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Pharmacy Education, September/December 2004 Vol. 4 (3/4), pp.


Development of a Curriculum for Foreign-trained

Pharmacists Seeking Licensure in Canada

Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto, 19 Russell Street, Toronto, Ont., Canada M5S 1A1

(Received 1 June 2004; In final form 12 August 2004)

Demand for well-qualified health care professionals programs are increasing, and/or new schools of
(including pharmacists) is projected to increase over the pharmacy are being planned (Taylor et al., 2004).
next ten to twenty years. In many jurisdictions, Despite such attempts to address the supply-side of
immigration will become an increasingly important
human resource to replace aging, retiring workers and the workforce equation through increasing seats at
drive ongoing economic prosperity and growth. A lack of accredited university programs, employers continue
a systematic professional development and enculturation to recruit foreign-trained pharmacists as a way of
program for immigrant-professionals may result in meeting short- and mid-term labour market needs.
unnecessary barriers. Bridging education provides a The province of Ontario (Canada) demonstrates an
structured system for continuing professional develop-
ment of professionals educated outside North America to unusually high reliance on foreign-trained pharma-
acquire competencies and meet domestic standards of cists to complement the domestically educated
practice. The International Pharmacy Graduate Program professional workforce due to recent expansion of
in Ontario (Canada) has developed a model that has been the community pharmacy sector and an inelastic
recognized by the provincial government as “best- supply of domestically educated practitioners
practice” for bridging education. This model consists of
five elements: prior learning assessment and recognition, (Austin, 2003). Each year for the past decade, more
individualized learning plans, mentorship, distance than 40% of all new registrants with the Ontario
learning opportunities, and peer-network formation. College of Pharmacists (OCP, the licensing and
In particular, individualized learning plans link to a regulatory body for the profession of pharmacy in
series of university-based courses (Canadian Pharmacy Ontario) receive their pharmacy education and
Skills I and II) benchmarked to B.Sc.Pharm educational
outcomes. This paper describes development of these training outside North America. Across Canada,
courses and results on candidates’ success rates in there continues to be a strong demand for
national licensing examinations. pharmacists, and in many provinces (notably British
Columbia and Alberta), foreign-trained pharmacists
Keywords: Bridging education; Health professionals education; are being actively recruited by large pharmacy
Immigrant-professionals; Foreign-trained professionals; Inter- employers to immigrate to Canada.
national pharmacy graduates
While Canada, and other “new world” countries
such as the United States, Australia and New
BACKGROUND Zealand, have a long tradition of nation-building
through immigration, the experience of well-quali-
The imbalance between supply and demand of well- fied professional immigrants is relatively new.
qualified pharmacists appears to be a growing, Where, in the past, many immigrants came to these
global phenomenon (Taylor et al., 2004). In the United countries possessing manual skills or trades, many of
States, the Pharmacy Manpower Project has esti- today’s immigrants come with high levels of
mated that, by 2020, there will be a shortage of education, extensive experience, and commensurate
approximately 240,000 pharmacists (Knapp, 2002). levels of expectation regarding their economic and
In some countries, enrolments in existing pharmacy social prospects in their adopted homeland.

*Corresponding author. E-mail:

ISSN 1560-2214 print/ISSN 1477-2701 online q 2004 Taylor & Francis Ltd
DOI: 10.1080/15602210400010224

For professions such as pharmacy, currently analysis of over ten years of discipline records
grappling with a supply-demand imbalance in the indicated that foreign-trained pharmacists
workforce, immigration may be a necessary and represented more than 63% of all guilty findings,
important human resources planning tool. For despite representing only 25% of all registered
example, in Ontario, it is difficult to imagine how pharmacists. Of particular importance, this study
the profession of pharmacy could function without demonstrated that the nature of disciplinary issues
the contribution of foreign-trained pharmacists; fully involving foreign-trained pharmacists was quali-
25% of all licensed pharmacists in the province are tatively different than for their North American
from outside Canada or the United States. While the peers—while the latter were generally found guilty
experience in Ontario is unusual, it is not unique, of offences related to financial improprieties (such as
and in many ways may presage the experience fraud, excessive billing, etc.), foreign-trained
in other jurisdictions and professions; as such, pharmacists were more frequently cited for prac-
pharmacy in Ontario may be seen as a “canary in tice-related errors (including dispensing errors
the coal mine” of the health professions workforce leading to patient harm, incorrect interpretation of
(Austin, 2003). prescriptions, and scope of practice violations).
Starting from the early 1990s (corresponding to the Cognisant of the need to balance fair and
beginning of a sharp rise in the numbers of foreign- transparent practices related to licensure of non-
trained pharmacists seeking licensure in Ontario), North American pharmacists with a need for public
anecdotal comments suggested some individuals protection, the College recognized the need to
may have been experiencing difficulties in meeting develop more formal systems to assist foreign-
Canadian standards of practice and regulatory trained pharmacists meet standards of practice to
requirements. Case reports detailing issues related improve the quality of care. Prior to 1999, College
to communication skills, socio-communicative requirements for licensure of non-North American
competencies, scope of practice, and therapeutic graduates included:
knowledge base began to appear. In 2000, systematic
research was undertaken to understand the impact . Successful completion of the Pharmacy Examin-
of such a large number of foreign-trained pharma- ing Board of Canada’s (PEBC) Evaluating Exam-
cists in the profession, and the ways in which the ination (to establish comparability of academic
profession could best assist these individuals in preparation in pharmacy).
meeting standards and expectations of practice . Attainment of minimum standards of English- or
(Austin, 2003). French-language fluency (as measured by com-
This research identified a variety of issues related mercially available tools such as the Test of
to integration of non-North American educated English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and the
pharmacists into professional practice in Ontario. International English Language Testing Service
One study examined the continuous professional (IELTS).
development activities and outcomes of foreign- . A minimum of 32 weeks of in-service studentship
trained pharmacists as part of the Ontario College of training under the direct supervision of a
Pharmacists’ Quality Assurance and Peer Review practicing pharmacist, and completion of pre-
Program (Austin et al., 2004). In this study, scribed training reports.
pharmacists educated outside North America had a . Successful completion of the PEBC’s Qualifying
higher risk for not being able to meet standards of Examination (a written, case-based test of clinical
practice as defined by the College, and thus required knowledge, also completed by Canadian and
peer-assisted continuous professional development. American candidates for licensure).
In this study, 13.6% of all pharmacists in Ontario . A minimum of 16 weeks of in-service internship
were unable to meet standards of practice in one or training under the supervision of a practicing
more areas of clinical knowledge, information pharmacist, in which candidates for licensure
gathering, patient management strategies, and/or begin to assume greater independence and
communication skills, as compared with 28.9% of autonomy.
foreign trained pharmacists. Factor analysis indi- . Successful completion of the Ontario College
cated the particular importance of communication of Pharmacists’ Jurisprudence Examination
skills and interpersonal communicative competency (a written test of pharmacy law, also completed
in meeting standards of practice, and this was by all Canadian and American candidates for
identified as a significant area for improvement for licensure).
some foreign-trained pharmacists.
As part of a needs assessment to identify ways to As part of the needs assessment research, focus
assist foreign-trained pharmacists, a retrospective groups with pharmacist-supervisors (or preceptors)
review of complaints and discipline records from the of students and interns, as well as foreign-trained
College were reviewed (Austin, 2003). Retrospective pharmacists, were undertaken to identify areas of

difficulty experienced by individuals seeking licen- Program model was built upon five distinct pillars:
sure in Ontario. Results from these focus groups
suggested that some individuals struggled with the 1. Prior Learning Assessment. Recognizing the
relative lack of structure and training support and heterogeneity of experiences, education and
had difficulty passing either or both internship background of foreign-trained pharmacists in
and examination requirements, despite meeting Canada, it was readily apparent that a one-size-
standards for fluency, comparability of academic fits all educational model would not be respon-
preparation in pharmacy, and studentship. sive to individual’s needs. As a result a prior
In large part, issues related to appropriate socio- learning assessment model was developed that
communicative competency skills appeared incorporated linguistic, socio-communicative,
most problematic (Austin and Galli, 2003). and clinical skills evaluation. Results of the
Such skills, for example, may account for a foreign- Prior Learning Assessment are used by IPG
trained pharmacists’ hesitancy in apologizing for, program staff to develop individualized learning
or accepting responsibility for, dispensing plans for candidates, to provide them a roadmap
errors, thus leading to disciplinary cases before for skills enhancement utilizing a variety of
the College. Understanding the scope of practice academic and community support (including
of pharmacists, the role of pharmacists in the English-as-a-second-language, resume prepara-
Canadian health care system, the value of team- tion, and workplace skills) resources.
work within the pharmacy, and the importance of 2. Canadian Pharmacy Skills (CPS) I and II courses.
multi-disciplinary work with other professionals A series of academic courses were developed to
may all be new concepts for some foreign-trained provide individuals with knowledge, skills, and
pharmacists who may be accustomed to different assessment necessary to meet standards of
styles of practice. practice. These courses are benchmarked to the
Starting from 2001, a major change occurred in the undergraduate program at the University of
licensing examination for pharmacists in Toronto.
Canada. The PEBC instituted an additional 3. Mentorship. Needs assessment research illus-
component to its written qualifying examination. trated the alienation and isolation experienced
An objective structured clinical examination by some foreign-trained pharmacists. Such dis-
(or OSCE) component was added, wherein engagement from the professional community
candidates for licensure would be required to lessens the likelihood of professional involve-
demonstrate clinical competency and integration of ment or continuous professional development,
clinical knowledge and communication skills and may constrain practice and career decisions.
through a series of patient care simulations involving In order to facilitate professional enculturation
standardized patients. The OSCE component and provide support and networking opportu-
(already a part of the licensing process of physicians nities, mentors (practicing pharmacists) are
in Canada, as well as part of the College’s Quality matched with foreign-trained candidates for
Assurance and Peer Review process) presented licensure to act as a sounding board, coach,
unique challenges for foreign-trained pharmacists resource person, and friend.
who may have been quite unfamiliar with this 4. Distance Learning. Where feasible, certain com-
assessment method, as well as facing certain ponents of the CPS program are made available
linguistic and cultural differences. in a distance learning format to facilitate access
In an effort to address these issues and provide and provide asynchronous learning
support for foreign-trained pharmacists seeking opportunities.
licensure, the College provided the University of 5. Peer Network. A critical component of the
Toronto with a $450,000 grant to develop courses and program was the recognition of the value of
supports aimed at addressing issues identified social learning environments, and the need to
through needs assessment. This investment in turn encourage formation of peer networks to
was applied to secure additional governmental facilitate both professional learning, social
funding to support development of the International engagement, and a sense of pride in profession.
Pharmacy Graduate (IPG) program at the University
of Toronto. The centrepiece of this model was development of
the Canadian Pharmacy Skills (CPS) courses. Needs
assessment research had indicated that most foreign-
THE IPG PROGRAM MODEL trained pharmacists immigrating to Canada possess
a high degree of declarative knowledge, particularly
The IPG Program was developed with the mandate as related to pharmaceutical and bio-medical
of providing skills-enhancement education and sciences, but many had difficulty in translating this
training for foreign-trained pharmacists. The IPG within a clinical context. For many individuals, key

components of North American health care particular focus and attention could be placed on a
(e.g. autonomy of patient decision making, avoid- stream of courses in the B.Sc.Pharm program related
ance of paternalism and judgment, team work, to pharmacy practice (for example, professional
negotiation of health care outcomes, questioning of practice courses and labs, pharmacotherapeutics
physicians’ prescriptions, etc.) were very different, courses, communication skills, and self-medication
if not quite opposite, to their previous experience courses) and social-administrative pharmacy (health
and practice. Learning how to apply previously care systems).
acquired scientific knowledge and clinical experi- As with many pharmacy programs, the University
ence into a North American health care context, of Toronto uses a “building-blocks” approach to the
while simultaneously dealing with socio-cultural pharmacy curriculum. In this model, pharmaceutical
and linguistic barriers was a significant challenge to and bio-medical sciences form the foundation upon
meeting standards and expectations of practice. which clinical skills are built. Thus, early years of the
program are dominated by courses such as analyti-
cal, pharmaceutical, and medicinal chemistry
BLUEPRINT FOR THE CPS CURRICULUM courses, as well as bio-medical courses such as
anatomy, physiology and microbiology, while later
Focus group meetings with foreign-trained pharma- years are dominated by applied pharmacotherapeu-
cists and their preceptors led to the conclusion that tics courses. Based on this assessment of under-
any courses or programs aimed at assisting foreign- graduate (B.Sc.Pharm) curriculum and the needs
trained pharmacists must be rigorous, and at previously identified, a model for curriculum
the same level as university-based education. development for the IPG program emerged.
Such courses could not be seen as merely “exam In this model, key competencies related to
preparation” courses since they would be viewed pharmaceutical care, patient education, and inter-
with suspicion and disdain by both the professional professional collaboration were emphasized, and
community and foreign-trained pharmacists them- used to develop a list of courses (see Appendix B).
selves as short-sighted and lacking in substance. A significant challenge in course design remained
In order to build a curriculum for foreign-trained the level of English-language fluency (in speaking,
pharmacists that was on a par with the undergradu- reading, writing and listening) of candidates.
ate (B.Sc.Pharm) entry-to-practice curriculum at the Previous research in prior learning assessment had
University of Toronto, a blueprinting approach was identified the gap between minimal fluency require-
developed that identified key competencies and ments as outlined by OCP, and the level required for
expectations, as well as areas for skills enhancement. provision of safe and effective pharmaceutical care
The Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of (Austin et al., 2003). This research suggested that
Canada (AFPC) has published educational outcomes near-native language fluency was required to engage
statements for graduates from Canadian schools of in the sophisticated patient interviewing, dialogue
pharmacy (AFPC, 1998). These outcomes include and assessment skills required to provide pharma-
both pharmacy-specific statements as well as general ceutical care. Second-language speakers (whether
outcomes associated with university-educated citi- immigrants to Canada or not) may experience
zens (see Appendix A). A review of these outcomes, difficulties coping with the subtleties of verbal and
competency statements, and their associated compe- non-verbal communication that underlie complex
tency units was undertaken and compared with the phenomena such as establishing a trusting
results of a needs assessment. Based on this analysis, and covenantal relationship between patient and
it was determined that key knowledge and skills pharmacist, and negotiation of treatment regimens
gaps related to: “Meets Patients’ Drug Related with physicians or other health care providers.
Needs”; “Assumes Legal, Ethical, and Professional As a result, English for Specific Purposes (ESP)
Responsibilities”; “Provide Drug and Drug Use training was embedded in all courses across the IPG
Information and Recommendations”; and “Educate curriculum. Unlike traditional English as a Second
about Drugs, Drug Use, and Health Promotion” Language (ESL) programs, ESP is a customized
(Appendix A). While other competencies were language support designed around the advanced
recognized for their importance (for example, Drug requirements of professional practice. For example,
Distribution and Practice Management), needs listening skills are a staple of most ESL courses, and
assessment analysis indicated that these competen- non-native speakers are provided with routines and
cies were either not significant learning needs for drills to assist them in developing skills to discern
foreign-trained pharmacists, or were best taught and the subtle differences between certain words such
assessed in studentship or internship settings. “heart” and “hard”. While such a skill is essential for
This analysis indicated that a curriculum for pharmacists, it must be expanded beyond simple
foreign-trained pharmacists need not entirely recre- conversational English to include complex medical
ate an undergraduate B.Sc.Pharm program. Instead, terminology and drug names. Through ESP training,

advanced discernment around drug names, medical Development of syllabi for each course (including
conditions and other complex terms is possible, to doubling of the time allocation) resulted in an
provide support in ensuring that sound-alike (or intense and somewhat lengthy curriculum.
look-alike) drug names (such as “Lasix” and To optimize learning, enhance course management,
“Losec”) do not become confused, leading to and facilitate scheduling, two separate program
potential errors and patient harm. Furthermore, the offerings were developed: Canadian Pharmacy Skills
discourse of patient interviewing is not axiomatic to I (CPSI) (8 weeks) and Canadian Pharmacy Skills II
foreign-trained pharmacists and the ESP curriculum (CPSII) (also 8 weeks). Each module is highly
deconstructs the model, focusing on targeted compressed, and consists of 35– 45 h of contact
grammar and syntax. hours (lectures, labs, tutorials, workshops) per week,
Four streams of courses were identified as pivotal and an expectation of approximately 15– 20 h of pre-
for the IPG program: pharmacotherapeutics, pro- class reading and preparation per week. Course
fessional practice laboratories, professional practice descriptions and hour allocations are provided in
theory, and communication skills. In virtually all Appendix B. Course topics and assessments are
courses, material for the IPG program was drawn sequenced according to expectations of the 4-year
directly from (or slightly modified from) original B.Sc.Pharm curriculum (the entry level degree in
programming from the undergraduate B.Sc.Pharm pharmacy in Canada at this time); CPS I provides
program. Wherever possible, the same cases, teach- teaching and assessment at the level of year 3 of the
ing materials, course syllabi, assessment tools, and B.Sc.Pharm program, while CPS II is benchmarked to
instructors were used, as a way of enhancing the face year 4 of the program.
validity of the program within the profession, and Prior learning assessment results suggested that
ensuring that foreign-trained pharmacists did not most candidates would require greater skills
receive a diluted version of pharmacy curriculum. enhancement in the areas of writing and listening
The major change in the curriculum was to simply (Austin et al., 2003). As a result, specific activities
were developed in courses to enable teaching,
allocate more time to all lectures and labs, in
learning, and assessment of these skills, in addition
recognition of the unique learning needs of IPG
to speaking and reading. Examples of such activities
program candidates, and the need to embed ESP
include emphasis on documentation in professional
material in all courses. Thus, a 90 min lecture in
practice laboratories, and submission of formal,
depression in the undergraduate program would
written care plans in patient simulation activities.
become a 180 min lecture in the IPG program. The
In active learning environments (for example,
lecturer would be encouraged to speak more clearly
laboratories, workshops, tutorials) and in assessment
and slowly to emphasize correct pronunciation, ask
settings (professional practice laboratories, clinical
frequent questions of the students to verify under-
simulations, oral presentations), pharmacist-teach-
standing, provide clear definitions of complex
ing assistants were partnered with English-language
terminology, and highlight specific readings and specialists who were not pharmacists. A team
clinical trials. Upon completion of the lecture, IPG approach to teaching and assessment were modelled
program students would be responsible for the same for students, and used to improve the quality and
learning outcomes and would receive the same type transparency of summative and formative feedback.
of assessments as undergraduate pharmacy stu- Pharmacist teaching-assistants provide instruction
dents. Similarly, a 2 h dispensing laboratory in the and assessment in pharmacy-specific clinical skills
undergraduate program would be allocated 4 h in areas, while English-language teachers provide
the IPG program, although all laboratory outcomes instruction and assessment with respect to
would be met, and similar evaluation of students communicative competency. Tracking students’
undertaken. progress through the program, the value of this
In building syllabi for specific courses, it became team approach is apparent. Over a relatively short
apparent (through prior learning assessment) that 16-week period, significant improvements are noted
certain areas would require additional emphasis. in specific language areas particularly in listening
Since most foreign-trained pharmacists coming to skills, pronunciation, syntax and proxemics (non-
Canada come from developing countries, certain verbal communication skills).
disease states may be relatively new or unfamiliar.
While conditions such as malaria and infant
dehydration are well understood by many candi- FINDINGS
dates, other conditions (such as hyperlipidemia,
depression, or anorexia) are without context. A total of 331 students have participated in either or
Sequencing of topics in the pharmacotherapeutic both CPS I and II. Currently, the program has been
lecture series takes into account the complexity and offered in Toronto and recently in Vancouver, the two
relative newness of certain topics. Canadian cities most frequently selected by new

immigrants. Candidates in CPS I must successfully Of the group who have passed CPS I, enrolled in
complete a series of final examinations to be CPS II but not successfully completed CPS II
promoted to CPS II. To pass the entire IPG program, examinations, 153 ( ¼ 90.5%) have passed licensing
candidates must successfully pass final examinations examinations, and consequently chosen not to
in CPS II. Currently, the program is a non-mandatory rechallenge the CPS II examinations. The Pharmacy
educational support for foreign-trained pharmacists; Examining Board of Canada does not release
candidates for licensure need not take the program, statistics regarding differential success rates of
nor pass CPS I/CPS II examinations, in order to take foreign-trained compared to North American trained
licensing examinations or successfully complete all candidates; however anecdotal reports suggest that
pre-registration requirements. Currently, it is esti- success rates on the Qualifying Examinations (Part I
mated that less than 20% of all foreign-trained (written) and Part II (OSCE)) for first-time candidates
pharmacists avail themselves of the CPS courses. is between 30 and 40%.
Significant barriers to attendance include cost From the B.Sc.Pharm program, success rates on
(tuition is approximately CDN $11,000 per year, national licensing examinations are approximately
comparable to one year of tuition in the under- 95 – 97% on the first attempt, with virtually 100%
graduate pharmacy program at the University of success on second attempts.
Toronto), location (the program is currently only
offered in major urban centres such as Toronto and
Vancouver), and scheduling (the current program DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS
requires 16 weeks of full-time attendance; no part-
time or flex-time delivery option has yet been As results indicate, CPS I and II provide important
developed). support in assisting foreign-trained pharmacists in
Since the IPG program utilizes the same curricu- meeting standards of practice as defined and
lum (including teaching materials and assessments) measured on national licensing examinations. Suc-
as the B.Sc.Pharm program, it is possible to compare cess in the IPG program is associated with greater
results. Within the B.Sc.Pharm program, success, likelihood of success in these licensing examinations.
degree completion, and graduation rates are very Of importance, the strength of this association is
high, routinely exceeding 95 –97%. In large part this difficult to determine. While few individuals who
may be due to the rigorous procedures and relatively pass CPS II examinations fail licensing examinations
high academic standards associated with pharmacy (, 5%), many who do not pass CPS II are still able to
programs in Canada. Pharmacy is a highly competi- pass PEBC Qualifying Examinations. Recall that CPS
tive program; approximately 1 in 10 applicants gain II is benchmarked to senior level (year 4) B.Sc.Pharm
admission to the program at the University of standards and assessments. These results suggest
Toronto. In comparison, the IPG program does not that academic programs may over-prepare students
function on a competitive admissions basis. All for standards of practice currently in existence, and
candidates who can successfully meet pre-admission tested at entry-to-practice.
requirements (minimum fluency standards estab- A key finding of the IPG program is the
lished by OCP and successful completion of the importance of embedding ESP language supports
PEBC Evaluating Examination to establish compar- throughout the curriculum, and providing
ability of academic preparation in pharmacy) may additional time and resources to support learning
enrol in the program. of both clinical competencies and language skills.
Furthermore, while successful graduation from A vital component of the curriculum is the
the B.Sc.Pharm program is a requirement for partnering of pharmacist teaching-assistants and
licensure for University of Toronto students, IPG English language teachers, and the development of
program students need not pass the CPS courses in formative and summative assessment models that
order to sit or pass licensing examinations. allow input from both.
Of 264 candidates who have taken CPS I since Integral to the success of this program was the
inception of the program, 211 have successfully decision to ensure the curriculum was not diluted
passed examinations and have been promoted to or “dumbed-down”. Feedback from the pharmacy
CPS II ( ¼ 79.9%). Of those who have attended (but community was clear: for the IPG program to
not passed) CPS I, 12 have been able to pass licensing enjoy credibility and face validity amongst
examinations (4.5%). employers and practitioners, the same curriculum
Of 211 candidates who have successfully com- and assessments would be required. While pass-
pleted CPS I, 175 have enrolled in CPS II ( ¼ 82.9%). rates on national licensing examinations are an
Of this, 42 have successfully completed examinations important measurement of success for the program,
in CPS II and have “graduated” from the program the program was not designed to be “exam-
( ¼ 24.0%). From this group, 40 ( ¼ 95.2%) have preparation”; rather it was conceived as skills
successfully completed licensing examinations. enhancement education for adult learners.

The current model of CPS I followed by CPS II has other regulatory requirements in a hit-and-miss
resulted in certain challenges, and the inadvertent manner, a structured and systematic approach to
introduction of barriers to access based on cost, skills enhancement education provides an important
location, and scheduling. The IPG Program is support to allow for more effective and efficient
currently developing a model of curricular develop- integration into the professional workforce.
ment that will allow for more flexible programming,
including a part-time (work/study) option that will
allow candidates an opportunity to work part-time References
and earn money. Such a feature is of pivotal
Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada (AFPC)
importance to many foreign-trained pharmacists (1998) “Revised educational outcomes for a
who must balance professional development needs baccalaureate pharmacy program in Canada, Final Report”
with day-to-day economic responsibilities associated available at:
with immigration to a new country with family Austin, Z. (2003) “Continuous professional development and
members and other dependents. foreign-trained health-care professionals”, Journal of Social and
A particularly vexing issue for the program Administrative Pharmacy 20(6), 232 –241.
Austin, Z. and Galli, M. (2003) “Assessing communicative
continues to be the relatively low success rate for competency of international pharmacy graduates in Ontario,
candidates within the program itself. From a cohort Canada”, Journal of Social and Administrative Pharmacy 20(6),
of 264 students who first enrol in CPS I, only 42 have 225 –231.
Austin, Z., Galli, M. and Diamantouros, A. (2003) “Development
actually passed final examinations in CPS II. This of a prior learning assessment for pharmacists seeking
result is somewhat mitigated by the fact that a large licensure in Canada”, Pharmacy Education 3(2), 87–96.
number of candidates (, 30– 40%) simply drop out of Austin, Z., Marini, A., Croteau, D. and Violato, C. (2004)
“Assessment of pharmacists patient care competencies:
CPS I and/or II when they pass the licensing validity evidence from Ontario (Canada)’s quality assurance
examinations. Feedback from candidates themselves and peer review process”, Pharmacy Education 4(1), 23– 32.
suggest a somewhat utilitarian approach to the IPG Knapp, D. (2020) “Professionally determined need for pharmacy
services in 2020”, American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
program. Despite positioning the program as skills 66, 421–429.
enhancement education, it may be perceived by Taylor, K., Bates, I. and Harding, G. (2004) “The implications of
foreign-trained pharmacists themselves as examin- increasing student numbers for pharmacy education”,
Pharmacy Education 4(1), 33–40.
ation preparation. This is understandable given the
financial contingencies facing these individuals, and
the need to become licensed and earn a meaningful
income to meet family and financial needs. While the
skills enhancement component is valued and APPENDIX A: EDUCATIONAL OUTCOMES
appreciated, for most foreign-trained pharmacists AND STANDARDS OF PRACTICE
(as with any immigrant group), the priority is STATEMENTS
frequently to earn enough money to support a
family. Research is currently underway to identify
strategies and incentives to encourage students to Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada
remain in the program and avail themselves of this (AFPC)
educational opportunity even after passing entry-to- Educational Outcomes for a Baccalaureate
practice examinations. Pharmacy Graduate in Canada (1998)
Within the broader pharmacy community, there Professional Outcome #1: Meet patients’ drug-related
has been widespread acceptance of this program, needs
and an appreciation for its impact on pharmacy Outcome Unit: Pharmacy graduates, in partnership
practice. The value of skills enhancement training in with patients and other health care providers, use
preparing individuals for licensing exams is of their knowledge and skills to meet patients’ drug-
importance; however, of greater importance is the related needs, with the objective of achieving optimal
need to ensure that all pharmacists—whether outcomes and maintaining or improving patients’
foreign-trained or domestically trained—are able to quality of life.
meet standards and expectations of professional
practice as they relate to provision of pharmaceutical Professional Outcome #2: Assume Legal, Ethical and
care. Professional Responsibilities
A significant benefit of the IPG program has been Outcome Unit: Pharmacy graduates will be able to
practice within legal requirements, uphold ethical
the development of important and unique partner-
and professional standards of practice, fulfil pro-
ships between regulators, educators, employers, and
fessional responsibilities, and contribute to the
government, all of whom have similar interests in
development of the profession.
ensuring safe and effective practitioners. Rather than
forcing well-qualified professionals from other Professional Outcome #3: Provide Drug and Drug Use
countries to attempt licensing examinations and Information and Recommendations

Outcome Unit: Pharmacy graduates provide informa- the common issues arising in the management of a
tion and recommendations to individuals and patient’s drug therapy.
groups concerning drugs and drug use to ensure Course Contact Hours: 51 (Interactive large-group
optimum and cost-effective patient care and to lectures)
promote health.
Professional Outcome #4: Educate about Drugs, Drug Communication Skills for Pharmacy Practice
Use and Health Promotion This course is based on the elements of interpersonal
Outcome Unit: Pharmacy graduates educate individ- and professional communication that pharmacists
uals to encourage appropriate drug use and to require to communicate proficiently, addressing and
promote health. promoting the public’s health-care needs. A series of
Professional Outcome #5: Manage Drug Distribution class seminars will utilize interactive discussions and
Outcome Unit: Pharmacy graduates meet patients’ role-playing scenarios to teach and develop effective
requirements for the accurate supply of quality oral, interpersonal, written and presentation skills
pharmaceuticals by taking responsibility for the for the purpose of professional pharmacy practice.
functions of distribution and preparation of Course Contact Hours: 42 (Interactive large-group
pharmaceuticals. lectures, small-group tutorials, role-playing)

Professional Outcome #6: Understand Practice Basic Professional Practice Laboratories

Management Principles
Outcome Unit: Pharmacy graduates demonstrate an Professional Practice Labs (PPLs) are intended to
understanding of management principles with the provide learners with the opportunity to gain
goals of optimizing patient care and the use of practical experience in a simulated dispensary
practice resources. setting and demonstrate the application of knowl-
edge, skills and values discussed in the classroom
Professional Outcome #7: Apply the Principles of setting. Fulfilling the course outcomes will require
Scientific Inquiry to Contribute to the Profession and assimilating material from other pharmacy courses,
Society particularly Jurisprudence, Drug Information,
Outcome Unit: Pharmacy graduates will apply the Therapeutics and Communication Skills; it is meant
principles of scientific inquiry to address pharmacy to integrate many aspects of these courses. Partici-
practice issues. pants will be expected to prepare prescriptions
efficiently and accurately, maintain patient profiles
and perform legally required documentation activi-
ties, while demonstrating organizational skills.
APPENDIX B: COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Telephone simulations will provide an opportunity
Canadian Pharmacy Skills I (8 Weeks) for direct patient-care skills to develop. Participants
Pharmaceutical Care I—Applied Therapeutics will be trained on three pharmacy computer
Lecture Series software systems. Working with a team of pharma-
cists, pharmacy technicians and English teachers,
Therapeutics is designed to enhance the pharma- students are expected to integrate all their skills,
cists’ basic knowledge of pharmacotherapy and while receiving positive and constructive feedback.
integrate it with acquired problem solving skills. Course Contact Hours: 21 (Laboratory and tutorial)
Didactic sessions, accompanied by discussion of
patient scenarios, will give the learner the opportu- Patient Counselling Skills
nity to gain an understanding of specific chronic
disease states and the management of drug-related This integrated course provides learners with the
problems commonly encountered in pharmacy opportunity to develop patient counselling skills,
practice. The didactic portion of the lecture serves while identifying, preventing and resolving drug-
to reinforce the pathophysiologic and pharmaco- related problems. Fulfilling these outcomes will
therapeutic issues required to identify actual and require assimilating material from other CPS
potential drug-related problems (DRPs). The student courses, including Therapeutics, Drug Information,
will be required to apply recently acquired know- and Communication Skills; it is meant to integrate
ledge to a problem-solving framework in order to many aspects of these courses.
create care plans for the patient scenarios. Students Course Contact Hours: 44 (Large-group lecture, small-
will be required to explain and justify any proposed group tutorials, role-playing)
intervention in their care plans in a concise and
comprehensive manner—verbally or in written Professional Practice Theory I
form. Upon completion of this course, students This series of lectures, tutorials, seminars and self-
should be able to assume responsibility for study will provide learners with exposure to

professional practice theory in Ontario. Federal and standardized patients and receive feedback from
provincial pharmacy legislation, drug information, both pharmacists and English teachers.
Canadian drug names and the Canadian Health Care Course Contact Hours: 30 (Interactive large-group
system are among the topics that are encompassed lectures, tutorials, role-playing)
by this course. Completion of this module will
enable learners to practice legally, ethically and
Self Care—Assessment and Counselling Skills
professionally, using developed critical thinking
and problem solving skills. This course is linked Using team based case presentation and role plays,
to Basic Professional Practice Labs, where students will have an opportunity to integrate skills
learners are expected to apply lecture theory in a of problem solving, self-directed learning and
laboratory setting. presentation in order to acquire knowledge of self-
Course Contact Hours: 48 (Interactive large-group care topics. In the team based case presentation
lectures, small-group tutorials) portion, each group will be responsible for preparing
an oral presentation. Following the case presen-
Canadian Pharmacy Skills II (8 Weeks) tation, a question and answer period will follow
which the presenting team must field questions from
Pharmaceutical Care II—Applied Therapeutics the group. The facilitator will then lead a mini-case
Lecture Series study seminar pertaining to the same topic.
See description for Pharmaceutical Care I Participation is required and will be graded in this
Course Contact Hours: 45 (Interactive large-group portion. In the week following, multiple role plays
lectures) hi-lighting the differential diagnoses and therapies of
the same topics will be presented. Each student will
have the opportunity to act in role plays and to assess
Professional Practice Theory II
their peers’ performance.
This series of lectures, tutorials, seminars and self- Course Contact Hours: 42 (Interactive large-group
study will provide learners with exposure to lectures, tutorials, role-playing)
professional practice theory in Ontario. Federal and
provincial pharmacy legislation, drug information,
Advanced Professional Practice Labs
and practice management issues are among the
topics that are encompassed by this course. Advanced labs provide an opportunity to
Completion of this module will enable learners to consolidate jurisprudence, drug information and
practice legally, ethically and professionally, using prescription processing skills in preparation for
developed critical thinking and problem solving independent practice, e.g. transferring and copying
skills. This course is linked to Advanced Professional prescriptions, receiving verbal orders for narcotic
Practice Labs, where learners are expected to apply and controlled drugs and explaining drug plans
lecture theory in a laboratory setting. to patients. Drug information requests will
Course Contact Hours: 51 (Interactive large-group be researched and documented. Compounding
lectures, tutorials, seminars) calculations, techniques and preparations will be
completed. Patient charts will require the prep-
aration of care plans. Prescriptions will be checked
Advanced Communication Skills
for accuracy for release to patients. Workshops on
Learners will build on the foundations previously devices (blood glucose monitoring devices)
learned in CPS I through Communication Skills and will provide learners with practical, hands-on
Patient Counselling. Language skills such as sum- experience. Tutorials on third-party management
marizing, paraphrasing, transitioning, clarification issues and payment will prepare learners with
and systematic interviewing will be emphasized and practical solutions to common practice problems.
reinforced through large group activities. Flexibility Telephone skills will be further developed and
in interviewing in order to meet specific patient applied in the Professional Practice Labs.
needs is an expected outcome. In small groups, Course Contact Hours: 18 (Laboratories, tutorials, role-
learners will have the opportunity to role play with playing)

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