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Health Empowerment Theory as a Guide

for Practice
Nelma B. Crawford Shearer, RN, PhD

he Administration on Aging1 forecasts that Theory of Health Empowerment

T by 2020, approximately 55 million adults in
the United States will be aged 65 and older,
many of whom will come in contact with nurses
The theory of health empowerment2-4 is
based, in part, on Rogers’ Science of Unitary
as they seek health care for a variety of reasons. Human Beings.5,6 Particularly influential is Rog-
Many older adults are likely to live alone, suffer ers’s principle of integrality5 perspective of hu-
from chronic illness, spend more years and man beings as integral with the environment
a greater percentage of their lifetime disabled, in his or her daily living and health experience;
and have limited income.1 The process of aging characterized by pattern, self-organization, di-
and the experience of older age reflect lifelong in- versity, and innovative change; and as holding
teractions of individuals and their environment. individual values and views about health. The
As people age, their health needs become more theory identifies health empowerment as emerg-
complex, and recognition of personal resources ing from a synthesis of personal resources and
and social-contextual resources as a basis for social-contextual resources.2 Personal re-
purposeful participation in the attainment of sources reflect unique characteristics of older
health goals may be limited. Our knowledge con- adults such as self-capacity. Social-contextual
cerning the potential role for health promotion resources include support from social networks
efforts to manage chronic illness and promote and social services. Empowerment from this
well-being in older adults remains relatively lim- perspective is a dynamic health process that
ited. Further, there is a paucity of intervention emphasizes ‘‘purposefully participating in a pro-
studies promoting well-being in older adults. cess of changing oneself and one’s environment,
Awareness of personal and social-contextual recognizing patterns, and engaging inner re-
resources appear to play an important role in pro- sources for well-being.’’7 Health empowerment
moting well-being in older adults who experience emphasizes facilitating one’s awareness of the
chronic illness.2 Access to resources may be ability to participate knowingly in health and
particularly important among older adults, repre- health care decisions.3,4 The HEI is a theory-
senting a critical area for intervention by commu- based intervention designed to promote the
nity health nurses. The challenge for nurses is to use of personal resources and social-contextual
facilitate awareness of and access to personal re- resources with the goal of enhancing well-being
sources and social-contextual resources. The in homebound older adults. Health empower-
purpose of this article is to describe a theory- ment theory is expressive of a human health
driven approach to developing an intervention pattern of well-being and is viewed as a rela-
designed to foster personal resources and so- tional process that emerges from the recogni-
cial-contextual resources through the promotion tion of personal resources and social-
of health empowerment and purposeful partici- contextual resources.3,7 This process facilitates
pation in goal attainment, enhancing well-being purposeful participation in the attainment of
in homebound older adults. The health empower- health goals and the promotion of individual
ment theory guided the development of the well-being (Table 1). See Figure 1 for an overall
Health Empowerment Intervention (HEI). framework of the intervention.

Problem Definition
This work received funding from the National Institutes of
Health—National Institute of Nursing Research, Grant No. R15
Older adults, particularly homebound older
The author has no commercial, proprietary, or financial interest in adults, are a vulnerable population at risk of
the products or companies described in this article. losing their independence as their health

4 Geriatric Nursing, Volume 30, Number 2S

declines.8 Challenges of aging among older adults

include economic security, access to community


services, and health care.1 According to Bolnick,9


older adults with declining health related to

chronic conditions often have multiple unmet
social and health care needs. These needs may
best be met through informal and formal home-
characteristics care services as a basis for delaying or preventing

of resources
Setting safety institutionalization.9 Studies suggest that older


adults prefer to stay in their homes for as long

as possible but are unaware of resources in their
community to help them do so.10 As adults age,
their health needs become more complex, and
recognition of personal resources and social-

contextual resources to achieve health goals



may be limited because of older adults’ limited

awareness and access to resources. The growing
number of older adults and associated social
and health care needs underscore the importance
Purposeful participation

of facilitating awareness of and access to per-

Health empowerment

sonal and social-contextual resources to promote

in goal attainment
Elements of Program Theory Underlying the Health Empowerment Intervention

well-being. Despite vulnerabilities, older adults


also have strengths that can be built on to pro-

mote well-being.11 Strengths include personal
resources, specifically, self-capacity,2,12 and
social-contextual resources—specifically, social
networks13 and social service utilization.14
Research with older adults has identified per-
sonal resources as including unique characteris-
tics that comprise more than demographic
Social contextual Resources:

characteristics.2 In a study of older women,

Shearer found that personal resources reflected
 Social service utilization

unique characteristics such as self-capacity.2

Critical Inputs

Personal Resources:

Self-capacity included promoting change and

growth by acknowledging personal strengths
 Social network

and advocating for self. Acknowledging strength


included participants’ perception that they were

strong individuals, had a purpose in life, and
were protectors and caregivers of their family.
As a personal resource, recognition of self-
capacity enhanced their ability to participate in
problem solving to make meaningful changes in
engagement in personal

their well-being.
Social contacts and supportive networks are
essential to the health of older adults.15 The ex-
awareness of and

Limited awareness
of and access to

tent of social networks and support available


for older adults is related to a number of physical



and psychological health outcomes that affect

well-being.16 Decreased or lack of social network
Table 1.


function is consistently associated with risk of

dependency and a reduced level of function.17,18
In those aged 80 and older, Camacho and col-
leagues19 found that consistent involvement

Geriatric Nursing, Volume 30, Number 2S 5

Health Empowerment Intervention Theoretical Mediators Health Outcome

Health Purposeful
Personal Resources Perceived
Empowerment Participation
In Goal
Self-Capacity Building -Personal Attainment
-Reinforce Strengths Growth -Well-being
Social Contextual Resources -Self-
Acceptance -Choices
Social Network Building
- Reinforce Recognition of Social Resources - Purpose in -Freedom to
-Promote Problem-solving Life Act
-Promote Connection with Social Networks Intentionally
- Social
Building Social Service Utilization Support -Involvement
-Reinforce Recognition of Social Service in Creating
-Social Service Change
-Promote Problem-solving
-Provide Information -Individual
-Educate on Service Resources Health Goals

Figure 1. Health Empowerment Intervention Framework.

with others in the community led to higher levels older adults’ increased likelihood of living alone,
of functioning. Qualitative research has found suffering from chronic illness, spending a greater
mentoring relationships or supportive peer rela- percentage of their lifetime disabled, and living in
tionships as necessary ingredients for the em- poverty, relevant and specific interventions are
powering process to progress theory.20-22 needed that focus on fostering the recognition
In a study of participants in a senior congregate and awareness of and ability to access personal
meal program, Shearer and Fleury14 found that resources and social-contextual resources. The
social resources fostered health empowerment HEI is one such intervention developed to in-
through consistent availability and support in crease older adults’ access to personal and
negotiating life changes within the aging process. social-contextual resources.
Support included providing information, feed-
back, and reinforcement, as well as acknowledg-
ing and encouraging the open expression of Critical Inputs
feelings. For participants, contextual resources
included community and organizational struc- Health empowerment is a relational process
tures, which built individual and collective capac- that emerges from the person’s recognition of
ity through opportunities to remain active in the his or her own personal and social-contextual re-
community, to create and sustain valued friend- sources. The objective of the HEI is to facilitate
ships, and to stay physically and mentally active. the engagement of the older adult in the process
These structures included but were not limited to of recognizing personal resources, social-contex-
neighborhood resources and clubs, government- tual resources (including social networks and ac-
funded programs such as senior centers and so- cessing social services), and the identification of
cial service programs, transportation in the desired health goals and the means to attain
form of dial-a-ride or cab connection, and other them. Enhancing the older adult’s health empow-
government-funded social services programs. erment is based on critical aspects of treatment:
Awareness of and access to resources may be 1) facilitating recognition and building of self-
particularly important among homebound older capacity, 2) facilitating recognition of supportive
adults with chronic illness, representing a critical networks and encouraging the building of social
area for intervention by community health nurses. supportive networks, and 3) facilitating recog-
However, the needs of many older adults are not nition of social services and social service utiliza-
being met because they do not possess skills es- tion. The HEI focuses on purposeful participation
sential to identify and obtain key resources. Given in individualized goal attainment by incorporating

6 Geriatric Nursing, Volume 30, Number 2S

a focus on the homebound older adult’s concerns In the HEI, building social service utilization in-
and preferences in determining health goals. cludes the recall of social services used in the
To promote self-capacity, the HEI incorporates past, as well as developing strategies for increas-
reminiscence activities in which each participant ing awareness and access to new resources spe-
is encouraged to recall a time that he or she felt cific to the older adult’s needs. Information is
able to change and improve or participate in de- provided regarding available resources within
termining health goals. Reminiscence is used the community and how to access these services,
for life review in which participants have an op- including needed material resources (e.g., trans-
portunity to enjoy remembering the richness of portation, finances, and management of health
their past to enrich present life experiences. needs) and access to needed services. The use
Thus, memory release may promote a ‘‘pouring of problem-solving techniques for identifying
out’’ of life-changing experiences that could be and accessing social services related to needed
used to facilitate self-capacity building. Interven- resources are also incorporated. Role-playing is
tion activities also include recognition of one’s used as a strategy to facilitate reconnecting with
strengths, purpose in life, personal growth, and others, seeking needed help, and contacting and
self-acceptance. communicating with social service agencies to ac-
The HEI promotes the participants’ acknowl- cess material resources. For example, even
edgment of strengths and the use of self-talk to though homebound older adults receive home-
promote positive thinking through the use of delivered meals, they may need additional
thought restructuring of negative messages sent resources to access groceries. If the older adult
to oneself. Thought restructuring is a strategy is unaware of specific resources such as grocery
used to foster positive, realistic optimism. The delivery or food stamps, this information and
HEI facilitates the participants’ identification of strategies on how to access the services are
life goals as reflecting purpose in life and the discussed.
identification of experiences that reflect oneself To facilitate the dimensions of health empow-
as growing and expanding. Using thought erment, HEI content is delivered over 6 weeks
restructuring, the participants are taught to inter- in a one-on-one format, using 3 teaching modes:
rupt negative thoughts by using the verbal com- didactic, individualized discussion, and ‘‘hands-
mand ‘‘STOP.’’ After sending the stop message, on’’ experience. The HEI takes place in partici-
they restructure the thought so that it is more pants’ homes, scheduled at a time that is conve-
positive. If a message is difficult to change, partic- nient for them. Culturally relevant information
ipants are taught a breathing technique to help individualized to the older adult’s identified
them relax. After they feel relaxed, they restruc- health goals are provided throughout the inter-
ture the negative thought into a positive one vention sessions. The importance of building
that focuses on their strengths and what they trust and rapport with homebound older adults,
have accomplished throughout their lives. Fi- asking questions that focus on what barriers
nally, through reminiscence activities, the partic- might keep them from accessing resources, and
ipants have the opportunity to think about their maintaining a person-centered approach to the
past lives and acknowledge the good and bad intervention is emphasized throughout.23
qualities of the self while recognizing the positive
In the HEI, social network building is fostered Mediating Factors
through guided strategy formation designed
to increase awareness of social-contextual re- Emerging from the health empowerment pro-
sources and reinforce recognized social re- cess is a transformation in which older adults rec-
sources. Participants are encouraged to identify ognize their ability to purposefully participate in
social networks, including supportive persons. goal attainment and facilitate awareness of and
After identifying people turned to in the past for access to needed health and material resources,
social support, the individual may recognize ben- thereby promoting well-being. The intended
efits or limitations of the support provided. Prob- effect of the HEI is changes in the perceived
lem-solving techniques are introduced, in which well-being of homebound older adults. Achieve-
the participant identifies other social supportive ment of this outcome is contingent on changes
persons and engages in social network building. in instrumental outcomes: increased purposeful

Geriatric Nursing, Volume 30, Number 2S 7

participation in goal attainment. In turn, for posi- cluding self-capacity in the form of strength and
tive changes in purposeful participation in goal at- the ability to participate in change.
tainment, the older adult should increase in the
intermediate outcome of health empowerment.
Health empowerment is viewed as a relational Expected Outcomes
process that emerges from the person’s recogni-
tion of his or her personal resources and social- From a health empowerment perspective,
contextual resources. This view involves a shift well-being is viewed as the ultimate health out-
from a paternalistic perspective in which the come. Well-being is generally defined as life
health care provider establishes the goals to satisfaction and harmony.27 From a nursing per-
one in which the homebound older adult pur- spective, facilitating health empowerment to
posefully participates in determining and pro- promote well-being represents a dynamic hu-
gressing toward attainment of personal health man health process, one of many that nursing
goals, thus promoting well-being. This theoreti- seeks to understand for the betterment of soci-
cal view of health empowerment is based on 4 ety.7 At the conceptual level, the health outcome
principles: 1) empowerment is power that is in- of well-being reflects the construct of health.
herent in the individual and ongoing;24 2) em- Changes in well-being are expected to take
powerment is a relational process, expressive place between 6 and 12 weeks following initia-
of the mutuality between person and environ- tion of the program and only after improvement
ment; 3) empowerment is an ongoing process in perceived resources, health empowerment,
of change that is continuously innovative; and and purposeful participation in goal attainment
4) empowerment is expressive of a human are achieved.
health pattern of well-being.7 In the HEI, health
empowerment is viewed as a theoretical media- Exogenous Factors
tor that characterizes the process underlying the
intervention. Health empowerment emerges In the HEI, factors identified that might im-
from the recognition of personal resources and pact receipt and development of resources
social-contextual resources and leads to pur- consistent with health empowerment and pur-
poseful participation in goal attainment, thereby poseful participation in goal attainment include
promoting well-being. prior experiences identifying and developing
On the basis of the findings in the literature and personal and social-contextual resources, physi-
from preliminary research, purposeful participa- cal and emotional health, and the presence of
tion in goal attainment is a theoretical mediator comorbid conditions that might limit receipt or
between the health empowerment relational pro- action on information. Intervention curriculum
cess and the health outcome of well-being. Pur- and delivery are sensitive to these factors. The
poseful participation in goal attainment is HEI is conducted in the older adult’s home,
manifested through awareness, choices, freedom which might be considered less stressful for
to act intentionally, and involvement in creating some older adults; participants are encouraged
change. According to Barrett,25 the concepts of to engage in the intervention in their setting of
awareness, choices, freedom, and involvement choice.
are interrelated. Awareness and freedom to act
intentionally guide one’s participation in making
choices and determining health goals.26 Implementation Issues
Shearer3,4 supported the transforming belief in
one’s ability to purposefully participate in health In the HEI, the material resources needed in-
and health care decisions, manifesting itself in clude a meeting area in a safe, quiet setting that
one’s behavior and awareness of one’s choices will allow for individual discussion and interac-
to participate in change as a core component of tion; and written materials and picture diagrams
the health empowerment process. In another that summarize the information provided. A man-
study, Shearer2 found that homebound older ualized protocol to guide intervention delivery
women associated purposeful participation in and evaluation of treatment fidelity has been de-
change in identifying health goals with social- veloped. The nurse interveners participate in
contextual resources and personal resources, in- a training program and are asked to adhere to

8 Geriatric Nursing, Volume 30, Number 2S

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NELMA B. CRAWFORD SHEARER, RN, PhD, is an Ó 2009 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.
associate professor and the co-director of the Hartford doi: 10.1016/j.gerinurse.2009.02.003

10 Geriatric Nursing, Volume 30, Number 2S

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