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A General Methodology for

Modeling Loss Given Default
by Nadeem A. Siddiqi and Meiqing Zhang

ere’s an LGD “how to”—a step-by-step methodology for
developing a reliable econometric model for Basel-compli-
ant loss given default. Each step—defining LGD, convert-
ing raw data for use in standard regression techniques, and selecting
and defining variables—requires great care if the final product is to
be a totally transparent, multifactor statistical model incorporating
data at the loan level, the firm level, and the macroeconomic level.

raditional loss given default (LGD) calcula- standing balance at default and authorized balance at
tions are typically estimated by looking at default are on the border of significance.
historical averages, usually segregated by The next section discusses the dependent vari-
collateral type and seniority type. This articles offers able (LGD) definition as well as the econometric
an approach that regresses LGD on several inde- procedure to transform it from its original beta distri-
pendent variables with the goal of understanding bution to a normal distribution suitable for ordinary
which factors drive bank loan losses and, further, the least squares (OLS) regressions. Following that we
amount of losses to expect when loans do default. discuss the independent variables used in the analy-
The model presented here incorporates macroeco- sis as well as their rationale. The fourth section dis-
nomic, firm-specific, and loan-specific information. cusses the final model and its results. Conclusions
While the exact model presented here won’t fit are drawn at the end to summarize the results and
every bank, the approach and methodology may help approach.
in estimating other LGD models.
Our model results show that several variables are Dependent Variable
both statistically and economically significant in We defined LGD, the loss given default rate, as
modeling LGD. They include total debt over capital, the percentage of the charge-off (net of charge-off
profit margin, revenue, ratio of current liabilities over recovery) over outstanding balance at default for
total liabilities, risk rating at default, industry type, each defaulted loan. The definition of LGD used
GDP growth rate, and tightness of the loan requires careful attention since there are at least two
covenants. Some variables, such as collateral type ways of defining LGD. Theoretically, loss derived
and seniority, appear to be insignificant, while out- from net charge-off should be the same as that

© 2004 by RMA. Nadeem Siddiqi and Meiqing Zhang are senior consultants with the Credit Analytics and Data Management
Group of the Financial Services business unit of BearingPoint, Inc. BearingPoint provides business and technology strategy,
systems design, architecture, applications implementation, network infrastructure, systems integration, and managed services.
All views and opinions expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of BearingPoint, Inc.

92 The RMA Journal May 2004

A General Methodology for
Modeling Loss Given Default

derived from the remaining balance of total cash out- Independent Variables
flows and cash inflows after default. Specifically, Based on our experience, our reading of the litera-
ture and empirical analysis, we tried various explana-
Loss derived from net charge-off = charge-off - charge-off recovery
tory factors in the model. These include variables
Loss derived from cash flows = total cash outflows - total cash inflows
capturing loan-specific information, firm-specific
While the loss data derived from these two information, and macroeconomic information, as fol-
sources should be the same, empirically some dis- lows:
crepancies are noticed and require deeper investiga-
Loan-specific information.
tion to ensure consistency with other definitions
• Ratio of collateral value at default / outstanding at default.
used in the overall Basel-compliant risk analysis
• Ratio of collateral value at one year before default / out-
modeling framework within the bank, especially
standing at default.
with the definitions used in any other data, internal
• Outstanding balance at default / one year before default.
or external. Since the loss data is used to arrive at
• Authorized balance at default.
the independent variable LGD, such discrepancies
• Risk rating at default.
might significantly affect the modeling results.
• Risk rating at one year before default.
As a normally distributed variable is required to
• Collateral type.
utilize OLS regression techniques, we transform
• Facility type.
LGD from its original underlying beta distribution
• Covenant structure.
to a normal distribution. This is done in two steps.
• Seniority.
1. First we calculate the  and  parameters from the
Firm-specific information.
underlying beta distribution as follows.
• Leverage I: (total assets - net worth) / net worth.
• Leverage II: total debt / capital at default.
LGD = (Charge-off - charge-off recovery) / Outstanding balance at default
• Operating income/sales at default.
: The beta distribution’s center parameter and can be derived from
• Current liability/total liability at one year before default.
equations below
• Firm size: revenue, total assets, net worth.
: The beta distribution’s shape parameter and can be derived from
• Industry type.
equations below
Min: Minimum of all cases General economy information.
Max: Maximum of all cases • GDP quarterly growth rate one year before default.
 and  are then derived from the following equations:
The collateral ratio, defined as a ratio of collater-
  (Max - ) al value at default (or one year before default) to the

Max Max 2 ● outstanding balance at default (or one year before
default), is used as one explanatory variable. This
Max estimates a bank loan’s recovery rate as a function of
 its corresponding collateral ratio where collateral is
involved. As empirically used in many credit risk
where , 2 are population mean and variance models, the expected negative relationship between
respectively. the recovery rate and the collateral rate proves useful
in estimating recovery rates, in setting sufficient col-
2. We then transform LGD from a beta to a normal lateral requirements, and in pricing debt with sto-
distribution suitable for use in OLS regressions, chastic collateral values.
using the definitions of  and  as calculated above. Each loan was assigned a risk rating based on the
NLGD = Normal (LGD, , ) bank’s internal risk-rating model. The ratings range

Max and 
  . . Max from 10 to 100; the higher the rating, the greater the
risk of the loan.
  ( )2 (1  ) We assigned dummy variables for the facility
type based on the total numbers of each facility type
A General Methodology for
Modeling Loss Given Default

in our dataset. For some facility types, such as com- Table 1

mitted revolving loans, committed term loans, or Best-fitting LGD Regression Results
fixed term loans, there are quite a few data points in Variable Coefficient Sign
our dataset. For some facility types, on the other
hand, there are small numbers of data points available Constant -
in the dataset. We combined these small groups into Collateral Value Outstanding at Default -
“Others.” With these dummy variables in the model, Authorized Balance at Default +
we can easily see which facility type is significant in
Risk Rating at Default +*
estimating LGD. Also, in separate runs, we assigned
Revenue -*
one single dummy variable to capture whether facility
Leverage +*
type, in general, contributes to the model. While
Profitability +*
some specific facility type might not be significant in
the model, the overall facility-type factor may appear Current Ratio -*
to be an important factor in predicting LGD. Interest Coverage -
Similarly, we assigned dummy variables for Agriculture/Food Industry -
industry type based on the bank’s classification crite- Construction Industry -
ria and, in separate runs, one single dummy variable Manufacturing Industry +
for the industry type in general. This is to see Services Industry -*
whether industry type, in general, is a significant Wholesale Industry +*
contributor to the model, and then which specific Facility Type -
industry type is a truly significant factor among all GDP -*
industry types.
Collateral Type +
Seniority of loans was also captured through a
Covenant Tightness -*
dummy variable. Senior bank loans are guaranteed
Seniority -
senior claim positions when the borrowers default,
R-squared 62%
while non-senior loans are either subordinated loans or
other loans. As such, during the resolution process, Adjusted R-squared 51%
senior bank loans will benefit from the liquidation pro- P-value of Regression's F-statistic 0.0
cedure prior to other junior creditors and borrowers’ *indicates coefficients that are significant at the 10% level
shareholders. Therefore, recovery rates from senior or higher.
bank loans will be higher than those of non-senior
loans, leading to a negative relationship between LGD tive relationship is expected between LGD and firm
and senior loans. size, since larger firms are expected to have better
GDP quarterly growth rate is based on the per- tracking and enforcement mechanisms, as well as
centage change from the preceding period, one year better recovery capabilities and hence lower LGDs.
preceding default. The GDP rate one year before Since covenant structures of each facility are
default is a direct and relevant factor in triggering able to protect against default losses to some degree,
events that ultimately result in the borrowers’ we expect covenant structures to contribute to the
defaults a year later. model in a positive way. We created three dummy
We experimented with several definitions of variables for the covenant structures—representing
leverage as per the literature and settled on using the no covenant, weak covenant, and tight covenant,
ratio of total debt over capital at default—a ratio cap- respectively—based on individual judgment of the
turing borrowers’ leverage at default—as the most description of the covenants. The covenant dummy
appropriate definition. Other definitions of leverage variables proved to have significant impact on the
gave counterintuitive signs. model results. In separate runs, we also assigned one
In our preliminary analysis, we found that firm dummy variable to capture covenant tightness in
size, proxied by revenue, total assets, or net worth, is general. As covenants get tighter, LGD values typi-
useful in estimating the loss given default. A nega- cally go lower.

94 The RMA Journal May 2004

A General Methodology for
Modeling Loss Given Default

Some other financial ratios capturing borrowers’ and out-of-time validation techniques to ensure satis-
liquidity and leverage were also experimented with factory results.
given data availability. Profit margin and percentage
of current liabilities in total liabilities are two useful Conclusion
variables in explaining the loss rate. We have reviewed a general methodology for
developing a reliable model to predict loss given
Model Results default for a bank portfolio. Great care needs to be
We analyzed more than 20 specifications of the taken in defining LGD, in converting raw data to a
model over multiple iterations to arrive at the one form suitable for standard regression techniques, as
that is best fitting, both economically and statistical- well as in selecting and defining the variables to be
ly, for our portfolio. (See Table 1.) regressed. The model built is a multifactor statistical
We see that the results from the regressions are model incorporating data at three levels: loan level,
not only a good fit, but also intuitive and follow eco- firm level, and macroeconomic level, in the final
nomic sense. The positive coefficient on the risk rat- form. The model built is totally transparent and can
ing variable indicates that as loans get riskier, the be validated using out-of-sample and out-of-time
LGD expected increases. Similarly, with the positive approaches to ensure it gives satisfactory results over
sign on the leverage variable, as leverage increases, time. ❒
the LGD also increases. Conversely, as revenue
increases, the expected LGD decreases, as indicated The authors can be contacted by e-mail at and
by the positive coefficient on the revenue variable.
This negative relationship also holds for the current For more information, visit
ratio, GDP, and covenant
tightness. As the current
ratio decreases, the overall
economy slows, or as
covenants are loosened, the
expected LGD increases.
Some of the other variables
did not give results as
expected. This may have
been due to peculiarities
with our base modeling
This model fits the data
reasonably well and gives
results that are intuitively
sound. Hence it can be
used for modeling LGD
within the bank to not only
improve performance, but
also to satisfy Basel II’s
requirements. The develop-
ment, working, and testing
of the model are quite open
to inspection: There are no
black-box components. The
model can and should be
tested using out-of-sample


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