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The first is

about society and how maintining functioning, I think that the most important
factors in order to maintain a well functioning society
is set up a bunch of agreements, in whose should be specified the rights and
obligations the society
has, In my opinion, It's a need for a society to have the same chances of jobs,
inside de population
that integrates the society, since a good income for a family gives it the strong
and confident so the
family may start a plan for enhance its house, property or something related of the
family itself.

Family is the minimum part of a society, I know that the individual is the minimum
part of the family,
but in society, I think family is more important that the individual, so this is
also something to
point out, in society the individual entity should be no more important that the
family entity.

DO people have an obligation to help others ?

About the next topic, I think it's both, but let me explain my self. I'm from the
idea that you can't
be resposible for anyone else, if you are not responsible yourself first, so I
think that everyone
should be worry about themselves first in anycase because you have to be healthy,
well developed and
so on, you need to be sure that you are doing what you want to do first, and then
and until after that
you can help the other, I think that if you are completly responsible for your, and
there is nothing
that you need (if you can say so) you have the moral resposibility to the other

Let's say you have a big bisness working by itself and you earn tons of money from
it, you don't need anything else
from the society, you have the moral responsability to contribute to the
environment that is giving
you all these resources to you and the people that works for you, but if you have
very few resources
in your bag, and you are thinking the whole time how to help other people, you'll
be sucked out by the
pressure and stress generated by the fact that you have your resources limited by
other people, that's
I think that if you want to help other people you need first help yourself.


Finally, about something people don't worry about but really should?, I think the
principal topic is health care.
More specifically self healthcare. I think here in Mexico this is a very twisted
matter, because most people
think that they can self medicate without consecuences and they are very wrong
since is wellknow, at least by
people who are interested in this topic, that selfmedicate gives you a lot of
problems if you don't take the medicine
in the right proportions and the right days, most people think that if they are
sick from let's say flu, they usully take
2 or 3 pills for that, and when they start feeling well they stop taking the
medicine, without thinking that with this
they are making your antibodies resistant to the medicine, and in the further
ocations that they take the same drug
the effects of this would be very reduced, the person would need more medicine and
the effects would be less effective.

I think this topic is very importan and most of the people tend to take it very
loose, but I have studied the effects of this behaviour
and is very contagious, even in my family exist people that do this, and it's very
frustrating see the people you love most harming themselves,
In my opinion i think people should know more about this issue, and see the
consecuences of this act, because think about it, if you do this with
flu, and some drug without prescriptions, imagine if you take some strong medicine
in the same cases? ha, the effect would be devastating for you body
in short people should be less proactive in this specific topic, and should see
their doctos or someone with the appropiate credentials to prescribe them
the correct medicine.

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