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Nama asli : Agnes Monica Muljoto

Tanggal lahir : 01 Juli 1986
Lahir di : Jakarta, Indonesia
Zodiac : Cancer
Terkenal sejak merilis debut album anak-anak "Si Meong" (1992)

Agnes Monica lahir di Jakarta, 1 Juli 1986 dari pasangan Ricky Suprapto dan Jenny Siswono. Agnes memiliki
satu kakak laki-laki bernama Steve Muljoto. Semenjak Agnes menjadi artis dengan kesibukan yang begitu
padat, sang kakak terus mendampingi dengan menjadi manajernya.

Agnes menempuh pendidikan sekolah dasar di SD Tarakanita Jakarta. Agnes Dia mengikuti berbagai kursus
semenjak masih duduk di sekolah dasar, seperti kursus menyanyi, piano dan bahasa Inggris. Seusai
menyelesaikan pendidikan di sekolah dasar, Agnes melanjutkan studinya di SMP Pelita Harapan Jakarta. Agnes
merupakan murid yang memiliki prestasi menonjol di bidang akademik. Hal ini sering membuatnya menerima
banyak beasiswa. Lulus dari SMP Pelita Harapan, Agnes menyelesaikan pendidikannya di sekolah yang masih
satu yayasan dengan sekolah menengah pertamanya, yaitu SMA Pelita Harapan. Agnes merupakan seseorang
yang peduli dengan pendidikan. Terbukti, setelah lulus dari SMA Pelita Harapan, di tengah kesibukannya yang
kian padat Agnes masih ingin merasakan bangku kuliah dengan mengambil pendidikan Hukum di Universitas
pelita Harapan (UPH).

Agnes memutuskan untuk mundur dalam perkuliahannya di UPH dengan IPK terakhir 3,67. Meski mundur,
bukan berarti Agnes tak ingin berurusan dengan dunia pendidikan lagi. Tak lama setelahnya, Agnes
mengambil program Distance Education di Oregon States University (USO) jurusan Political Science.

Di awal karirnya, Agnes dikenal sebagai artis cilik. Sebagai penyanyi cilik, dia memiliki tiga album, yaitu "Si
Meong" (1992), "Yess!" (1995) dan "Bala Bala" (1996). Album kedua "Yess!" meraih penghargaan sebagai
"Album Anak-Anak Terbaik" pada tahun 1999.

Agnes pun memanfaatkan ketenarannya sebagai penyanyi cilik dengan merangkap profesi sebagai presenter
acara anak-anak. Sebut saja "Tralala-Trilili", "VAN (Video Anak Anteve)" dan "Diva Romeo". Ketiga acara
tersebut merupakan acara anak-anak yang dipandu oleh Agnes. Berkat itu, Agnes mendapat penghargaan
sebagai Pembawa Acara Anak-Anak Terfavorit di ajang "Panasonic Awards" selama dua tahun berturut-turut

Sinetron "Lupus Millenia" yang dibintangi Agnes Monica di tahun 1999 menandai terjunnya Agnes ke dunia
seni peran. Agnes mulai melepaskan bayang-bayangnya sebagai penyanyi cilik ketika menjadi pemeran utama
sinetron "Pernikahan Dini" (2000) bersama Syahrul Gunawan. Perannya di sinetron itu membuatnya menang
sebagai Aktris Terfavorit di "Panasonic Awards 2001" dan "Panasonic Awards 2002" serta penghargaan Aktris
Ngetop di "SCTV Awards 2002". Agnes juga menyabet beberapa penghargaan "Panasonic Awards" dan "SCTV
Awards" sebagai buah dari kerja kerasnya berakting di sinetron "Cewekku Jutek" bersama Roger Danuarta,
"Bunga Perawan" dan "Cantik" yang dilakoninya sepanjang tahun 2003.

Tahun 2005, Agnes membintangi sejumlah judul sinetron seperti "Ku Tlah Jatuh Cinta", "Pink" dan "Kawin
Muda". Dia juga sempat berakting di serial Taiwan, "The Hospital" (bersama Jerry Yan) dan "Romance In The
White House" (bersama Peter Ho).

Menginjak remaja, Agnes aktif merilis album. Mulai dari "And the Story Goes" (2003), "Whaddup A'..?!"
(2005), Nez (2008), "Sacredly Agnezious" (2009) dan "Agnes Is My Name" (2011). Tanggal 21 November 2010,
Agnes mendapat kehormatan sebagai salah satu pembawa acara "American Music Awards 2010" yang
diselenggarakan di Nokia Theatre, Los Angeles, Amerika Serikat. Di acara tersebut Agnes Monica juga
berkesempatan menampilkan suaranya emasnya dengan berduet bersama Christian Chavez.

Memasuki tahun 2011, Agnes semakin fokus dengan karir internasionalnya. Ia dikontrak produser berkualitas
asal Amerika, Greg Ogan. Tak hanya itu, Agnes juga didaulat menjadi teman duet penyanyi Amerika,
Timbaland. Pelantun lagu "Paralyze" ini menjadi salah satu nominator di ajang bergengsi MTV Europe Awards
2011 dalam kategori World Wide Act Asia Pacific Nominees. September 2011, Agnes diundang Michael Bolton
sebagai pasangan duetnya dalam lagu "Said I Loved You... But I Lied". Lagu tersebut direkam dalam album
Bolton berjudul "Gems: The Duets Album" dan dirilis di seluruh kawasan Asia. Ia juga merilis video klip untuk
lagunya yang berjudul "Rindu" di bulan yang sama.

Pencapaian cemerlang Agnes berlanjut di tahun 2012. Akhir Februari 2012, namanya tercatat memenangkan
dua kategori dalam ajang Shorty Awards 2012 yaitu The Shorty Vox Populi Award dan Best Actress. Ia juga
menjadi nominator kategori Favorite Asian Act pada ajang Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards 2012. Saat itu
Agnes harus kalah dari saingannya Charice, penyanyi asal Filipina. Namun kekalahan tersebut tak berlangsung
lama. 30 November Agnes didapuk sebagai Best Asian Artist pada ajang penghargaan musik terbesar di Asia
yaitu Mnet Asian Music Awards (MAMA) 2012. Ia juga merilis singlenya "Muda" (Le O Le O) di bulan yang

2013 dibuka Agnes dengan kegiatan di luar negeri. Ia menghadiri Shorty Awards sebagai finalis pada 8 April.
Agnes juga hadir di premiere "Oblivion" bersama para tamu undangan termasuk Tom Cruise, Morgan
Freeman dan Olga Kurylenko. Sekembalinya ke Tanah Air, Agnes meluncurkan merk parfumnya Agnes REVE
EDP pada 1 Juni 2013. Tak hanya itu, ia juga mengumumkan perilisan album "Agnez Mo" versi digital di saat
yang sama. Selang dua bulan, 1 Agustus, album yang terdiri dari 10 lagu berbahasa Inggris tersebut dirilis
dalam bentuk CD.

September 2013 Agnes meluncurkan album internasionalnya kembali. Album yang diberi judul "Coke Bottle"
tersebut berhasil menarik perhatian fans Agnes di seluruh dunia. Hal itu terbukti dari antusiasme fans di
Twitter, #AgnezMoCokeBottle jadi trending topic dunia. Album ini berhasil menempati posisi puncak di Top 50
Trending Jams of the Month di situs Daily New Jams. Ia berhasil mengalahkan penyanyi kelas dunia lainnya
seperti Shakira,

Real name: Agnes Monica Muljoto

Date of birth: July 01, 1986
Born in: Jakarta, Indonesia
Zodiac: Cancer
Famous since the release of the debut album of children "Si Meong" (1992)

Agnes Monica was born in Jakarta, July 1, 1986 from the couple Ricky Suprapto and Jenny
Siswono. Agnes has one older brother named Steve Muljoto. Since Agnes became an artist with a very busy busy, the
older brother continues to accompany by becoming his manager.

Agnes attended elementary school in Tarakanita Elementary School Jakarta. Agnes She has been practicing various
courses since she was still in elementary school, such as singing, piano and english. After finishing his education in
elementary school, Agnes continued her studies at Pelita Harapan Junior High School Jakarta. Agnes is a student who
has outstanding achievements in the academic field. This often succeeded in receiving many scholarships. Graduated
from Pelita Harapan Junior High School, Agnes finished her education in a school which is still one foundation with high
school, that is SMA Pelita Harapan. Agnes is someone who cares about education. Evidently, after graduating from
Pelita Harapan High School, in the middle of her busy life Agnes still want to feel the bench by taking law education at
Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH).

Agnes decided to resign in her lectures at UPH with her latest GPA of 3.67. Although retreating, it does not mean Agnes
did not want anymore with the world of education again. Shortly thereafter, Agnes took the Distance Education
program at Oregon States University (USO) majoring in Political Science.

Early in his career, Agnes was known as a little artist. As a young singer, she has three albums, "Si Meong" (1992),
"Yess!" (1995) and "Bala Bala" (1996). The second album "Yess!" won the award for "Best Kids Album" in 1999.

Agnes also take advantage of his fame as a young singer with concurrent profession as a presenter of children's events.
Call it "Tralala-Trilili", "VAN (Video Kids Anteve)" and "Diva Romeo". The three events are children's events hosted by
Agnes. Thanks to that, Agnes was awarded as the Favorite Children's Event at the "Panasonic Awards" for two
consecutive years (1999-2000).

The soap opera "Lupus Millenia" starring Agnes Monica in 1999. Agnes began releasing her shadow as a little singer
when she became the main actor of "Early Marriage" (2000) with Syahrul Gunawan. Her role in the soap opera acted as
Favorite Actress at "Panasonic Awards 2001" and "Panasonic Awards 2002" and the Ngetop Actress award at "SCTV
Awards 2002". Agnes also won several awards "Panasonic Awards" and "SCTV Awards" as a fruit of his hard work acting
in soap opera "Cewekku Jutek" with Roger Danuarta, "Virgin Flower" and "Cantik" which dilakoninya throughout 2003.

In 2005, Agnes starred in several sinetron titles such as "Ku Tlah Mati Cinta", "Pink" and "Kawin Muda". He also acted in
Taiwan series, "Hospital" (with Jerry Yan) and "Romance In The White House" (with Peter Ho).

Stepping on a teenager, Agnes actively released the album. Starting from "And the Story Goes" (2003), "Whaddup A
'..?!" (2005), Nez (2008), "Sacredly Agnezious" (2009) and "Agnes Is My Name" (2011). On November 21, 2010, Agnes
was honored as one of the "American Music Awards 2010" event held at Nokia Theater, Los Angeles, USA. In the event
Agnes Monica also had the opportunity to appear his voice gold with a duet with Christian Chavez.

Entering 2011, Agnes is increasingly focused on her international career. He is contracted to American quality producer,
Greg Ogan. Not only that, Agnes also didaulat a duet of American singer, Timbaland. The "Paralyze" singer became one
of the nominees at the prestigious MTV Europe Awards 2011 in the category of World Wide Act of Asia Pacific
Nominees. September 2011, Agnes sung Michael Bolton as her duet partner in the song "say I Loved You ... But I Lied".
The song recorded in Bolton's album titled "Gems: The Duets Album" and released throughout Asia. He also released a
video clip for his song titled "Rindu" in the same month.
Agnes's brilliant achievement continues in 2012. The end of February 2012, his name recorded two categories in the
event Shorty Awards 2012 is The Shorty Vox Populi Award and Best Actress. He is also nominated for Favorite Asian Act
category at the Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards event in 2012. At that time Agnes must lose to rival Charice, singer
from the Philippines. But the defeat did not last long. November 30th, Agnes lined up as Best Asian Artist at Asia's
biggest music awards at Mnet Asian Music Awards (MAMA) 2012. She also released her single "Muda" (Le O Le O) in the
same month.

2013 opened Agnes with activities abroad. He attended the Shorty Awards as a finalist on April 8th. Agnes was
also present at the "Oblivion" premiere with invited guests including Tom Cruise, Morgan Freeman and Olga
Kurylenko. Upon his return to the country, Agnes launched her brand of Agnes REVE EDP perfume on June 1,
2013. Not only that, she also announced the release of the album "Agnez Mo" digital version at the same time.
Within two months, August 1st, an album consisting of 10 English songs was released on CD.

September 2013 Agnes launches her international album again. The album, entitled "Coke Bottle" is managed
to attract the attention of Agnes fans around the world. This is evident from the enthusiasm of fans on Twitter,
#AgnezMoCokeBottle so trending topic of the world. This album managed to occupy the top position in the
Top 50 Trending Jams of the Month on Daily New Jams website. He managed to beat other world-class singers
like Shakira,

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