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Arrhythmia/Antiarrhythmic Drugs-Test-1-Questions

1. Class IV - calcium channel blockers (Ca2+) which drugs are anti arrythmics?

A diltiazem

B esmolol

C Flecainide,

D sotalol,

E Verapamil,

2. Chronic use = high incidence of AE • Reversible lupus-like syndrome (25-30%) • Toxic doses: asystole,
induction of ventricular arrhythmias • CNS effects (depression, hallucination, psychosis) • Weak
anticholingeric effects • Hypotension Describes the adverse effects of what Anti-arrhythmic ?

A Disopyramide

B Procanimide

C Quinidine

3. Class I - fast channel blockers (Na+) : Which drugs are class 1A?

A disopyramide

B Lidocaine,

C procainamide,

D propafenone

E Quinidine,

4. Antiarrhythmics prevent re-entry by:

A Decreasing the refractory period

B Increasing the refractory period

C Quickening conduction

D Slowing conduction

5. Class I - fast channel blockers (Na+) Which drugs are class 1B?

A disopyramide

B Flecainide,

C Lidocaine,

D mexiletine

E propafenone

6. Class 1 C antiarryhthmics?

A Flecainide

B Lidocaine

C Mexiletine

D Propafenone

E Quinidine

7.Flecainide and propafenone are associated with the potential for fatal ventricular arrhythmias in
persons with ??

A Bilateral renal artery stenosis


C PMH of Torsades Des Pointes

D structural heart disease

8. Reduce both heart rate & myocardial contractility ( 1) • Slow conduction of impulses through
myocardial conducting system • Reduce rate of spontaneous depolarization in cells with pacemaker
activity (block of adrenergic release) • Little effect on action potential in most myocardial cells Name
that class of antiarrhythmics/drug class

A Class 1 (A-C) Na Channel blockers

B Class 1A / Ca2 blockers

C Class 2 Na Channel Blockers

D Class 2 / B blocker

E Class 4 / Ca2 blockers

9. antiarrhythmic drugs by class : Class 2

A (b-blockers)

B (Ca2+ channel blockers)

C (K+ channel blockers)

D (Na+ channel blockers)

10. Class III - inhibitors of repolarization (K+) like what drugs?

A Amiodarone,

B diltiazem

C dofetilide

D mexiletine

E sotalol,

11. antiarrhythmic drugs by class : Class 3

A (b-blockers)

B (Ca2+ channel blockers)

C (K+ channel blockers)

D (Na+ channel blockers)

12. Wide toxic-therapeutic ratio • CNS effects (drowsiness, slurred speech, agitation etc.) • Little
impairment of left ventricular function • NO negative inotropic effect • Cardiac arrhythmias (<10%) •
Toxic doses: convulsions, coma Describes the adverse effects of which Anti-arrhythimic?

A Flecainide

B Lidocaine

C Mexiletine

D Phenobarbital

E Propafenone

13. Class 1 A does what in General to the QRS/ QT interval

A Mild Na Channel block slowing down QRS / Shortened Repol Decreasing QT interval

B Moderate Na channel blocks lengthening QRS complex/ Prolonged Repol , lengthened QT

14. Cardiac action potential: Phase 2: Plateau

A --> balances slow outward (polarizing) movement of K

B --> slow inward (depolarizing) current

C K+ channels rapidly open & close

D Na+ channels inactivate

E Voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels open

15. Class 1C antiarrhythmics effect the QRS/ Repolarization time how?

A marked Na channel block, lengthening the QRS complex dramatically// no change in repol, no change
in QT interval

B Mild Na channel block, lengthening the QRS complex mildly// shortening in Repol decrease in QT

C Moderate Na channel block, lengthening the QRS complex moderatly// shortening in Repol
increaseing QT interval
16. Slow Phase 0 & decrease slope of Phase 4 • Shorten Phase 3 repolarization • Little effect on
depolarization phase of action potential in normal cells • Rapidly associate and dissociate with Na+
channels Describes which class/ drugs of anti-arrhythmics?

A Class 1 A

B Class 1 B

C Class 1 C

D Flecainide/Propafenone

E Lidocaine/ Mexiletine

17. Markedly depress Phase 0 of action potential marked slowing of conduction of action potential
but, little effect on duration or ventricular effective refractory period • Associate and re-associate slowly
with Na+ channels • Show prominent effects even at normal heart rates MOA for which class of

A Class 1 A

B Class 1 B

C Class 1C

18. Most antiarrhythmics suppress automaticity by blocking either Na + or Ca2+ channels to reduce ratio
of these to K+ to

A decrease the slope of phase 4 depolarization

B Increase the slope of phase 4 depolarization

C Lower the threshold of discharge to less negative voltage --> Decreasing the frequency of discharge

D raise the threshold of discharge to less negative voltage --> Decreasing the frequency of discharge

19. Adverse effects for Dispyramide?

A Pronounced negative chronotropic effects

B Pronounced negative inotropic effects

C Severe antimuscarinic effects (dry-mouth, urinary retention, blurred vision, constipation)

D Severe muscarinic effects (wet-mouth, urinary expulsion, crystal clear vision, diarrhea )

20. Lidocaine, mexiletine belong to what class of antiarrhythimics

A (IA)

B (IB)

C (IC)

21. What class/ Drug is used for: Acute treatment of ventricular arrhythmias from myocardial infarction
or cardiac manipulation (eg, cardiac surgery) • Treatment of digitalis-induced arrhythmias

A Class 1 B

B Class 1 C

C Class 1A

D Lidocaine

E Quinidine

22. Concomitant Class III activity (block K+ channels) • Pro-arrhythmic • Due to toxicity is being replaced
by Ca2+ antagonists Clinical Applications • Suppression of supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias
Replaced by more effective/safer antiarrhythmic agents

A Disopyramide

B Procainamide

C Propanolol

D Quinidine

23. Class 1 B does what in General to the QRS/ QT interval

A Moderately lengthens QRS complex/ Significantly prolongs QT repolarization

B Slightly lengthens QRS via mild Na Channel block/ Shortened QT

24. • Local anesthetic • More effect on ischemic or diseased tissue • Particularly useful in treating
ventricular arrhythmias • LITTLE EFFECT on K+ channels Pharmacokinetics • IV only (extensive first-pass
metabolism MOA of what drug?

A Lidocaine

B Mexiletine

25. • Slow rate of change of phase 0 • Slowing conduction, prolonging action potential & increasing
ventricular effective refractory period • Prolong phase 3 by an inhibiting K+ channels • Intermediate
speed of association with activated / inactivated Na+ channels & intermediate rate of dissociation

A Class 1A

B Class 1B

C Class 1C

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