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Name: Mr.

Josh Lindsay
Lesson Plan
Lesson Title: Book Thief Comic Grade: 9 Date: November 30, 2017

Subject: ENG1D

Lesson Plan Description

The lesson will begin with a class discussion about point of view (handout attached). After reviewing the chart and
grasping an understanding of some different POVs, we will identify what point of view The Book Thief is written from
and discuss how the story would change if it was written from a different POV. This frames the comic building
activity, since the comics will be reflecting Death’s POV. In their literature groups, they will identify an important
scene from part 5 and have their scene approved by the teacher before they begin making their comics on Pixton
(instructions said aloud and are provided on Pixton). Each group will then present their comic to the class.

Ontario Curricular Overall Expectations (numbers from documents and details)
Reading and Literature Studies
2. Understanding Form and Style: recognize a variety of text forms, text features, and stylistic elements and
demonstrate understanding of how they help communicate meaning;

Media Studies
3. Creating Media Texts: create a variety of media texts for different purposes and audiences, using appropriate
forms, conventions, and techniques;
Ontario Curricular Specific Expectations (numbers from documents and details) selected & listed from the Ont. Curriculum, refined when
necessary, has verbs that are observable & measureable, has realistic number of expectations (1 to 3) have expectations that match assessment
2.3 identify several different elements of style in texts and explain how they help communicate meaning and
enhance the effectiveness of the text

3.4 produce media texts for several different purposes and audiences, using appropriate forms, conventions, and
Learning Goals Discuss with students: What will I be learning today? (clearly identify what students are expected to know and be able to do, in language
that students can readily understand)

Today I will learn…

● About different points of view
● The significance of third-person omniscient POV in The Book Thief
● How to make a graphic text
Success Criteria Discuss with students: How will I know I have learned what I need to learn? (clearly identify the criteria to assess student’s learning, as
well as what evidence of learning students will provide to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and thinking, in language that students can readily understand)

I can: Identify the POV that The Book Thief is told from and explain why
I can: Accurately recreate a scene from The Book Thief

Assessment – how will I know students have learned what I intended?

Achievement Chart Categories (highlight/circle the ones that apply): Knowledge and Understanding; Thinking; Communication; Application

Assessment For, As, Of Learning (Complete the chart below)

Assessment Mode: Assessment Strategy Assessment Tool
Written, Oral, Performance Specific task for students Instrument used to record data
(Write, Say, Do) e.g., turn and talk, brainstorming, i.e., rubric, checklist, observation sheet,
mind map, debate, etc. etc.

Assessment For Write Comic strip Mark out of 5 stars (method

Learning of marking available on
Pixton -- did you follow the
Assessment As Learning
Assessment Of Learning
Prior Learning: Prior to this lesson, students will have
* Read up to part 6 of The Book Thief

Vocabulary (for word wall and/or to develop schema)

Comic, panel, point of view, third person omniscient
Resources and Materials /Technology Integration List ALL items necessary for delivery of the lesson. Include any attachments of student
worksheets used and teacher support material that will support communication of instruction. Include the use of Information Technology (ICT) in your lesson
plan where appropriate.
● 7 Chromebooks
● POV Handout

Lesson – Delivery Format

What Teachers Do: What Students do:
● Discuss POV worksheet (have volunteers read ● Actively participate in POV discussion
sections aloud to the class)
● Identify POV in which The Book Thief is written

● Each group must identify a scene they would like ● Actively search in the novel to find the scene
to recreate as a comic. they would like to recreate
● Have their chosen scene approved by teacher
“In your groups, you will be recreating an important
● Reference the novel to accurately create a
scene from part 5 of The Book Thief by making it into a
minimum 4 panel comic
comic. It is very difficult for more than one person to use
the computer at a time. Please take turns using the
computer. All group members should be involved in the
brainstorming and creation of each panel.
I would like each group to recreate a different scene so
please check with me before you start working!
Your comic must include: A MINIMUM of 4 panels, a title
that identifies the chapter, a description that explains
why this is an important scene, an illustration that
● When they decide, they must have it approved
by the teacher who will write their choice on the
blackboard (no two groups will do the same
● Then the teacher will give that group a
Chromebook and a piece of paper with login
information for Pixton.
● Take notes while students present ● Present their comic to the class.
● Provide feedback to each group and an overall ○ Explain the section they chose to
mark out of 5 stars recreate and why.
○ Read comic to the class
Extension Activities/Next Steps (where will this lesson lead to next)

*This lesson is a debrief to ensure all students have an excellent understanding of part 5 in The Book Thief before
moving on.

Personal Reflection (what went well, what would I change, what will I have to consider in my next lesson for this subject/topic)
The Lesson: Students participated in a lively group discussion on POV, I should facilitate more class discussions to
give students a chance to talk outside their literature groups.

The Teacher: Did a good job of circulating. This was a new type of lesson and everything went according to plan.

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