to the "cockney
I'strative workers."'•• of Christmas:
English". Beth made a very naive .
The majority of young people who The Oratorio, which was composed Chorus and Quarter—Christmas,
Gracie, who stared wide-eyed at the
now enter' the government service in 1734, is divided into six parts; Be Joyful.
luxuries of her friend, Bridget Pen-
appear to seek Federal work in Wash- Parts I and II will be presented on • Recitative (Tenor)—Now It Come
arth, which part was taken by Rose
ington for the following reasons: (1) this program. The six parts are de- to Pass in Those Days. Newman. Rose made a pretty man-
to continue college training or profes- fined as being performed on the first, Recitative (Alto)—See Now the kin and looked very much like the
Jlisonal instruction in one of the num- second and third days of the Festival Bridegroom. daughter of a lord.
Juniors and Seniors whose biographies will appear in National
erous night schools here (2) relative of Christmas, on New Year's Day or (Continued on back page) Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities. The most difficult role was played
security of Civil jobs. The latter
Left to right, seated: Bonnie Burge, Virginia Forbes, Frances Roane; by Leila Griffith who was Mrs. Pem-
group prefers government work to
fraardous competition of private busi- Kirby Page Lectures and Holds standing: Vallie Enloe, Mary Bartl ett, Joan Butler, Eolyne Greene,
Lucy Caldwell, Mary Kethley, Eleanor Swann, Eleanor Berry, Mar-
broke, the owner of the dress shop
at -which the scene is laid. Mrs. Pem-
Most of the individuals in the first Group Discussions On Social Justice garet Garbutt. broke was everything that a select
shop owner should be. She gave a
two groups intend to return home and
fine performance that brought out
strike out for themselves as soon as
they can. Kirky Page, internationally known themselves but each had a direct Students Give •ditors, Head even small details
In other words, the more able young lecturer, author, and former editor of bearing on the others. Mrs. Pembroke's daughter, Clare
college men and women seldom seek The World Tomorrow (now combin- In his series of lectures, he talked
2. pj>*iAfft2£K>i; career in the Federal ed with Christian Century), spoke to the idea that religion may some-
Program On Of Publicity Pembroke, was played by Grace
Clark. Grace changed from a school
rvlljpxceptari the Foreign-branches on the campus Tuesday on the theme times be corrupted so that it is a girl to a very excellent " head of the
d , ' a s a result Federal personnel "Achieving Social Justice Through barirer to progress. He took this
topic up both in relation to war and
Constitution ToBeOnWSB dress department," who was haughty
and very superior to those who work-
"Is -not up to that of many foreign the Dynamic of Christianity."
countries where al government career the present economic system. ed under her.
The Constitution: It's Form and Editors and publicity surveyors
I s looked-up to. He spoke in chapel Tuesday to the Mr. Page, in answer to a question, Martha' Liddell is next in the list
the General Principles Incorporated will be interviewed over the monthly
Mr. Disney's bill, if it is enacted, student body, and held group dis- said that he thought the New Deal will be the subject of the chapel pro- GSCW radio program, which is to be of very good acting. She was Freda,
iwould, in all probability, raise the cussions at four o'clock Tuesday af- was'moving in the right direction, gram Friday 'presented as the third given Thursday morning, December head of the dress-making depart-
standards of government work and ternoon arid at eight o'clock Tues- but had not yet grappled with the phase of the Constitutional Sequicen- 9, at 11 o'clock,- Atlanta time, (12 ment. She clearly portrayed a young
government workers by attracting day night. In all of these meetings, central problem—that of a new prop- nial Celebration now being held on o'clock, Milledgeville time). woman who wanted to have a good
irf&feTable young men and women he gave talks that were units in erty system. the campus.. On the program the editor of the
time, but had never had the chance;
And giving them special training for (Continued on page four)
Colonnade: Lucy Caldwell, of Smy-
Several students will participate rna; the editor of the Corinthian:
their life work.
Of course, no one on a government Selections From Handel's Messiah To the discussion of the Constitution of Mary Kethley, of Decatur; the editor
Dr. McGee Elected
salary could look forward to the
prospect of getting rich, but they
Be Given At Vespers Sunday Night in the program. They will continue vf the Spectrum:; Bonnie Burge, of
where the topic was left off in Monroe, Louisiana, and Mr. W. C.
could work up to responsible execu- the last program. They will en- Capel ,teacher of journalism, head of Chairman of Modern
tive positions just as many career deavor to bring out the ideas back the Publicity Department, and facul-
Handel's "Messiah" will be pre- conceive.
diplomats anticipate ambassador- sented at Vespers, Sunday night, De- of the Constitution and the philoso- ty advisor of the Colonnade, will be Language Group
Air (Alto) and Chorus—O thou
ships. A majority of diplomatic posts,* cember 5, at 6:45 P. M. in the audi- that tellest good tidings. phies underlying it. interview by Mrs. Nelle. Womack
incidentally, are held by career men torium. Dr. S. L. McGee was elected chair-
Recit. (Bass)—For, behold, dark- The students who will participate Hines. man of the French Section of. the
instead of political appointees. Soloists for the program will be ness shall cover the earth. in this program are: Eloise Wilson, Music will be furnished by Bon- South Atlantic Modern Language As-
If the standards were raised, the Nan Gardner, Soprano; Bonnie Burge, Air (Bass)—The people that walk- Florence McCommons Elise Jones, nie Burge, contralto, with Vallie En-
t y ^ " of employee would be higher Contralto; Edmund Caldwell, Tenor; ed in darkness. sociation at a meeting held by the
Charlotte Howard, Betty Donaldson, loe of Senoia at the piano. Miss Burge Association at Winthrop College,
a n there might be developed a dig- Max Noah, Bass. Mrs. W. H. Allen Recit. (Soprano) — There were Lucy Caldwell, Jane Suddeth, Marion will sing "Still as.the Night" by Carl Rock Hill, South Carolina, Novem-
nity^!Federal civil work that .is now. will be the pianist, and Miss Maggie Arthur, and Virginia Forbes.
shepherds abiding in the fields. Bohm and "Dawn" by Pearl Curran. ber 26-27. Dr. McGee was Vice-'
sadl;T lacking. And, inevitably, the Jenkins will be the organist.
Recit. (Soprano)—And lo! the an- chairman of the group last year.
t a r i>ayers would get more for their
The program is as follows: gel of the Lord said unto them. , Dr. W. C. Salley, head of the Span-
money in more efficient, more able
Overture. Recit. (Soprano)—And the angel Non*Credifc Course 30 Students Respond ish Department, attended the meet-
and more ambitious personnel.
Invocation. said unto them. ing. He read, a paper to the Spanish,
Many other things, notably an im- In Fencing Offered To Call For Debators
Recit. (Tenor)—Comfort ye my Recit. (Soprano)—And suddenly section entitled "Documentation in
proved Civil Service, must be attained
there was.with" the angel. Martinez de la Rosa's 'Amor de P a -
before these.things come about. Mr. people.
Air (Tenor)—Every Valley Shall Chorus—Glory to God. Attention! Beginning on next Fri- Thirty members, were present at dre."
Disney's proposal is the most definite
objective in sight and; if it goes Be Exalted, Air (Soprano)—Rejoice greatly, 0. day, December 10, the entire campus, the first meeting of the Debating The organization is an associa-
through it will be the beginning of a Chorus—And the Glory of the Lord. daughter of Zion. is invited to join the most exciting Club. Sue Lindsey presided. tion of foreign modern language and
tfielcl for college men and women that ( Recit. (Bass)—Thus saith the Lord. Recit. (Alto)—Then shall the eyes new activity of the year. Dr. Rogers, Plans are being formulated to draw English teachers from, five southern
has never been extensively develop- Air (Bass)—But who may abide of the blind be opened. of the Physics Department, has kind- up a constitution. The club will meet states, including North Carolina,
ed. the day of his coming? Air (Alto)—He shall feed his flock ly consented to begin a class in fenc- twice a month and the programs are South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and
Recit. (Alto)—Behold a virgin shall (Continued on page four) (Continued on page four) (Conitnued on page four) Alabama.
A recent occurrence has called to
our attention need for enlightenment
Seniors To Swing Out Tonight To Music Of Clemson College Jungaleers At Dance
, on this particular topic. We want to
- make it clear to the students that Seniors will swing out tonight in will hang at the windows. The lights tables decorated in the traditional Gee, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Capel, Dr. Rebecca Willson with Mack Gibbs.
letters to the editor must be signed their annual Christmas dance, thus are to be dimmed with blue cello- "Santa Claus" manner. and Mrs. Rogers, Dr. and Mrs. Harry Lucy Caldwell with Jimmy Rammage,
when ' ^ J j B ^ t u m e d in. Unless the officially opening the dance season phane. The punch bowl, which will Officers of the class and their dates Little/Invited from GMC are Colonel Lucy Wagner with William Wagner,
editolpicnbws the author of the letter, for the student body. The Clemson be in the alcove under the stairs, is to will lead out the Seniors in the Sen- and Mrs. Jenkins, Colonel and Mrs. Emma Lloyd Jenkins with Guy
"cannot be printed. Of course, if College Jungaleers will furnish the be surrounded with blue cellophane ior Special. There will be three no- Muldrow, Major and Mrs. Ray, and Smith, Frances McCrary with Ben
kiie student prefers, her signature sweet and hot, and with the Seniors streamers covered with silver stars. breaks and the Senior Lead-out. Miss Cline. Brown, Vallie Enloe with Parker
. C need not go in the paper, but it is having special permission to intermis- The high point of the decorations Chaperones for the occasion in- Heads of committees are Jennie Deans, Mary .Hunt Marchman with
absolutely necessary that the editor sion at local drugstores ,the dance will be the silver Christmas tree with clude Dr. and Mrs. Guy Wells, Dr. Rose Warner, refreshments; Nell Jay Reggins, Leila Balcom with Cur-
know who wrote the letter. Last ought to be a huge success. blue decorations and ornaments. The and Mrs. Hoy Taylor, Miss Ethel Smith, decorations; Eleanor Berry, tis Smith,.Virginia Anne Holder with.
week'a letter was left in the staff The dance will be held in Ennis entrance hall of the dormitory has Adams, Miss Iva Chandler, Miss Lu- invitations; Sue Thomason, orchestra; Robert Wicker, Druellyn, Gibbs with
room, bearing the signature, "A Jun- Rec. Hall, where the decorations will been decorated by Miss Adams and tie Neese, Mrs. Effie Pieratte, Miss and Annella Brown, chaperones. Bill Downs, Karih Pfister'with Rus-
ior*', and we'could, not print it simply .cany out the holiday motif. Color Miss Neese,: and upon entering Mary Thomas Maxwell, Mr. Frank Guests invited and their dates in- sell''Brooke; "Edna Smith with' Paul
for that reason. So to all future iet- scheme for the decorators, headed by through a star-spangled door, one D'Andrea, Miss WUlie Dene An- clude Beth Morrison with Edward Nix. Joan Butler with Frank But-
ter-writers, don't forget to sign your Nell Smith, is blue and silver. Blue sees the center table depicting the drews, Dr. Edward Dawson, Dr. Vinson, Lib Donovan with Raleigh ler, Margaret Garbutt with Jack.
name. curtains, covered with silver stars manger scene and two smaller side James Stokes, Dr. and Mrs. S. L. Mc- Cason, Bonnie Burge with Bill Burks, (Continued on page four)
w CJiir 1 ^ ;~;::&J:

Reviewer Says "No !&$ Ai long last^l&telligent irMyi|iaji§ are now able. ^ a t i f ^ e ^ p f c
Reiibrlsbi tJiS.C. ^m^imwm^sffiy'yj, 'CITIZENSHIP"
i Brooks Hayes, well-known Arkan-
V our major social problems in the£f^4|jjht °^ S ! ^ © n ^ v ^ s e a r c E | « ^ r
Of Comedy' nbs and urad
1 --4«*,*S.n «j£fV.i«

-0Biii &ofri:th^standpoin1'!§irpreju } | $ $ | t i o n s ^ | p ^ For over a year Keyhole Kitty has l^ave out of gas pn, a lonely|road ?m ra|;;'.

is not one clear-th|nk\ng rjersonjwftp w$Uld denyr t^ajrpjat ^yj|iili$ functioned as a major informative and had^'!rxdU; 7 ia;wagon-'t6^^
is one o^'our^majbr; social^prqble^s^rag|f more ',tfe^§irt\?^Pti^*•?!., •,'J.»; -1^^«?iMf''factor of the campus. During that time est gas station. The roads were soo •The morning's mail brings us good celebrated in January,; 1938.,...Harriet,. •il -After a year's seclusipn, tiiat good ing to attend the^National Assembly
"Room Service" By John Marry and ,100m"- They promise him a part in .ana)ysis--it all a d ^ as;„#elfeHr'' she has endeavored to please a harsh rough that they got done up in a cruel Schedule of Eventc :
1 he play, the very thing he has asked
news- of ciub.^hSppenmgs: - ->.J-'""--*>*-' ? Who .beca^;^a ; h8iipft81'rle^Kafeiaft' v i!
old .^Chris'trnW,. spu^t. wias,, again evi- of'.Studenife ' : eh^stiian -fe
Allen Borets Individulf ^jm0&fi'^- • time; jAt^the^November:'meeting di *tbe alter a shiningc career 'aa'a-cheTnisx^'' mpcracy •is-ibsplutely^ essential'. to ide|ntr^f ApE^i^atffi^B^
for again and again. Backed by the United States Public Health Setvicb, challenged and bitter public by offering it her fashionvi m^sm^m • *m ztm&:
: Wed- Miami' juiriiyersity ,Vin ^ f p r ^iT ? ^ ( i % '
l^^^ot^00^^^j •^ylrr^ent 'in' t r i! e 1 ^ t ^ : ' S ^ ^ ; He nesday mgnf'wfien caToli wire sung ^December. 27^ahuary^l;;^ tti^^i^;.'
authentic bits of interest. But in spite S b c l a l ^ a ' n ^ g i ^ H ^ - ^ ^ t o 6:u0. Atlanta ; Glub^c4 t which^ : f !
"Room Service" by John Murry Pace f.tudent
Wagner has threatened, later, to put by Dr. Thomas Parran, Surgeon general of USPHSviren'couraged by of all her noble efforts, her good • At a Senior class: meting, Sue v; ?:
and Allen. Boretz has bee^ reviewed
the whole crowd out of the hotel, and numerous .magazine.; and;, n e ^ Thomason announced; I-think we wil-
.,;• Ten^^at'arrFtimeV ''' *' ^-*"'••''•• (Mrs. J.-'Schley) Thompson is presi- matrimonialv5?intehtipris^^ 'saidf^DfefHop'racy H ^ Withr. violin- ';•- accompaniment. Next fereiice 'does one: fialf the tis^i^^
name hisi ^h : ; rha1ijgn^^ :
^Bll|iibler^' ^l#^;,-i4.:30.:" iti dent, seventy :'ilradiS ' i«'ere present i !! l
'Wa^tm^nt^srol^h^TOTiiAict ^ ; <rahesdlyj two.'' f(3i|tffiglSi^lied musi- promises to do, I aita vlafraid we
in New York as "one of the funniest
because they haven't anywhere else ties are sponsoring campaigns against the .dread disease one of
position of a respectable reporter sh&j be ableito:*at;dowji;town with* bur R'iffip^.'t'-''-'-^'**"'•?•''.M*i'!'-*'''-'W'..-v,v' '-''•''•• -'• •• though s h e ^ ^ h ^ - n o % ^ a u 1 ^ > f i t # ''arid'['ipuriS ,; ; :, v i ,
S iii''-.' r£ - '.'--'.''-i-v si>^l-'f!-:#•;''j Ui* £L;).'-'*-lri*r i'i>W*r$\: :
xecogj^iz^i'them''';'(for ' maybe v
plays .ever.^presented on the New with •'real old;G..5; C r Wv, spirit". fact. and 'ripf tri^^^Demii^iracyl
to go, they have to remain at the the leading causes of death'in the UnitedStates'. 'But thedrawback is has fallen, in the eyes of many, to datefi—thatis, if our dates;area' *??i$&it:; Club^-WedM—5:00; to 6:00. i^V:f^v.B*'^-.M;,',Uil;^tV/rt.'c^.^ 1 t I l! Hian's\frc^;.!MaJdn'^ to
WPnXtre^o^izfe us?).!1' '^'•'••~**' i%^
Ywjk,stage*" bu,t, evidently,, I .missed. Helen writes that the club mem- From Newnah also cpmes'the in- •he^cpnfinue^r'" .'Has;' 'aHs tracl"^' value'' i-s^ and''piay. .tfee^ i ,
White Way, so Gordon induces Davis that nothing of far-reaching significance^canb,©rdone-.unless-theAcanv:; that of a lowly newsmonger.: She has , Bonnie Burge and Flora Hayrne^ H^u^g-^ Sat,~5:00 to 6:00, bers are working hard v and are sure- Appre- Sophomore Commission has launch-
the' point. It has its witty scenes "but formation t'TOt^UzabiitH.. TKM'as' was flside frorh^e Worthy 'objectiyes tftat 'aatibn Hptir: Mrs'l Doris Q; Jelks, and ed itself u ^ n > a v e ^
to pretend to be ill. This works for paign becomes nation-wide and the (cooperation of every, person .from unmercifully been upbraided, * falsely: went to town.£hopping.the other^day; > iW*ffi:0$?- "^"vi:: •r^"'"s"'' •"^•^
the authors strung out intp^th^ee .ftctaf : ly getting^resultsv^ '•*••*••':*••'> •'<• married • this ;summer":;tpt'Mr; • A;-'• W.;it M r ^ ; M a r y ' B . Dunwody." Before the very difficult ^rbject^ ,ft:rath^'!a a
a wliile—until the hotel doctor comes physican,- to individual .citizen,can be secyr^d,;However,despite the accused,' and censored. Sortie have After:-iwi)eet^;vthVK(Waws/Of;; Rw \"^'l^«©teer-Totth»iiient ".
what could easily h^ve been pveVsaid fact that ultimate eradication of the disease will.require a national cam- Ihey^startedtacrpss!to-."V^pttensi•'liiilf^: Willie Mae Carmichael ;(Mrs. Earl Wrenn, ari^ ;i^: 11 virig^ -now: W ;NoiHh' will be-the- §&to$-'0?0.will."helptrre•.[ program they will be entertained at t
in. far as possible, to aidfiithe improve-'
in two.Jt may be typical of the hard- paign, individual localities can do rhuch,to.-check -the. disease; la-that actually 4aken- ready^ > offense. :; Oneway acres .sthe street,: Flora looked-' • • ^ f i f e ^ i ^ ^ ^ ^ f M q i l S s r - . after- •\yilliams,- publicity chairman of the Carolina. :K*&^v^ntf-tfi-i 'r.'rvi? American pebble : escape';'^ President and Mrs. ;
ships behind ; a production of a play, Another backer for the show has particular place, ,,It appears., quite obvious that we, as students, in a perfectly legitimate paragraph has dqwn ^d discover^ to ^trerthoMor ttoatlf
1 !t ; : 5 j jmenji ;6f, is^^h^dres^'rbom^J^irl^
n6lS ^'' ^ccer'-' ' t|tuy^ .Cobfc County Club) writes that at the ; This summer Nan 'Dowd was one thai 'has- befallen Of ; :
been found, in the meantime, and he \ ^ s , ! ' a h d afterwards at Miss Hors-
' fibrne.; Mr. Thaxton has and g e r i e r a r ^ p ^ a y a ^ 6t^;-can^-'
state supported_ institution, shouldjdp everything in our power to check been known to lose for her as many shie^had: walked out-iwithi a'brigbtl; Tlie' vti^'iiiW^ti^^ ti;! !; !!k : n
but it is too'overdrawn. Pctptfer -meeting 4hey;vpted tor- give of a party f£Hat;did Eluro^ wrtn'tMissv wesiern.'Eu^pei ' '" —•'°' --''^ :
comes to the hotel to see Gordon. He withmany people ahdthe^games were ten dollars toward the^xestoratipn.of Patty Turner^.\m^pr^li'rid , 'r"ep6r{-''' ' lrVf localizing^ His topic and.speak- printed the''programs' for this oc- pus;.' ''Gq^^ess/.'-^oys;; sometning of'!'
The play is written about Gordon syphilis. ' ".'. ' '" ' '• •••'••••.•;:, •••^••:<v-'^ --'-:- : ^ ' " ' ^ - - i r ' S - - as three, friends..!, Considering. the; new "beanie''^*;She« tume^^aroundi|
is about, to sign^thej check, and,^on-, paragraphs she has written, you may x n t l ^ x i M ^ . f)ulmpn%-sel^ : : th¥' the Mansion and another ten'dollars ed the samS'sgYand\'tiriSe'that'-'air'h^er'-' mg of -citizehship in the• Sputh; he said' casipn^This gives us an opportunity this sort isf needed, ! e ^ c i a l ^ ^ r ! ; t h e
Milleri;, a .N^w York .producer, who
tract w h e n . ^ a ^ S ; < ^ i ^ ) ^ - t h ^ r « o n a J .I-, \ '•"'^his'iditorial is not o n e written as routine merely to encourage thewell under stahdhow her social stand- and ^walked nervously back: in Roseau i 'ca^ltfwrn^ *o the Cobb C6uh^^BMtf&^'-kedith companion^lisal 'S^^^eMn^'^'^o;-'' thjaf: 'there"-'- ;is'i;the' 'basis' in H^G' \ Sotitri"; tp; express appreciation for Mr. Thax- people who recognize .^.^(hjB^j^er*"''
ta^.jseem., to find .a • backer, .for a and put the-cap back in its -place-i-> i : i
and stajrta,.,ra£^ •studerits^ta-preachy syphilis: control over the state. W e realize that-this ing- has-been endangered. fpr'-the-purchase.ofserumsr n v : ;
IriomicsandF'^|iferr:>1i the High' schobl ipV' a'' finer•'''aricl• better"'••soci'ery-, arid' ipn*s ^wbrk"with the printing press r : fectioris 'oi!-'the'• Y7 'Gb'liege^fGbver'K- '
new piay^written .by, I^p (! Pav,is, an
^c?ntrj^4?!^e^sary,; .andjjhatothe students could-advocate ifr-but-wer • • Everyone 1 -has "nipt-tfeen* • unkind, luckily.-•uns'eeni'-f.'i'-vr-.?;,;• x^'-Ar w^*^-
y s, :, !
unknown" Gordon has checked in at pretty ^fld ^halejio^ thtto^irnarhfehtr this •t'••-"•-is one• Ofv
" -the
"•'•••-• :
youngest ;
is Ig t c o i d e l e ^ j ^ ^n l ^ ^ t e ^ r ^v ' 8 e ^ ' that" the way" to attain It would be for' \yhich iie* has installed urider the ment, ete^ arid yet 'Myer ih.ake '' aihiy','
-^.:i;i'it*L'.- : '
addition,-to.talking w e should- however.: Miss- Hallife- Smith - proved •I i;They ?say tilings were : happening; _
the White Way Hotel, which,is man-
to leave^ t Fuial^,; however,. he,4S;Peri [believe r m o r e r l f i r ^ ^ .;' '©n^We^i^day^ ! - ; aj^^ 1
one of the most enthusiastic and bids gree at Columbia: Uhiversity lately'' the ' individual to link himself With] ^tkinspn Roof Garden; t h e YWCA 1 5 move to improve them eicebt th^o (igfe''
aged by his brother-in-law, and has. s u a d e d j £ ; s i ^ ^ THE S T J ^ N ^ O E r G / that, when she privately ! and * quite on the ^-JSi-bus Sunday. Npthing de-t. tea:wi''^|yiaaT:M;;'tne ^e^p^tami^alQia". fair to be ohevof/the tfirst-tcrmeet all awarded her?'- v nl••-;' '' ^'-'y: '• :•"'"' **& tr.e' politicaI:; processes'' hi,'His'.'cbm- is 'putting; on; sale^ for him Christmas corit|mi|al c r ^ d e m ; ' Thist criticism
finite can be^ gathered, 4 ? u t l .trust-Et
moved, his whole, cast in as guests of ner takes.. pver.v as^p^ment^^pf {.thje, [^^••W^MOW^^t^G'DJmA WASSEBMANN.-TEST.'.UPON:EN- tactfullyl letrher-i know T'that 1 like
will:rbe capable pf posting you more requirements-for a .Grade- A^ rating. • In Cordele^also is teaching Hpr- riiunity.- He also urged'that the'South' cards at 60cJa box-with your name igneeded, but rt^wili' doribgood iiri^ '"
Fresh. No. 2. Edith Manning who graduated in 1928 tense WilliilSis; remembered-as•'-one consider •carefully- •J'its!:^ab<e;-'.pr66iem:" pririted" on each card; each card is less it is followed by constructive'
: , , . 'i. s .'..i-i-.^.

the'Ko^ll'bprdbn is, of course, broke. h o t e l bill...... .•,",*,.,' fi;;. HM:v;^i..i1 '.(if..^ : T j ^ e E i l ^ 1 | g - G O ] ^ ( 3 t , COMPULSQBY,;,AND-AS;-MUeH.A, should-, not be-used-as a conjunction'. ibiproughly on the matter-next week; t Junior '.iiKM^'-
Every time he finds someone who is After: a :lot.of other confusion the ; P ^ f £ 6 F ? ! f $ & ^ AS AN 1 Keyhole. Kitty-is now^a thing, of the l BriffifaftF*^-' Cap:'" Hehdrix is .the*president1. :
• ' • . - - . :

^-,;•'. ^< ....-'•••. of the lively-class b r i ^ i ^ H e r ' work and thevprbblerrv of low wag^as^ma-' diffeHnt, and you will be', getting a work. . .•;'-
: A senior tells this on her^ owa-af*' 1 : 5 Freshman Council had the honor
mildly' interested in the .play, some- play is- ,rehearsed| arid e .the -opening; E M f t N M O g i f Q f A f f M | E ' S FOOIV ;.;:.•• :0 ,,;. ,• v , past;VvShe!-had' her• day^. and'•'• was a fair. " to wait i on -him, SrfflM-'•&:'..\.. ..R.W.,,.. '* kerfingtbri • Helen Greene••••-took time from her in Cordele'iisf -m the" fifth-: grade; '"—'' jof'difficulties tb^be^deait; ^^^,'!^- real: Bargain in these cards;'
! 1
thing happens.. Joe Gribble, the broth- night arrives. r ^ l l ^ w e l j , until ^ a g - ; :-:~'E;Physical e x a m i ^ the extreme, and even very.remarkable woman at one time; and i I told; him^ ithat 1 would^; but: I ; .RJ.-. full schedule of teaching and- per- Martha Francesi :Slatbn • of Griffin, st^ad of to ruh'away'frohl'or ignore The\ discussion groups scheduled of holding' the first meeting hi tfie;
er-in-law, worries continuaiy be- ner discovers•., that v payment ; . of;, the, stetchy'dnes/jar^ But how much more profitable* it lately «he -haslbeen slipping and, as didn't mention what v I'd be ;;doing: stoW ;...... ..c::.. sonal '• study- to' write' the following whose "little;'siste'r": Helen: is a fresh- the"existence of. "'',v''v ''.,'" for riext Thursday night sound par- YWCA Conference Robn^'wiien Ka^;'
ticularly interesting. In the biology rin Pfister talked' about schobl; life !
check has been-stopped;,.He-is just 1
Wilkie" interesting news items: Helen is a man this yearj; is one of '.'"the" m^hy'
cause Gordon can't pay his and the •.wbuldibe.'if-realiy-complete.vexaminations were made. WE TAKE TY- a lady of- herrrinsight -would, she * has whilfe;I'm waiting/';- ;i vr ! ..LJ.;,
cat's bill. He kepes suspecting that before stopping, the show, haying aU, PHQrD^SHdTS,:WE.ARE VACCINATED FOR SMALLPOX, WE HAVE realised it,; and' has 1
taken-a very Due to the fact that paths are b e - .L.W.. lbyal alumnae on whom we can al- GSCW alumnae employed in the A F A CAPELLA CHOIR SINGS lecture room at 7:00 o'clock Dr. Wells in Germany last "Friday night *' • * "
IN CHAPEL FRIDAy .will give his long-awaited presenta- At Vespers this Sunday Handel's
scenery removed, from' the stage,=and -Bartlflt^^^^ .R.H.. '.'.• :
G i b b s ways count' to gladly" give her effici- lanta of ice of the Southern Bell Tele-"
the auditor is coming to check up on :
THE^TUBERCUL0SIS ;TESTS-BUT; IS, 11-.-;.NOT••:..SIGNIFICANT grave?>step. Let us -not consider it ing worn on the sosee** *|fTd bytri
the books—which he does. Gordon throwing... Gordon out - again, when TMT fHEpTESf;FOR^SYHILIS IS NOT EVEN MENTIONED/WHEN cowardly retreat,. but rather intelli- passers, it has become necessarytfi
: :
-Gilf6y ! t , ^^W VC.H:. ; '..'Hall ent services whenever; requested. phone Company. •.'"•'•;. •;;•;',; c-.:'." ,;• r n i . v - : tion of his attitude towards the race
Messiah will be rendered by the
manages to evade the auditor, Gregory Gordon .conceives the idea of having ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ; : ! m ^ M : 9 ^ y ^ 0 K AS. TUBERCULOSIS? -,K: gent resignation. She leaves her duty signs to be posted. One person want^ PeeDles .B,H;. Many people on 'the campus re- A number of GSCW graduates are The A Cappella Choir began its p\'oblem.. This is of especial interest Choir. On December 12, a Christmas -
Wagner, and everything goes as Davis pretend ..tof. cpmmit, suicide,; '.? Accordihg^to currehtiestirriates, the number of afflicted is as high as to; be. done, by Scandelight—may it ed to. know if ,the.- "Soccer •: Fields- Lloyd-.;. . .R.F. member Edna DeLamar as a pretty teaching in Fayetteville, as already season with three programs, given as one social problem which college pageant, The Nativity,'will be given.
smoothly as possible for a while; knowing that Wagner will stop woj>.v ten millions^•Each-year',overr500,000 cases are reported in the United never burn low. Keep off" sign was put there to keep^ . .L.F.V student and later a • Peabody - teacher reported'"iti the Colonnade this year. this week, two in Milledgeville on students actually meet in the course Everybody is especially anxious to '
then Leo Lavis, the author, arrives rying over the piay and start worry- tates. It affects, one o u t of every ten adults. W h e n w e see the astound- : Ethel Mitchell was in the hospital people.from getting hurt. "; '•::'*. •:••.'•< ..G... for- several -years.'She became Mrs. Among them is Mary Lillian Murphy Friday and one in Sparta Thursday of college activities. In Arts 19 at see Joan Butler as Joseph arid Billy '
—and checks in at the hotel as Gor- ing over the. reputation;.of: the hotel.. ing figures, ^substantiated by-scientific research, w e wonder h o w - w e and Dr.rBuckner was in her room. Freshie Chitty is off again. We won-i The Juniors were ahead at theTom Kendrick last summer, 1936, and of Augusta who teaches home eco- night. 7:00 o'clock that same night Dr. Daw- Noah as an angel. ' '' "
don's guest. Davis is successful in convincing have let syphilis alone as long as w e have. W h e n w e realize- that Miss Adams came in and Ethel said, der how long it; will last; This one is end of-the-game and a foul was com- is now a busy housewife in her subur- nomics. Emily Gordy has the sec- The choir presented a program at pon will discuss Henrik Iben's plays
Finally Wagner refuses to let Gor- Wagner that he really did drink it is one of the leading causes of death in- the United States, that "Dr. Buckner, do you- know: Miss from' Sandersville—close ;on,! to saj; mitted so the Fresh, tied the score— ban home at Andrews Survey, a new ond grade there and Emily Amos the the G. M. C. chapel exercises Friday at the Literary Review Group (Jest-
don ,Davis, and two of the Gordon's iodine, and continues his "suffering" syphilis not only kills the b o d y but before doing so is capable - of injur- Adams?"—and-introduced them.- •the'least.:-,;!:,' ;,•.•.-..-••".•;•;!-•• -\ ,.:;-e'-.B 1 to 1/ ! development between Columbus and first. and also at the G. S. C. W. exercises ers please note). In Ennis Rec. Hall MASQUER^DERS. MAKE
friends out the room until they pay for about two hours—long enough for ing and enfeebling it through a lifetime of misery and suffering, w h e n Cohyn Bowers went hufnting Gne of. Miss Trawick's Quant stu-: Also during the same afternoon Fort Benning. In Columbus Edna Another matrimonial change of on the same morning. at 7:00 o'clock on Friday night, a PLANS FOR !FUTORE WORK
the, hotel bill, which is near ,one the show to finish up. the mind and. body, gradually give way, w e are amazed-that no'radical Thanksgiving. As material proof, of dents>walked calmly in her office the; two other teams played at the semi- taught the fifth grade at St. Elmo name occured this summer, when The program presented was: Alle- group of industrial working girls
thousand dollars. They are also r e - The show is a huge success and steps have b e e n taken to. stamp out this,plague...on our,.land;,.- her catch, she came back with two other day, and in a slow, tired voice- finals. They are as follows: School before her marriage. Margaret Durden of Graymbnt Sum- luia! Christ Is Risen—Kopolyoff. from Macon will be present with the The Masqueraders,. dramatic or-
fused, food. They bribe Sasha, the Gordon is perfectly able to pay the . The Wassermann test, of course, is riot'infallible, but it is the best birds heads and a rabbitfs tail. They
said: if Miss Trawick, My experiment Jennings Cheeves Another DeLamar and GSCW mit married William Curl. They are Morning Now Beckons—Czechb-slo- members of the Industrial Relations ganization, of which. ^Cattienrig
waiter,to deliver a meal to a "wrong j hotel bill and all ends well. were put in a little box and slid un- is Ion; firejuWhat;'must.;I?do?'?:i^ ^|^- Soph., No. 1. Junior No. 2. alumna, Ledra, !also became a bride living' iriv;Augusta, hear which Mar- vakian Folk Song. Dark Water—Will Committee and their friends for a Brown, is president, held a,.meeting
known and the most sensitive of all the tests for syphilis. The-test-in : ;
itself is not hard to give although it- should, of course.;. : be administered der the bed. Somehow she forgot The::Wesleyan Watehtowerii print-. •' last year, having been married in garet rias' 1lived as a teacher for Ja mes. Go Down; " Moses—arranged discussion of actual working condi- November 26 jb; the juittles Tlb^ater^at.
..R.I... February • and fnaking the announce- three years; in Waynesboro. '•"'••'"' by Noble Cain. J ' •
b y a skilled physician, it is highly probable that lit, would b e possible about- them until several days •later ed a letter last week which i t con-.; tions among women in industry. At which tiime "theywn»(*e. constructive,
...C... ment of it onljjr-after her graduatipn French and Latin in the Sparta
to obtain material for giving te test from the., Stat(?.]Peprartinen.t.of:Ptublic -^-andnow nobody can forget- them?- s'dered. particularly•<a propos:at the SCANDAL LIGHT
this meeting refreshments will be plans for future prpjegt^i ..^ .
..L.I... High'School is claiming the atten-
Health at a very nominal cost. It would notbejiepessary, fqr;the ; analysis Certain .seniors ^ are • going- deeidedlytime when exam time is creeping up
: 1 served, and it is hoped that all stu-
in June: She is Mrs. 'Franklin Davis, (Continued from page-two) The members .of,Jhevrckib, plan to
"Jteraigan — ..L.W.. Pryor' andlis living injOcilla. tion of Lois Hitchcock of Moultrie arid
to b e made locally, but the tests for analysis.couMhesentio.the laborar, rustic.:, It seems .that:: three of tthem on the;: colleger campus;:; ^ dents who possibly can will take
Featured In Dress Parade tory in Atlanta t o . b e analyized therec.'Jbis.service is.glyeri'tp most spent .a: real country; Thanksgiving. My>Precious fiParentsrr'^y^ Penland .R.H... . . . Thompson A third DeLamar,"Helen, will short- lately of ' G S C W
form of a five-pound box of candy. this opportunity to become better ac- tie Theater. Thpjr .also>.. intend;to
paint the stage, furniture of the Lit-

physicians and should certainly b e, ahpspitaUn a state support--, They, even went so fas as4o ride ?'over ;Under ;separate:cov/W; I'm sem ly be briher^ way to becoming a G. Siifice' leaving GSCW, Emily Saun- 1 do hope both of "you are well and quainted with industrial conditions. keep a scrapbook, in whicli they will
Dress Parade certainly does feel the' loveliest evening cloaks that I ed institution. -•- •• ,.,••.:•.:„». r-,.:-^^-, -:• •-•.:='\0 the •' bill 4;o -Grandma's house,; in a a ilittle Expression of Mlove ^ih ^the S. C. W.aluhina, being now a senior ders has''had an unusually interest- enjoying good' health. Please don't All students interested in theplace clippings pertaining to the club r
wagon. This was on account of they -; (Contiaued: on pag^e three) ( t ; ..R.F.., in- the Columbus High'' School and ing'eareer'.' She is marired to a man bother to" send my allowance this broadening influences of travel are A riiake- up, demonstration was]
strange and foreign -over here in have ever seen. It was full length, ; Of course,, there would not b e much.need in giving the test unless . Smith having registered her ^intention of of wide busihess interests, and much week. I have plenty of money to last invited to go to Macon Tuesday night.
this,.;new corner. It is most discon- made princess style, with buttons all provision .'for treatment of positive cases- was- made.;;• • .However,,:it is:, given to show W^1?. Pf . m 8 ^ j S jP|^9^ i
..G.... ;
'entering nextf'ye'ar's 'freshman class of her time has" been spent in Egypt, a while. Excuse this short ribt'ej but The highlight of next week is the
certing, to get.,shoved around at every the way down the front. It is pale logical to suppose that such provision CQuld:be.effeptedr:Sur.ely-:no:sahe •.•K-xri-v-.\r.. pie look Ibid, stressing;, the makin^of
The Junior, .team won the tpurriia- h e r e . : ' ; ••'•" "^ • . - V ambhg' Pther'places! This fall she I rhust close and get to "my books. trip to -the Business and Industrial wrinkles, apd semblance of hoUcj^
caprice;- of,•'.la{ temperamental, editor gold brocaded with pastel colors. person could allow such a condition*to; go untreated.;And;in a n y event;; ment With a score of 5 to two. This 'Newnan reports that its attractive viisted her mother in Atlanta, with My studies are 'all so interesting, but YWCA at 453 Cherry Street, in Ma- clieekS;;'''' '" !"• '"]•"'"')'.;. ".' '.'•'"••: ^ , •
who., insists ,on playing, fruit,,basket Jessie Smith has a black corduroy the disease should at least b e rendered;•npn-isfe^tipu.Si.jather.:than be?: *r.' was.a most exciting game and there .Trapheir sisters have made matri- her charming three-year-old daugh- at times they are inclined to be con. This group, together with the
turn .over with the editorial page. : suspender suit in which she is a sight inga-potential danger to every one Who comes in contact withathedn-' were some excellent players bri: thfe mpiiial'hews^algb,'lately. Margaret's ter,''arid lately her husband has ac- rather" difficult! YWCA of Wesley an College, is enter-
However "it •behboVefi'-me'to' mud-
dle along some how and eke out a
for the habitually haggard eyes of the fected person. This is quite possible^—syphilis can- b e rendered-non-
Dress Parader. The skirt is perfect- infectious with ,24 to.70 hours after it is detected.
ly plain. The top of the outfit has a . Therefore, with a basis knowledge of the preval-
= : Colonnade
P m-. ,)•"
team. :r--mi:-%-:i••)'':,:':: -••;; erigagemjeht is. annouhcedto'Mr. How- quired a beautiful country place out Your ever loving daughter,
Golf Club Favored ard'-Glark :Glbver, a prominent New- from Cedartown where they may live
taining the YWCA of GSCW at a
supper meeting after which the In-
column even if I am not yet acclima- The golf club has been invited to nan> man,- and the marriage will be ' permanently. P. S. Have you received my report dustrial girls will present a pro-
bib and suspenders. The suspen- ence and horrible results rof. the disease,..we.;,at'..we ,, Pubtishftd Weekly During School Tear, Except Daring Holidays the Milledgeville 'Cpuniiy^Chib: to • yfet?:;': ; •''•'"'w;'' "' ; " ' • • gram. All students who can go are
tized to my new environment.
dears and cross in the back given the Wassermann. test* as a routine-part of••ou^^physical' : examiaa i and Examination Periods By The Students of The - '- play golf on the course therei These True technique was shown in the invited to sign up in the YWCA office
Q . X £. W. GROUP^ TAKES'.'
Frances Skinner ? has a;; ultra-chic (the suspenders, I mean, not tions. . ,., .-••' ..... ........... -; ...,..,,,,..„. i^'tr^s 1 girls are very grateftil-fbi'this' fines MWTAL UBRARY HAS masterful job' that has' been done by Monday morning at 8:30; trans- Select your gilts,, now. A do-
green polp,.coat that is most attrac- the buttons). The waist is white, State CoUege for .Women opportunity. Furthermbre this Will [.' PART IN GEORGIA •f.V.*s
on bur'' Editor. During the past portation will be provided for all
tive; and cpllegiate looking. The belt with a peter pan collar, and a tiny MIIXEI>GEVnLLE, GEORGIA " be a weekly occurrence and they will Seven .books just off the press have POUCY PROGRAM morith she lias "been 'temperamental;' who meet in front of the auditorium posit will • hold- them for y o u I'V.'

begins on the side .seams and ties in black bow at the neck. Oh Say Can Yet* S e . . . Corner Hancock and Ckrk Streets
be allowed to play every Thursday been added' to ; the Rental Library caprieiPus, and at moments she "even at 5:15 Tuesday. The only charge will r .

the^fr^nt.. (In.^the. back,aJ;where, the Dot Howell came back from At- and;Friday. '.^.'-(.-...-, .^f- supply, according to announcement A meeting of Business men, law- waxed kittenish (those were' her be 15c per person, to be paid in Ma-
beltj.wpul^ :be went, ail,the,way lanta last week-end resplendent in a No doubt it's quite a; minpr-poiht to/arouse a -
controversy on this Subscription Price ?1.00 Per Year
Fenclnc by Miss Betty Ferguson, head of the yers, -'politicians, and teachers was happy moments). Now she is back cun to help defray the cost of the
J. C. Grant Co.
arbundy., ,the., waist.: is, gathered and, wooly.light tan coat. It has brown particular subject, puti-Personally, jwe. think we.need a-iiewilag.-. The; hu: HtM**
The Recreation Association takes Rental Library. <• held in Atlanta at the Piedmont Ho- to ribfrhai; but J
for sbnie reason she supper. We hope you can go. Jowjileis •
makes. a..lovely fit. , • t, ... object that flutters, now, .over thjsland pUhefreecouldnot-with-impunity Entered as ^ o n d - c l ^ 1928 t at the post of-
buttons down the front with a wide be called a whqle and indivjisCble,. flag. It more .closely resembles red great pride in announcing that be- The books are "Freud, Goethe, tel oh December" 1.'Dr."Philip' Wel't- has a jolted, somewhat sea-sick, look We'must prepare'ourselves for a
Teny r Bethel, was; seen at Harold collar. The coat is cut on rather full streamers,;.tacked insecurely;:pn<;to.:a fielc! of stars,.and. a.limp.-.fie)d.of fice, MilledgeviIle,Ga.? under the Act of March 3,1879!" :
l j a ginning on next Friday afternoon, Wagner," by Thomas Mann; "Hath ner 'Called' the' 'meeting for the' jpur- in her eye. Could it be that, the Ar- Treat transformation in Margaret Gar-
• ...;, '...).i' , ; , , : ^ K , ^ • ^ ; ^ l ' ' . ^ , - v : • . v ^ ' ' ' . ; . " '''''' '''"'•' ' " ' " "'
-Bauerte concert.last week, in one of lines,, and is terribly collegiate. stars at that.. In short, the flag, is indeed in a:.sacl sja^ ; 6n§:which-niight Dec. 10, a new activity will be start- Not the Potter,"'by Maxence Van Der pbse of forming a Georgia Policy chie's arrow went deep? butt, Marguerite Jernigan,'and Jane
W-'i. almost be designated as,''in.sheds and, fajters/V;v^,,,';.'.,,'•...,.x:;\ Editor / ed. Dr. Rogers has consented to give Meersch; "Augustus," by John Bua!Co|imittee. Gilmer after Christmas. They are go-
Lucy Caldwell
Letters To The Editor There is a movement afoot to make it a stalejeguf ement that.every, Associate Editor Betty' Donaldson
',, his services and will hold this class chari; "The Turning' Wheels," by The members of the GSCW faculty .. LETTER TO THE EDITOR
school m-Qeorgia -fly-the, United-Stetes^flag. all^eU,,and goodv Managing Editor . / Mary Keihtey" t weekly on Tuesdays and Fridays. All Stuart Cloete; "The Rains Came," by attending were: Dr. Guy Wells, Dr. (Continued from page two) c<ot
Dear Editor: same people. It is also impossible but we insist that no flag would be--better than c>ne tattere^.and Jom-,. News Editors .. Jeane Armour, Bonnie Burge ! girls who are interested are asked Louis Bromfield; "Enchanter's Night- Hoy Taylor, Dr. Harry Little, Mr.
Last year w e waited too long to to; study adequately under-such and showing;the stress^ and strain of|h^,elaments, *J2Z - ' ' V,,.,'v Exchange .Editor. Marion Arthur.. t o ' b e present on Friday afternoon. shade," by Ann Bridge; and "The Old" John.'"•' Morgan,' Mr'."'Herbert'Massey, "Since w e have been having con-
do^anyfliing.about ^winter, quarter .circumstances. .Then .there is an- Somewhere back in our Girl Scout days, we s^m.tq rememher. that, Sports Editor . . . Beth! Morrison. The equipment used will be very in- South: Struggles for Democracy," by arid •' Mfl ^'WiUiam "Capei:1'^"""7 """w""'" ;,irt''cert numbers - on' our "campus~iri' Gifts, Stationary; Christmas Cards, Fountain Pens
! our auditorium — the students ,t..,.....s, •;.;-.•• ™j» T-.v.r .ir't- ^.y;:,;'£,»!*Srtf' 3? r yfri
home-going^ This year' w e ' wanj, ,other, thing. II we are ,, invited it is a natipnaL law that .a rnutj;lated flag cannot b^^pwn., .Iftflns, is so, Reporters-rSara. Frances Miller, Beth Williams, JVIarjone Ed- expensive and we do feel that this William E. Dodd. - . * ' This' organization will1 study prob-
to start ,„§oon enough..., for, .some,-; somewhere during the quarter,,the the conclusion, seems tp be,&a^^ will be a most outstanding oppor- Important books that have been lems in Georgia, and decide on policies have been badly 'mistreated. W h y ,
t h ^ ^ h a i ^ e n . . . ;:^"[''[]. '•" . .only
way we
can gois
to pay .$5.00
elude that
of .ours.
.pi mutUated,

had, just
v as.
cp ;uldyfaii
SQonldisr.egard;the J:in^:,
' wards, Edwina Cox;iAhene Fountain, Catherine''Bowman,'
.Marthar Donaldson, America Smith, Helen Blevins, Mar-,
gare.t'..^Barksdale,..,.^Virginia Shoffeitt, Margaret Weaveri
tunity. Quite a large crowd has al- in circulation for some time but are for ;• the improvement of conditions ,;
ready expressed wishes of becoming new to our library are "Three Sol- in (Georgia. ; :!-^^^
niay T' :
ask; shotild'the""best seats 1
in 1he auditorium b e saved for Wootten's Book; Store <HrJ
Ai,';we,.understand it, the main members; For further information see diers," by John Dos Passos; "The Other meetings will be held in the those outside the college. Com-
of us can't afford to do either. Do subsequent'law that says the flag mu^ Eleanor,,Swann.u,,.. . " ' ".
.excuse ,;,given.--for our-not going the front page of the paper. Brothers Karamazov," by Dostoiev- near ,: Tufure''''by'T v: rhferiibers"J" of this' pairativelyi w e p a y just as : m u c h for
h o m e is ; ,the ; fact"tfiat the flu: epi- you think, it is,fair for other schools being'that we. might have tpget^ witness the, .raising;!. That vrould ,,,.,:;.,.... .--BUSINESS STAFF
Manager's Meeting sky; "The Enormous Room", by E. group. ouir;; 'tickets -as ;;they: :do;; -foir ^theirs;
demic that occurred after the week- to let their pupils get out to go by hefverdp. ,..._ .,' i.' ' ,'..''..',. [.]., ., s. •:..',• W : izni!®W;.:tiN0fc '•'
Business Manager . . . .". :'i i tf.-..: Dorothy Howell On Friday evening the managers E. Cummings; and "Manhattan Trans- arid, afte'r;all;''triisis'pjur.'a^
end two. years giving ..them cuts..and week-ends, In all seriousness, we think Chat it would give .the college campus
Assistant Business-Manager' »Jane rSuddeth held their regular meeting. Jane Had-, fer," by John Dos Passos. Biitjwe take se'coiid best seals' just
We are not to be blamed for that. while the only way we can go is a much more pleasing appearance if a new flag were substituted—or Business Assistants—Julia Weems, Dorothy Simpson, Kitty FRENCH STUDENT WILL the',; same"; t h i s spoils',""sdm'etirhes,
dock lead the discussion on "The
There was a flu epidemic every- by the required penalties mention- {i that isn't possible, couldn't the Home Ec. students mend the old one?- Lloyd, Grace Brown,-: Charlotte Howard, Sara' Thomason," j . r •'--• V i s i f " C A M P U S IRC the' effect of the concert. ' In the
Proper Care and Use of Equipment." SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA
where that year and week-end or ed above? Catherine Cavanaugh, Dorothy Merritt. "' ' event that the a'r;tist is a'pianist, a
not/, it would have happened. Epi- We. need a week-end in the win- This seemed a very vital thing to the WILL PLAY IN CHAPEL Louis Foy, French Exchange stu- great part of the' enjoyment comes We invite you to call and consult our three expert
Letter To The Editor Advertising Assistants—Julia Wcems, Dorothy Simpson, Grace group for it is something that con-
demics are somthing over which ter quarter. We want a week-end operators, and investigate our improvements in
Brown, Catherine Lloyd. fronts them daily. The G. S. C. W. Symphony Orches- dent now at the University of Geor- from watching his-hands,-but; I
we have no control and we always in the winter quarter. Why make V-,r: have been taught to revere the' flag of the United States and Circulation Manager ; . . . . . . . Betty Shell-^ gia, will be a guest of the Interna- would like 1
to know, h o w can w e
have that risk to run. this quarter any different from the no d'-ubt w e v/ould b e encouraged to give reverence if w e had a flag * These^riianagers are very ehthusi- tra, which made its debut last Spring, permanent waves. New machines—Time Savers.
Assistant' Circulation Manager Helen Reeves ^telSfalnxi are hard workers. They de- will be heard Wednesday, December tional Relations Club Sunday night watch his hands if w e are sitting
Perhaps it has never occurred to other two? which was beautiful. But w e are ashamed.of the flag which hangs, torn Circulation Assistants—Martha Fors, Martha Jennings, Clau- ^ ^ r v o quite a bit of commendation. ?>, in the Assembly period. Fifty mem-and Monday. practically behind the piano or on Prices are Very Moderate
the authorities that twelve weeks - S I X PLEADING JUNIORS. and dirty, on the front campus. • • ' • ' • • - . . delle Brown, Evelyn Lei'twich, Merle Stewart, Arva Tol- He will speak in chapel Monday on the last row in the balcony. Maybe
Hiking bers comprise this year's orchestra.
in a room 15x18 with two other We have been holding meetings and talking of Constitution Week bert, Sara Bell, Elizabeth Lang "or d, Frances Kirven. ' The hiking crowd will go on Sat- The program will include: Dance "French Youth and Its Attitude to- there's a reason' for all this; if so, IF YOU WANT THE BEST SHOP AT
girls is just too much.' Ask!any Dear Editor: and the contents of that document. Will not the flag play a part in the ward Today's Problems". I'd like'to hea!r it, as i am sure all
one who has been through the ex- One • thing, has been bothering observation of, the framing of our form of'government? •
per^nce.' You are at each buyer's me: for quite some time, now, and W e would like to have a new flag. M u s t w e call on Santa Claus to
Pissoclated GplleQicde Press
Member 1938
urday afternoon at 4:00 o'clock, out of" the Happy Spifits from the opera
to the 1'Lqop at Allen's" and will be "Orpheus?'i by Gluck; Andante from li; ijle •will speak-to -the International students would. W e can certainly
under the!supervision o l Nell Smith •the ySurnriiae Symphony by Haydn; Relations Club,at an_ informal meet-- b e reasonable/but w e ' at least E. E. Bell Company i
throats. .Twelve •,weeks without & I wonder if-something can b e .done. give it to'US? ing ;§ifmday night, and will talk with
and Dr^B&leson. All these people in- and Farbridaie from L. Arlesienne Other ' small -groups, on the, campus. "wbtilgl like to know ''Why"."
; f ,Vi,
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(Continued «a p»te three) - A SOPHOMORE. ,Suite by B
'#$.-£$ti$-$T&< #'?^-'{:'T^a;*.y.' :
terested, e'pme, join the fun. :)..:.IT:;O-> i,!,i(,i!Vvvi'i;j I s I -'! ' ' .'-r,' i'" i ' ' ' i - •" ' M'IJI m
ilkfr'. *S^f^ ! r i ^iiS , ::.«X* , ^^.Aft ^vj^-^.pftrri-. wm ^'.mw'-tm •'(; !,'
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'•2^\^".^>l^ii^'t,Saturday, December 4/1937 ^ ;

GLEMSON JUNGALEERS NOTED time he' is also instructing a group Dorothy 'IBbtdorf vwith • Jim Lewis,
SWEET? SWING STYLE ;i>yer aVGV'M; C.:': '''•; •(:; Flora Hay'nes with Clarence Twilley,
All people interested will be ex- Beth•'.'Jackson with Keith Stone, Mary
" • The ;ClehiscYn 'College : Jungaleers, pected to attend regularly and to take Kethley with Downing Nightingale,.
". playing .for...the .'Senior 'Dance- this the "work' seriously. The classes will Lucile* Chitty with Pursley Winn,
• "weekend,is one of the most popular be held in'the gmy every Tuesday and Eolyne Greene with Campbell • Dash-
• college Orchestras in -the south. The Friday afternoons at 5:00 o'clock. er, Frances Stovall with L..E. Porter,
-• orchestra was first organized at Grace Talley with Julian Fowler,
• Glemson • about .1910. MESSIAH Martha Lowe with Thomas Walden,
• The orchestra, being a' group of (Continued from page one) Eleanor Swann with J. D. Persons,
college boys who are quite familiar Jennie Rose Warner with .Vernon
with the trend of modern dance music like a shepherd. Dupree, Frances Adair with Oliver
•'- and who know what the college Air (Soprano)—Come unto Him. Pittman, Polly Wansley with Bill
• crowd .wants; 'is duly 'prepared to. Pastoral Symphony. Shirley, Sara Wicker with Newton
•fully and completely "Satisfy all and Air (Alto)—He was despised and Ware, Rebecca Teasley with Harold
• any of the customers:',Featuring a ; rejected. Brown, Bernice Newsome with W. B.
• style-which has a'method of'-presen- Recit. (Tenor)—Thy rebuke hath Brown, Margaret Fowler with Regi-
ilation that lends' itself to modern broken his heart. • • : ' • ' nald Byrd, Mary Beth Smith with
• 'dance music but which can be adapt- Air (Tenor)—Behold and' see if.
Walter Isenberg,'Vivian Stanford with
ed to slow-tunes as well, the orches- there be any sorrow. Robert Cline, Virginia Colquitt with
tra has a combination that is smooth Quartet—Since by man came death. Ed Silbiski, Madie Holton with Bill
• and easy,- yet can really "swing out" Benediction. Williams, Betty Shell with Harry
•when the occasion demands. Jennings, Mary Hogg with Ted My-
The band is made up of a well-' SENIOR DANCE ers, Jr., Louise Treadwell with Sid-
balanced and perfectly coordinating (Continued from page 1) ney Faver, Margaret Sanders with
combination including Herbert McNair Bell, Virginia Kirkland with
Green, director and sax; Tebee Hawk- Butler, Sue White with Jack Andrews,C. A. Warren, Helen Mosely with
• ins, tenor sax; Robert Banister, sax; Evelyn Howard with Kress Entrekin; Culver Kidd, Jr., Eleanor Berry
•HusselL. Wolfe, trombone; Willis Cola Pope with A. J. Welch, Sue with Branson Kinney, Dorothy
Horton, trombone; John Burney, Thomason Brown with Hoyt Smith, Sara*Jones
with'Roy Strickland, Mary
•trumpet; Bob Dukes, drums\ Paavo Davison with Albert Harris, Virginiawith James Fitzpatriek, Ruth
Carlson, piano; and Frank All, bass Stanton with Buck Cook, Elizabeth Greene with Harry Winters, Anna
" player, vocalist, and business man- Lucas with John Mattox, Nell Smith Lee Gasque with Ell^gt'mi^eav-^
ager. . Clemson College Jungaleers, who will play for the Senior dance tonight. with Gordon Robinson, Mary Louise ers, Annella Brown with John
..The orchestra has a complete, li- Turner with Tom Weishaupt, Rachel Davis, .Sara Bell with Harold Hun-
ter, Sarabelle Montford with Billy
brary which contains all the popular who are interested in debating Abraham Revealed. and Bridget's mother, Elizabeth Persons with Jack Thornton, Louise
numbers and many special arrange- whether they have had previous ex- McNeal with Erwin Thrailkill, Mar- Shealey, Gwendolyn Jones with Ed
Recitative (Tenor)—And This Is a Chandler.
ments of the older tunes. The orches- perience or not to come to the next Sign To You. Miss Grubb, dramatic teacher, was guerite Spears with Buck Herren,
tra uses many of the same arrange- meeting which will meet on Wednes- Choral—Within Yon Gloomy Man- director of the play. •
ments featured by Dorsey, Goodman, day, December 8, at 7:00 o'clock P. ger.
and Casa Lorna and they have sev- M. in the Biology Lecture Room. Recitative (Bass)—O Haste Ye, FENCING
eral of their own specials. They fea- The officers will be elected in the Then.
ture the ."Kenny Sargent" voice of winter quarter. Miss Helen Greene (Continued from page one)
Recitative (Bass)—Tis Right That
Frank AH. and Dr. Edward Dawson are faculty Angels Thus Should Sing. ing and all people interested will be
For the past three summers the advisors. Choral—Wiht All Thy Hosts. eligible. To fence beautifully is an
Jungaleers have been playing aboard Choral—Ah, Dearest Jesus. art. It develops one into a graceful
ship to and "from England. Each year ORATORIO human being; it develops alertness,
the boys work up a combination (Continued from page one) JESTER PLAY coordination, and strong mental ac-
; .which plays nightly while aboard
(Continued from page one) tivity. The game is based on indivi-
and makes an extensive tour of Eu-
Air (Alto) —Prepare Thyself, Zion. dual skill and there is quite a bit of
rope between crossings.
• Choral—How Shall I Fitly Meet consequently she held a strong person-to-person competition.
•Thee. - grudge on those more fortunate than The equipment for fencing will be
( DEBATING Recitative (Tenor) — And She she. Martha's dramatic scene was the very inexpensive. To begin with, you
(Continued from page one)
Brought Forth Her First-born Son. highest point in her acting. will only need the foil which will
Coral (Soprano)—For us to Earth The very prim Miss Roberts was cost $1.35. Later on you may buy
to deal with topics of current inter-
He Cometh Poor. played by Martha Donaldson,.who the plastron, and mask with a partner
^ t ; 'A committee has been appoint-
d 'to select a pin that debaters may Recitative (Bass)—Who Rightly never once lost her dignity. which will also cost very little. You
Can the Love Declare. M'selle Helen Price, had very few may take fencing in any. of your gym
-btain after meeting a standard of
Aria (Bass)—Mighty Lord, and lines, but a good French accent. clothes.
-efficiency. A "chapter of Pi "Kappa
King All-glorious. An outstanding feature was the We feel very fortunate indeed to
Delta, honorary debating society, may
PART II setting and furniture used in the have Dr. Rogers help us with this
be installed next year. A club has to
come up to Pi Kappa Delta standards On the Second Day of the Festival first scene of the first act. grand spore. He has been fencing
for four years before a chapter can of Christmas: The other members of the cast were ever since he was nine years old and
Symphony. the manikins, salesgirls, and appren- has studied fencing under Fred Kil-
Tae installed and this is the beginning
• oi the fourth year that this Debat- ' Recitative (Tjenor)—And There tices. These parts were played by lian in Macon where he was taught
ing Club has met the standards. , Were Shepherds. Louise Murphy — Daisy, Mildred the stage method.. At the present
Emory, Mercer, Florida State Col- Choral—Break Forth, O Beauteous, Westbrook—Violet, Sara Frances
lege for Women, and Winthrop are Heavenly Light; Bowles—Gladys, Dot Howell—Carry,
among the colleges that the varsity Recitative (Tenor)—And the Angel Alma McLean—Beatrice, Catherine
Come see our beautiful flowers.
debaters meet this year. Freshmen Said to Them. Combs—Judy, and Edith Ann Teasley
debators will meet junior college • Recitative (Soprano) — Be Not —Helen.
teams. Afraid. There was quite a contrast between WE WIRE THEM ANYWHERE
Previously tryouts and eliminations Recitative (Bass)—What God to Grade's mother, Marion Culpepper,
A cQonskin.coaty we've heard it said,
were held before a student was eligi-
ble for membership, .but this has Wards off chill winds from heel to head;
been eliminated in order that more
members might participate. The of-
Meet Me At Gifts for Him SANITONE
In which respect its chief vocation's
Much like No Draft Ventilation's..
iicers of, the club urge all.students TOMMIES CULVER &KIDD CO.
"Of Course"
Phone Nos. 234-240 SNOW
PAUL'S CAFE Mildred Wright Beauty Shop "Do Your Christmas Shopping"
iVIilledgeville, Ga. Special on Pennanents—Special
It is Smart to Dine at Paul's
FRANK D. ADAMS, Mgr. oiks take such things as No Draft Ventila-
Where Home Cooking is a Specialty m Finger Waves—Dried 25c.
The V06UE Xolk
tion as a matter of course now that allGM
Mon.,-Tues., Dec. S-7th
, "DOUBLE WEDDING" cars have this improvement. But when you
Students bring us a permanent And roll film developed -mm 4*
With Myrna Loy-WiUiam Powell
and receive a FREE shampoo and and 8 glossy xelox prints, dm5 w HARRINGTON'S add Knee-Action, the Unisteel Bbdy, the
Wednesday, Dec. 8th set. Bring us ia customer and re- Fast Service—Finest Quality
ceive a shampoo and set for 35c. Dry Cleaning and Shoe Repairing. Turret Top, improved Hydraulic Brakes and
With Robert Young, James Stew- LAWRENCE BEAUTY SHOP
The Photo Shop One Day Service
P. O. Box 218 Augusta, Ga. a steady parade of betterments—you see how
art, Lionel Barrymore, Florence
Rice. a great organization moves ahead—using its
Thurs.,Fri., Dec. 9-10th So It Won't Talk eh? COLLEGE DEPT. STORE
ODORLESS CLEANERS Bring It To resources for the benefit of the public —
"STAGE DOOR" Full Fashioned, All Silk Crepe
None Better—One Day Service giving greater value as it wins greater sales.
With Ginger Rogers, Katlicrine HALL ELECTRIC CO. Hose 79c and $1.00
Julia Weems, Free Dress
Hepburn, Adolpk Menjou. Radio Repairs "Your Satisfaction Is Our Aim"
Saturday, Dec. 11th
Have Your Shoes Fixed At
With Glenda Farrell "Dated Half Soles" we are looking for business. Lets
With Gene Airtry
Phone 120 Free Delivery •"' CHANDLER'S 122 S. Wayne St. Phone 215

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