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25/12/2017 Firebase in a Weekend (Android) - Udacity

Clase 3:
 Install the Firebase CLI

Let's get started using the Firebase SDK for Cloud Functions.
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The rst thing you need to do is install the command line tools for Firebase, the Firebase CLI
(Command Line Interface). The Firebase CLI will allow you to deploy your functions from your
 1. Intro to Monday Module
computer onto Google Cloud infrastructure.

 2. Java to JavaScript Comparison

Installing the Firebase CLI
 3. Intro to Cloud Functions The Firebase CLI (Command Line Interface) requires Node.js and npm, which you can install by
following the instructions on Installing Node.js also installs npm, the Node.js

4. Install the Firebase CLI package manager. The Firebase CLI requires Node.js version 6.3.1 or greater, so the long-term support

(LTS) version as of March 8, 2017 will work ne.

 5. Create the Local Project Once you've install Node.js and npm, you can verify that the installation went correctly by running
them on the command line. You can open up the Terminal (on Mac and Linux) or Command Prompt

 6. Cloud Functions Structure (on Windows) and running node --version and npm --version :

 7. Function with Realtime Database $ node --version

$ npm --version
 8. Deploy and Test 3.10.9

 9. Emojify in FriendlyChat App

Once you've installed Node.js and npm, you can use npm to install the Firebase CLI:

 10. More Functions

npm install -g firebase-tools

 11. Cloud Functions Conclusion

If you get an error at this step you can x it by changing your npm permissions.

If everything is installed correctly, you should be able to run the firebase command successfully and
get a version number output for this command:

$ firebase --version

The version number can be 3.3.0 or higher.

Now that you have the Firebase CLI installed, let's continue to the next step and create your local
project, where you'll write your Cloud Functions for Firebase.

Task: Install the Firebase CLI

Install the latest version of NodeJS

Install the Firebase command line tools using

npm install -g firebase-tools… 1/2
25/12/2017 Firebase in a Weekend (Android) - Udacity

Clase 3: Install the Firebase CLI
 Monday

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