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Objectives  Identify letters and letter sounds; learn and sort words based on initial

Teaching Guide
sound; describe school subjects and activities
ABeCedario escolar
Materials  notepads, pens, pencils, erasers, crayons or colored pencils, chalk, rulers,
school books, and other school supplies found in the classroom

30 minutes, Days 1–3

Build Background
Activate Prior Knowledge  Tell children: Hoy aprenderán sobre lo que hacemos
durante el día escolar. Ask children questions about school in general. ¿Cómo
llegan a la escuela? (en autobús, en coche, caminando) ¿Qué aprendieron en la escuela el año
pasado? (el abecedario, a sumar, etc.) ¿Cuál es su clase favorita? (Estudios sociales, Música,
etc.) Encourage children to use different verb tenses (past, present, and future)
when answering the questions.

Introduce the Focus Skill: Letter Sounds  Explain that each school
word in the book begins with a different letter of the alphabet. Review letters
and sounds using the following routine: Esta es la letra (Ss). Hace el sonido (/s/)
como en (sumar). Point to (sumar) on (p. 27). Esta es la letra (Zz). También hace el
sonido (/s/) como en (zigzag). Point to (zigzag) on (p. 34). Repitan conmigo: (/s/
sumar; /s/ zigzag). You may wish to use this routine throughout the week to
review sounds that children have difficulty with.

Acquire New Vocabulary  Introduce the Palabras nuevas on p. 35. Read each word aloud and use it in a sentence, emphasizing
the initial letter sound in the key word. For example, say: Hoy voy a caminar un kilómetro. Then play “Fill in the Blanks” as a class.
Divide the class into two teams. Write only a few letters of one of the Palabras nuevas on the board. For example: _r_ _ _ r (primor). Ask
each team to pick a letter. Write any letters that appear in the word on the board. For example, if a student guesses p, write the letter
in the corresponding space. The word on the board will now appear as: p r _ _ _ r. Then ask the next team to guess another letter.
Whichever team guesses the word first wins! After the game, have each team write down the definitions of the Palabras nuevas.

Read and Respond  Display the book. Read the title and author name aloud as you track the print. After reading each
page, point to the letter and say the school word. Have children repeat. Ask them to tell you the meaning of each word and how it’s
associated with school. For example, after reading pp. 9–10, say: Usamos diccionarios para buscar palabras nuevas. Aprendimos mucho en la
escuela. Encourage children to associate terms related to subjects mentioned throughout the book. For example, after reading p. 5,
say: Beca busca datos en la biblioteca. Then flip to p. 18 and say: Laura lee libros en la biblioteca. Reinforce their knowledge of verb tenses
(past, present, and future) by asking them to use the words ayer, hoy, and mañana to describe what they do in school.

60 minutes, Days 4–5

Curricular Enrichment: Social Studies  Explain to children that they will play “School.” First, they will read
¡Qué interesante! on pp. 36–39. Tell children that the core subjects taught in school are Language Arts (Reading and Writing),
Math, Science, Social Studies, Art, Music, Computer Class, and Gym. Then distribute notepads, pens, pencils, erasers, crayons
or colored pencils, chalk, rulers, and school books. Students will take turns, coming up to the front of the class and playing the
role of “teacher.” Tell children to use the aforementioned materials as props. Remind them of the subjects and activities they
read about. For example, tell the first student that he/she is a Math teacher. Prompt the student to say: Hoy les voy a enseñar a
sumar. Así se suma: (El estudiante recoge la tiza y escribe en el pizarrón: 1+1=2). Encourage the class to pay attention to the “teacher”
and to participate by answering his/her questions. Then ask children to describe what it was like to be a teacher.

Home Connection  (Teacher, you may want to photocopy NATIONAL STANDARDS

this activity for children to complete with a family member.)
Language Arts: K-12.1—K-12.12
Talk with your child about the subjects he/she studies in Mathematics: Numbers PK-2.1—PK2.3; Algebra PK-2.1—PK-2.4; Geometry PK-2.1—PK-2.4;
Measurement PK-2.1, PK-2.2; Data & Analysis PK-2.1—2.3; Problem Solving PK-12.1—PK-12.4;
school. Ask which one is his/her favorite and why. For Reasoning & Proofing PK-12.1—PK-12.4; Communication PK-12.1—PK12.4; Connections
PK-12.1—PK-12.3; Representations PK-12.1—PK-12.3
example: ¿Cuál es tu clase favorita? (Ciencia) ¿Por qué? (Porque me Science: K-4.1—K-4.7
Social Studies: Civics: K-4.1—K-4.5; Economics: K-4.1—K-4.11, K-4.13—K-4.16, K-4.19;
encanta aprender sobre las plantas y los animales.) Encourage him/ Geography: K-12.1—K-12.6; U.S. History: K-4.1—K-4.4
Visual Arts: K-4.1—K-4.6
her to compare and contrast subjects and to use the words ayer, Technology: K-12.1—K-12.6
Theater: K-4.1—K-4.8
hoy, and mañana when giving his/her explanation. Music: K-4.1—K-4.9
Physical Education: K-12.1—K-12.7

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