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2 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with

the Right Pro Ana Tips
Table of Contents
Introduction .......................................................................................................... 4
An Intro to Losing Weight .................................................................................... 8
Chapter I: How to Lose Weight ............................................................................ 11
Lose Weight the Healthy Way .......................................................................... 12
Less Calories...................................................................................................... 12
The Importance of Exercise .............................................................................. 14
The Truth about Fad Diets ................................................................................ 15
Chapter II: Losing Weight the Right Way ............................................................ 16
The Plan ............................................................................................................ 16
Exercise for the Busy Bee ................................................................................. 18
Pills and Laxatives ............................................................................................ 20
Chapter III: Anorexia ........................................................................................... 20
Causes of Anorexia Nervosa ............................................................................. 22
Symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa ....................................................................... 23
Short and Long-Term Effects of Anorexia ........................................................24
Chapter IV: Losing Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips ...................................... 25
The Healthy Way of Restricting Calorie Intake................................................. 25
Cultivating a Healthy Self-Image ...................................................................... 27
Self-Image, the Media and Other Influences .................................................. 30
Facing the Music ............................................................................................... 31
20 Pro Ana and Mia Tips ...................................................................................33
Chapter V: How to Maintain a Healthy Weight if You Are Already Anorexic ..... 36
Accepting Your Condition ................................................................................ 36
3 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

Asking for Treatment ....................................................................................... 38

The Reasons behind Anorexia ......................................................................... 39
A Healthy Diet for Anorexics ............................................................................42
Chapter VI: Diagnosing Anorexia ........................................................................ 43
Dealing with Anorexics .................................................................................... 43
Identifying the Symptoms ............................................................................... 44
Chapter VII: Anorexia Treatment........................................................................ 46
Counseling ....................................................................................................... 46
Psychiatric Help ............................................................................................... 46
Support Groups ............................................................................................... 48
Chapter VIII: Living the Battle ............................................................................. 49
An On-Going Battle .......................................................................................... 49
You Are Not Alone ........................................................................................... 50
Conclusion ............................................................................................................ 51
4 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

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5 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

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6 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

Anorexic. Bulimic. If you have been called any of these words,
chances are that there’s a cringe, frown or at the very least a raised
eyebrow that comes along with them.

In short, you probably know how it feels like to be scorned and

judged for doing what you do.

There is also the ever-present pressure to lose more weight, the guilt
that comes when you suddenly break your fast, self-loathing because
you cannot maintain your discipline and the unique feeling that ‘it’s
never enough’ for you – or for others.

You already have a hard time dealing with the inner turmoil brought
about by these thoughts, and the last thing that you need right now
is to be treated like some freak sideshow; some outcast that just
does not belong in the group. This can be especially painful when
friends and family try to forcefully intervene and insist that
everything you do is bad for you.

This is where the philosophies of Pro Ana come in.

Pro Ana in its earliest forms was a movement that promoted

anorexia in all its forms. Groups of people came together to support
one another as they go through the ups and downs of anorexia and
bulimia. They would talk about anything related to anorexia – from
the regular banter on effective diets and exercise regimens to
heavier discussions on forceful purging and excessive weight loss.
7 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

After getting into the spotlight (thanks to a special feature on the

Oprah Winfrey show), Pro Ana groups faced a lot of the stuff many
anorexics face – discrimination and ostracization. A lot of political
bigwigs took the opportunity to go straight for Pro Ana groups. It
was good public relations to shut down Pro Ana groups and
websites, as these bigwigs promoted themselves as ‘guardians’ and
‘saviors’ of anorexics and bulimics.

One good thing about this whole affair is that many Pro Ana groups
that encouraged teens to destroy their bodies were wiped off the
Internet. The Pro Ana groups that managed to survive the onslaught
have refined their ideals and goals to help their members reach their
ideal weight without crossing the line that defines safe and harmful
weight loss.

The resulting philosophy helps replace guilt and insecurity with

strength and self-confidence; fear and ignorance with courage and
understanding. Anorexics learn how to open up about their
conditions, deal with judgmental people, continue their pursuit of
thin beauty and avoid the dangers of excessive weight loss. They
learn how to love themselves even as they aim to achieve their ideal
bodily figure, which is not easy when most of the people around you
treat you as if you’re crazy.

This is exactly what this guide is all about – helping you become
“thinspired” without subjecting you to the psychological anguish and
physical risks involved with anorexia.

But the first thing you need to do is to learn how to lose weight –
without putting yourself at risk of bodily harm. That is what we will
discuss in our first chapter.
8 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

An Intro to Losing Weight

Apart from making
you look better, a
more important
reason for losing
weight is for a
healthier body.
Numerous studies
have confirmed that
obesity is one of the
leading causes of
death worldwide.
This risk increases as
your body exceeds its ideal weight. At the same time, obesity puts
people at a greater risk in contracting other life threatening

In other words, obesity makes other health conditions that you may
already have worse than people with normal weight. It is known to
increase the risk factor among patients with coronary heart disease.
Blood pressure increases and levels of good cholesterol decreases.
Other risks include type-two diabetes, sleep apnea, arthritis and
some forms of cancer.

Given all this, the reason for losing weight is pretty simple. It is all a
matter of living a healthier life free from all sorts of medication and
increased health risks. This also allows you to live a normal and happy
life with your loved ones.

Making the choice to live a healthy lifestyle is relatively easy. For

some people though, losing weight is an uphill battle with lots of
9 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

challenges along the way. This is perhaps the reason why people fail
in the first place. Getting the wrong regimen would not lead to the
desired results though. But the biggest obstacle here is your attitude

Beyond any trainer or healthy food you eat, discipline and

consistency are two of the most important qualities you should
possess. Your surroundings must also be conducive to your weight
loss training. It never hurts to have the support from close family and
friends as well. Having people who understand what you are going
through can help give much needed motivation.

Sometimes people just enter into a weight loss program half-

heartedly only to quit just a few weeks later. This is one of the most
common reasons why these kinds of programs fail in the first place.
More often than not, losing weight may also mean battling some
personal demons such as depression.

Losing weight is no easy task but it is certainly possible. In fact, there

are plenty of ways to do this. Keep in mind though that there are
right and wrong ways to lose weight. People often eat little to
nothing in a bid to lose weight quickly which is of course wrong.
Maintaining a proper diet with adequate nutrient intake is still the
best way to go.

Exercising is a great way to burn that excess fat off your body.
Depending on a number of things, you may be given a less intense
program at first. As you progress and gain more confidence, the
workout intensifies further. It is important to stick to this training to
lose weight safely and effectively.

People losing weight are not isolated cases. They are much more in
common than you think. You do not have to look far and beyond to
10 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

find a successful story. There could be one at your local gym. A

person with the same goal in mind might be starting right now. Now
if they can do it, why not you?
11 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

Chapter I: How to Lose Weight

Among the biggest mistakes that people do when trying to lose
weight is going through a crash diet and bursts of exercise. These do
nothing more than push your body to the limit without any benefit at
all. In fact, you are doing more harm to your body when trying to lose
weight this way.

Crash diets often involve restricting the kinds of food you can eat
without giving your body enough time to adjust. While it is true that
calories have an effect on your weight, a sudden drop in calorie
intake can have adverse effects on your well being. Restricting food
intake could also result in vitamin and mineral deficiency.

An abrupt change in your physical activities is not good for your body
either. People who are not used to exercising should not start
exhausting themselves on a treadmill all of a sudden. The resulting
struggle will just devastate and demoralize your efforts. On the
physical level, pushing yourself to the limit might result in injury.

Nothing good will ever come out of going against the body’s natural
rhythm. The same goes with any weight loss program. With this in
mind, the proper and healthy way to shed some weight is to
introduce changes gradually. This means getting into a program
designed to take advantage of the body’s natural processes instead
of going against it.
12 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

Lose Weight the Healthy Way

As mentioned earlier, the best weight to go about losing weight is to
undergo gradual changes in your physical regimen and diet. It may
not seem like it but even small changes can lead to a big difference.
Losing weight is about understanding how your body stores excess

Weight loss is often discussed in terms of diet and exercise and this is
no coincidence. In simple terms, losing weight means getting the
body to use up fat which give the body the energy it needs to move.
In other words, exercising forces your body to burn stored energy. In
the same manner, reducing the amount of calories you take reduces
the fat your body can store.

Less Calories
Being overweight obviously means there is something wrong with
your current diet. You will have to change your eating habits if you
are really serious about losing weight. One of the first things you
should do is to cut down on the amount of food you eat. Less food
means fewer calories.

There is nothing wrong with eating cakes, sweets and other treats.
When things get out of hand though, you can expect to add a few
extra pounds over time.

A proper diet does not mean depriving yourself of these treats. The
good news is that you can still satisfy your cravings. The key here is to
limit intake to small amounts and reserve them for special occasions.
13 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

Remember that after digesting food, the body stores the energy in
the form of fat. Eating less means telling your body to use up these
reserves and sure enough it will catch your drift. Making healthier
food choices is part of the deal as well. You will also have to undergo
a few lifestyle changes as well.
Crash diets are certainly out of the question. This will only result with
you getting weaker possibly from nutrient deficiency. You are more
likely to give out first before any real weight loss occurs. The same
thing goes with quick-fix diets. This just puts you in the middle of a
cycle between weight loss then weight gain. Either way, avoid these
at all costs.

No matter how much you try, you cannot cut corners on your weight
loss program. You are more likely to reduce calorie intake by 300 to
500 calories a day. This translates to a loss of one to two pounds a
week. Admittedly, the process is slow but things like this should not
be hurried.

Contrary to popular belief, significantly changing your diet is not

needed for weight loss to take effect. Consider the following tips for
reducing your calorie intake with minimal changes to your diet:

o Drink plenty of water and replace them with carbonated drinks.

o Instead of whole milk, drink semi-skimmed or skimmed milk.
o Do not put sugar in your tea and coffee.
o Eat fewer servings of your favorite foods.
o Drink less alcoholic beverages.
o No more unhealthy treats.
o Do not skip any meal especially breakfast.
o Eat regularly to keep your body’s normal metabolism.
14 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

The Importance of Exercise

Now that you have ensured a healthy diet, the next step to take is to
increase your activity levels. Keep in mind that you have to move
around more to burn that excess fat. For most people, this is the
difficult part of any weight loss program. This transition becomes
more difficult if you have never exercised before.

Most people often think of the gym when exercise is brought up.
While this is correct, you do not even need the gym to exercise. Light
activities such as a 20-minute walk go a long way in terms of burning
calories. This of course can be done around your neighborhood or
anywhere with enough space.

Other activities are available as well. Team and racket sports are a fun
way to get your body moving. Taking aerobics classes can be done at
the gym or in your own home. Running, swimming and cycling are
great ways to burn calories as well. As long as you are moving more,
you are good to go.

For better results, find something to do which you really like.

Consider things such as practicality, location and cost as well. This
makes it easier to turn your selected activity into a routine.
Remember that you have to keep this up in order to keep the fat off.

The following are additional tips and simple things to do to burn

excess calories:

o Use the weekend as an extra exercise day. Have a picnic at the

park with the healthy food that you prepared yourself. Leave
your car and walk the way.
15 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

o Instead of using elevators and escalators, use the stairs instead.

Every step you take is a form of exercise and certainly adds up
to the big picture.

o Once commercials play, use this time to stand up and do a bit of

exercising. Better yet, use a stationary bike while watching.

The Truth about Fad Diets

In the same manner as get rich quick schemes promises a fat pay
check with minimal effort, fad diets make the same promises in terms
of weight loss. These kinds of diets are rightly labeled as fads since
they seem to change almost instantly depending on what is popular.
But do these diets offer any real solution to weight loss problems?

Fad diets are in the quick fix category which explains their popularity.
Whether it calls for a low carb, fat, liquid or juice diet, they all have
one thing in common. These kinds of diets often call for limited food
intake. They also call for avoiding a specific food group which goes
against a well-balanced diet. In a sense, they tell you to starve

Following any of these diets do not lead to any long-term results. The
results often range from the disappointing to the dangerous. As
mentioned earlier, depriving yourself of food simply does not work.
The best way to shed weight is still to follow a structured and tiered
diet program that aim to burn and reduce calories.
16 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

Chapter II: Losing Weight the Right Way

The Plan
All weight loss programs have two key components, proper diet and
regular exercise. These two components must be combined
successfully to optimize your calorie burn and therefore your weight
loss. Not all calories are bad and have different effects on your body.
Follow these steps to help you lose weight and get the best results

Step One
Any junk food and other unhealthy food items in your kitchen have to
go. The obvious culprits are high fat and high sugar foods which have
a substantial amount of calories. Processed food which has flour,
corn syrup, and Trans fat should be avoided at all costs. Do all this
and you have successfully taken the first step towards a healthy

Step Two
You may not expect this but having a cheat meal before starting your
diet is actually a good thing. A few slices of pizza and a serving of ice
cream should in a spike in calorie levels within your body. This should
be done at least once a week for just one meal. The added calories
should prevent your body from decreasing its metabolism because of
your diet.

Step Three
The next step is to buy some groceries to prepare your healthy meal.
Lean proteins with less saturated fat including pork, beef, chicken
17 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

and fish are the best way to go. Brown rice, oatmeal and whole-grain
bread gives you your carbohydrates. Vegetables may either be fresh
or frozen to supply nutrients to your body. Fat options such as
unsalted nuts, olive oil and organic peanut butter are healthy choices
as well.

Step Four
Instead of eating three full meals a day, your new diet called for six
meals a day but with fewer servings. This means having three main
meals plus three snacks in between. Each serving should contain 15
to 30 grams of protein and equal servings of fat and carbs. Most
experts agree on a 30-30-40 distribution among protein, fats and
protein respectively.

Be sure to maintain this structure to get the most out of the

program. Do not forget to drink water with each meal as well. As
your body gets used to this regimen, you will become less hungry.

Step Five
As for your exercise program, concentrate on both resistance and
cardiovascular workouts. It is recommended that weight training be
done three days a week with a days rest in between. These sessions
should be followed by 30 to 60 minutes worth of cardio for burning
extra fat. In case you have a lot of weight to lose, add another day
for training to do this.

Step Six
It is important to keep track of your progress every now and then.
This can be done by simply weighing yourself once a week just after
you wake-up. If you have a personal trainer, have him take your
body’s fat percentage every other week. From these results, you can
adjust your program according to your goals. Use a journal to record
all aspects of your experience as you go along.
18 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

Exercise for the Busy Bee

Exercising does not necessarily mean going to the gym after all. All
kinds of options are at your disposal to workout on a regular basis as
outlined below:

Cardio Exercises
Among all exercises, cardio is perhaps the most flexible and can be
done in a matter of minutes. The point here is to get your heart
pumping faster than normal. As you can imagine, only a few rigorous
movements are needed for this. Here are a few cardio exercises that
you can do at home or at work:
19 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

Running or even the simple act of brisk walking help increase your
heart rate. You can do this on your way to the office from your car
and back. If you are going up or down just within three floors, take
the stairs instead. Every step you take burns calories quite

Riding a bike to work or around the park saves gas and gets your
heart pumping at the same time. Adding resistance to this makes it
double as strength exercise. Jumping jacks, squat hops and step
jumps can be done in the morning before starting your day.

Strength Training
There are plenty of workouts that concentrate on strength training
that you can do in your own time as well. This is usually mixed in with
cardio exercises to save time. A typical program usually follows a
circuit routine. This means exercises are done successively until
about a minute or when fatigue sets in.

A circuit training routine typically includes some of the exercises as

listed below:

o Squats
o Lunges
o Push-ups
o Triceps dips
o Crunches

The good news is that you can add exercise to this program as you
see fit. Finding an exercise you like makes this routine easier to
perform. If you have a trainer, feel free to ask for a more effective
exercise regimen that you re most comfortable with.
20 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

Pills and Laxatives

Dietary supplements which contain laxatives are now a popular way
to lose weight especially among the younger crowd. At first, these
pills seem to work but they do come at a price. There are several
known negative effects to using laxatives for weight loss and here
are some of them:

o Frequent use of laxatives upsets the normal function of the

o Frequent use may also increase dependence on laxatives for a
bowel movement.
o A deficiency in nutrients and dehydration happens when the
digestive process is forced beyond what is normal.
o Weight loss from laxatives is due to water being expelled and
not fat.

All these things point to one thing. Weight loss by way of laxatives is
certainly not safe and creates more problems than they are supposed
to solve. What these things do to the body is give you diarrhea. Over
time, the only thing you will get here is dehydration and lack of vital
minerals and vitamins which results to bad health.

Chapter III: Anorexia

Anorexia Nervosa
There are plenty of eating disorders out there and anorexia is one of
the more common ones. The condition starts out as a concern
towards weight loss. Over time though, this progresses into
something else. The person becomes obsessed with losing and
keeping weight off.
21 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

While there is nothing wrong with trying to lose weight, a little bit of
too much always hurts. Over dieting by way of supplements,
laxatives, hunger strikes, and enemas are certainly not advisable
means to lose weight. This becomes a vicious cycle which has both
short and long-term effects on the body.

Bulimia Nervosa
At the far end of the spectrum from anorexia is a condition called
bulimia. Bulimics engage in binge eating sessions where they eat
significantly more than necessary. Self-induced vomiting or purging
follows through the use of laxatives, diuretics or by simply forcing
the gag reflex. Similar to anorexia, bulimia is a condition borne out of
an obsession to lose weight.

Binge eating followed by purging soon becomes a cycle similar to

drug addiction. This often results in considerable weight fluctuations
but do not necessarily translate to severe weight loss like anorexics.
Bulimia is usually developed after repeated failures at weight loss.

Other Eating Disorders

Binge-Eating Disorder – People affected by this condition experience
a loss of control over their eating habits. This usually results in eating
excessive amounts of food habitually. Unlike bulimia, binge eating
sessions are not followed by purging. People with this condition are
usually overweight as a result. Binge-eating episodes are followed by
stress or guilt which leads to another similar session.

Over Exercising / Eating – Compulsive eating and exercising are both

considered as eating disorders. These activities often take a life of
their own and take over much of a person’s time. The result is an
excess in calorie gained and calorie burned.
22 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

EDNOS – Other eating disorders are out there that do not quite
belong to conditions that have already been identified. For these
conditions, the more general term of eating disorders not otherwise
specified is used. People with EDNOS fall in between the gray areas
of identified eating disorders.

Causes of Anorexia Nervosa

Despite numerous studies, experts have yet to find a definite cause
of anorexia nervosa. To fill this void though, experts have pointed
out several possible causes of this condition.

Researchers have found out that the genes inherited by children
from their parents offer a vital clue as to the occurrence of anorexia.
More specifically, scientists are looking at one chromosome that
seems to suggest that people who have it are more likely to develop
this condition than those who do not.

Hypothalamus Dysfunction
There are promising leads that explain anorexia is the result of
abnormal metabolic processes which stem from the hypothalamus.
This organ near the brain regulates these processes and anything
wrong here will certainly affect the body’s normal function. Faulty
neurotransmitters which regulate these processes may be blamed as

Personal History
Some experts also contend that anorexia is borne out of an
individual’s history which traces back to infancy. They point out that
a history of under eating and maternal depressive symptoms
contribute to the development of the condition.
23 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

Perfectionists and people with highly negative feelings can have the
same outcome as well.

Social pressure to conform to weight standards set by society often

lead to anorexia. This is directly linked with a poor self-image and low
self-esteem lead people to take drastic measures to lose weight.
There is also a relationship between anorexia and a history of child
abuse. Increasing evidence point towards high expectations from
parents can put a person at risk for this condition.

Symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa

A person who has anorexia can be seriously underweight and in such
extreme cases, lead to social withdrawal and depression. It does not
help that the person becomes irritable and difficult to interact with
as well. The ability to concentrate decreases as the person becomes
deprived of sleep and in fatigued during the day.

People with anorexia also become increasingly obsessed with food. It

is not uncommon for them to collect recipes and fuss about the food
they eat. Food hoarding and preparing high calorie foods for other
people are common as well. They may exhibit symptoms which are
similar to obsessive compulsive disorder as well.

Physical appearance is important to the anorexic to such a point that

they strive for perfection. Although they struggle with their food,
they do quite well with other aspects of their life. Be aware though
that personality disorders, anxiety and mood swings are common
symptoms as well.

An anorexic’s body is not in top shape particularly with slower hear

rates, low blood pressure and irregular heart rhythms. Abdominal
24 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

pain and constipation often signal problems in the digestive tract. A

drop in bone density and changes in kidney function are common as

Short and Long-Term Effects of Anorexia

The short term effects of anorexia can be fatal especially when left
unchecked. Mental disorders such as depression, anxiety and
personality disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorders may
develop. More often than not, drug abuse becomes evident as
people try to cope with these symptoms.

Dehydration and malnutrition often develop because of a deficiency

in vitamin and mineral intake. Females stop menstruating and males
experience a drop in testosterone levels. Anemia develops which
stresses the body’s circulatory system. Kidney problems make it
difficult for the body to regulate itself as well.

It is very difficult to distinguish between the short and long-term

effects of anorexia. Once is often the cause the other making it hard
to pinpoint where one ends and the other begins. A loss in bone
density for instance can lead to an increased risk of fractures and
brittle bones. Electrolyte problems are more the result of

In such extreme cases, anorexics may suddenly die even when not
severely underweight. Abusing the body is clearly not a good thing
and death is usually the result of cardiac arrest among others.
Anorexics with mental disorders are also at risk of committing suicide
as well.
25 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

Chapter IV: Losing Weight with the

Right Pro Ana Tips

The Healthy Way of Restricting Calorie Intake

Losing weight starts with limiting the amount of calories that you put
into your body. With this in mind, burning calories through increased
physical activity is the way to go. On the other hand, controlling the
amount of calories that your body receives is equally important as

Reducing calories does not mean taking it all the way down to zero.
Keep in mind that calories are needed by the body for other vital
functions. An excess amount of course leads to gaining weight. As
such, your diet should aim for that sweet spot of just the right
amount of calories.

By far, regular exercise is the best way to keep calories and weight
off your body. Getting into and following a program is the best way
to burn calories and stay fit. Additionally, exercising relaxes the
muscles and reduces stress which leads to a healthier you. Exercising
should be done at least 30 minutes a day or depending on your

The other side of the equation is making the right food choices. Fizzy
drinks and those with sugar should be reduced in favor of water and
fruit juices. Green tea is a great drink to take since it burns up to 70
calories a day. It has the added benefit of fighting against heart
26 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

Eating low calorie foods should be a priority as well. Use low-calorie

substitutes in your diet such as grilling instead of frying or roasting.
Steaming is a great way to cook and lock in flavor without adding
calories. White meat is healthier than red meat so choose fish and
chicken. Watermelon, cucumber and celery burn more calories when

The Plan
To get a better idea on how to keep excess calories off your body, a
plan needs to be drawn up. The following steps are designed to help
you keep track of your calorie intake without compromising on your
health. It is in your best interest to take these steps seriously.

1. Find out as much as you can about calories and other related
topics. There are plenty of reading materials on this subject.
Books are available at your local bookstore. You may also visit
websites and blogs online.

2. Ask your doctor to assess your health and conduct some tests
before starting the program. The tests should give you an idea
on your current health and let you plan a program accordingly.
This also gives you a way to track your progress.

3. Improve your diet by making healthy food choices. Concentrate

on eating foods that give you the nutrients that your body
needs. Check you servings against the recommended daily
allowance. Keep in mind that you need protein from lean meat,
fruits, vegetables and healthy fats.

4. At the same time, cut back on junk food and other unnecessary
food. These give so many calories with little or no nutritional
value at all.
27 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

5. As you go through your program, be sure that you have a

means of tracking your progress. The simplest test you can do
yourself is weigh yourself. Remember that weight loss is not a
process that should be hurried. Aim for shedding a pound or
two per week.

Cultivating a Healthy Self-Image

Self-image and self-esteem are virtually inseparable when it comes to
weight loss. A poor self-image usually leads to a loss in confidence in
one’s self. This lowered confidence then becomes the reason for the
onset of extreme forms of anorexia which is dangerous to one’s

With a bad self-image, people have a distorted view of their own self.
They often compare their bodies and that of others and continually
feel ashamed and depressed. This often leads to unhappiness,
emotional distress, eating disorders and bouts of personality
disorders in some cases.

Self-image is all about how you see yourself. It caters more to your
psychological side than your physical side. Maintaining a positive self-
image then falls under the study of your own behavior. The following
steps are designed to help gain more appreciation for your body and
are based on therapeutic principles:

Step One
Find out what sort of things you find troubling and contribute to a
lowered self-esteem. This often concerns how you see the world
around you. A negative outlook in life is a common culprit for
depression. Stressful events in your life such as the death of a loved
one or a strained personal relationship are quite common as well.
28 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

Step Two
Once these disturbing thoughts are identified, try to identify about
what you think when they come around. Anything that runs through
your mind and how you interpret these ideas should be noted as
well. Evaluate these thoughts as positive, negative or neutral and try
to see if they are based on facts or false ideas.

Step Three
Since you are trying to lessen the negativity in your life, much more
focus on these kinds of thoughts are needed. Specifically, find out
why negative thoughts come up in the first place. More often than
not, these thoughts trigger all kinds of responses as part of your
natural behavior.

Physically, you may notice some tension in your muscles, a back ache,
a faster heart beat and stomach problems. Sweating and a disturbed
sleeping pattern are common reactions as well. In the emotional
spectrum, you may experience a difficulty in concentration, a feeling
of guilt and worry as well as spells of anger and sadness.

Even your behavior is affected by negative thoughts. Eating becomes

a habit instead of satisfying your hunger. Spending more time in
seclusion and avoiding other people can be expected. Avoiding
certain tasks and delving deep into work as well as obsessing over
something are possible responses as well.

Step Four
After identifying the negative thoughts that you experience, the next
logical step to take is to challenge these ideas. Test the accuracy of
these thoughts and see how they hold up against conventional
wisdom and facts. In other words, your ideas need a good taste of
the truth.
29 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

It is quite easy to find patterns in your thoughts. Here is a quick look

at how such thoughts affect your self-esteem:

o All or Nothing – This means seeing things in black or white, the

o Mental Filtering – This happens when only negative thoughts
are seen and tend to dwell on these too much.
o Conversion – Even when you find something positive, these are
quickly downplayed and negativity takes over.
o Assuming the Worst – People react by jumping to the worst
conclusions even when there is no evidence to support this
o Self-Disbelief – This happens when you start putting down
yourself through self-deprecating humor and overreacting to

Step Five
Coping with the negative involves replacing them with positive
thoughts. This allows you to be more constructive and thus give a
much needed boost in self-esteem. On the other hand, this is easier
said than done. Here are a few ways to help you do just that:

o Hopeful Statements – Learn to appreciate your self more with

kindness and encouragement. Keep positive thoughts in your
head and everything will work out eventually.
o Be More Forgiving – Do not fuss too much when you make
mistakes. You have to accept that fact that this happens and is a
part of life.
o Focus on Positive Things – There are certainly good things
about your life so you should to try focus on them instead.
o Change Upsetting Thoughts – Facing negativity head-on is one
thing, but reacting to it differently is another story. Think of
these as an opportunity to change for the better.
30 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

o Encourage Yourself – Once you get around to making positive

changes in your life give yourself a pat on the back.

Self-Image, the Media and Other Influences

One of the major influences that affect the way you look at yourself
is the media. Everyday, society is bombarded with ideal types coming
from TV shows, movies and the internet. People cannot help but
compare themselves with celebrities who seem larger than life.

Perfection is the order of the day and models and actors exude an
image of flawlessness much like gods and goddesses. What people
fail to realize is that these perfect bodies are achieved by cheating.
Technology has advanced so much that anything can be made to
seem real.
31 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

It is widely known that images can be photo-shopped to perfection

with the proper tools. An instant tan can be achieved through digital
air-brushing. Models can even look thinner with some clever editing.
On the extreme end, celebrities go under the knife for the figure of
their dreams.

The thin-ideal is also spread out by way of advertising. Impossibly

thin images of models are used extensively to market products and
just about everything else. Women, who are usually the target
audience, are the most affected group by this campaign. This leads to
overall dissatisfaction and lowered self-esteem.

Even at a young age, girls are taught to conform to these ideal types
as defined by society. They are taught by their parents to make
themselves presentable especially when puberty sets in. Famous toys
for girls do not help in cultivating a positive self-image as well.
Societal pressures keep bearing down well into adult life.

Apart from the media and other outside influences though, some
parenting styles are said to contribute towards a poor self-image.
You are more likely to develop this kind of attitude if someone else in
the family has it. A rigid home structure where control is limited
contributes to this condition as well.

Facing the Music

Although the media makes it seem easy, achieving that perfect figure
is not completely up to the person. A lot of people adhere to diet and
exercise programs only to end up being disappointed and with a
feeling of self-defeat. This often leads to insecurities and lowered
32 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

What people fail to realize is that the perfect body is not possible for
everyone. A huge factor that determines whether or not you get
washboard abs is your genetic make-up. There is absolutely nothing
you can do to control this. No matter what you do, you will just end
up frustrating yourself.

So how do you deal with this sort of thing? The answer is simple. You
should learn to understand your situation and accept you for who
you are. In reality, there is no such thing as a pure and perfect body
as the media would like you to believe. The body type that you inherit
from your parents is a mixture of various characteristics.

Ectomorphs are tall and thin individuals with slight muscular build-up.
They are described as having narrow hips and shoulders as well.
Mesomorphs are more muscular with broad shoulders with their
weight around the upper body. Endomorphs on the other hand have
a more rounded appearance.

The first step towards accepting yourself is to find out what body
type(s) you have and go with the flow. This does not mean that you
have no control over your own body. Genes only determine your
body type but definitely not the eating habits and physical activities
you have.

Although you cannot have the ideal body, it is still possible to live a
healthy life. It is all about making the right choices to achieve this
goal. Being a healthy person means feeling good about yourself in
the both physical and mental aspects of your life. As long as you take
care of yourself regardless of what others say, you will do just fine.

In other words, be thankful for what you have. Instead of wishing for
something else, take care of what is already with you. A body that is
taken care of is sure to respond favorably as well. The confidence you
33 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

have about your self-image is bound to earn you the respect and
admiration you truly deserve.

20 Pro Ana and Mia Tips

Anorexia and bulimia, or Ana and Mia as they are called, are a great
ways to lose and keep weight off. On the other hand, overdoing this
is harmful and you do not want that to happen. To lose weight safely,
consider the following Ana and Mia tips as listed below:

1. Drinking plenty of water is the number one rule for Ana and
Mia. It fills you stomach and lessens your hunger which means
water should be taken before eating. Warm water stuffs you up
more while cold water burns more calories.

2. Eliminate cravings by chewing mints and sugar-free gum.

Peppermint flattens your appetite and helps freshen up your
breath. The chewing action burns calories as well.

3. Tea and coffee are must-haves but should not be taken with
milk and other dairy products. Artificial sweeteners should be
the only additive here. Tea is great for putting flavor in your diet
while caffeine increases your metabolism.

4. Develop an eating pattern to lessen the effects of food on your

body. Making this a routine pattern helps in desensitizing
yourself with eating.

5. Take sips of water or other liquids in between bites. Your body

will react by making you feel full much faster. This reduces the
amount of food you have to eat to satisfy your hunger. Be sure
that this is free from calories though.
34 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

6. If a craving cannot be helped, rush to the kitchen and prepare

your meal. Eat it as you would but do not swallow. Rinse out
your mouth immediately to make sure that no bits of food are
accidentally swallowed.

7. For binge episodes, pick something with negative calories such

as celery, pickles and blueberries. Keep eating while taking sips
of water in between bites until your binge is over. Do not feel
guilty since you did not eat anything bad here.

8. Treats with added sugar are laden with lots of calories. Avoid
having binge eating episodes with them. If you cannot help it,
eat an entire box in one sitting but purge it later.

9. Never take that risk of eating something with an unknown

amount of calories. It is better to be on the safe side rather than
regret something later.

10. Track your progress by way of measurements. Using

weighing scales is common but do not rely upon them too
much. Their readings can be inaccurate at times depending on a
number of factors. A more reliable tool is the handy measuring

11. Engage in activities that get your mind off eating. Start a food
diary and perhaps share your experiences and struggles
through a pro Ana blog. You will never know if you will meet
someone who you can identify with.

12. Exercising for at least 15 minutes before eating is one of the

best ways to distract yourself from hunger.
35 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

13. Buy any piece of clothing you want but in a smaller size. Now,
try to fit them on yourself. Do not worry if this does not
happen. Your goal should be to eat less until this fits you

14. Cravings are often all about taste. To satisfy this, eat foods
with intense flavors but with few calories. Peppers, peppermint
and anything pickled are the best candidate for this.

15. List down all the foods that you are not allowed to eat and keep
it somewhere easily accessible. Things such as donuts, cakes
and cookies should be on this list.

16. Unable to resist your favorite fatty food? Get rid of this
craving forever by preparing it but putting something
disgusting all over. Take a bite out of it and you will instantly be
forced away.

17. Before taking diet pills, eat something with few calories such as
a piece of apple to avoid the nasty side effects. Do not overdose
as well. Taking multiple pills at once does not increase its
effectiveness anyway.

18. Take a peek at the restaurant’s menu before eating out.

Find something that will not ruin your low calorie diet to keep
you on track. Avoid appetizers and order a salad instead.

19. Drinking soda is just pure evil. There is no reason for you
do this in the first place.

20. Never skip breakfast. Doing so will only tempt you to eat
more later in the day.
36 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

Chapter V: How to Maintain a Healthy

Weight if You Are Already Anorexic

Accepting Your Condition

Anorexia is a medical condition that is dangerous if it spins out of
control. Although it seems challenging, it is possible to stay healthy
and remain an anorexic. One of the first things you should do is to
accept yourself for who you are. Once you do this, you will be able to
go about your program with relative ease.

Anorexia is a controversial topic and the line between acceptable and

dangerous is often blurred and difficult to recognize. Extreme
measures such as suicide and prolonged huger strikes are certainly
not encouraged here. Instead, you are encouraged to go with what
you already have and improve on that.

As mentioned earlier, there really is no such thing as the perfect

body. This is just a media construct designed to appeal to your wallet
and make their products sell. In other words, this has nothing to do
about your body. The perfect bodies you see all around are mere
objects to drive attention towards products.

You cannot expect yourself, or indeed anyone, to achieve this

seemingly perfect body. The reality is that people cheat to look
perfect. Cosmetic surgery can easily make a person look thinner
through liposuction and other methods. The market is full of dietary
supplements that are designed to achieve this result as well.

Even modern technology can be counted as a tool for advertisers. A

few hours of work on the computer using photo editing programs is
37 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

like magic. Any model can be made to look like anything with anyone
who knows how to manipulate this software. What you see around
you then is the edited version of the photo shoot.

What you should realize then is that these images of perfection are
manufactured. In other words, they are the result of some clever
manipulation. They are certainly not grounded on reality. Once you
get around this fact, it will be easier for you to question everything
you see around you.

In this sense, accepting what you are is similar to accepting what is

real. This gives you more realistic expectations as regards to your
body weight. It also clears your head of all the negative thoughts
which in turn leads to less incidences of depression. As you may
already know, personality disorders such as these are the worst
enemies of anorexics.

Accepting your condition means being contented with what you

have. Try to appreciate yourself more when looking at the mirror. Be
comfortable with your own body and see the beauty in yourself.
When you finally accept yourself, you will begin to gain the
confidence you need to be free from social prejudice.

Last but not least, being happy with what you are should be your
ultimate goal. A contented and happy person is more likely to be
successful at resisting temptation. Ask yourself why you are trying to
lose weight in the first place. Is it to become healthy or to conform to
an ideal standard?
38 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

Asking for Treatment

After accepting your condition, the next logical step to take is to seek
treatment. Losing too much is simply too dangerous even for
anorexics. There is certainly nothing healthy about losing the vital
nutrients that your body needs. An effective treatment then aims to
recover all these lost nutrients.

Treating anorexia may be difficult but is very much possible. There

are plenty of venues you can explore for this purpose. Anorexia is a
condition with a lot of probable causes and treatment means tackling
all these issues. As a result, you can expect more than one approach.

Initial treatment for anorexics includes behavioral family therapy.

This is provided as a means of support for your family to teach them
the best ways to deal with your condition. Counseling sessions are
held for this part of the treatment. With this, you may need to
surrender a bit of control over your diet to your family.

Medical treatment on the other hand is aimed at tackling any form of

malnutrition that results from improper diet. You will need the help
of a qualified doctor to supervise this part of the treatment. Life
threatening issues such as osteoporosis and heart diseases are
among the top priority.

Depending on the severity of the condition, you may need on-going

treatment as well. To help you cope with behavioral problems, a
counselor helps develop a program to help you deal with stress
better. The way you deal with food in general is tackled as well.

A nutritionist and dietician usually take over your diet plan at this
point. There is no need to worry about gaining too much weight
39 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

here. The goal here is to recover enough weight to gain your health
back. Keep in mind that these people are here to help you.

In such extreme cases, anorexia can become life threatening. When

this happens, a more aggressive position is taken for treatment.
Urgent medical treatment will often require a stay in the hospital or
treatment centers for such conditions. Prolonged starvation makes
the body weak and when this happens, measures are taken up to
nourish your body once more.

If you are below 15% of your healthy body weight, there is absolutely
no excuse for you not to seek help. Trying to administer a treatment
program by yourself will not do you any good either. You need
expert advice and opinion before it is too late.

If anorexia comes with other mental and physical disorders, they will
have to be treated at the same time as well. The goal here is to get to
the root of the cause and solve the problem from there. Expect the
treatment to go on longer and include more expert advice.

Anorexia can be treated and there have been success stories. The key
here is to recognize that you need help and seek this help out. In fact,
studies have shown that the sooner you start the better chance you
have at achieving desirable results.

The Reasons behind Anorexia

There can be plenty of reason why a person would develop an eating
disorder like anorexia. The symptoms and causes of this condition
have already been discussed in earlier chapters. Knowing the real
cause of your anorexia is important because it lets you an insight as
to why you are doing all this in the first place.
40 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

Many anorexics develop their condition as a result of personality
disorders. Starving one’s self becomes a coping mechanism for
stressful life events such as family and work-related problems.
Experts see this course of action as an attempt to control one aspect
of a person’s life.

This also serves as a way to cope with and block out negative
emotions such as depression and anxiety. People who do this for this
reason often feel that they have nothing or no one else to turn to for
their problems. It usually develops into a habit which then becomes
difficult to suppress similar to an addiction.

People who have anorexia can no longer think properly due to

malnutrition although this is more likely to happen in more advanced
stages. There is also a correlation between anorexics and
perfectionists. Extreme thought patterns often lead anorexics into
thinking irrationally and unable to distinguish between fact and

Poor Self-Image
Personality disorders often culminate with a person having low self-
esteem and a generally poor self-image. Anorexics will want to
continue losing weight often to the point of endangering themselves
to strive for the perfect body. Since they cannot think clearly
anymore, they continue down this path without much regard for the

This becomes an obsession with monitoring the amount of calories

they eat. Frequent weigh-in sessions can also be expected. Again,
this is all down to block out negative emotions but without any care
41 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

towards maintaining a healthy body. To an anorexic, being thin is the

only thing that matters.

This obsession takes root in the constant need for control as well. Of
course this does not help them realize that there is something wrong
with what they are doing. They continue to live in denial and will not
seek help for fear of not deserving anyone’s attention until they
become “perfect.”

Obsession with Thinness

Although much weight has been lost due to extreme dieting,
anorexics still see themselves as overweight. They will continue to go
on with their regime in an effort to stamp out body fat completely.
Unfortunately, they will often ignore outside influence altogether.

People who have anorexia often equate all kinds of positive thoughts
with being thin. They feel that they will become more successful in
whatever they do if they are thinner. In other words, being thin is the
main reason for their happiness and other positive emotions.

For anorexics, body fat is evil and must be avoided at all costs. This
kind of irrational thinking is what justifies their efforts and obsessions
with becoming thin. A lot of them do not even realize that there is
something wrong with what they are doing. There is only one goal
for them and that is to lose as much weight as they can.
42 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

A Healthy Diet for Anorexics

For anorexics, maintaining a healthy body and keeping within the
normal weight range is a tough challenge. It is similar to walking the
fine line between two extremes. A healthy diet is designed to give
enough calories and nutrients to your boy without gaining
unnecessary weight.

As a general rule, this diet should contain three balanced meals and
three more meals in between. For better results, seek the advice of
licensed dieticians. They may use meal plans that you are not aware
of. This diet may require you to come up with a food journal as well.

A diet designed for anorexics does have its own challenges. It is not
as simple as stocking up on calories and nutrients. For one thing, the
consequences of this condition may linger well beyond its time. As
such, patients may undergo a strict meal plan for several years.

Another thing to consider is the psychological aspect of the problem.

Maintaining a healthy weight may require that anorexics accept the
feeling of uneasiness of adjusting to this new regimen. The idea of
perfection must also be addressed and explained properly to the

A healthy body is all about maintaining a proper diet. Not only does it
keep you healthy, it prevents relapse from happening again. This
keeps you on the safe side by reducing the risk of life-threatening
complications. Thus, it is important to keep in contact with all the
experts to help you keep on track.
43 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

Chapter VI: Diagnosing Anorexia

Dealing with Anorexics

The first thing to do when someone you love has anorexia is to
accept it. Denying the condition will only make matters worse.
Treating an anorexic like a child will not help as well. It is much better
to show your good intentions through calm and compassionate

Remember that an anorexic is very much concerned with body

image. With this in mind, avoid making comments on how he/she
looks. Instead of reinforcing this obsession, you would do more good
in stating behavioral observations. Describe problematic behaviors as
much as possible.

Be consistent with pointing out problematic behavior. Overlooking

may only be interpreted as a reward. Establish rules as regards to
acceptable food habits but do not be controlling. As much as
possible, focus your discussions on topics other than food to avoid

Scare tactics as well as spying and interfering only make things

worse. Give the person enough time to effect changes such as eating
regularly. If all this has amounted to nothing, it is time to seek
professional help.
44 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

Identifying the Symptoms

Before taking a shot at identifying the symptoms, you must know
what to look for. You should know that there are set criteria for this.
The following are the most widely accepted symptoms of anorexia as
defined by DSM-IV:

o A person refuses to maintain the normal body weight for a

given age and height.
o A person has an irrational fear of gaining weight even when
o A person denies that the situation has deteriorated.
o For women, three consecutive menstrual cycles do not happen.

The easiest symptoms to identify manifest themselves physically. The

first and most obvious one is low body weight which is defined as
less than 85% of the ideal weight. Dry skin, hair loss and a slow heart
rate are common as well. Low blood pressure, edema, poor blood
circulation as well as a low body temperature are common as well.

Identifying psychological and behavioral symptoms are equally

important since they are the cause of the problem. Anorexics have a
distorted view of their body no matter how much weight they lose.
Compulsive exercising and frequent weigh-ins are all too common.
Anorexics also hide when eating and are secretive about their diet.

Intervening Properly

The proper intervention requires people to understand the condition.

This means throwing away any prejudices and pre-conceived notions
out the window. The goal here is to avoid contributing to the hysteria
45 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

surrounding body image. Avoid making comments about appearance


Instead, show the person that you are being sympathetic and
understanding of the condition. The point here is to let the person
know that you are there to help.

It is possible for an anorexic to open up about the condition as well.

Negative reactions are normal but be patient until realization sets in.
It is much better to create an atmosphere of openness where
problems can be discussed freely without fear of being judged.
46 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

Chapter VII: Anorexia Treatment

During the early stages of anorexia, less extreme measures should be
enough to help the person. The line of treatment can be effective at
getting down to the root cause of the condition and stopping it in its
tracks. This is recommended for people who still have a body mass
index (BMI) of more than 15.

A counselor often provides a safe and private setting to get to the

bottom of things. In this set-up problem areas are explored which are
often what the eating disorder hides. Patients are not even aware
that these problems exist until they are dug up and discussed openly.

The goal of counseling is not to force you to eat but rather to find out
what led you down this road in the first place. Ultimately, it aims to
make you realize that eating less is not the way to go. Other
solutions are explored to give you a chance at clearing things up.
Eventually, you start your way towards eating regularly and live the
life you deserve.

Psychiatric Help
One of the most important aspects of treating anorexia is
psychological counseling. This involves seeing a trained psychiatrist
or other behavioral experts. The program seeks to help patients get
rid of unhealthy eating habits in favor of better ones. It also teaches
techniques to better cope with otherwise depressing and stressful
47 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

Psychological counseling may take up to a couple of months to

several years depending on the severity of the condition. Throughout
the course of he program, a wide range of approaches may be used
such as:

o Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – This approach involves a short-

term and structured treatment for addressing thoughts related
to anorexia. It aims to clear your head and improve your
distorted thinking, eliminate purging and return to normal
eating habits.

o Inter-personal Psychotherapy – This is also a short-term

treatment but it focuses on the relationships you have with the
people you know. As such, it is more appropriate in tackling
depression and sees how this related to your eating disorder.

o Psychodynamic Treatment – This type of treatment takes a little

bit longer because it is aimed towards exploring your ideas,
feelings and beliefs in much more detail. It is much more inward
looking and seeks to eliminate unhealthy habits by tackling
personal demons.

o Family Therapy – For anorexics who belong to a younger age

bracket, having the support of family members has been found
to be much helpful. This approach uses other psychotherapy
methods but involves family members.
48 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

Support Groups
To further aid in recovery and treatment, anorexic people may be
encouraged to join a support group. Such groups are designed to
provide mutual support for both family members and anorexics
themselves. The goal here is to provide a medium for discussing
strategies and tips on how to cope with the condition.

Participants are usually called on to share their experiences with the

hope of teaching others. Sharing is voluntary and participants are in
no way forced to share their own stories although this is highly
recommended. This is moderated by medical professionals but their
only function is to make sure that the discussions stay on track.

Sharing is a great way to deal with the emotional symptoms of

anorexia and other eating disorders. It has been proven that sharing
reduces feelings of guilt, shame and seclusion. Depression, anger and
anxiety are better dealt with in groups as well.

Groups can be task-oriented and may focus on just one aspect such
as food, body image or interpersonal skills. Some groups are also set
up to discuss the psychological aspects of the condition. Great care is
taken to prevent the focus group from becoming counterproductive
by maintaining the condition instead of getting rid of it.
49 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

Chapter VIII: Living the Battle

Struggling with anorexia is indeed a difficult thing to do. You have to
deal with the physical aspect such as being dangerously underweight
and the lack of proper nutrients that result from this. What people
fail to realize is that there are psychological and behavioral aspects to
deal with as well.

You cannot simply ignore the problems that plague your thoughts
since they may very well be what are causing the condition in the first
place. One of the first steps towards recovery is actually to recognize
that there is a problem and it needs to be taken head on.

What this means is that anorexics are faced with a problem with the
odds stacked against them. The struggles that you are experiencing
are normal and understandable. If you are an anorexic and you find it
difficult to fight your condition then understand that you are not
alone. Take a good look around and you will see plenty of people
who want to help you.

An On-Going Battle
There may be plenty of treatments for anorexia but they all have one
thing in common. All these treatments take time and you cannot
expect everything to change overnight. Apart from dedication and
perseverance, patience is very much needed here as well.
50 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

Continue Treatment
As mentioned earlier, treating anorexia requires time whether short
or long term. These programs usually go on for a few weeks to a few
months depending on the state of your health. Keep a level head and
do not rush. Remember that the body needs time to adjust and it is
much better to work with it than against it.

Support Groups
Dealing with the psychological stresses of anorexia alone is not a
good idea. There are plenty of people out there who form support
groups to help deal with all this. It is much more helpful to talk about
these problems with people who understand than isolate yourself
from the world.

Creative Expression
Another way to cope with the psychological stress is to keep your
mind off it. This can be done through creative expression through art
and poetry. Keep a journal to track your progress as well as for
pulling yourself together and clearing your head from negative

You Are Not Alone

Isolation is one of the worst things you can do to yourself as an
anorexic. You should not keep all your problems to yourself. Keep in
mind that there are plenty of people who are willing and able to help.
Support groups, medical professionals and especially your own
family and friends are right beside you.
51 Thinspiration: How to Lose Weight with the Right Pro Ana Tips

Never give up your fight against anorexia as well. A patch of rough

road is normal and should not be used as an excuse to surrender.
Lastly, never lose sight of the fact that there are success stories here
and you may very well be the next one.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to stay fit and lose weight. On
the other hand, being excessively underweight poses dangers to
your health and personal well-being. With so much risk involved, you
cannot justify being dangerously underweight. You are much better
off maintaining your normal weight for health reasons.

This eBook is aimed towards teaching you how to live a healthy

lifestyle and make the right choices while being anorexic. Keep in
mind that there is a fine line between thin and underweight which
must never be blurred. Remember all the things you have learned
here and live a healthy lifestyle for a better life.

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