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Construction Method Statement #7

F3 Interchange


This Environmental Construction Method Statement describes the environmental

management measures to be applied to the early works associated with the F3
Interchange. Due to pending approval for design changes along the F3 alignment,
Scope the changed locations for the construction compounds and grout batching plant, a
future revision of this ECMS will be undertaken to incorporate environmental
management measures associated with these works. This ECMS does however
provide a general description of all works associated with the F3 Interchange.

Location/s F3 Interchange (STA -800 to 400)

Timing Pre-construction, construction & post-construction

Minister’s CoAs CoA 30

Hunter Expressway Alliance

ECMS - F3 Interchange


Document Type: Document No/Ref:


Title: F3 Interchange

General This ECMS covers the early works for the construction of the F3 Interchange. This includes
Description: the following activities:
Site clearing within the approved project boundary for the F3 Interchange
Widening of existing tracks and construction of new access tracks for site entry for
mine void treatment

Document Path: \\\Data\HEA\01


Approval Name Position Signed/Approved Date

Document Christine Mueller Senior Environmental

Editor / Author Officer

Review Tracey Doczy Environment Manager

Final approval Peter Chatburn Project Director


Rev Date Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by Remarks

01 5/10/10 C.Mueller T. Doczy

02 6/01/11 C.Mueller T. Doczy

EMR Certification

I have reviewed this ECMS and find it to be in accordance with the relevant Conditions of Approval
and all relevant undertakings made in the EIS, Representations Report and the approved CEMP.

Environmental Management Representative


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ECMS - F3 Interchange

Table of Contents
1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................1
1.1 ECMS overview ...................................................................................................................2
1.2 ECMS attachments ..............................................................................................................2
1.3 Key reference documents to ECMS .....................................................................................2
2 Scope of works ............................................................................................................................5
2.1 Overview of all F3 activities..................................................................................................5
2.2 Scope of works relevant to this revision of the ECMS ...........................................................6
2.3 Construction of Site Accesses – Newcastle Link Rd and F3 .................................................6
2.4 Grout batching plant (commencing Feb 2011) ......................................................................7
2.5 Mine void treatment .............................................................................................................7
2.6 Newcastle/Branxton to Sydney on-ramp (commencing Feb 2011) ........................................7
2.7 Bridge Construction (commencing Mar 2011).......................................................................8
2.8 Newcastle Link Road Upgrade (commencing Feb-Mar 2011) ...............................................9

2.9 Earthworks (commencing in Feb-Mar 2011) .........................................................................9

2.10 Hours of operation ...............................................................................................................9
2.11 Out of hours.........................................................................................................................9

2.12 Site Compounds (commencing Feb 2011) .........................................................................10

2.13 Site rehabilitation and restoration .......................................................................................10
3 Key roles and responsibilities .....................................................................................................10

4 Statutory requirements and approvals ........................................................................................11

4.1 Revision of ECMS to reflect licence conditions ...................................................................12
4.2 ECMS consultation process ...............................................................................................12

4.3 Minister’s Conditions of Approval .......................................................................................12

5 Monitoring and inspection ..........................................................................................................14
6 Revisions ...................................................................................................................................14
7 Document control .......................................................................................................................15
8 Attachments............................................................................................................................... 15
Attachment A ..................................................................................................................................1

Environmental Control Plan ..........................................................................................................1

Attachment B ..................................................................................................................................2
Indicative Construction Schedule.....................................................................................................2

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Table 1.1: Relevant CEMP sub-plans ...........................................................................................3

Table 1.2: Additional relevant references ......................................................................................4
Table 4.1: Legislation and statutory obligations ........................................................................... 11
Table 4.2: Matrix of Minister’s Condition of Approval 30 ..............................................................12

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ECMS - F3 Interchange

1 Introduction
This Environmental Construction Method Statement (ECMS) outlines all works associated with the
pre-construction, construction and post construction considerations of the F3 Interchange. This ECMS
provides specific management measures for the early works associated with the F3 Interchange.
As the construction compounds, grout plant and the specific design changes relevant to the F3 areas
are subject approval, these aspects of works cannot commence until DECCW approval is awarded
and EMR certification of the revision of this ECMS.

This version of the ECMS does however describe all activities in broad terms. This document:
incorporates the relevant Ministers Conditions of Approval, Aug 2007, the modification, June
2010, and the Environmental Protection Licence (no:13296), July 2010
addresses the requirements of the Minister’s Condition of Approval 30 for the Hunter Expressway

reflects the requirements of the Hunter Expressway Alliance (HEA) environmental management
system (as detailed in the Construction Environmental Management Plan),

incorporates the management measures from the relevant CEMP sub-plans, including the post-
planning approval revisions;
management requirements as outlined in the , Dept of Industry and Investment NSW (formerly
NSW Fisheries and DPI), DECCW, and RTA guidance documents; and

describes the environmental management measures relating specifically to the construction

activities and potential environmental issues.

This ECMS has been prepared as a practical environmental management tool for use by all HEA
personnel and subcontractors and incorporates the assessment of the environmental and community
risks for these works. The specific environmental and community management controls developed
and detailed in the ECMS, include the following key information:
Key site and management personnel - responsibilities and contact details.
Operating hours.
Construction details – activities, staging and schedule.
Objectives and targets – monitoring requirements, criteria and procedures.
Action tables/plans – inspection and test plans with actions, responsibilities, training, timing,
reporting, monitoring/auditing and checklists.
Site drawings - Site layout, monitoring locations, erosion controls, noise barriers, discharge points
and limits of clearing.

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ECMS - F3 Interchange

1.1 ECMS overview

The ECMS #1: General Construction will be required for all construction sites. This activity specific
ECMS provides specific requirements for the construction of the F3 Interchange.
The F3 ECMS will also need to be used in conjunction with the following:
ECMS 2: Clearing and Topsoil Management
ECMS 3: Construction Site Compound
ECMS 5: Access Tracks
ECMS 6: Treatment of Mine Voids
ECMS 8 –Temporary Waterway Crossings
The Site Supervisor in consultation with the QA Manager will determine which ECMSs are required for
each work site. Refer to the overview map contained in ECMS 1 for an overview of all ECMSs.

1.2 ECMS attachments

Attachment A of this ECMS contains an Environmental Control Plan (ECP). The ECP contains:
Specific tables with environmental management measures; and a

Cadastral and air photo base of the F3 with an overlay of site boundary, vehicle routes, flora and
fauna, aboriginal and historical heritage and environmental controls. .
Attachment B of this ECMS contains the indicative construction schedule.
ECPs are to be read/ implemented in conjunction with the ECMS document and relevant reference
documents and are for day-to-day reference for managing activities on the individual sites. The ECPs
have been designed as A3 and/or A1 drawings for attachment to site shed walls.
As detailed drawings are progressed for areas covered within this ECMS, further ESCPs will be
Following approval of the F3 design changes and the subsequent revision of this ECMS, the revised
ECMS will include Progressive Erosion and Sediment Control Plans (PESCP) for:

Grout batching plant

Construction Compound

1.3 Key reference documents to ECMS

The development of this ECMS has been guided by detailed management plans and reports prepared
for the project’s Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP). Impacts and mitigation
measures from these plans and reports that are relevant to the F3 Interchange works have been
incorporated into this ECMS. The relevant CEMP sub-plans listed in Table 1.1 and the specific
references relevant to the F3 Interchange works are listed in Table 1.2. the documents will be referred
to as needed for specific information for day-to-day worksite activities.

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Table 1.1: Relevant CEMP sub-plans

Issue Relevant Plan(s) (note document Details

numbering may change as plans are

Noise & vibration Construction Noise & Vibration Sub Plan Provides a comparison of measured
(incl. blast HEA-PL-GL-NVP-001-00-02 background noise levels at sensitive
management) receivers vs. predicted noise impacts,
Construction Noise and Vibration Impact
duration of impacts from site works and
Statement A: Batching Plant and
traffic, physical and site management
Equipment Compounds (Appendix A)
measures to minimise impacts and
compliance monitoring program.
Note: as location of F3 work sites are
subject to design change, an additional
study is being prepared.

Flora & Fauna Flora and Fauna Management Sub Plan Provides details of the location of sensitive
(incl Landscape Master Plan) environment, including EECs and
management measures to prevent
construction encroachment.
Note: as location of F3 work sites are
subject to design change, an additional
study is being prepared.

Soil and water Soil & Water Management Sub Plan Provides details of the physical and
quality HEA-PL-GL-SWP-00-00 management controls for surface runoff,
erosion and sedimentation control, incident
Landscape Management Sub Plan response and details of the compliance
HEA-PL-GL-LMP-001-00-02 monitoring program.

Spoil Management Sub Plan


Land contamination Hazard & Risk Management Plan Provides details of the assessment of
HEA-PL-GL-HRP-001-00 contamination.

Heritage Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Management Provides details of the location known and
Sub Plan potential of archaeological sites and heritage
sites as well as management measures to
Historical Heritage Management Sub Plan prevent damage or destruction.
Note: as location of F3 work sites are
subject to design change, an additional
study is being prepared.

Air Quality Construction Air Quality Management Plan Provides details on the location of sensitive
receivers, air quality impacts from
construction works and mitigation strategies
and measures.
Note: Location of dust deposition gauge is
subject to design change.

Waste Waste Management & Re-Use Sub Plan Provides details on the waste strategies and
management measures to maximise reuse,
minimise waste generation and ensure
lawful disposal where required.

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Table 1.2: Additional relevant references

Issue Relevant Plan(s)

Erosion and Managing Urban Stormwater: Soil and Construction, Volume 1

Sediment Control &
Managing Urban Stormwater: Soil and Construction, Appendix C- Unsealed Roads. Dept of
Housing (2008) and Appendix D –Main Road Construction (2008).

Waterways Why do fish need to cross the road? Passage Requirements for Waterway Crossings. NSW
crossings Fisheries, January 2003.

-design elements Located on:


Waterways Policy and Guidelines for Fish Friendly Waterway Crossings. NSW Fisheries, November
crossings 2003

-legal requirements Located on:


Classification and Policy & Guidelines – Aquatic Habitat Management and Fish Conservation – NSW
required crossing Fisheries 1999

Consistency Currently two Consistency Review Reports are being developed for the F3 Interchange
Review works and once completed and approved, will be incorporated into this ECMS.

As in the development of the CEMP, all relevant RTA Specifications were incorporated in the
development of the Environment Construction Method Statements.
Refer to the General Construction ECMS, Table 1.3 for specific work instructions developed for the
CEMP and subplans as relevant to construction works and environmental management.

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2 Scope of works
This ECMS describes all construction works for the F3 Interchange for the construction of the 13 km
expressway project from the Newcastle Link Road interchange with the F3, through to Buchanan.
Additional management requirements associated with the construction compounds, grout batching
plant and areas associated with the route design changes, will be incorporated into this ECMS once
approved through either the Consistency Review Reports (with DECCW approval) or Risk
Assessments (with RTA approval).
Construction of the F3 Interchange will require the following activities:
All works associated with the preparation and construction of the F3 Interchange from the
roundabout at the intersection of Newcastle Link Road with Cameron Park Drive to the western
side of the F3 Freeway west of the Minmi Creek crossing.
All on/off ramps requiring upgrade and/or construction for the purposes of the project.

Nine bridges – eight new and one upgraded.

Construction compounds (2-3 compounds).

2.1 Overview of all F3 activities

The F3 area along the Hunter Expressway alignment is illustrated in ECMS 1, Appendix B in the
ECMS Overview Map. A detailed map of works at the F3 is provided in this ECMS as Attachment A.
The F3 Interchange is a large component of the HEA project and it is anticipated that construction
works will be ongoing at this location for approximately two years. Due to the complexity of this area
of the project, the construction of the F3 Interchange will be undertaken in a number of stages, roughly
aligned into the following areas of work:
Note: as indicated below some aspects of the works are subject to approval of the design change from
the EA and as such will be described in greater detail in the next revision of this ECMS.
1. Construction of temporary site access points on Newcastle Link Road and within the median
of the F3.
2. Establishment of grouting batch plant on site (design change from EA).
3. Mine void treatment to stabilise the areas under the bridges (new and existing) at the
4. Upgrade and construction of the Newcastle/Branxton to Sydney on-ramp to the F3 Freeway.
(where Branxton to Sydney ramp merge –this is a design change)
5. Upgrade and construction of the new Sydney to Newcastle/Branxton off-ramp from the F3
Freeway.(design change up to where it meets the main alignment)
6. Bridge Construction.(BW004 –design change, however eastern abutment and the interchange
Branxton to Sydney ramp expected to be within the existing footprint)
7. Widening and upgrade of Newcastle Link Road between the F3 and existing roundabout.
(some of the footprint has change, however western end unchanged)
8. Construction of new mainline roadway from the F3 to just west of Minmi Creek.(bridges
changed and ramp location over Minmi Creek have changed)

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Permanent sediment control basins will be installed prior to commencement of topsoil stripping and as
part of the earthworks phase. Temporary erosion and sedimentation controls shall be installed prior to
construction when permanent measures cannot be installed. Each of the work areas are described in
more detail below.
Note: This ECMS does not include mine void treatment required in the vicinity of the F3 Interchange or
the associated grout batch plant and facilities. For details concerning mine void treatment and the
batch plant, refer to ECMS 6 – Mine Void Drilling and Grouting (HEA-CMS-GL-ENV-006-01-00 or
updated version).

2.2 Scope of works relevant to this revision of the ECMS

This revision of the ECMS covers the early works required to commence in January 2011. They
include the following activities:
Site clearing within the approved project boundary for the F3 Interchange
Widening of existing tracks and construction of new access tracks for site entry for mine void

2.3 Construction of Site Accesses – Newcastle Link Rd and F3

(commencing Jan 2011)

Two main site access points will be constructed to allow access to the work areas – one within the F3
median itself and one on Newcastle Link Road. The works associated with the F3 median are subject
to a risk assessment and thus RTA approval will be sought prior to commencement.

The F3 median access involves the construction of temporary deceleration and acceleration lanes
within the F3 median, plus the installation of temporary concrete barriers on the shoulder of the F3 to
protect workers during construction of the bridge piers and the mine void filling works. Construction of
the temporary deceleration and acceleration lanes and installation of barriers has to be undertaken at
night during lane closures of the F3 itself. It is an RTA requirement for this project that lane closures
on the F3 not be effected during daylight hours, hence the construction works are required to take
place at night.
This work will include typical road construction activities, such as traffic control, excavation, pavement
construction and mobile cranes to place the concrete barriers. Night works also require the use of
lighting plants for work area lighting. Once the site access to the F3 median is complete, all
construction works (and mine void filling works) within the median can be done during normal daylight
working hours.
The site access on Newcastle Link Road (including the existing Sydney-Newcastle off ramp) will
provide long term safe access to the construction site to the west of the F3. This involves re-aligning
traffic, temporary asphalt, installation of temporary concrete barriers, revised line marking, saw cutting
and/or milling the existing asphalt and demolition of part of the existing median barrier on the existing
bridge and Newcastle Link Road.
As most of the work on Newcastle Link Road will be in very close proximity to live traffic, the majority
of the access point construction work will be at night time under lane closures. Night works also
require the use of lighting plants for work area lighting. Once the access point has been constructed,
it will allow safe access to all works to the west of the F3 during normal daylight working hours.

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This work area is located within the existing footprint and is approximately 1km from the nearest
residence. See section 2.11 for out of hours works and the Environmental Control Plan, Attachment A
for the notification and management measures.

2.4 Grout batching plant (commencing Feb 2011)

A grout batching plant and associated sheds and amenities is required for the supply of grout for mine
void stabilisation works. The grout batching plant will be located on the eastern side of the Newcastle
to Sydney on ramp as shown in Attachment A. The location is contained within an area already
assessed for the project however some clearing will be required. A design refinement consistency
assessment has been prepared to ensure the requirements of MCoA 129 are met.
The general requirements for the grout batching plant and associated controls are covered in ECMS
#6 - Mine Void Drilling and Grouting (HEA-CMS-GL-ENV-006-00-01). An access will be required to
access the grout plant by construction vehicles. The access will utilise existing an existing property
access within the adjacent Cameron Park Industrial Estate via Stenhouse Drive. The Local Authority
has advised that they have no objection to this access and the use of Stenhouse Drive within the
industrial estate as an access point to the grout plant area. The power line easement through this
area will also be utilised as a parking area for the F3 Interchange construction workforce to minimise
clearing in the area. The car parking area has been assessed in the Consistency Review Report
currently being prepared for the grout batching plant.
As the grout batching plant is subject to the approval of the Consistency Review Report, approval
regarding out of hours works will also be sought as part of this submission.

2.5 Mine void treatment

The mine void drilling and grouting required around the F3 Interchange is covered under ECMS 6 –
Mine Void Drilling and Grouting (HEA-CMS-GL-ENV-006-00-01) which will be updated to include the
works in this location.

2.6 Newcastle/Branxton to Sydney on-ramp (commencing Feb 2011)

The existing Newcastle-Sydney onramp will need to be rebuilt and a new section added to take traffic
from Branxton to Sydney. During this construction work, the existing ramp will be closed and all traffic
will be diverted via Cameron Park Drive to the onramp at George Booth Drive. The existing ramp will
be closed for around 6 months while the new ramp is being built, after which the new ramp will be
opened to the public.
Works include significant excavation (for the Branxton-Sydney section) and embankment construction
as the level of the existing ramp has to be raised to suit the new road alignment. As the existing ramp
will be closed to traffic, the majority of the works will be constructed during normal daylight working
hours. Installation of concrete barriers, line marking, sign installation and other activities associated
with the traffic switches will need to be conducted at night.
As the new road alignment is over the current ramp but is actually cut into the existing ramp, the new
road alignment requires this ramp to be closed for around 9 months and Sydney-Newcastle traffic
diverted off at George Booth Drive. Detours will be implemented in consultation with the RTA and
local council. Prior to this, the two bridges over the F3 Freeway and the new cut and cover tunnel
(bridge 5) under the new main alignment will be constructed and the pavement to those bridges

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All new construction works on the new ramp will be done off line and during normal working hours.
Installation of concrete barriers, line marking, sign installation and other activities associated with the
traffic switches will need to be conducted at night. This work is not expected to generate any audible
noise at the nearest sensitive receivers.

2.7 Bridge Construction (commencing Mar 2011)

Works at the F3 Interchange will require the construction of eight (8) new bridges and upgrading the
existing bridge over the F3. Four are concrete girder bridges, Bridge 4 and Bridge 6 are steel girder
bridges (depending on design development) and Bridge 5 will be a cut and cover underpass under the
future main alignment of the Hunter Expressway with precast bridge planks forming the roof of the
Piling is required for each of the bridges at the F3 Interchange. All piling is bored piling and ranges in
size from 0.75m diameter up to 2.5m diameter. Central piers and headstocks will be constructed
within the F3 median for bridges 2, 3 and 4. Bridge 4 has two additional piers, one near the F3
northbound shoulder and the other near the eastern abutment of the existing NLR bridge. The other
bridges are all single span bridges with either standard concrete abutments or reinforced earth wall

Note that most concrete will be made on site at the project’s structural concrete batching plant
(adjacent to the main project office compound), delivered in concrete agitators and will be placed
using the normal methods (concrete vibrators, concrete pumps and so on). Some concrete placement
will be required at night during road closures, particularly for the bridges over the F3 (bridges 1, 2, 3 &
4). As some components of bridge construction are subject to the approval of the Consistency Review
Report, approval regarding out of hours works will also be sought as part of this submission.

Girders will be manufactured off site and will need to be transported to the site and then lifted into
place with cranes ranging in size from 200t hydraulic cranes potentially up to a 750t crawler crane.
Transport of the bridge girders will be at night under specific transport permits, as the girders range
from around 12m through to 50m in length. The longer girders will be transported individually due to
their length and weight and will be transported to site at night due to the traffic permit restrictions.
Steel girders will be up to 50m long, up to 3.2m wide and weigh up to 100t each. There will be around
16 deliveries of steel girders to site. The majority of the concrete girders will be around 35-38m long,
up to 2.7m wide and weigh up to around 80t. There will be around 14 concrete girders delivered.
Bridges 4 and 6 also require a precast slab system to be lifted into place once the main bridge girders
have been erected.
Girders, precast slabs, precast barriers and anti-throw screens for Bridges 2, 3 and 4 will need to be
placed out of hours as the F3 Freeway will need to be partially closed to traffic during this work. One
carriageway (side) of the Freeway will be closed at a time with traffic diverted to the other side via the
centre median cross-over points. Once the girders have been lifted into place, decking and drainage
will be installed followed by erection of safety screens and barriers.
The remaining bridges can be constructed away from traffic and will all be done during normal daylight
working hours.
The bridges over Minmi Creek all have piled abutments with reinforced earth walls and are all single
span bridges. Exclusion zones, which are ‘male only sites’ due to aboriginal heritage significance,
apply around the Minmi Creek area and are marked on the ECP in Appendix A. All works around the
Minmi Creek area will be managed to avoid impacts on the grinding grooves, stone arrangements and
the weirs within the creek exclusion area.

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Due to the exclusion zones, all construction work will be done outside the exclusion zones except
where agreed for specific activities by the Awabakal Local Aboriginal Land Council (ALALC). The tops
of some of the trees within the Minmi Creek exclusion area will have to be trimmed where the bridge
will be, so specific methods and access for this work will be agreed with the ALALC.

2.8 Newcastle Link Road Upgrade (commencing Feb-Mar 2011)

Newcastle Link Road (NLR) will be widened, re-aligned and most of the existing pavements re-
constructed to take the traffic for the new Hunter Expressway. Works will include significant traffic
staging, connecting to and extending existing drainage lines under NLR, construction of new
pavements both off-line from traffic (behind temporary concrete barriers), pavement construction at
night under lane closures, installation of concrete barriers and signage for traffic switches at night and
general earthworks activities (excavation and compaction).
The Traffic staging will affect both directions along NLR from the existing roundabout all the way to the
F3. The existing drainage lines will need to be extended or re-laid, which will require saw cutting the
existing pavements to access the pipes. Along the northern edge of NLR between the existing
Beresfield-Newcastle ramp and the existing roundabout, the road pavement will be rehabilitated – the
old pavement will be milled and the pavement will be built up with new material and resurfaced. .See
section 2.11 for details on out of hours works.

2.9 Earthworks (commencing in Feb-Mar 2011)

There are a number of large earthworks operations associated with the on and off ramps and bridge
abutments, including:
120,000 cubic metres of cut for the Sydney to Newcastle/Branxton off ramp
90,000 cubic metres of cut for the Sydney to Newcastle off ramp

20,000 cubic metres of cut for the Newcastle Link Road

30,000 cubic metres of cut for the Branxton to Sydney on-ramp to the F3 Freeway
100,000 cubic metres of fill and reinforced earth backfill materials around the bridge
abutments (primarily near Minmi Creek), a large quantity of which will be imported
All erosion and sediment control for earthworks activities will be managed in accordance with the
relevant sub-plans identified in Table 1.1. A combination of temporary and permanent control
measures (such as permanent sediment basins) will be used during construction.

2.10 Hours of operation

Normal construction hours apply to the activities included in this ECMS. These hours are:
Monday to Friday 7:00 am – 6:00 pm
Saturdays: 8:00 am – 1:00 pm
Sundays & Public Holidays – no work

2.11 Out of hours

Out of hours work will be required for a number of project components such as lifting in the girders for
the bridges over the F3 Freeway, pavement construction works or other works where working in close
proximity to live traffic. Where working in close proximity to traffic, activities are typically only

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permitted at night when traffic levels are low. A number of activities are approved out of hours based
on the assessment in the NVMSP (July 2010), Appendix A and the description of the activities in
section 7.3 & 7.4. These activities are:
Concrete paving
Asphalting, Traffic Control, Signage, Line Marking (for Traffic switches)
Saw cutting of concrete pavements
Concrete batching plant and grout batching plant production
Material delivery for concrete and grout batching plant production

Impacts on the nearest sensitive receivers for the F3 are located at Seahampton. Appendix A of the
NVMSP assessed the noise impacts for the construction of:
Main bridges and intersection; and
Main carriageway

The maximum anticipated noise exceedance for evening and nightime works is 4 dBA, based on the
nearest receiver at 580m from F3 HEA works.
Due to the F3 design changes and therefore the revised location of work sites, further assessment of
impact at the nearest sensitive receivers will be determined as part of the Consistency Review Report.
Any noise generating activities not assessed as part of the NVMSP, and not permissible under the
EPL s3.2 will require assessment to determine whether audible at the nearest sensitive receiver
during evening and night time operations. When exceedances are anticipated, a written approval will
be sought from DECCW prior to commencement of out of hours works.

2.12 Site Compounds (commencing Feb 2011)

A small site compound will be located adjacent to the grout batch plant, which will include meal rooms,
change and toilet facilities to accommodate between 30-60 staff. An assessment against the MCoA
129 will be incorporated into Consistency Design Review.

A small construction compound will also be located to the west of the F3. This will include meal
rooms, change and toilet facilities for workers in that area. This compound will be located within the
footprint of the new road and will be relocated as required to fit in with the construction sequence
without requiring additional clearing. An assessment against the MCoA has been undertaken for the
Consistency Review Report, and will be incorporated into the revised ECMS.
An additional construction compound may also require for median works of the F3 for a maximum of
20 people. An assessment against the MCoA will be undertaken, and incorporated into the revised
ECMS when necessity is confirmed.

2.13 Site rehabilitation and restoration

Rehabilitation for the grout batching plant site and any compound site(s) will be undertaken on
completion of works. Where possible, the rehabilitation strategy adopted for the site will seek to
improve on the current condition of the area; however, this will depend on future use of the land.

3 Key roles and responsibilities

Refer to the ‘General Construction ECMS #1 for roles and responsibilities for key personnel.

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4 Statutory requirements and approvals

A summary of the key statutory requirements and approvals for the works are detailed in the table
below. This is followed by a table with provisions for legislative breaches.

Table 4.1: Legislation and statutory obligations

Regulator Licence/Approval etc Relevant works

NSW Dept of Industry and As a Part 3A project, rather than Dredging, reclamation or blockage
Investment permit requirements, approval is of creek flows (this includes placing
required for the following: of silt fences in creeks)

Dredging or reclamation (s.201) (Note: RTA must notify Minister for

Primary Industries under Part 7 (div
Blockage of fish passage(s.219)
3) the Fisheries Management Act

NSW Dept of Industry and MCoA -Consultation Construction of temporary platforms

Investment for piles and pier construction in

NSW Dept of Industry and MCoA -Consultation Design and timing of bridge
Investment construction

NSW Dept of Industry and MCoA -Approval Earthen platforms or placing of fill in
Investment, Dept of Planning creeks

Dept of Planning MCoA -Comply with Blue Book: Design and construction of
Managing Urban Stormwater: Soil waterway crossing and erosion
and Construction sediment control structures

DECCW Environmental Protection Licence - Discharge from sediment basins

POEO Act 1997
Impact on waterways
Noise criteria

DECCW, Dept of Planning Approval as per MCoA -60 To clear areas that exceed project

DECCW Licence to harm or pick threatened Clearing or disturbed areas

species, populations or ecological threatened species, populations, or
communities or damage habitat EEC

Seed and cutting collection

NSW Heritage Council NSW Heritage Act 1977: Excavation near a heritage item
s139 excavation permit
s146 notice of relic discovery

HEA-CMS-GL-ENV-007-00-02_F3Interchange_Rev02 Page 11
Hunter Expressway Alliance

ECMS - F3 Interchange

Regulator Licence/Approval etc Relevant works

DECCW National Parks and Wildlife Act Construction works near an

1974: aboriginal sites

s87 / s90 Aboriginal Heritage

Impact Permit

Note: Refer also to Table 3.5 in the CEMP for further information on the consultation with external

4.1 Revision of ECMS to reflect licence conditions

Relevant details of the HEA Environmental Protection Licence:13296 have been incorporated into the
ECP of this ECMS. Up-to-date copies of this licence will be made available to all site personnel.

4.2 ECMS consultation process

Consultation for the project has been undertaken with agencies and stakeholders including:
Department of Planning

Lake Macquarie City Council

Industries and Investment NSW

Utility providers
Local Aboriginal Land Councils

Consultation has been undertaken with Department of Industries and Investment NSW, regarding
design and timing of bridge construction over Minmi Creek.
Ongoing consultation during the works covered under this ECMS will be undertaken with relevant
stakeholders where changes to works occur under this ECMS.

Any further updates to the ECMS requires EMR endorsement and a summary of changes and updates
will be provided to the public for their information, and a full copy of the ECMS be made available on
the internet, following EMR endorsement.

4.3 Minister’s Conditions of Approval

Minister’s Condition of Approval 30 is reproduced in the following table with cross reference to where
the condition is addressed in this ECMS or other project management documents.

Table 4.2: Matrix of Minister’s Condition of Approval 30

Reference MCoA 30 Requirement ECMS Reference

The Proponent shall prepare Construction Method Statements (CMS) identified in Page 2
the CEMP required by Condition 24. CMSs must be certified by the EMR as being
in accordance with the Conditions of Approval and all undertakings made in the
EIS, Representations Report and the Approved CEMP.
Each CMS shall include, but not be limited to:

HEA-CMS-GL-ENV-007-00-02_F3Interchange_Rev02 Page 12
Hunter Expressway Alliance

ECMS - F3 Interchange

Reference MCoA 30 Requirement ECMS Reference

i construction activities and processes associated with the relevant construction Section 2. Scope of
site(s), including staging and timing of the proposed works;
works & Attach. B.

ii specific hours of operation for all key elements including off-site movements; Section 2 Scope of Works
Section 2.11 Out of Hours
iii cover specific environmental management objectives and strategies for the Environmental Control
environmental system elements and include, but not be limited to: Plan at Attachment A -
will cover relevant issues
noise and vibration;
Attach A-ECP & ECMS#1
air quality;
water quality;
erosion and sedimentation;
access and traffic;
property acquisition and/or adjustments
heritage and archaeology
flora and fauna
acid sulfate soils
ECMS for bridge over
Wallis Creek
spoil stockpiling and disposal
waste/resource management
weed management
flooding and stormwater control
geotechnical issues
visual screening
landscaping and rehabilitation
safety, hazards and risk
energy use
resource use and recycling
iv address, but not be limited to:
a. identification of the statutory and other obligations which the Proponent is
Section 4. Statutory
required to fulfil during project construction, including all approvals and
consultations/agreements required from other authorities and requirements and
stakeholders, and key legislation and policies which control the approvals
Proponent’s construction of the project;
b. measures to avoid and/or control the occurrence of environmental
Environmental Control
Plan - Attachment A

HEA-CMS-GL-ENV-007-00-02_F3Interchange_Rev02 Page 13
Hunter Expressway Alliance

ECMS - F3 Interchange

Reference MCoA 30 Requirement ECMS Reference

c. measures (where practicable and cost effective) to provide positive The key environmental
environmental offsets to unavoidable environmental impacts; offsets related to the
worksite will be realised
during the post
d. definition of the role, responsibility, authority, accountability and reporting
ECP in Att A & ECMS#1
of personnel relevant to compliance with the CMS;
e. site specific environmental management techniques and processes for
all construction processes which are important for the quality of the
environment in respect of permanent and/or temporary works;
f. site specific monitoring, inspection and test plans for all activities and
environmental qualities which are important to the environmental
management of the project, including performance criteria, tests, and
protocols (eg. frequency and location);
g. locational details of important elements such as temporary noise barriers;
ECP, more detail next
portable offices and amenities; truck, plant and materials storage; access
locations; provision of site hoardings etc; revision

h. environmental management instructions for all complex environmental

ECP. Refer also to Table 1-3
control processes which do not follow common practice or where the
absence of such instructions could be potentially detrimental to the in ECMS #1 General
environment; Construction

i. steps the Proponent intends to take to ensure that all Plans and Sub
Plans are being complied with;
j. consultation requirements with relevant government agencies and utility/
Section 4
service providers; and,
k. community consultation and notification strategy (including local
Section 4, ECP &
community, businesses, relevant government agencies, and all relevant
Councils), and complaint handling procedures. ECMS#1

Specific requirements of the main environmental system elements referred to in (iii) Section 4.3
shall be as required under the conditions of this approval and/or as required under
any licence or approval. All CMS shall be made publicly available

5 Monitoring and inspection

Refer to the Environmental Control Plan, Attachment A for details on monitoring and inspection.

6 Revisions
Revisions to the ECMS will be made as required and changes will be endorsed by the EMR as

The current copy of this ECMS is kept at the worksite and at the HEA Project Display Office following
EMR endorsement (where they may be viewed on request) and a summary of the update provided to
community members for their information via the HEA Project Display Office.

HEA-CMS-GL-ENV-007-00-02_F3Interchange_Rev02 Page 14
Hunter Expressway Alliance

ECMS - F3 Interchange

7 Document control
Project document control is detailed in the PMP and project filing and numbering is defined in
procedure HEA-MP-GL-OPS-002-00. When the document is reviewed a new revision number is
assigned by the Environment Manager.
The current revision of the ECMS will be available and displayed in site offices for ongoing
implementation and amendment as conditions or approval change. The documents will be saved in
the electronic project management system, Keystone.

8 Attachments
Attachment A – Environmental Control Plan
Attachment B – Indicative Construction Schedule

HEA-CMS-GL-ENV-007-00-02_F3Interchange_Rev02 Page 15
Attachment A

Environmental Control Plan

HEA DES 0016 Design

Within Approved Area

Outside Approved Area



Primary road

Arterial road

Sub-arterial road



BW002 BW004

BW001 BW003







Scales Kurri Kurri Status







Buchanan interchange BL
Original Drawn


0 240 m Rest area

GE Coordinate Designed

BO System



DR Skyline Ridge cut

AHD 16 DEC 10
IV Date Printed





HEA GEN GIS XX000 0001 A

Newcastle interchange LIN WC A
Issue Description Date Approved AD LE Thursday, December 16, 2010 11:31:06 AM
S:\HEA\L-GIS\A_Current\B_Maps\HEA-F3I-GIS-EN263-DES016 Approved Area-A.mxd

50 mm on Original
!Sugarloaf 1 Artefact Scatter & PAD LEGEND
! Air monitoring location
! Water Monitoring Location

! Hollow-bearing tree
! Threatened flora location
Threatened fauna location
0 0


! !

! Fauna fence

Basin design



European heritage location


A !Netted Bottle Brush
! !
Callistemon linearifolius
! ! ! Indigenous heritage location
Netted Bottle Brush
Weir 2 ! !European Stone and Brick Weir Callistemon linearifolius
!Netted Bottle Brush
! Callistemon linearifolius Aboriginal heritage management zones
Remains of a metal pipe
! Netted Bottle Brush

0 0
Callistemon linearifolius Cleared under s.90 consent
! !
Netted Bottle Brush Netted Bottle Brush Partial conservation

Callistemon linearifolius !Callistemon linearifolius

EK !Isolated Find 5 !Fan Shaft (Mining shaft)

MIC ! !Weir 1 !Remains of a cast iron pipe/joint
Significant sites in close proximity to road corridor

! Sandstone slab with slots
!Netted Bottle Brush BRANXTON TO SYDNEY

! European Brick Weir ! Minmi Creek Stone Arrangements 2 & 3 Callistemon linearifolius

38-4-0392 Seahampton 3 Grinding Groove Site
ive Exclusion Zone

e ce
Minmi Creek RTA 2 Artefact Scatter Minmi Creek Stone Wall !!StoneWal i ve R perty
it o
ens mi Pr Design
!Minmi Creek RTA2
!Minmi Creek Stone Arrangements 1 ar est m Min
Ne 730 Road design (DES HEA 016)

Project boundary

#Eastern Freetail Bat

BW005 Mormopterus norfolkensis

Project easement

Median Works
Hunter Valley Moist Spotted Gum-Ferguson's Ironbar BW007
F3I MineFill Treatment-Grout Batch Plant

!38-4-0393 Seahampton 2 Grinding Groove Site

Batch Plant detail
#Eastern Bentwing-bat
#Little Bentwing-bat Miniopterus schreibersii
Miniopterus australis
BW003 BW004 Future F3 drill pads
!1 Seahampton



Grout Line and Boundary


Construction compound
Construction compounds


Water body

Vegetation (CK2010 Niche, by community)

Community name (Bell, 2009)

ty r:
er ve
op ei
Pr Re c
Hinterland Spotted Gum – Red Ironbark Forest (EEC)

mi ve
Min siti

0m en
83 st S
Hunter Valley Moist Spotted Gum-Ferguson's Ironbark




!38-4-0394 Seahampton 1 Grinding Groove Site
Hinterland Spotted Gum – Red Ironbark Forest



Nearest Sensitive Receiver:


#Eastern Bentwing-bat
Miniopterus schreibersii oceanensis

0 60




0 70



0 80


#Little Bentwing-bat

Miniopterus australis




Kurri Kurri Status






A0 Drawn
Buchanan interchange BL


0 100 m
Rest area


GE Coordinate Designed

BO System



DR Skyline Ridge cut MINMI ROAD

AHD 14 DEC 10
IV Date Printed

E Height

A FOR INFORMATION 06 DEC 10 NEWCASTLE Datum Company Zone Type Figure No. Issue

HEA GEN GIS EN230 0000 B
Newcastle interchange
Issue Description Date Approved AD LE Monday, December 6, 2010 5:00:00 PM
S:\HEA\L-GIS\A_Current\B_Maps\HEA-GEN-GIS-EN230-A0-ECMS F3I-B.mxd

50 mm on Original
Historical Heritage Management Maintain soil surface cover with methods including use of the cut stump to minimise soil  CM Noise and Vibration Management Rock breaking, rock hammering and sheet piling
Flora & Fauna Management Indigenous Heritage Management
exposure to erosion. Schedule these activities between : SE, CM
Sub Plan Ref: Indigenous Heritage Management Sub Plan (HEA-PL-GL-IHP-001-00) Sub-Plan Ref: Historical Heritage Management Plan (HEA-GL-PL-HHP-001) Sub-Plan Ref: Construction Noise and Vibration Management Sub Plan (HEA-PL-GL-NVP-001-00-02)
Sub-Plan Ref: HEA Flora and Fauna Management Sub Plan (HEA-PL-GL-FFP-001-00-00) I. 8am – 12pm, Mon – Sat; and
Objectives: To minimise disturbance and avoid damage to any identified historical heritage items during Remove site vegetation for re-use/sale, or tub ground and either stockpiled (& managed to  SE, CM
Objective: To minimise the impacts of noise and vibration from construction activities on surrounding receivers. II. 2pm - 5pm Mon to Fri.
Objective: To protect any identified heritage items where they are to be preserved. To ensure correct protocols are
Objectives: To protect vegetation and fauna in and around the construction zone. become compost for revegetation purposes) or windrowed to form sediment retention berms.
followed where unidentified items are discovered. construction. Schedule a respite periods as above. Seek DECCW approval for agreement out of these hours.
Performance criteria: Ensure noise exceedances are avoided by monitoring at sensitive receivers and where
Performance criteria: Performance Criteria: During clearing ensure groundcover/grasses and topsoil are retained in order to capture the  SE Where practicable, conduct rock excavation by ripping rather than rock breaking. SS
Performance Criteria: exceedances impact on residents, apply mitigation strategies.
runoff infiltration capacity of the groundcover for as long as possible, and to minimise topsoil 
• The clearing boundaries are clearly demarcated. No damage to any known indigenous heritage items. Any heritage items inadvertently encountered during Heritage items are protected during construction in accordance with NSW legislative requirements. Sensitive noise receivers: Saw cutting of concrete pavements
• No disturbance to flora or fauna outside the clearing limits. runoff.
construction are protected in accordance with NSW legislative requirements. 1. Seahampton (48 Fifth Street & Fourth Street) Apply all feasible and reasonable noise mitigation measures to this activity including
• No harm to fauna. Specific Management Measures  Earthworks the use of mobile noise screens where applicable.
• No increase in distribution of weeds within the project areas. Specific Mitigation Measures The F3 site is located approximately 580-1000 metres from the closest residential receiver as per map.
• No clearing or removal of hollow-bearing trees tagged for protection. Chainage Heritage items Description Specific Management Requirements Responsibility Protect topsoil stored for construction compound establishment from water and wind erosion by  SE Residential Receiver Adopted Noise Objectives: Grout batching plant
F3 - Minmi Creek Area
• Native vegetation logs retained during clearing for revegetation works. seeding with a sterile cover crop or by covering with geo-textile fabric until required
F3 - Heritage items to be conserved and managed insitu: Location RBL LA90 dB(A) Criteria LAeq, 15min dB(A) To reduce the noise impacts associated with grout production and plant materials delivery,
1. This site is a ‘mens only’ site and thus an exclusion zone has been set up. Access tracks on both sides of Minmi
Stabilise road batters in areas of high erosion hazard using a sterile cover crop.  SE
Day Evening Night Day Evening Night operations will be managed to:
Specific Mitigation Measures Responsibility Creek have been taped and appropriately signed: 30 metres to the northwest of Minmi Creek and 30 metres to the 235 – Minmi Creek – Concrete capped Archivaly record location by survey, to add SE
south east of Minmi Creek. No women personnel are allowed beyond this point. Fan shaft/vent • utilising all available on-site storage of materials
F3 - Weed Infestation Management 415m vent shaft over to RTA’s s170 register. Do not located plant or operations within 20m of waterways unless for the purposes of  SS, SE Seahampton (Fifth Avenue) 38 39 37 48 44 42
2. A male representative from ALALC will be offered the opportunity to observe initial ground disturbance works Coord: • heavy vehicle operations would be, where feasible, scheduled during the less sensitive
Prior to earthworks, identify and remove weeds manually or by mechanical means as per the SS 6m wide, approx. waterway crossing construction.
E368882, Determine if vent requires filling over/burial. Note: Daytime (7.00am-6.00pm); Evening (6.00pm-10.00pm); Night time (10.00pm-7.00am) day time and evening periods
within the 30m men only exclusion area (an appropriately qualified male archaeologist will also be given the 100m deep CM
Weed Management Strategy, App D of the FFMSP and relevant maps in App A. Care should N6360309 Undertake progressive revegetation of disturbed areas.  CM, PEM
opportunity to be present). Vibration sensitive structures: • adopt haulage routes to minimise requirement for operations adjacent to
be taken during mechanically clearing on steep land or near stream banks to prevent soil
Minmi Creek – Brick wall Vibration assessment to determine Specialist &  Weir 1 at Minmi Creek (heritage site) residential communities
erosion. 3. No photographing or recording of the site without ALALC permission. Remove silt from erosion devices following major rainfall event. Silt to be managed in  SS
Weir 1
construct plus vibration limits and monitoring strategy. Structural  Weir 2 at Minmi Creek (heritage site) Construction -hours of work
Following mechanical control of weeds, follow up with spot spraying of herbicide on seedlings SS Chainage Aboriginal Item Description Management Requirements Responsibility accordance with the CEMP, Waste Management and Reuse Sub-Plan.
foundation, Engineer  Minmi Creek Stone Arrangement (heritage site) Construction hours are: CM, PEM
or further mechanical control. Engage a trained and certified person to undertake chemical approx. 12m long Ensure wheels, tracks and body surfaces of plant and vehicles leaving the site are free of mud  SS
260-388 Stone Creek Site of particular 1. Permanently fence off with highly SS  Vibration criteria: • 7:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday to Friday,
control. by 2m wide. Engage a qualified heritage consultant and or sediment to minimise the potential for mud tracking on public roads.
Arrangements cultural visible material or similar. Coord:
surveyor to mark out the extent of the item PEM  3 mm/s for vibration sensitive indigenous heritage locations and railway structures. • 8:00 am to 1:00 pm Saturday
Undertake weed control within the construction zone, targeting particularly areas around SS (#38-4-0819 (1) importance to the 2. Fencing to be undertaken in the SS
E368850, Use road sweepers if conventional measures such as rumble grids to not prevent mud tracking  SS, SE
• No construction work is to be undertaken on Sundays and public holidays except:
and location of fencing.
Endangered Ecological Communities (EEC) and along drainage lines such as Minmi Creek. and #38-4-0820 Awabakal presence of appropriately on public roads. General Mitigation Measures Responsibility
N6360305 a. any works which are not audible at any nearby residential property
Note: weed priority increases from chainage 50 to 300. (2, 3 & 4)) community experienced archaeologist and Incorporate heritage items and controls into
PEM Reuse water collected in trenches and sedimentation basins where possible. When not possible  SS, SE Refer to ECMS #6 –Mine Void Drilling and Grouting for specific management measures. CM, SE b. the delivery of materials required outside these hours by the Police or other
F3 - Site Establishment Aboriginal stakeholders 2 weeks Minmi Creek – 2 spillways of site inductions.
(AHM Zone 4 - treat water before discharge as per the Dewatering Procedure. authorities for safety reasons;
brick and SS Provide site personnel with induction on key noise issues, mitigation measures, approved SS
red) prior to ground disturbance works. Fence items using highly visible para-
Refer to ECMS #8 Waterway Crossings for clearing within 15m of Minmi Creek and undefined SS Weir 2 c. emergency work to avoid the loss of lives, property and/or to prevent
concrete, SS Undertake all dewatering procedures to safeguard groundwater as per the Dewatering  SS, SE working hours and community concerns. environmental harm;
creeks. 3. Fenced area to allow at least a 5 webbing or similar.
Coord:E approx.15m + Procedure.
metre buffer zone either side of SS SS All site equipment to be fitted with properly functioning noise attenuation devices (eg mufflers) SE, CM d. any other work approved by DECCW or allowed through the EPL
F3 - Clearing and Grubbing 368835, Install signage to fenced area.
4m in length.
Minmi Creek in the vicinity of the Re-schedule works that may lead to erosion and sedimentation when the daily weather report  CM and will be properly tested, serviced and maintained to minimise noise emissions.
Consult with Dept of Industry and Investment regarding use of cleared trees for re-snagging of PEM N6360356 SS Out of hours
stone arrangements and a buffer 25 Install erosion and sediment controls received for the project forecasts rainfall events.
creeks, ie Minmi Creek. (CoA 64) Schedule activities to minimise coincidence of noisy plant operating simultaneously and/or SE, SS As per the EPL, out of hours works are permissible for the following: CM,SS
metres upstream and 30 metres around heritage items.
Minmi Creek – Retaining wall of CM, SE
Maintain control measures until the site is stable and 70% soil surface cover has been close together near sensitive receivers. i. any works which do not cause audible construction noise at any sensitive receiver;
Contact DG of the DECCW if a Squirrel Glider is identified. (FFMP, App C, pg45) PEM downstream of the site area (the sandstone Prior to ground disturbance ensure male
Stone Wall PEM achieved. Once the project site has been stabilised, temporary sediment controls can be SS, SE or
F3 - Fauna structures
fence will not span the creekline but construct, archaeologist is present. Orientate equipment away from sensitive receivers and switch off when not in use.
removed. ii. the delivery of materials which is required outside these hours as requested by
end near its current edge). approx. 1m high CRM
Install a 220m fauna fence along the southern carriageway (ch 320 -540) and a 140m fauna SS The archaeologist will monitor vegetation Undertake letterbox drops or direct consultation to local residents at least 5 days and no more
4. Erect highly visible sign on fence by 5m wide.  Sediment Basins police or other authorities for safety reasons;
fence along the northern carriageway (ch 380-520). Install a 800m fauna fence along the Coord:E clearing and soil disturbance around weirs Specialist than 14 days prior to "noisy" activities such as piling works.
iii. dust suppression works;
southern carriageway (ch600 – 1400) and a 790m fauna fence along the northern carriageway
indicating environmental protection
SS 368850, 1 & 2 and the stone wall. Divert stormwater containing suspended solids to sediment basins. Install and manage  SE, PEM
Specialist Advise residents via local media and letterbox drops at least 7 days prior to any saw cutting. iv. emergency work to avoid the loss of lives, property and/or to prevent environmental
zone, or similar. sediment basins in accordance with the measures defined in the SWMSP and the Sediment
(ch 590-1380). (FFMP, Table C-7).
N6360274 Vibration monitoring during construction. SS, SE harm; and
5. Include sensitive sites general Basin Procedure. Test water quality parameters prior to discharge. Install signage on site to ensure workers are aware of the work hours on site for noisy activities.
Install a minimum of 3 metre fauna passage at Minmi Creek under BW06, BW07a & BW07A, SS SS v. any other work as agreed in writing by DECCW through the Noise and Vibration
locality and controls in site
(FFMP, App C, Table C-6). F3 - Heritage items to be impacted:  Stockpiling Investigate and rectify any unusually noisy equipment. SS, SE Management Sub Plan (Construction) process..
induction. Archaeologist
235 – Remains of a metal pipe. Coord: E 368868, N6360343 Place material stockpiles, construction buildings and other infrastructure only in cleared areas,  SE Provide supply, delivery vehicle and staff with designated traffic routes when required through SS
General Mitigation Measures 6. The area shall be monitored by an
415m typically in the road corridor or site compounds, adequately distant from sediment fencing that residential areas.
archaeologist each 6 months.
Vegetation Protection and Management is installed down slope to prevent loss.
SS Construction Air Quality Management
F3 - Seahampton Area For works generating high noise impact following continuous blocks of 3 hours, schedule 1 hour
No dumping of fill or rubbish into remnant bushland. SS, SE Remains of a cast iron pipe/joint. Coord: E368874, N6360303
Have all stockpiles including road batters that are predicted to be stored for longer than 10  SE respite period, where works are likely to impact sensitive receivers. Sub Plan ref: Construction Air Quality Management Plan (HEA-PL-GL-AQP-001-00)
SS, CM 50-153 Seahampton 2 – Axe grinding 1. Install temporary fencing with buffer SS Sandstone slab with slots. Coord: E 368867,N6360296 weeks, covered or seeded with a sterile seed crop. Topsoil should be covered or have seeded
Ensure all site employees remain within the site construction boundaries, including mainline Rock breaking, rock hammering and sheet piling
Grinding Grooves groove site zone for protection. Objective: To minimise dust generation and manage emissions from construction activities to prevent impacts on
formation, site compounds, and other approved ancillary areas. with cover crop within 2 weeks. surrounding receivers.
Schedule these activities between : SE, CM
Site 2. Fenced area should incorporate a General Mitigation Measures
Maintain erosion and sediment controls during construction until revegetation works are well SS, SE
East of SS Do not undertake stripping of topsoil and stockpiling activities during periods of wet weather.  SS, SE I. 8am – 12pm, Mon – Sat; and Performance criteria:
(AHM Zone 2 - buffer zone 5 metre wide either side Pre-construction Responsibility •
established (at least 70% of exposed areas stabilised).
BW007 (35m from II. 2pm - 5pm Mon to Fri. Depositional dust goals of max 4 g/m per month, subject to monthly background levels, as per DECCW
(ch 290) purple) alignment/ s90 of Minmi Creek and 5 metres Do not place stockpiled materials within 5m of retained trees, within the drip line, over root  SS, SE guidelines.
Provide personnel and contractors site induction on the requirements of the Heritage Act 1977 PEM Schedule a respite periods as above. Seek DECCW approval for agreement out of these hours.
Ensure all soil or fill introduced does not contain noxious weed material. SS, SE approved area) upstream and downstream of the • No complaints received from nearby residents or local road users.
and heritage site identification/ protection. systems or where overhead tree canopies could be damaged by machinery or trucks. Avoid Where practicable, conduct rock excavation by ripping rather than rock breaking. SS
site (the fence will span the where possible, stockpiling near waterways or drainage line, near properties or flood prone
Pre Site Clearing General Mitigation Measures Responsibility
creekline). Have all heritage items are mapped onto construction drawings and plans. SE  Saw cutting of concrete pavements
As per ECMS#2, Clearing and Soil Disturbance Procedure, 2 weeks prior to clearing: Earthworks
3. Install signage on fencing. SS Erect appropriate signage to the fenced area to note that the item/s is/are a historical CM,SE Apply all feasible and reasonable noise mitigation measures to this activity including
• Undertake survey: habitat trees, noxious weeds, threatened species PE Ensure topsoil stockpiles do not exceed 2.5m in height and maintained to prevent the growth of  SS, SE
4. Install erosion and sediment control SS heritage item and is protected by the provisions of the Heritage Act 1977 (NSW) and that any the use of mobile noise screens where applicable. Use water sprays (water carts as required) to control dust emissions. SS
• Confirm clearing limits PEM,SS if necessary to avoid direct impact. potential impact is an offence.
Grout batching plant
• Complete Clearing Extents Survey PEM,SS  Waterway crossings Recycled water to be used for dust suppression in preference to potable water. SS
466-626 Seahampton 1 – Axe grinding 1. Install temporary fencing with buffer SS Construction Works To reduce the noise impacts associated with grout production and plant materials delivery,
• Complete Site Feature Survey PE Grinding Grooves groove site zone for protection. Prepare design for water waterway to:  SE
operations will be managed to:
Install appropriate erosion and sedimentation controls around/uphill to heritage items as SE Vehicle and transport management
Relocate hollow-bearing limbs, woody debris and bush rocks to fauna translocation sites for SS Site 2. Install signage on fencing. required • Maintain fish passage • utilising all available on-site storage of materials
SS Vehicle speed within the worksite areas is not to exceed 10km/hr. SS
• Prevent the transport of sediments downstream
habitat reestablishment. (85m from 3. Install erosion and sediment control If suspected historical heritage items are identified during construction works then all work that SS • heavy vehicle operations would be, where feasible, scheduled during the less sensitive
(AHM Zone 3 - SS • Minimise disturbance to creek bed and bank
purple) alignment/ s90 if necessary to avoid direct impact. day time and evening periods Plant or equipment are not to be parked idling for longer than 15 minutes. SS
may impact on that area shall cease immediately as per the HHMSP. Notify the Environment
Install delineation fencing for clearing and sensitive areas, install erosion and sediment SS  Refer to ECMS #8 for culvert design guidelines.
controls and 70% of nest boxes. approved area) Manager. • adopt haulage routes to minimise requirement for operations adjacent to
 Prepare a Progressive Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (required for all named creeks).  PEM Maintain operation and exhaust systems of construction plant, vehicles and machinery to SS
F3 - Monitoring Monitoring residential communities
Undertake weed control and remove targeted weeds prior to clearing. Install wheel wash to SS minimise emissions to atmosphere. If exhausts smoke observed for longer than 10 seconds,
prevent the spread of weeds. Engage a qualified male archaeologist to monitor any vegetation and soil clearance in the Minmi PEM  Obtain regulatory approval for works requiring: creek diversions, dredging, reclamation,  PEM Construction -hours of work appropriate maintenance is to be undertaken.
Prior to works commencing near an Aboriginal heritage object and at 6 monthly intervals during PEM, SS,
Creek site area to reveal the extent of Weir 1, Weir 2 and Stone wall to be fenced. temporary blockage, earthen platforms or placing of fill over creeks. Construction hours are: CM, PEM
Undertake Pre-Clearing Survey on the morning of clearing. PE, PEM,SS construction, arrange for a ground conditions inspection by a qualified archaeologist, as per Archaeologist SS
Ensure wheels and undercarriage of trucks (wheel wash) are clean prior to the exiting the
Protocol in the Table 6.1 of the IHMSP. Time clearing activities near creeks just prior to commencement of works. Install erosion and  CM • 7:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday to Friday,
Engage a qualified vibration consultant and/or a structural engineer to undertake monitoring of PEM worksite.
Site Clearing sediment controls and drainage infrastructure to prevent runoff reaching creeks. • 8:00 am to 1:00 pm Saturday
historical heritage items during construction, where risk from the potential impacts from vibration
SS, PEM General Mitigation Measures Responsibility • No construction work is to be undertaken on Sundays and public holidays except: Clean any dirt tracked onto public roadways from construction vehicles using brooms or a street SS
Do not undertake clearing without the supervision of the Project Ecologist and/or Project may result. Place stockpiles and undertake dewatering activities 20m from waterways.  SS
Environmental staff. Pre-construction a. any works which are not audible at any nearby residential property sweeper.

48hrs after commencing clearing install remaining nest boxes (30%) and relocate any SS Brief all Contractors on the provisions of the National Parks and Wildlife Act in relation to PEM  Vehicle Movements b. the delivery of materials required outside these hours by the Police or other Cover spoil loads and secure tailgates prior to trucks leaving the worksite. SS
authorities for safety reasons;
remaining hollow-bearing limbs, woody debris and bush rocks to fauna translocation sites. Aboriginal objects/items, location of no-go zones and the protocol for the discovery of previously All vehicles must use the designated access tracks only.  SS
c. emergency work to avoid the loss of lives, property and/or to prevent Monitoring
unidentified Aboriginal objects prior to commencement of working on the site.
Mulch vegetation and stockpile. If felled vegetation has been sitting more than 7 days, an SS environmental harm; Conduct weekly inspections of worksite to monitor the effectiveness of the dust control PEM
Soil and Surface Water Management Conduct equipment and truck wash downs in bunded areas and cement truck washouts in  SS
ecologist must be available to ensure no fauna have relocated into this timber prior to Ensure all heritage items are mapped on construction drawings and plans. SE d. any other work approved by DECCW or allowed through the EPL measures.
approved areas only. Ensure wash areas and pits are adequately sized, located away from
mulching. Sub-Plan Ref: Soil and Water Management Sub Plan (HEA-PL-GL-SWP-001-00-02)
Construction Works drainage lines and maintained regularly. Out of hours Monitor dust deposition monthly throughout construction. Review location suitability quarterly.
Weed Infestation Management CM, SS Review and modify dust control and operational procedures if dust deposition levels are PEM
Restrict all ground disturbing works to within the existing Section 90 consent (#2562) area for the Objective: Minimise erosion and sediment loss from the worksite and comply with water quality standards for As per the EPL, out of hours works are permissible for the following: CM,SS
Use recovered water from construction works where possible for vehicle and equipment  SE, CM
Stockpile weed vegetation for treatment or removal to a waste facility. Control weeds that are SS, SE Hunter Expressway. discharge from worksite. i. any works which do not cause audible construction noise at any sensitive receiver;
washdown and dust suppression.
located in the construction site in accordance with the Weed Management Strategy, FFMSP. If suspected Aboriginal sites or relics are identified during construction works then all work that SS, PEM Performance criteria: or
Burning of weed vegetation will require a permit under the Rural Fires Act 1997. Store all excess grout, concrete and waste materials in bunded areas prior to reuse or disposal.  SS, SE
may impact on that area shall cease immediately and the Protocols in Sections 5.4 and 5.5 of ii. the delivery of materials which is required outside these hours as requested by
1. DECCW water quality discharge criteria for all design storm are met
Maintain records of each topsoil stockpile to ensure they are only used in appropriate SE the IHMSP implemented. If you don't know these protocols, ask the Environment Manager. 2. There are no pollution incidents causing environmental harm  SS, SE police or other authorities for safety reasons; Waste Management
Cover all spoil during transportation on public roads.
rehabilitation locations. 3. Background water quality levels in surrounding waterways are maintained iii. dust suppression works;
Monitoring Sub Plan Ref: Waste Management and Reuse Plan (HEA-PL-GL-WMP-001-00)
4. Erosion and sediment controls are installed in accordance with the Blue Book (2004) , Vol 2C & 2D (2008) Visually assess waste water captured in storage bunds for contamination prior to being  SE, EM iv. emergency work to avoid the loss of lives, property and/or to prevent environmental
Washdown Facilities Arrange prior to-construction and every 6 months a ground conditions inspection by a qualified PEM Objective: To implement reuse and recycling programs where practicable for waste generated from the project
to control the impact of from earthworks and other construction activities. released. Remove hydrocarbon contamination using appropriate absorbent materials. harm; and activities.
Ensure all construction vehicles and machinery moving from weed infested areas to native SS, SE archaeologist for works near an Aboriginal heritage object, as per the Protocol in Table 6.1 of the
5. Pollution is prevented by containing and controlling fuel and chemical spills (HEA Refuelling and Liquid v. any other work as agreed in writing by DECCW through the Noise and Vibration
vegetation are washed down, inspected and passed as clean to prevent the spread of weed IHMSP.  Spill Management Performance Targets: Vegetation clearing – 100% reuse on site; Removal of existing pavements -100%, Existing
Storage Protocol) Management Sub Plan (Construction) process..
Bridges -80%, Contaminated water reuse – 50% (refer Waste Management and Re-use Sub-plan for details).
propagules. (Note: this includes pasture lands) Regularly monitor Aboriginal sites area to ensure mitigation measures are still in place - ie PEM Manage plant refuelling and spills in accordance with Refuelling and Liquid Storage Protocol’  SE, CM
Discharge criteria for basins: Out of hours works as approved by the July 2010 NVMSP are: SS
Locate washdown facilities at the interface between weed infested areas and native vegetation SE, CM fences are still up and no damage has occurred. (HEA-WP-GL-ENV-03-00-00). Manage grout spill is accordance with ECMS #6. General Mitigation Measures Responsibility
Oil & grease pH TSS  Concrete paving
until a sterile construction corridor is established. During initial ground breaking, invite a representative of the LALC to observe the works, to PEM Undertake refuelling and servicing of plant and equipment away from sensitive areas and  SS, SE  Asphalting, Traffic Control, Signage, Line Marking (for Traffic switches) Provide site personnel with induction in waste produced/ reused/ recycled/ disposed and any CM
: No visible : 6.5-8.5 : < 50 mg/L
special storage or disposal arrangements (e.g. hazardous wastes, chemicals, waste oils/ acid
Fauna Management ensure no unidentified items are disturbed without the required approvals and recording. ensure they carry or have ready access to a suitable spill kit.  Saw cutting of concrete pavements
Specific Mitigation Measures Responsibility sulfate soils/contaminated materials).
 Concrete batching plant and grout batching plant production (subject to
Contact Project Ecologist and appropriate fauna rescue organisations when native fauna is SE, PEM Supply spill kits at each fuel and chemical storage area of the worksite when handling  CM
assessment of revised location)
F3 - Erosion and Sediment Control Provide waste bins at the work site, compounds and grout plant in convenient locations for SS
found on site, needs to be removed or is injured. As all native fauna are protect by the NPW dangerous goods. Provide hydrocarbon and chemical spill kits for minor spills and leaks,
Hours of work  Material delivery for concrete and grout batching plant production segregation of recyclable materials.
Act, any injury or death of native fauna are to be prevented and must be notified. Soils in ch 0-2600 are considered ‘highly erodible’. Prepare Progressive Erosion and Sediment SS, PEM including floatable booms for deployment to nearby watercourses as appropriate and train
Audible Construction Works Nightime and evening noise exceedances of up to 4dBA anticipated for bridge works and PEM Ensure waste containers have clear signage to identify the specific containers for waste SS
Inspect equipment and machinery left overnight and skip bins without lids before removal from SS, SE Control Plans (PESCP) for the following activities/locations at the F3: relevant personnel in their use.
intersections and main carriageway works from 580m, compliance achieved at 1,000m. Grout segregation.
site to prevent accidental injury or death of wildlife. • Monday to Friday 7am-6pm • Clearing, grubbing and removal of topsoil
• Earthworks  Rehabilitation and Landscaping batching plant noise impacts awaiting assessment.
Threatened Species Management • Saturday 8am-1pm • Installation of a culvert or major drainage structure clearing adjacent to a waterway; Waste reuse and recycling
• Bridgeworks; For all rehabilitation of construction compounds, refer to ECMS#13 and the project Landscape  CM Undertake noise assessment for noise generating activities not listed above to determine PEM
Ensure site staff induction includes the location and protection measures for flora and fauna, CM, PEM Out of Hours Delivery • Site compounds and batch plants; Management Plan. compliance with evening and nightime noise criteria. Spoil is to be replaced in the hole where possible, otherwise to be reused on-site in accordance SS
as per these tables and maps. • Sensitive areas eg. near endangered ecological community & heritage items; with the Spoil Management Plan.
• Oversize Plant & Equipment in accordance with MCoA 61 • Waterway crossings;  Inspections For all out of hours works, notify by letter at least 5 days in advance (and not more than 14 CM
Construction activities are to cease immediately if, during the course of construction (including SS, PEM • Creek bank stability works; and days) the sensitive receivers that will be affected by night time activities. Store any empty fuel, lubricant and chemical containers for collection by a drum recycler for SS
• Community Relations Manager to be notified in advance • Work occurring in areas with a high erosion hazard. Daily informal visual checks of all erosion and sedimentation devices to ensure that controls  SS, SE
vegetation clearing), any threatened flora and fauna species are identified. Project Ecologist SE, CM cleaning and reuse.
have been provided where required and/or are functioning correctly. Inspect controls following a Minimise consecutive night time works in the same locality, where feasible.
Have Project Soil Conservationist certify all PESCP.
and DECCW are to be consulted. Out-of-Hours Operations
rainfall event, within 24hour of cessation of rain. Offer temporary relocation on a case by case basis for noisy works being undertaken at night- Recycle wood packaging, pallets and wood used for formwork, scrap metal and cardboard SS, SE, CM
Progressive Site Rehabilitation • No audible construction works out of hours. F3 - Waterways Crossings –Minmi Creek, unnamed creeks and drainage lines
 PEM time such as during concrete saw cutting. boxes, plastic wrapping and recyclable domestic waste resulting from project activities.
Weekly inspections and completion of environmental checklists:
Undertake progressive site rehabilitation and mitigation procedures as detailed in the CM • Delivery of materials required by the Police or other authorities are Seek approval for dredging, reclamation works (ie footing & foundations) or temporary blocking PEM
• Check that controls are being maintained in an efficient condition; Blasting locations Store any empty fuel, lubricant and chemical containers for collection by a drum recycler for SE, CM
Landscape Management Plan (prepared by a qualified rehabilitation specialist). of creeks (Minmi Creek) and consult with Dept of I & I if diversions are required, as per ECMS
permitted out of hours. • Update of PESCPs when new controls are required; cleaning and reuse.
#8 –Waterway Crossings. • Record any maintenance or repair. As identified in the Blast Management Plan:
Flora and Fauna Monitoring
• All out of standard hours construction works to be undertaken • Side Cut between 330 and 3400 Recycle waste concrete for roadbase, in concrete batching or as fill or transport to a licensed SS
Monitor the adequacy of the exclusion fencing, the use of underpasses, extent of road kills and PEM subject to approval from Environment Manager and Community
Install culverts and temporary crossings over Minmi Creek, unnamed creeks and flowing SS  Monitoring and Reporting landfill.
Blast impact mitigation
rehabilitation of injured wildlife and wildlife utilisation of roadside wildlife corridors in drainage lines as per guidelines in ECMS #8 –Temporary Waterway Crossings, s2.1 Guidelines
Relations Manager. Undertake water quality monitoring during construction twice monthly in both dry and wet  PEM Blasting CM, PEM Waste disposal
accordance with the Landscape Management Plan. for Waterway Crossings and the Temporary Low Flow Creek Crossing Procedure in App C.
weather.. Modify controls and procedures if water quality levels are exceeded. Monday to Friday 10am-3pm
Install a multi-celled culvert for Minmi Creek for dry space movement of fauna, (FFMP, App C). SS Ensure a waste contractor is commissioned to regularly remove/empty the bins. SCM
Test sediment basin discharge prior to discharge to ensure compliance with water quality  SS Saturday 10am-1pm
Note: Minmi Creek at Ch 300 is Class 2.
criteria. ONLY ONE BLAST PER DAY (Ref: EPL 03.5) Dispose of all non-hazardous waste that cannot be recycled/ reused for disposal to approved SE, CM
F3 - Spill management landfill. Contact Environmental Staff for the nearest local landfill sites.
Conduct blasting trials if blasting is to be used. Results from the trials will be used to determine CM, PEM
Environmental Hazard Management
Manage grout spills in accordance with the Grout Spill Procedure in Attachment D of ECMS #6 SS site-specific blast designs and performance criteria as per the Blast Management Strategy in Dispose of all hazardous or contaminated wastes materials at approved disposal facilities in CM
Report Ref: Hazard and Risk Plan (HEA-PL-GL-HRP-001) Mine Voids. the NVMSP. accordance with the DECCW 2009, Waste Classification Guidelines. Contact Environmental
HEA Points of Contact Staff prior to disposal for advice regarding disposal methods, handling, etc.
Objective: To manage environmental hazards on the worksite. F3 - Monitoring Undertake pre-construction/blast dilapidation surveys at any identified nearby residences CM, PEM

Performance Criteria: PEM

For all Public HEA Community Response Line 1800 001 267 located within 200 metres of construction works. Check license of all waste transporters and make sure they are approved to carry the materials CM
Undertake water quality monitoring in Zone 1 (ch 0-1400 which includes Minmi Creek) twice
Enquiries to licensed waste facilities.
Management actions result in no incidents occurring as a result of worksite activities. monthly during construction during dry and wet weather, as per SWMSP, App A. (Note: Wet Give a minimum of 48 hours notice to occupants located within 500 metres of any blasting CRM
weather is considered as greater than 10mm in 24hrs) DECCW Pollution Line 131 555 together with a schedule of blasting times to affected residences. Include in the notice the Monitoring
Storage of dangerous goods complies with Australian Standards, and response to any spill or other incident occurs
Peter Chatburn Project Director 0418 233 905 schedule of blast time(s) and a telephone number and contact name.
in accordance with the Incident Response Plan. Undertaken monitoring of the hydrological conditions within the proposed mine void grouting SE, PEM Records of waste disposal and recycling (quantities, destination) will be tracked (docket CM, SE
area to confirm the potential groundwater impacts of the proposal. Monitoring is to include: Monitoring system) and reported monthly.
General Mitigation measures Responsibility Boyd Knights Construction Manager (CM) 0400303125
• Review of the downhole camera data and the development of a conceptual model of PEM
Measure environmental noise at representative and potentially affected nearest noise sensitive Monitor waste management and recycling practices at the worksite weekly.
groundwater in the mine void area PEM
All personnel will be inducted and trained prior to commencing work onsite on the hazards and CM receivers, within 14 days of the commencement of construction works and every month
Todd Myers Constructability Manager 0418 637 173
risks of the worksite including environmental risks (e.g. spill response and cleanup and • The study of borehole data (as it becomes available) to interpret a hydrogeological thereafter. Monitor airborne noise using a calibrated sound level meter. Compare results
reporting). conceptual model for the area.
against predicted noise levels in the CNVIS.
• Column leachate testing of the grout mix to assess the impact that the grout may have Tracey Doczy Project Environment Manager 0439 300 118
Chemicals are to be stored on site in quantities less than limits defined as “dangerous” under SS (PEM) Monitor saw cutting activities, using the methodology employed for monthly noise monitoring. PEM, SE
on groundwater quality.
the Australian Dangerous Goods Code. Monitoring duration will be 15 minutes for evening and night time works and 1 minute for sleep
• Installation of a groundwater monitoring bore to access groundwater for sampling and Erran Woodward Senior Environment Coordinator 0437 343 178
Store all dangerous goods brought onto the worksite within the designated bunded area(s). No SE, SS use in the column leachate tests. disturbance monitoring.

storage is to occur outside the designated areas. • Request for access to sample groundwater from the Oceanic Coal West Wallsend Respond to any noise and vibration complaint by: PEM
Louise Neville Community Relation Manager 0447 464 031
Colliery located down gradient of the site.
Fuels and oils are only to be stored and handled in accordance with AS1940: 1999. SE, SS (CRM) - investigating complaint with 2 hours (or as agreed with complainant)
General Mitigation Measures  Responsibility
Record keeping of substances used on site are to be detailed on the MSDS register. CM, SE Ken Holmes Environmental Management 0438 046 261
Provide site personnel and contractors with site induction regarding the requirements of these Representative (EMR)
Provide spill kits (oil and hydrocarbon based absorbent materials) at each storage area and at CM, SS tables.
areas of the worksite where handling and use of dangerous goods occur and provide
Install erosion and sediment controls prior to any land disturbance in accordance with the  SS, SE Geoff Mance Alternative Environmental 0439034270
appropriate staff with training in their use.
PESCP developed for each defined work site. Management Representative
Spill clean-up in regards to blockages or pipeline splits must be undertaken in accordance with SS (EMR)
the procedure in Attachment D of ECMS#6. Install diversion upslope of sites to prevent runoff water entering areas of ground disturbance.  SS
David Ledlin RTA Senior Environmental Officer 0411 126 989
Cleanup and reporting of any dangerous goods spill/leak is to occur immediately in accordance SS Maintain vegetation in and adjacent to drainage lines to improve the quality of runoff before  SE
with the Incident Response Plan procedures. entering waterway and to prevent erosion. Fauna rescue WIRES 1300 094 737
Conduct weekly inspections of dangerous goods storage areas, including documentation of SS  Clearing
volumes/weights of dangerous goods, status of bunding, visible staining/spills/leaks etc, check Wildlife Aid Rescue – Hunter 04 4766 7737
of spill kit contents. Valley
Native Animal Trust Fund – 0418 628 483
Wildlife Rescue Service
Attachment B

Indicative Construction Schedule

Year YEAR 3 - 2011 YEAR 4 - 2012 YEAR 5 - 2013

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 0 0 0
Description Duration 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3
Site Establishment Jan-11 Apr-11

Earthworks & Pavements Jan-11 Jun-13

Initial Earthworks Feb-11 May-11
Mine Subsidence Feb-11 Jun-12
Sed. Basins & Minmi
Enabling Works Jun-11 Nov-11
Bulk Earthworks - Syd-
New Ramp & Minmi Ck Dec-11 Jun-12
Bulk Earthworks - Branx-
Syd Ramp Oct-12 Dec-12
Pavements & Finishing
Works Oct-11 Jun-13
Drainage Oct-11 Feb-13
Main Carriageway Dec-12 Jun-13

Bridges Mar-11 Feb-13

BW002 Mar-11 Nov-11
BW003 Apr-11 Jan-12
BW005 May-11 Apr-12
BW004 Dec-11 Dec-12
BW006 Dec-11 Dec-12
BW007 Dec-11 Dec-12
BW001 Jan-13 Jan-13

Traffic Management Jan-11 Jun-13

Utilities Sep-12 Nov-12


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